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Bossing the Billionaire: Billionaire Brothers Kent - Ryder's Story (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

Page 8

by Judy Angelo

  That was as much as she was prepared to say. She’d probably said too much already. Ryder would just have to draw his own conclusions and if he thought she was a wimp then so be it.

  But when he spoke again his voice was quiet, non-judgmental. “You had a partnership,” he said, “which means the business was yours just as much as it was his. You were prepared to walk away from that?”

  She shook her head again but this time she raised her eyes to meet his. “I walked away because I needed time to deal with all that was happening. I would have gone back to deal with him, or at least to dissolve my side of the business, but I needed to be in a fantasy world for a while, one where the business, Jerome, none of that existed.” She tightened her lips then she sighed. “I went back to Dallas but I wasn’t ready.”

  As if he understood what she was saying, Ryder nodded. “You do what you have to do in your own time. When you’re ready.” Then he reached out and placed his big hand over both of hers. “Just know that I’m here when you’re ready to deal with this. When it comes to attorneys I only work with the best.”

  That brought a wan smile to her lips. She had no idea what business Ryder was in, to need the services of top-notch attorneys, but she was grateful for his show of interest in her problems. “When I’m ready to sue you’re the first person I’ll call.”

  He smiled back. “You do that.” Then he withdrew his hand, leaving her feeling somehow bereft, and leaned back in his chair. She was surprised when the smile on his face was replaced by a serious look. “And speaking of the lawyers I work with, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  “Yes? What?” For some reason she felt a sudden twinge of apprehension.

  “I’m going to be leaving soon. I have business I have to take care of, business that can’t wait any longer."

  Blake drew in her breath and then she sat back, too, hoping he couldn’t see how much his words affected her. She’d been expecting this. She just hadn’t thought it would happen so soon. “When?” she asked, keeping her tone casual.



  It was pretty early in the morning when Ryder heard Blake stirring. He heard a door close and then footsteps down the hallway and he could guess she was on her way down to start breakfast. He’d thought she would rest in, it being her first full day back, but he guessed he was wrong, which meant he’d better make a move, too. If Blake planned to open Beaumont’s for breakfast she would need his help.

  A quick splash in the bathroom had him downstairs within fifteen minutes of Blake’s descent. She was sitting on one of the bar stools, her back to him. “Mornin’,” he said as he walked into the room. “Breakfast assistant at your service, boss.”

  At the sound of his voice she swiveled around on the stool and gave him a smile, but it was a weak one. “Morning back to you. You’re ready for work? Aren’t you supposed to be leaving today?”

  “Yup, but I can’t leave without getting you through the morning rush.” He rubbed his hands together. “Where do you want me to start?”

  That got him a slightly stronger smile. “I want you to grab a chair and make yourself comfortable.” She was sliding off the bar stool as she spoke. “I’m going to make you a healthy breakfast this morning. You’re going to need it. You’ve got a long drive ahead of you.”

  He cocked his head to one side. “And while you’re feeding me who’s going to be feeding the hungry hordes who’ll soon be passing through?”

  She shook her head. “Nobody. Beaumont’s is still closed. I just got back. Nobody’s expecting me to open today.” She slid her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “And besides, this is the last chance I’ll get to spoil you. You deserve it.” She jerked her head toward the closest table. “Now, sit.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Yes, ma’am.” Then, just like his boss ordered, he sat.

  Twenty minutes later Blake placed a tray laden with breakfast food in front of him – flapjacks, grits, bacon and eggs with black coffee and a tall glass of orange juice. As mouth-watering as it looked he’d never been an eater of big breakfasts and what Blake put in front of him would surely weigh him down. “You’re going to share this with me.” It wasn’t a question but a statement of fact and as he spoke he was pulling out the chair beside him.

  “Too much for you?” she gave him a teasing smile. “A hard working man like you needs to eat.”

  “Not this much,” he said as he rose to pull out her chair properly. “Have a seat.”

  When she did, he walked over to the bar and grabbed a glass. When he got back to the table he poured half of his juice into it. “That’s for you.” He slid it in front of her then sat down. “And you’re going to start this off.” He pushed the flapjacks under her nose. “Now get to eating.”

  Ryder was surprised when Blake did a pretty good job of it. She ate almost half of the meal, much to his satisfaction, and when he ate what she’d left behind it was the perfect amount to fill him up without making him feel stuffed.

  When they were all done he gathered up the plates, saucers, glasses and cups and headed toward the kitchen. “I’m washing up,” he said over his shoulder, “and then I’ve got work to do.”

  “What kind of work?” she called after him but he didn’t stop to answer. She would see, soon enough.

  Later, when the dishes were clean Ryder threw off his shirt and headed out to the back yard with Blake in tow. “I made you a vegetable garden,” he said. “You’ve got a lot of good, fertile land here. You’ve got to use it up.”

  When they got to the garden plot Blake gave a gasp of surprise. “This is huge,” she said, her look one of admiration. “When did you find the time to do all this work?”

  Ryder shrugged. “You were gone. The business was closed. I had a lot of time on my hands.” He didn’t tell her the time he’d spent working in the garden had been therapy for him. It was time he had used to think. “I just want to get this soil tilled before I go. Give them a fighting chance once I go.”

