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Page 7

by Gill McKnight

  Best of all, she’d see her folks, and maybe after the work was over she could run free for a few days in the safety and seclusion of Little Dip. Her wild side had been restless of late. She wasn’t sure why.

  Usually she had a firm handle on it. But recently she felt the heated thrum of her blood and the tingling in her body that screamed for her to change, and hunt, and bite. She so wanted to bite something…anything.

  Yes, she was heated. Her wolven side was high, and it was only the new moon. Suddenly Jolie was looking forward to the visit to Little Dip very, very much.

  Hope was not so sure. A few days in the mountains sounded lovely.

  But since her operation, her recuperation had been divided between home and the office. In both areas she felt at ease and in control. Forays to the mall were always in the company of Godfrey or other friends, never alone. Heading for the hills was a major undertaking, and a big challenge. Yet she found herself looking forward to it, much to her own surprise. She needed to be braver. She used to appreciate breakaways to the mountains, and Godfrey often warbled on about the beautiful Garoul valley in the Wallowa Mountains. This would be as good an opportunity as any to gain more confidence in the great outdoors, and truth was, she was curious to see Little Dip for herself.

  Tadpole would love a break in the forest. He loved it when they went away on small adventures, and she didn’t want to kennel him during such a busy vacation period. He would have the best fun with Jolie. Maybe an adventure was just what she needed. Her confidence was blooming and Hope felt good, more like her old self.

  She slid a sideways glance at Jolie, who sat twisting her pinky ring, a dark and hungry expression on her face that made Hope’s blood run hot and cold all at the same time. A rush of sexual attraction hit her belly as if she’d just drunk a quart of scalding water. Hope was well enough versed in the lowdown dirties to remember this molten, stifling heat for what it was—lust. She was utterly dismayed that her hibernating libido should finally lurch from its slumber only to attach itself onto the first big hunk of dark, brooding sexiness it saw. Like a newborn chick, straight out of the egg of stupidity. Typical. If something’s going to be bad for me, I’m the first in line. And Hope knew women like Jolie Garoul were a sexy and wicked addiction.

  “Well, in some ways it sounds pretty cool. A paid-for vacation in a beautiful, privately owned valley. And Tadpole gets to come along, too. Downside is you gotta help with an important presentation, but it won’t be much…” Candace let her words tail off as she sipped her latte, looking at Hope with sympathetic eyes.

  “Go on, just say it.”

  “You’ll be accompanying Jolie on the way there and back again, and it’s one long, long road trip.”

  “Well…” Hope was momentarily lost for words. “It’ll be okay. She’s fine, you know. She drove me home last night and came in for tea and we got on okay. And anyway, we’ll be talking about work.”

  Part of her felt bad that Jolie was still seen as such an ogre. But then again everyone’s eardrums were still ringing from the meeting they’d just surfaced from. Jolie had gone apoplectic when informed a database restore had been missed and they had to roll back the next release much further than intended. The extended regression test would now take more time than planned. Heads were rolling like bowling balls before they’d all managed to scrabble from the room.

  “Over four hundred miles. Six, maybe seven hours, once you hit those back roads. A whole day locked in a car with her yakking nonstop about work.” Candace shook her head. “Ain’t enough pay in the world to make me do it. Andre sure knew what he was doing teaming you two up. No one else would have lasted an hour with her, and here you are, still hanging in there.”

  “It’s not that bad, really. I don’t need a shrine.” Hope batted away Candace’s doom and gloom. She was very much enjoying her work, despite the morbid warnings of her colleagues. Her little tussles with Jolie had taken the impetus off her own anxieties. They had helped ground her in her new concept of self. Dealing day to day with Jolie Garoul had brought her a challenge and at the same time built her selfesteem.

  Jolie had even introduced plain good fun back into Hope’s life with her ludicrous attempts to outwit her over chairs and staplers and the like. No two days were the same; everything around Jolie was fluid, furious, and fast.

