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Crimson Bone (Kouzlo Saga Book 2)

Page 22

by L. L. McNeil

  ‘Fallow, can Sierra describe anything about this demon?’ Seila asked.

  The Enchantress closed her eyes for a long moment, her eyebrows twitching every so often. Eventually, she opened them. ‘It’s left a trail of devastation. There are many dead. It must be very large.’

  Ordinarily, that would have made Seila afraid.

  But she had more power than ever before, now. She’d taken on a Prowler, and absorbed its energy. Whatever new demon had come to this world, whatever tricks it had, she was ready to tackle it.

  ‘Ashante. Can you check the records of the jewellery stock? Compare it to what we brought back,’ Fallow instructed. ‘If some pieces are missing, we might be able to work out the amount of power that’s unaccounted for. We don’t know for sure that Sekki’s jewellery is responsible for this glamour, but it appears most likely.’

  ‘I thought we got rid of him,’ Tej said, his hands balled into fists. ‘We should have killed him when we had the chance.’

  ‘We did well just to survive that battle,’ Fallow said gently.

  Tej didn’t seem to think so, but he didn’t say anything else. Seila knew he blamed himself for a lot of things—for the demon that attacked Amber, for being fooled by the Elite Demon’s trick, and for not being able to bring him down when they’d had the chance.

  Seila had done everything in her power to end the fight, and Sekki had been able to escape. She didn’t feel bad about that at all. She’d known he would turn up again at some point and she’d be able to finish what she started.

  Of course, she hadn’t planned on another Elite Demon turning up, nor a new demon wreaking havoc, either.

  ‘Do you think it is Sekki?’ Damon asked Fallow, his voice quiet.

  Fallow shook her head. ‘No. I’ve seen him before. So has Sierra. His glamour tricks won’t work on us.’

  Damon gulped. ‘So...this is something new? Something you haven’t seen before?’

  Fallow’s hesitation answered the question for Seila. She struggled to comprehend the idea that there were things the Enchantress didn’t know. Demons even she hadn’t encountered before. And trickery that she needed to figure out as much as everyone else.

  It did not take long for Ashante to return, Claes trailing, a ream of papers stapled together clutched in her fist. Less than a minute later, Lady Tress arrived.

  Delgo materialised through the wall, and straightened his fedora.

  Seila felt the energy in the room tense and prickle. Everyone was here, now.

  Tress’s gaze danced over everyone present, even Seila, but she made no gesture or snide remark, as Seila had grown used to with the princess. She was here on business.

  ‘What news? Gorath?’ Tress asked.

  ‘No. Another demon, but we don’t know what.’ Ashante thumbed through the papers.

  ‘Outside our territory. On the warpath,’ Fallow explained. ‘Invisible.’

  Tress narrowed her eyes at the brief description. ‘Never come across that before. How?’

  Fallow didn’t answer. She simply watched Ashante.

  ‘There’s at least twenty individual pieces of jewellery that are unaccounted for. And who knows how many loose jewels like those we saw at the farm,’ Ashante said. Her voice was low, grave.

  ‘It is possible, then,’ Fallow mused. She lifted her gaze, addressed the Kouzlo in the room. ‘We have a new threat. It isn’t in our territory, but it’s not something we’ve faced before. And who is to say it will not approach Caramond House and threaten the people of Fernhampton? Of London?’

  Everyone watched Fallow with growing intensity. This was more than just another demon hunt. It felt greater even than the hunt for the Elites.

  This was new, unknown.

  ‘We will continue to observe. It will be a demon like the others. It is simply hidden from us. Once it appears, we will destroy it like we have destroyed demons for centuries.’

  Seila felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips. Fallow sounded like a general rousing their troops. Even Damon and Tej, who usually found a joke in every situation, had nothing silly to add.