  Blake put a hand on her hip. “Are you saying I’m going to kill your precious plants? I may not have a green thumb but I’m no plant killer.”

  “That may be,” he said as he bent to pick up the garden fork, “but I’ll feel better if they’re all set before I leave.”

  Blake rolled her eyes. “If you want to give yourself all that work, be my guest.” She put a hand up to swipe a tendril of hair from her forehead. “It’s hot out here. I’ll be inside if you need me.” She turned to head back toward the rear porch but then paused and looked back at him. In her eyes was an expression he could not read. “Don’t stay in the sun too long.” That was all she said but the words hung in the air as she stared at him, looking like she wanted to say more. The next instant the spell was broken and she turned and walked away.

  It was a full minute before Ryder stopped staring after her retreating back and at the back porch door as it swung closed behind her. Then, with a grunt, he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

  Ryder had been digging the earth for less than ten minutes when he heard the sound of a car coming up the stretch of dirt road leading to Beaumont’s. When he looked up it was to see Peggy Thatcher’s champagne-colored Chevy pulling up to the front of the building. It soon disappeared, blocked by the hulking structure of the building, but Ryder knew the instant she got out of her car and entered the front door. The tinkle of the bell was that loud. Sure that Blake would have heard the bell, too, he got back to his digging. The ladies were sure to have lots to talk about. He would be in no danger of being disturbed by those two.

  Ryder soon found out that that was where he was wrong. He’d been back at his task for only twelve minutes or so when he heard a cheerful female voice call his name. He looked up in time to see Peggy descending the steps and then she was heading across the yard toward him.

  “Howdy.” She was waving her hand at him and there was a wide smile on her face.

  “Howdy,” he said back as he let the g
arden fork fall into the dirt. He was sliding his hands down the sides of his jeans, getting rid of the excess dust, when she came to a halt in front of him. “Well, aren’t you the busy one? Blake told me you made her a vegetable garden.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Been working on it for the past week.”

  She folded her arms across her bosom and shook her head. “You never cease to amaze me, young man. There’s a lot about you I like, and now this. You’re a man after my own heart.” She released her arms and spread them wide, looking like she was getting ready to wrap them around him.

  He raised his eyebrows then gave her a crooked smile. What was the lady going on about now?

  “I didn’t know you were a gardener like me. This is wonderful,” she gushed. “Maybe you and I can swap gardening tips.”

  He shrugged. “Any time.” He was still curious, though. She hadn’t come out to the backyard to talk gardening, had she?

  “Listen,” she said, stepping closer and lowering her voice like she was about to share a secret, “I’m inviting you over to my house this evening. Seven o’clock. Just a gathering of friends. I want you to be there.”

  Ryder cleared his throat. “Thanks for the invitation. I would have loved to be there but I’m leaving town today. I’m sorry.”

  “What? You’re leaving?” Peggy’s brows fell and she was glaring at him like he’d just committed a grievous sin.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice quiet. “I’m heading back to Des Moines.”

  “No, you’re not. I made arrangements. I had this all planned. You have to be there.” Her glare was still there but now there was a hint of disbelief, maybe even desperation, in her voice. It didn’t make sense. His presence certainly couldn’t make or break her party.

  He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. “I told all my friends you would be there. They’re expecting you. You have to come.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Well, since you put it that way, I guess I could stay one more day. I’ll just tell Blake-”

  “Excellent.” She clasped her hands together, her eyes flashing with glee. “You know my house. Be there at seven o’clock sharp. The front door will be open. Just walk right in.” And then she came closer and tilted her face up to whisper in his ear. “And don’t tell Blake you’re coming. It’s a surprise.”

  Now he understood. It was a surprise party for Blake. It looked like Peggy and her friends were about to give her a big welcome home. Ryder smiled and, without hesitation, he nodded. “I will definitely be there.”


  “Where is everybody?” Blake whispered the words to herself as she stepped in the front door of Peggy’s house then pushed it closed behind her.

  She left the foyer and stepped into the living room but there wasn’t a single soul in sight. “Strange.” She frowned. Had she gotten it wrong? She could have sworn her friend had said she should get to her house by ten minutes to seven, not a minute later, and just walk in the front door. Peggy had said she and the ladies from the sewing circle would be there, waiting. They’d planned a get-together, and Blake should arrive at the appointed time and she shouldn’t tell Ryder. Now if that wasn’t a sign of a surprise party in the making, she didn’t know what was. She’d guessed they’d planned a going-away party for Ryder. They must have given him some cock-and-bull story because he’d suddenly changed his mind and decided to stay one more night. So where the hell were they?

  Confused, Blake left the living room and headed down the hallway toward the kitchen. Maybe she would find her answer there. They were probably all hiding out at the back of the house, waiting to yell, “Surprise!”

