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Last Horizon: Beta

Page 45

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Terets grinned and began to attack again with speed on Blade Master. Executioner started to flank around Terets, making Terets back peddle to keep them both in front of him. The damage started coming in on Terets, his health vanishing in 5% chunks, then being replaced by healing Light.

  Executioner yelled at Blade Master, “Go get her, otherwise we won't be able to win.” Blade Master grunted and turned, activating his bigger cooldown ability Crushing Leap. He jumped from in front of Terets to on top of Amythyst. Or would have if he hadn't chosen the wrong image of her to land on. The image blinked out as he landed on it.

  Amythyst giggled and cast another Healing Pulse on Terets and began to run again. Terets used the necklace to parry an attack as he traded two for one attacks with Executioner. “You’re going to lose because of the healer...” Terets panted between attacks, “again.”

  Executioner howled in rage and started to froth from the mouth as he went Berserk.

  “Well fuck,” Terets said as he tried to dodge and side step the attacks that started to come in faster. Terets laughed when Blade Master fell over as the DoT from Amythyst and the accumulated damage finally dropped him.

  Terets used the last parry as Healing Light started healing him again. He was at 25% life and Executioner was at 50%, but Amythyst was at 100%. Executioner finally killed Terets due to the increased attack speed and damage of Berserk. As he turned to Amythyst he failed to notice his own life being at 25%.

  With a cry he activated Crushing Leap to land on Amythyst, but the last charge of her stoneskin potion was still active which caused him to land beside her instead. She had managed to get Dark Night reapplied to Executioner as he had killed Terets, so she ran for it. Executioner chased her, shaving 8% of her life off per hit. However his own life was slowly ticking away.

  He chased her into a corner and cried in triumph as his next hit took her to 2% life. She winked though and swung her staff hitting him square in the nuts, which took off his last bit of health bar and he fell over.

  The crowd erupted into the loudest cheers that had there had been so far in the event. She bowed to the crowd and smiled when Terets stood back up and took his bow as well. They disappeared and the announcer was calling the next fight. A few minutes later the duo made their way back to the seats the group had saved for them.

  “Hah, fucking epic,” Dumadin greeted them with hugs. Each of the party hugged the victorious duo, amid congratulations from others nearby. Eventually they sat back down and laughing, watched the end of the next match. Dumadin reached over and hugged Kittish and chuckled, “Our turn.”

  The lovers appeared in the arena and bowed to their opponents and the crowd. The pair they faced off against was a duo from Fairyballs, who curtsied back to them in their dresses. Dumadin wolf whistled at them, making the arena laugh. The clock hit five seconds and Kittish started casting Healing Pulse on Dumadin and then herself so the Hot was rolling when the timer hit zero.

  The pair from Fairyballs charged quickly, Dumadin triggered his necklace twice causing both charge attacks to do no damage. He had noted that the charge attack they opened with always took off a good 10% of their opponent’s life before and had been ready for it.

  Kittish landed Poison Cloud on them as they tried to circle and get to her past Dumadin. Anger Howl brought them back around and they hit him with both attacks taking off a chunk of his life as healing Pulse ticked and added some back. Chain Lightning caught them, stunning them as Dumadin applied Seeping Wound to both. Kittish recast healing Pulse on Dumadin and back peddled letting the two DoT's do their work.

  The duo didn't keep trying to go for Kittish though, they turned and ferociously attacked Dumadin with rapid attacks. Kittish winced, knowing her Hot couldn't keep up with the damage coming in even with Dumadin using his necklace to block one more attack. She used Chain Lightning in quick succession, triggering her necklace and ring to triple up the spell and stun them again.

  “Run, let the HoT heal you.” She yelled and then began running before the stun wore off. Dumadin nodded and took off in the opposite direction A second later he found his legs freezing from an Icebolt which slowed him enough for the duo to catch him. Kittish dropped another Healing Pulse on Dumadin, buying him enough time to apply Seeping Wounds again.

  “Not enough,” Dumadin yelled as he watched his life bar deplete rapidly. He noticed that the duo were at 50% and nodded. “Run Kittish, they won't last.” A few seconds later Dumadin dropped but Kittish was on the far side of the sand from the duo who turned towards her as their life began to drop 1% at a time from the two DoTs. By the time they closed the distance they were at 5% and Kittish had landed another Poison Cloud on them and a Healing Pulse on herself.

  She ended up at 25% life when the duo died to the DoTs and breathed a sigh of relief. The crowd cheered with a little less enthusiasm than it had for Amythyst and Terets. She bowed, as did Dumadin when he stood back up. Dumadin then raced over to the Fairyballs who had gotten to their feet and bowing, took each person’s hand in turn and kissed the back of it to another explosion of laughter from the crowd. The Fairyballs laughed and slapped him on the back as they disappeared.