  ‘Gorath is still our priority. But this is a new threat that we cannot ignore, and I have no doubt we will be called upon to act, before too long,’ Fallow continued. ‘Lady Tress. Tej. As soon as you are fit, we will make our move. We cannot have two large threats on our doorstep, and not act.’

  For once, Tress didn’t argue. She pursed her lips and nodded slowly.

  Tej, too, agreed.

  ‘Until then, everyone stay on alert. Train. Learn. Listen. And be ready for whatever these demons hold for us.’

  Seila’s mug of tea sat cold on the side. The thrill of the hunt and trepidation of the unknown coursed through her in equal measure. The desire to be on the wing again, sword in hand, hunting demons, grew stronger.

  Especially to hunt this new demon.

  What power it must hold? Power that could be hers.

  It would help her in her quest, bring her that much closer to reclaiming her soul.

  Whether it was the real power boost from the Prowler, or simply a confidence boost, Seila wasn’t sure. But despite the concerned looks in the room—including from the Enchantress Fallow Caramond, whose face was graver than she’d ever seen it—Seila was ready to fight.

  The End

  Continued in Book 3: Crimson Fang

  Click here to read now!

  Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading Crimson Bone! Keep turning the pages for a sneak peek of book 3: Crimson Fang!

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  Ready to continue the story? Click here and order the next book, Crimson Fang, now!

  Sneak peek: Book 3 - Crimson Fang

  Seila drew her knees up to her chin, eyes locked on the television screen across the room, as waves of nauseating fear washed over her. Sunlight flooded in from the vast windows to her left, and someone drew the curtains, bringing the screen into sharper focus—not that she really needed to see the details.

  Fallow stood close to the screen, arms wrapped around her body, her attention on the news report. The Enchantress wore one of her usual silk dresses, this one in midnight blue with gold detailing along the arms—hummingbirds. She no longer leaned on Delgo for physical support. The Djinni she’d freed however many years prior, her constant companion, bodyguard, and closest confidant, was also transfixed by the events on screen.

  Tej, arm still in a sling to aid the recovery of his collarbone, sat upright on the reception room’s only beanbag, while Damon and Claes watched from the large U-shaped sofa. Ashante, who had drawn the curtains, lingered near the window, her eyebrows knitted. And Lady Tress Vitali, the demon assassin who Seila begrudgingly respected and hopelessly envied, glared at the screen from the room’s door. She was still shaky on her feet after foolishly challenging Gorath, an Elite Demon she’d followed to their dimension in the hopes of slaying. She’d lost.

  In Fallow’s lower reception room, which served as a library and communal meeting area, the Enchantress’s Kouzlo watched a new demon wreak havoc upon Chiddingfold, a village only four miles outside Fernhampton, and on the edge of their territory.

  Only, they couldn’t actually see the demon.

  Ashante, a young Enchantress and master tracker who’d flown in from Senegal to aid Fallow, could hardly sense the demon’s energy. Fallow, who had run London’s Kouzlo and travelled between dimensions for centuries, had never come across anything like it. And even Tress, who prided herself on her expertise in killing demons, had no answer for what the news report showed.

  The unfortunate conclusio
n they came to was that the demon was there, but invisible. It might have been hidden by a type of glamour used by Elite Demons; it might be an entirely new breed altogether, one that couldn’t be seen or sensed.

  Either way, a cold dread seeped into the pit of Seila’s stomach. She’d never come across an opponent that she couldn’t see.

  ‘Any update?’ Tej asked, breaking the tense silence save the television.

  Fallow shook her head. ‘Sierra cannot see what it is. So, I cannot, either.’

  Considering the Kouzlo had been hunting demons for as long as there had been demons, Seila found it more than a little worrying that Fallow Caramond, an all-powerful Enchantress, did not know what new threat loomed on their doorstep.

  Fallow used Sierra, her barn owl Familiar, as her eyes over long distances. Soto, her other Familiar, who took the form of a blue-eyed, black-furred cat, sat in front of the unlit fireplace, the tip of his tail twitching while events unfolded in the room.