  Plus it was nice to have a sexually attractive boss who never once used her sex appeal as a corporate weapon. Even Andre could turn on the charm when he wanted something. But it never seemed to occur to Jolie that she could exploit others that way. Hope found it strangely refreshing that Jolie didn’t act like that. In fact, she respected her for her straight-ahead approach to business, even if it did sometimes turn into a full-ahead charge.

  “I’m telling you, Candace, she’s not as bad as she seems. Her bark’s much worse than her bite.”

  “She’s biting now?” Candace grinned as Hope’s cheeks blazed.

  “Oops. Did I hit a nerve?”

  “Stop being silly.”

  “Only if you stop being red. Spill. Do you like her, you know? As in like her?” Candace’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in for the juicy bits. She loved to tease.

  “I told you, stop it. You’re only doing this because you’re bored.”

  Hope knew Candace could be merciless in this mood.

  “I suppose she is handsome, in a forged in the fires of hell way. That might explain your heated look?”

  “Look, it’s just a little flush I get from time to time. My medication can bring them on. Okay?” Hope felt bad about lying but was in no position, or condition, to share any half formulated theories on how Jolie Garoul was affecting her—or not, as the case may be. The jury was still out, and Hope felt perfectly justified in blaming her medication for any hormonal surges she had around Jolie. Her libido was obviously drugged to the point of stupidity. It was not to be left alone with heavy machinery or Jolie Garoul. The outcome could be disastrous.

  “Okay.” Candace gave her a sly look but let it rest. Mercifully she changed the subject. “So, did the garage guy fix your car yet?”

  “No.” Hope was suitably miffed. “He can’t come and tow it until late this afternoon. I’ll have to get the bus home. Hopefully, he’ll have it ready for me by Monday afternoon.”

  “Thanksgiving’s next Thursday. I’m taking all next week off. And Andre has Tuesday as his last day. Just so you know.”

  “Well, Jolie was talking about leaving on Wednesday and spending Thanksgiving in the valley. The meetings begin first thing Friday. Andre is due up the day after, and I think Jolie and I will be coming back on Sunday.”

  “My, what a fun-packed holiday weekend.”

  “I’m sure there’ll be time for a little R and R. Hopefully Jolie will be my guide and show me some of the things she likes best about Little Dip.”

  “You’re late tonight.” Jolie paused at Hope’s desk. The rest of the office had emptied over an hour ago as the weekend officially started.

  Hope looked up from her monitor.

  “I’m catching the bus tonight and thought I’d go a little later and miss the Friday crush.”

  “I’ll give you a lift. Why didn’t you ask?” Jolie was genuinely hurt. She could tell from Hope’s scent that she was fatigued.

  “Well…” Hope said. “I guess I didn’t want to take you for granted. And I knew you were busy. You’re usually the last one out on a Friday.”

  “I’m done now. Grab your bag and let’s go.” Jolie ducked back into her office and for some reason she couldn’t fully qualify, closed down the open spreadsheet she’d been working on and shut off her computer.

  It could wait. All of it could wait. She grabbed her coat and car keys.

  Hope didn’t need to be on a bus twice in one day. Jolie snapped her briefcase shut. Hope was still recovering from her illness, and was a very important member of her team, as well as crucial to the business.

  And therefore she’s crucial to me. Because of
the business. So I must take care of her. Justified, she allowed herself to feel a little upbeat at the thought of driving Hope home again.

  “I’d offer you some tea, but I really have to walk Tadpole. He didn’t get his evening walk yesterday, what with the car breaking down and night school. It’s not really fair on the little scamp.” Hope turned to Jolie as they drew up before her yellow door. “Unless?”

  “What?” Jolie asked, a little disappointed that her time with Hope was over so soon. She had been looking forward to maybe having a cup of tea in Hope’s cozy home.

  “Unless you’d like to come for a walk, too? The park is only five minutes away.” Hope asked hesitantly.

  Jolie’s spirits soared. What a brilliant idea! A walk with Hope and whatshisface…in a park. Jolie liked the big city parks. She liked being outdoors, and walking, and being with Hope. The thought caught her unawares but an instant re-examination of it made her certain. She did like Hope and enjoyed being around her. Jolie relaxed into the idea. It felt surprisingly okay.