  She was halfway down the hall, walking past the dining room, when she came to a sudden halt. The dining room, from what she remembered of it from her last visit, had been transformed into the most romantic parlor she’d ever seen. A glorious candelabra sat in the middle of the table, the glow from the candles’ flickering flames reflecting in the dark, gleaming mahogany surface. As if that weren’t idyllic enough, a bouquet of rich, red roses sat by the candles, their petals gleaming ruby-red in the subdued light. Surrounding this delectable display were a variety of covered dishes, obviously containing a meal that had been set out for some very special guests. Peggy looked like she’d pulled out all the stops in creating a scene that was sure to put whoever it was in a seriously sensual mood. What was the lady up to?

  Curious, Blake made her way into the dimly-lit dining room and that was when she saw the folded card sitting on top of the largest covered dish. There were words scrawled on the front of the card. “For Blake and Ryder,” it read. What in the world?

  Blake picked up the card and opened it to read what was inside. “I made this dinner specially for you both. Enjoy.” That crafty little matchmaker. Blake could only shake her head and smile. Peggy Thatcher was something else.

  She’d just laid the card back on the table when she heard a knock at the front door. Ryder, no doubt. Peggy must have set things up so that he would arrive just after she did.


  She heard his voice before she saw him. He would have opened the door, just as she had, and was probably standing in the hallway, wondering where everyone was.

  “I’m here,” she called out. “Come on back here.”

  She heard when the front door closed and then came the sound of footsteps as he headed toward her. Ryder soon came into view, coming to a halt at the entrance to the dining room. He looked surprised to find her standing in the middle of the room. “You’re here,” he said, like he hadn’t expected it. “I thought maybe you would come…later.” Then he frowned. “Where is everybody?”

  She gave a soft chuckle. “My question exactly.” Then she picked up the card and handed it to him. “Read this.”

  He took it and as he read she was watching his face, her smile widening with each passing second, expecting him to burst out laughing. But he didn’t. Instead, he read it through then folded the card and set it on the table. “It looks like Peggy had this all planned out,” he said, his voice strangely quiet. “We'd better not let her efforts go in vain.”

  Now what the heck did he mean by that? Blake cocked an eyebrow at him, waiting for his explanation, but he didn’t say another word. Instead, he walked over to the chair closest to the display of dishes and pulled it out. “Your seat, madam.” He gave a slight bow, as gallant as ever, waiting for her to make her move.

  Two could play that game of formality. “Thank you,” she said and gave him a slight nod of acknowledgement then she went over to take her seat in the chair he’d selected for her.

  As soon as she slid down onto it Ryder took the seat beside her. When he turned to her he was smiling. “I owe Peggy one. I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy more than spending a romantic evening with you.”

  Blake knew exactly how he felt. This would be his last evening in Pequoia and Peggy, bless her heart, had made sure it would be a memorable one. Memorable for Blake, at any rate. She wanted to say something, to agree with Ryder, to let him know she was glad they were there. Alone. Together. But she couldn’t say it. Not just yet. It could break the spell she was under and she didn’t want to take that chance.

  When Ryder didn’t seem perturbed by her silence Blake gave a surreptitious sigh of relief. He’d begun to lift the covers from the various dishes and she used the opportunity to admire Peggy’s handiwork and take the focus off the fact that they were alone together in a perfectly staged romantic rendezvous. By the time he’d uncovered everything Blake was gazing at fried chicken, baked potatoes, catfish, corn bread and a garden salad bright with baby tomatoes. She could only shake her head in awe. “Peggy certainly outdid herself.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more.” Ryder looked just as surprised as she was at the bountiful fare. Then he nudged a dish toward her. “I guess we’d better get started before the food gets cold. Bon appetit.”

  “Back atchya.” She’d skipped lunch and was hungry as a horse so sh
e needed no further encouragement.

  They both began to help themselves to the various dishes and Blake was tickled when Ryder took the serving spoon from her and began to ladle the catfish onto her plate. “Hey, I’m a big girl,” she teased. “I can help myself.”

  “Just relax and enjoy. Let me spoil you tonight.”

  The words were innocent enough but the way he said them sent tingles up Blake’s spine. God, he sounded sexy. And the flickering light from the candles that cast a golden glow over his skin wasn’t helping her blood pressure, either.

  She cleared her throat. “I might just do that.” And, almost in synchrony with his tone, the words came out in a low, throaty whisper. Not that she’d meant for them to come out that way.

  After that, the electricity in the air eased up a bit, enough for Blake to tuck into her meal and actually enjoy it. She was liking the light banter, too, as Ryder filled her in on the goings-on while she’d been away. She couldn’t help but laugh when he told her how the ladies of the sewing circle had corralled him for an entire afternoon. By the time they’d let him go he’d learned the cross-stitch, the hemming stitch and how to embroider.

  They were halfway through the meal when Ryder found yet another surprise of Peggy’s. “Look at that,” he said, tilting his chin toward the sideboard. “Would you believe it? She left us a bottle of wine.”

  Blake followed his gaze and saw that he was right. A shiny silver ice bucket sat there, reflecting the light from the candles, and in it was a bottle of wine. They’d been so caught up with the food they hadn’t even noticed.

  When Ryder brought it over and poured her a glass she took a small sip and then another, more generous one. The wine was delicious, rich and aromatic, the perfect complement to a perfect meal. With Ryder there with her there was no other word to describe the evening except…perfect.


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