  ‘The government is urging everyone to evacuate Chiddingfold and the surrounding hamlets until the situation is under control.’ The news reporter spoke from the comfort of his studio. ‘They are monitoring the situation, and are certain it is unrelated to the demonic attack in Richmond from three weeks ago. The evacuation is purely a precautionary measure at this time, and there is no cause for concern.’

  Tress snorted and shook her head. ‘Your people are like frightened rats, you know.’

  ‘It prevents mass panic. Most people here are fodder for demons,’ Delgo replied. ‘But this has got me worried. Big time.’

  ‘A whole village fleeing? Sounds like it’s already a mass panic,’ Tress answered.

  Seila looked between Fallow, Tress, and Delgo. Although Claes was of a senior rank and wielded formidable fire Elemental abilities, he was a runesmith first and foremost. He’d mastered the art of runes, created spells from them that were mostly used to seal Mirages and try to lessen the number of demons trickling in. The others were experienced demon killers, and not of this world.

  Their worried voices did not go unnoticed. Damon and Tej spoke with each other in low tones while Fallow and the others discussed the report.

  Seila considered herself incredibly driven and single-minded. She went after demons with gusto—slaying them with her Sieken Blade gave her life and power. The stronger the demon, the bigger the energy boost. But this was not one she wanted to charge into head-first.

  Considering it was on the edge of Fallow’s territory, and she was pretty much under contract to aid London’s Kouzlo, Seila knew it wouldn’t be long before they’d be sent out to deal with it. And as she was the only Phantom in Fallow’s employ, she’d be expected to do something about this new type of demon.

  Phantoms were the most efficient and formidable demon killers, after all.


  ‘Let’s stop dancing around the issue,’ Tress said. ‘Are we going after it or aren’t we?’

  Seila raised an eyebrow. ‘I thought you were only interested in hunting Gorath?’

  Tress shifted her weight and grabbed one of her axes to hide her shaking fingers. ‘I am. But I don’t want whatever that is following Gorath. We might have too much on our plates if they join forces.’

  Seila hated to agree with the demon assassin, but Tress had a point.

  ‘You aren’t fully recovered, Lady Tress. I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.’ Fallow muted the television and turned to face them. ‘Someone must always remain here, at Caramond House, for my enchantments to stay in place. But I do not want to hold back and weaken us unduly.’ She exhaled slowly through her nose, as if convincing herself of the decision she’d just made. ‘Delgo. Might I ask you to take Seila, Damon, and Ashante to Chiddingfold and see what you can discover?’

  The Djinni blinked, quickly masking his surprise. ‘Of course, Fallow. Are you sure?’

  ‘I’ll have Claes and Lady Tress here. Even if Tress cannot fight, her dragons can defend Caramond House with Claes. I have been strengthening my enchantments here over the past week, I do not think anything will happen.’

  Seila expected Tress to launch into an aggressive response about being left out, but the assassin simply nodded her head as though she’d expected that decision. Seila couldn’t believe it. Tress truly had been put in her place by Fallow.

  ‘Ashante. See if you can get anything from the demon that might help us figure out what we’re up against,’ Fallow continued. ‘I have every faith in you and your abilities.’

  ‘Oui, Fallow,’ Ashante replied. Her voice was small, and Seila had the distinct impression that Fallow’s Master Tracker was unhappy about being sent on this mission. Although Ashante was accustomed to danger, she wasn’t a fighter.

  Seila was still trying to work out how the two Enchantress’s powers worked, differed, and what each was capable of. In fact, she still needed to have a serious talk with Fallow about all that the Enchantress had promised; more information on demons, Phantoms, and how Seila could reclaim her soul.

  But there was always something else in the way. If it wasn’t Fallow disappearing to recoup her powers, it was a new Elite Demon terrorising Fernhampton, London, and the surrounding countryside.