  Even as Hope spoke, she wondered why she was asking. True, she did have to give Tadpole his walk. It was unfair not to stick to the routine he knew and depended on. These last few months her illness had thrown his tiny world into chaos, and he had been more upset than her on occasions. It was important that they both got back into their comfortable groove again. But why on earth was she inviting Jolie along? It was ridiculous to think she would even consider walk—


  “Huh?” Hope blinked as Jolie leapt out of the car and stood patiently at her house door, waiting for her to catch up.

  “Yeah, let’s go for a walk in the park. What a nice way to end the week.”

  “Well, good, then.” Hope joined her, mystified, but pleased at Jolie’s eager acceptance.

  “Jolie—give him a chance!” Hope called in perplexed frustration.

  They had moved down to the park and Jolie and Tadpole now stood about twenty yards before her, each eagerly waiting for her to toss the Frisbee. She was not sure how it had started, but now both seemed to be in open competition to catch the damned thing, and Tadpole hadn’t won once. Jolie had snatched the Frisbee unerringly out of the air on every occasion, no matter how much Hope had tried to favor Tadpole in her throw. It was uncanny how lithe Jolie was. She moved like a cat, arching her back and snapping her fingers around the spinning plastic disc with minimum effort. A big, sleek, sexy cat, sensuous and extremely disconcerting to watch. Hope felt that unwelcome flutter in her belly again and forced it down as she tossed the Frisbee straight to her dog. It sailed in the air and then dipped before—Snap! Jolie gracefully swooped and claimed it. Poor Tadpole; he managed to look both very excited and dejected at the same time.

  “Well, that was fun.” Hope looked at Jolie glowing beside her, then down at her exhausted, panting dog. They stood outside her front door as she turned the key in the lock. “I bet you’re dying for a big, cold drink of water, aren’t you?” she cooed at Tadpole.

  “Please.” Jolie was completely energized. It had been ages since she’d had so much fun. That was fantastic. I need to go to the park more. Maybe I can talk Hope into letting me come with her and Rathole again.

  “Mrs. Meyers is doing fine, Mom. Godfrey and I should be there for Saturday.” Andre shrugged the cell phone to his other shoulder and tucked it up under his ear.

  Half listening to his mother, he groped for his lost car keys in his discarded trouser pockets. He was already late for his badminton lesson, his mind more on his backhand volley than the conversation.

  “Yeah. Jolie and Hope are coming up late on Wednesday…


  He located the keys and headed for the door, grabbing his kit bag on the way. “Hope is her number one gal, Mom. I don’t think Jolie could get through a day without her. Look, Mom, I’ve got to go. I’m late for an appointment…Of course you’ll like Hope. What’s not to like? She’s as sweet as a cupcake…Okay Mom, gotta go. Bye…Love you.”


  Without a backward glance or another thought, Andre was out the door.


  Did you see the way I backed him into a corner like the stinky little ratboy he is.” Jolie growled in satisfaction as they settled into their cab. It had been a long, tough meeting on a long, hot day and it was good to finally escape the stuffy confines of their supplier’s office building and head across town to Ambereye, Inc.

  “You got his back up, all right,” Hope said, looking out at Powell Boulevard. She was still a little frazzled.

  “It’s like hunting sheep.”

  “Herding sheep,” Hope corrected quietly.

  “Right. Herding.” Jolie threw her a sideways look.

  It had been one of the most bizarre business meetings Hope had ever attended. At first the supplier had been awkward, trying to pin Ambereye to unmovable dates with penalizing small print. He obviously thought he had the upper hand and held no kind regard for Jolie Garoul whatever. Jolie had sat quietly, letting him deliver his slippery spiel.

  Hope had noticed her knuckles slowly whitening, her fathomless eyes sparking with an energy Hope found unnerving in its intensity. Jolie seemed to vibrate with a controlled mix of anger and excitement.