  A few minutes later Dumadin and Kittish made it back to group who were waiting for them. Accepting the congratulations and good natured ribbing from all for his antics, Dumadin grinned at all those nearby and then dipped Kittish for a deep kiss, which caused a roar from those nearby. When he stood her back up he bowed to the crowd that was watching and then took his seat with his friends.

  “You really love making people scratch their heads don't you,” Terets laughed. He pointed over his shoulder, “They were all confused by the wolf whistle, then more by the kisses at the end.” The people sitting behind Terets laughed and agreed.

  “Life is short folks, remember that. Love and laughter make it worthwhile.” Dumadin turned back to the arena as the last duo match ended and the announcer informed the Colosseum that the group matches would be starting next.

  The group sat in stoic silence as they watched Vengeance rip through the group they faced. After the last member from the opposing team died, Vengeance turned to where Dumadin sat with his friends and beckoned to them to come onto the sand.

  Dumadin laughed at them and waved them away as they vanished, with laughter from those nearby. He listened to the crowd around them and heard that not many cared for the attitude of Vengeance, which made him smile.

  A few fights later the group appeared on the sands of the arena floor and bowed to the crowd as the Announcer announced the Bananas. Their opponents were called Kraken, which was a group they had watched a few times. It was a burst burn team as many had been, and using the same tactics they had used in their previous matches they made short work of Kraken. Dumadin and Felton both fell in combat but the others were still standing when the last Kraken fell.

  As Dumadin stood up he motioned his friends and they approached and shook hands with Kraken, exchanging good natured remarks about it being a good match. The crowd cheered to see the good sportsmanship between the teams before they vanished from the floor. As the group found themselves outside the Colosseum with the other team nearby Dumadin called out. “Kraken, care for a drink on us?”

  The leader of the other team turned with a smile on his lips, “Sure thing mate. That was well done by the way. We should have paid more attention during your matches during the last few weeks.”

  The groups walked to the nearest tavern and spent the next two hours talking about the Carnival. Then they started talking about the various things they’d found in game and what they had all been doing. Before they knew it, the clocks were striking seven in the evening and Dumadin stood up.

  “Bartender set everyone here up with a shot on me,” Dumadin called out. A cheer erupted from the whole tavern at this announcement. Dumadin tossed a few gold at the bartender, “I have a toast and want everyone to drink.” When everyone had a glass Dumadin cleared his throat, “Friends and people I have never met.”
he paused as the tavern laughed, “I toast to good opponents and to a good time. To Kraken, as worthy an opponent as you could wish for.” With that said he raised his glass and downed it along with the rest of the bar.

  As everyone finished drinking he sat back down and leaned across the table to Kraken. “We are going to be logging off soon to make sure we get some rest in for tomorrow. I wish you all the best in your next matches and any other events you are in”

  The leader of Kraken smiled, “You too mate, just make sure them bloody assholes Vengeance don't win, eh.”

  Dumadin laughed and promised to do his best and his friends chimed in with him, as they logged out to get some sleep for the matches tomorrow. After they logged out David went and checked the web to see when their matches tomorrow would be and emailed the times to the others.


  Two days later the group had started to gain a following in the duo and group brackets due to the sportsmanship they continued to show. They always took the time to greet the other team, then shake hands after the fight. That morning before logging in Dumadin had an email from Jazzy asking him to please load a thirty second clip of music for their introduction during the final four fight and, if they won, the championship fight. Smirking, he picked a song his mom and dad loved and that Thallien had reminded him of.

  Felton had advanced to the final four of each of his crafting competitions as well, and his matches were up first so the group gathered in the crafting square as normal to watch him do his thing. Larry was on hand to pick the winners himself at this crucial stage. Felton had crafted an exquisitely made two handed sword. His opponent had made an excellent rapier and it took Larry five minutes to come to his decision.

  Larry began to explain in detail what each weapon had that made it special. He noted each artistic style and the lines and beauty of both swords. After taking the time to point out small fine crafting points in each pommel he finally finished by selecting Felton as the winner.

  Felton's opponent came forward and shook hands with him and congratulated him on the win. Felton smiled and upon receiving the weapon back handed it to his opponent for him to look over carefully. After the fellow had done so he handed it back to Felton and agreed that Larry had chosen the better blade. The group sat there for an hour as Felton discussed a few things he had learned with his competitor. When he finished and handshakes ended the group gathered around him to chat until his next event.

  He also won his next round in general crafting, which was being based on the total sell price of the item they made with the mats given. He was up against a leather crafter who specialized in studded leather. Larry again took his time pointing out how each item was done. Eventually he named Felton as the winner, as his item was almost double the value of the leather. Again, Felton took some time to discuss stuff with his opponent and share some words of encouragement.

  “You really do love geeking out over crafting, don't you?” Dumadin chuckled.

  Felton laughed and hugged Emelia to him, “I am lucky enough to have an understanding wife. As long as I don't get too carried away, and the new crafting point system they put in place stops me from doing that.”

  Em smiled and gave her husband a peck on the cheek, “Glad to hear it, dear.”