  Somehow, it would have felt wrong to ask Fallow in the midst of everything that was going on. She had barely recovered her power, was trying to rebuild her Kouzlo—though whether that was through recruiting new members or calling in old allies, Seila wasn’t sure—and had to deal with the fallout of Sekki, the emergence of Gorath, and now this new demonic threat roaming the countryside.

  Seila had no idea what sort of communication Fallow had with the government, police, and regular people her Kouzlo was there to protect, but she imagined it would be dealing with a lot of complaints, concerns, and fear.

  She shivered. It all reminded her why she’d enjoyed working alone.

  Remaining anonymous was always the better option.

  Now, she realised there were benefits to staying with a team, even if it meant managing the egos of others. Seila had been hunting demons for years. A few more weeks wasn’t going to make a difference, was it?

  And surely, if any of their new threats would result in her soul, Fallow would have told her, wouldn’t she? All the had to do was put down these new demons. Then, she’d be able to have the conversation with Fallow. She’d learn all she could from the Enchantress, and finally get on the right path to reclaiming her soul.

  Seila watched the devastation unfold on the now silent television screen. This demon was big, whatever it was. The cameras showed claw marks gouged in the ground and on trees. Every so often, she caught a flicker of its true form, but it was gone the moment she blinked. It could have been her mind playing tricks on her, or the quality of the footage being shown, but Seila wasn’t sure even with the strength of the Kouzlo behind her that they’d be able to take it on and win.

  Not without suffering serious damage, perhaps even losses.

  At least Delgo would be with them. Sekki had fled at the Djinni’s mere presence. That had to count for something, right?

  ‘Ashante, Seila. Ready?’ Damon asked, getting up from the sofa and rolling his shoulders. The newly fledged half-Fire Elemental had grown in confidence over the past few weeks, but he was nowhere near ready to take on the more powerful demons alone.

  Seila had to admire his courage—or was it reckless stupidity—and after everything they’d been through so far, he’d hardly had a scratch on him. ‘I’m ready. But I’m going to fly. I don’t want to be trapped in a car while approaching whatever this is. I’ll need to be alert.’

  Damon nodded. ‘Fine. Chiddingfold is south-west. Meet you there? Don’t hurry ahead too much and leave us behind.’

  ‘No chance of that. I just want to get a feel for this thing before we act,’ Seila said.

  ‘Makes sense,’ Ashante said. ‘I’ve never seen anything like this before. We don’t want to rush into something before we know what it can do.’

‘Good,’ Fallow said. ‘The sooner you leave, the better. Sierra will be waiting for you.’

  Seila flew swiftly, her black wings carrying her over fields and trees, closer towards the new demon. She listened as she flew, tried to hear the creature’s voice. She’d always been able to hear demons—it was how she tracked them down. The creatures couldn’t help themselves. Whether it was excitement at feeding, fear of being discovered, or general mumblings to themselves as they traversed the land, Seila heard it all, when she was close enough.

  She wondered whether whatever cloaked the demon from sight also cloaked its voice.

  It wouldn’t be long before she’d find out.

  ‘I have a bad feeling about this,’ Delgo said. The Djinni flew alongside her. He’d swapped out his usual three-piece suit for what could only be described as sportswear. A loose, sleeveless vest covered his torso, which he’d tucked into baggy trousers. ‘I should know what this is. Fallow should. But we don’t.’

  Seila glanced over at him. ‘There are so many demons out there, it’s no surprise you’ve come across one you haven’t seen before.’ Secretly, she was relieved. If they didn’t know what it was, she wouldn’t be expected to, either. She knew she probably put too much pressure on herself, unnecessarily, of course, but she’d felt since Fallow had invited her to join the Kouzlo that she’d be responsible for carrying them through the tougher fights.

  That had all changed when Lady Tress had joined, and more still when they’d realised Elite Demon Gorath was back.

  Now, instead of leading the newer fighters like Tej, Damon, and Amber, Seila found herself playing catch up to Tress and Delgo.


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