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Bossing the Billionaire: Billionaire Brothers Kent - Ryder's Story (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

Page 13

by Judy Angelo

  He looked doubtful. “She’s more the babysitter type but I’ll ask her.”

  “Thanks.” She sighed then slipped her feet out of her loafers and wriggled her toes under the table. Then she glanced over at Ryder who was lounging in a chair by the window. As she watched he was gazing out back at his now flourishing garden.

  “Hey, you,” she called out, drawing his attention over to where she and the teenagers sat. “You’re pretty quiet over there. Still alive?”

  He gave her a lazy smile. “Yeah, but I’m glad it’s over.”

  “Hear, hear.” Todd was only too quick to agree and then he pushed his chair back and got up. “Well, it’s time for me to get going. I promised my dad I’d help out at the store this evening.”

  Blake shook her head. “You’re a busy guy. No rest for the weary, right?”

  He chuckled. “Right.”

  “Wait for me,” Chris said as he got up. “Mom asked me to pick up some stuff from the supermarket. She said she gave your dad her list yesterday.”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on.” The two boys bid their goodbyes and then they were off, leaving Ryder and Blake still relaxing. Neither one of them moved an inch.

  They sat there, enjoying the silence, such a contrast to the frenzy of the earlier part of the day. It was a moment before either one of them spoke.

  “Remember that business you have to take care of,” Ryder said, his look pointed.

  Blake sighed. “I know, but it’s better for me to do this in Dallas. I’ll get ready and head out right now.”

  “Not without me,” Ryder said. “I’ll drive.”


  Within forty minutes of their conversation Blake was sitting in the passenger seat of Ryder’s SUV. They had a long drive ahead of them and Ryder planned to make it to Dallas and back before midnight. The restaurant would be expected to open as usual at seven o’clock next morning so they didn’t have a minute to waste.

  He’d stuck the key in the ignition and was just about to start the car when he stopped and frowned. Something was not right. There was something he was forgetting…

  He dug into the right back pocket of his trousers and then the left. “My wallet. Where the heck is it?”

  Blake’s lips curled in a smile. “You’d better run back inside and get it. I don’t plan on washing anybody’s dirty dishes if we run out of gas along the way.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if that happened.” He shook a finger at her. “Payback for what you did to me.”

  She laughed and held out the key to the building. “You deserved it.”

  He didn’t bother to answer that. He grabbed the key, got out of the car and headed off to the restaurant. He knew exactly where he’d left his wallet. He remembered dropping it on top of the chest of drawers in his bedroom. But when he got there, there was no wallet in sight. Ryder gave a hiss of annoyance. Just what he needed – something to hold them up when they were in a huge hurry.

  Moving quickly, he glanced around the bedroom then went to lift up the baseball cap he’d left on the chair, the book on the nightstand and the T-shirt he'd dropped on top of the bed. Nothing. He dropped to his knees and checked under the bed. Still nothing.

  Growing even more annoyed, he walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway. When he threw open the bathroom door there it was, black and bulky and stuffed with papers. His wallet was sitting comfortably on top of the counter by the sink with not a care in the world. Ryder grabbed it up and stuffed it into his back pocket. “Stupid wallet,” he mumbled. “You just cost me a good four or five minutes.”

  He pulled the bathroom door shut and loped toward the stairs. He went down the steps two at a time and within seconds was crossing the wide dining room and heading toward the front door.

  It was when he was reaching for the knob that he heard it. Something that made him freeze. It was a man’s voice, a voice that he did not recognize.

  “Are you ready to be sensible?” the man said, his tone irritated and impatient. “You don’t belong in this godforsaken place. You belong with me. Why are you fighting this?”

  Ryder had heard enough. There was only one man who would be asking Blake a question like that. It had to be that Jerome guy she’d told him about. He swung the door open and stepped out onto the porch, eyes narrowed as his gaze zoned in on the target of his disgust and ire.

  Immediately, two pairs of eyes swung in his direction, Blake’s flashing dark ones and another set, pale blue and cold and hard.

  “Who the hell is that?” the man asked as he swung away from where Blake stood by the Mercedes Benz. He looked like he’d been just about to reach for her but Ryder’s sudden appearance put a stop to that.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Ryder said. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get off this property right now.”

  The man’s scowl darkened and he turned to face Ryder, his hands clenched at his sides. “Who the devil do you think you are, talking to me like that?”

  “The name’s Ryder. Ryder Kent. And you are?” Ryder didn’t need any introductions to know who the man was. He just wanted to get him talking, distract him enough so he could move in closer.

  Jerome’s frown deepened. “Ryder Kent? I know that name…” And then his eyes widened. “The Ryder Kent? The owner of the biggest dairy brand in North America? You’re that Ryder Kent?”

  “The same.” Ryder’s response was brusque. He gave short shrift to Slater’s sudden change of tone. The man was easily impressed by money, that much was obvious. But that made him sink even lower in Ryder’s eyes. He crossed the porch and went down the steps then walked right up to the man who was staring up at him. Slater wasn’t a big man. He actually looked smaller than Blake. Still, there was a shifty look in his eyes that told Ryder he was not to be trusted. “I’ve answered your question,” he said. “Now it’s time for you to answer mine. What are you doing on Blake’s property when she clearly doesn’t want you here?”