  As the group walked through the streets, they were cheered and greeted by many. A few even asked if they could join the Bananas after the Carnival. They were politely declined as the group informed the hopeful that until all the old Bananas could get into game recruitment wouldn't be taking place.

  They went to the seats they’d been using for the past week and found them empty but all the surrounding seats full of fans. Each seat had a yellow cloth on the backrest with their names embroidered on them. Smiling and thanking those nearby, they sat in the seats with their names and turned to watch the arena. The last of the chariot races was first today, the races had been done exclusively by NPCs. As the race ended the winner came forward and accepted his bounty of one thousand gold from the ruler’s box. Today Paval sat in the box with the ruler of Floreme next to him.

  The next few events to take place dealt with archery and thrown weapons. The battle of bulls eyes went on for some time before one of the competitors missed and sealed his fate with the miss. The main event in archery was set for tomorrow, with these two bouts over. Following them was the trick shot contest, which had was a game of horse between archers and throwers. The first contestant, decided by coin toss, did a trick shot and the opponent had to match him exactly.

  The final was two selected after some truly amazing shots. Then came the first of the Duo fights. Terets and Amythyst winked and vanished, to appear on the floor. As they were introduced the crowd erupted with cheers as they bowed to the crowd and opponents.

  Their opponents turned to Paval and saluted, ignoring Terets and Amythyst. Paval waved magnanimously to the contestants as the crowd jeered. The countdown started and both Amythyst and Terets activated Stealth as the clock hit five seconds and moved quickly off to the left.

  The duo they were facing went back to back and waited for them to attack. Moving to the far side of the arena Amythyst nudged Terets as she cast Dark Night on the duo. The debuff hit them, slowly starting to drain health from them. One of them cast HoTs to counter the debuff, as they turned and found Amythyst as far from them as she could get as she started to fire arrows at them.

  Terets started to make his way forward slightly so he could attack them as they came toward Amythyst. The duo they were fighting Charged at Amythyst, hitting her for 30% of her life. Terets turned and Backstabbed the healer as they hit Amythyst.

  Amythyst Vanished and started to run for the far side of the arena floor cursing that the rules of the fights had been changed after their fight with Blade Master. Paval had declared that potions were no longer allowed during the rest of the tourney, so no more stoneskin for her. Terets began attacking the healer in earnest as they duo turned on him. His life hit 25% quickly, but he then Vanished as well and moved behind the duo who were being peppered by arrows again from Amythyst across the arena.

  She had gotten Dark Night reapplied and had healed herself to full again. The duo couldn't charge due to the cooldown on the ability, so they began to run across the sand. One of them got locked into place by Freeze from Terets, who came out of stealth and began attacking the healer as the fighter continued across the floor at Amythyst. The healer cried out as arrows and swords began to whittle his health too fast, and the constant damage making it impossible for him to get a healing spell cast. The other opponent turned and came back at Terets, who Mirrored, making two of him appear.

  The fighter hit the copy image and growled as he swung on Terets again as the arrows had stopped falling as Amythyst went back to casting Healing Light on Terets. His life stayed up long enough for the healer to die. The fighter then used Freeze to lock Terets into place as he tried backing away. Terets’s life started falling slightly faster than the heals coming in and he knew he would be done soon, so he applied as much damage as he could to the fighter.

  As Terets died, Amythyst cast Dark Night again and used Mirror to generate the copy of herself. The fighter triggered Charge as it had come off cooldown and slammed into Amythyst, causing her to cry out and run. As she ran the mirror image started flickering though her spot making it hard to know which one was the real one. The fighter chased her and cut down the image and then turned to follow the real Amythyst.

  As the fighter’s life was being slowly drained by Dark Night, Amythyst tried to buy time for herself. She knew it would be useless to just run as Dark Night alone wouldn't kill her opponent. She turned and attacked with her staff, which confused her attacker as she wasn't known for attacking. They traded blows for a few seconds as Amythyst’s life dropped under the 20% mark and the fighter’s dropped to 5%. Laughing, Amythyst Vanished again as the long cooldown had come back up. She went to a wall and waited a few moments, watching her foe turn slowly in place, searching intently for her

  His eyes locked on her and he ran, she understood he must have Keen Sight which made stealth less reliable. It had a stupidly long cooldown, which must be why he had saved it for the end. He ran at her as she got two arrows into him and then swung her staff. He cut her deeply and her health hit 2% as his hit 1%. Dark Night ticked its final time, dropping him as he swung his blade forward again, and he died just a fraction of a second before his blade bit into her again.

  She sat down abruptly as the adrenaline left her system as the fight ended with the crowd going into hysterics. She waved from where she sat as Terets stood back up and went over to help her stand. They turned to their opponents and bowed to them, and received bows back this time.

  A minute later they rejoined their friends in the stands, accepting the praise from those nearby. They chatted for the next twenty minutes as the archery final four events went off. After those ended Dumadin and Kittish waved and disappeared.


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