  “I loved bringing that jerkwad to his knees. He was as tasty as pie.” Jolie sighed contentedly and relaxed back into her seat.

  “Easy as pie.”


  When the project manager stopped to draw breath, Jolie had pounced. She knew the contract inside out and had evilly embedded several time bombs in it when it was first drawn up. Now she was happy to detonate each and every one under him. In less than fifteen minutes he was sweating, spluttering, and obviously outmaneuvered by a master tactician. It was clear he had no clue about what he had actually signed on behalf of his company. Jolie was gleefully crucifying him before his superiors when Hope deftly stepped in to powwow and move the deal forward to a favorable conclusion. She had poured so much oil on troubled waters it surprised her environmental agencies hadn’t been alerted. But it had worked. Ambereye got the amendments it wanted, and for free. Another coup.

  “You were too soft on the bastard,” Jolie said. “You should have let him squirm.”

  “Do you want to work with them again?” Hope asked. “It’s all very well you showing what a pompous waste of salary he is, but his bosses are the ones to get rid of him, not you.” She tried to make light of it. “Anyway, where would you hide the body?”

  “I’d swallow it.” Jolie grinned in satisfaction as the cab drew up outside Ambereye, Inc.

  “I’m dying for some coffee. Want a cup?” Hope peeled off toward the staff kitchen once the elevator doors opened. Jolie grunted a confirmation and went straight to her office.

  Minutes later, Jolie appeared in the kitchen with the dirty cups she’d found abandoned on their desks. Hers was a Wolves of America one, and she refused to use anything else. Hope’s mug was a souvenir from Provincetown. Taking it to the kitchen, Jolie wondered if it meant Hope was lesbian. Looking at the girls in bikinis dancing around the rim, it was kind of obvious. She shrugged off the thought; she had no idea where it came from and couldn’t give a damn. It was none of her business, and of no interest to her, either. Not at all. Hope was simply her employee, and a damned good one. After today’s performance, Jolie knew they were a great team. Not so much good cop/bad cop as redeeming angel and hell spawn. Hope was the perfect balance for Jolie’s aggressive approach. Jolie tore the opposition apart and Hope appeared with the tourniquet of peace. This project would be unstoppable with them both at the helm. Ambereye was on to another winner and Jolie was floating on clouds of contentment.

  “There they are. I was looking in the dishwasher for those.” Hope took the cups from Jolie and began to rinse them in the sink. “Would you get the cream for me, please? This carton’s empty. There should be some in the fridge.”

  Jolie opened the refrigerator beside the sink and squatted
to hunt for a carton on the lower shelf. Crouched by Hope’s legs, she noted her scent was much stronger this close. Much stronger. Hope was menstruating. The earthy musk flooded Jolie’s senses, sending her reeling. Saliva flooded her mouth, her skin prickled, and her tongue actually itched. A low, soft growl rolled from her throat before she could stop it. Sexual arousal slid through her guts like mercury, hot and heavy, and it completely threw her.

  “What’s wrong?” Hope asked leaning in close behind her, mistaking the growl as Jolie’s typical frustration at something she wanted not being at her fingertips. “I can see it from here. Second shelf, right at the back.”

  Jolie’s nostrils flared as she drank in even more of the bloodsweet perfume. It called to her. She wanted Hope, right here on the floor, naked and bloody. Her mind reeled with lust. She wanted to cover Hope’s breasts and belly and throat with deep red bite marks. Taste her, eat her, lick her clean—the crimson of her tongue flashing over Hope’s pale marble skin.

  Jolie snatched the carton and slammed it on the counter. Without another word she fled from the kitchen. Her cheeks flushed and her hands were trembling so much she rammed them into her pockets.

  The strong wave of primal energy galloping through her almost made her stagger. She knew Hope was exasperated at her for blowing the morning’s camaraderie, but she had to get away before she growled and scratched and bit. Hope’s scent had blown her apart, sent her plummeting back into her wolf side without warning. Jolie had never experienced such strong longing, and her only cure was to remove herself from the source of temptation immediately.


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