  “I…” Slater swallowed and glanced over at Blake who was staring at Ryder, a look of surprised confusion on her face. “It’s okay that I’m here. Right, Blake?”

  She blinked and then she turned to fix a caustic glare on the man. “No, it’s not okay. I want you gone.”

  “You heard the lady.” Ryder took a step closer to Slater and the man took a matching step back. “I suggest you get back in your car and leave.” When the man hesitated Ryder's scowl darkened and he folded his arms across his chest. “You know who I am,” he said, his voice soft and menacing, “and you know I have the power to make your life very miserable. Don’t make me go there.”

  “N…no, Mr. Kent. I’m…leaving.” He backed away and when he was at a safe distance he turned and hurried off to his hunter-green Buick. He glanced back only once and it was to throw a furious glare at Blake. He didn’t stop, though, not until he’d climbed into his car and started the engine and then turned the car with a screech of tires, slammed on the gas and tore out of the yard, the car kicking up a cloud of dust as he went.

  It was only when the car had disappeared down the road that Blake walked over to where Ryder stood, still fuming.

  “What was that all about?” she asked. “That thing about a dairy business or brand or something like that?”

  His eyes still glued on the road, Ryder shook his head. “We’ll talk about that later. We’ve got a heck of a journey ahead of us and that just cost us another ten minutes.” He lifted his chin toward the SUV. “Let’s get out of here.”



  “Blake Beaumont.”


  “Do you want my current residence or my permanent address?”

  The bristle-haired, blue-shirted officer gave her a look that told her it didn’t matter a hoot to him. “I’ll give you my address in Pequoia,” she said. “That way you can find me easier.”

  He shrugged then wrote down the address as she gave it to him. “Phone nu
mber?” Pen poised above the paper, he waited for her to give him the information so he could complete the form.

  “I don’t have one. At least, not one that will work when I get back home.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “We don’t have phone service in Pequoia but we will soon. The phone company is setting up the poles as we speak."

  The man gave a grunt like he didn’t quite believe her but he completed the preliminaries then carefully took her statement, a process that took the better part of an hour. When it was finally over Blake sighed, exhausted from having to relive the ordeal, if even just on paper.

  She was glad she had Ryder with her. Through it all he never left her side and when it was over and they were walking back to the car he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close, letting her rest her head against his shoulder. It was what she needed right then, to draw from his strength. It was the best thing he could have done and she was grateful.

  When they settled in the car she turned to him. “I know it’s later than we expected but would you mind if I still went by to see Mom and Becky, just for a little bit? I can’t come all the way to Dallas and not go see them.”

  “Of course. I’d be surprised if you didn’t.” Ryder reached over and gave her a reassuring pat on the leg. “Just give me the address and I’ll have you there in a jiffy.”

  Relieved, she relaxed back into her seat and smiled. “Thanks.” It was a word full of meaning. She was thanking him for so many things. He’d been there for her in more ways than one. She couldn’t even begin to repay him.

  It was almost eight o’clock when they got to Blake’s family home. As they pulled into the driveway she saw when Becky drew back the curtains and peeked out, then her eyes lit up and her face split into a wide smile. “Mom, they’re here,” she yelled and then the curtains fell back in place as she dashed off to the front door. Blake laughed. She was just as eager to see her sister. She couldn’t wait to wrap her up in a huge bear hug.

  She’d called home as soon as she’d left Pequoia and got a cell phone signal. When she told Becky she was on her way to Dallas her little sister gave a shriek that almost burst her eardrum. Her mother was almost as bad.

  And now she was here. It made her almost glad she’d had to come to Dallas for that awful business. At least it was a chance to see her family.

  Before she could get out of the vehicle Becky was bounding down the steps. Blake had just enough time to open the passenger door, slip out and hold her arms open wide. Becky barreled right into her, almost knocking her over.

  “Blake,” she squeaked, “you’re here. What took you so long?”

  Blake gave her sister a squeeze and then she put her away and stared down into her excited face. “Hey, Squirt, you’ve been growing again. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to be growing up without me?”

  Becky laughed at her teasing. “You haven’t been gone that long.”

  Blake gave her a playful chuck under the chin and then she turned her toward Ryder who had gotten out of the car and was observing the sisterly greeting, a look of amusement on his face. “Becky, this is Ryder Kent, my escort for today and my…friend.” Blake had no idea why she’d stumbled on the word friend. It was like saying it out loud made her think about what it really meant. Friend. Ryder was all that and so much more. “Ryder, this is Becky, my little sis.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Becky.” Ryder gave her an easy smile that had the young girl blushing and smiling back shyly.

  Blake glanced up and saw her mother peering through the window. “Come on, guys. We haven’t got all night.” She set off for the house, leaving Ryder and Becky to bring up the rear. She knew this would have to be a super-quick visit. Ryder had several hours of driving ahead of him and she didn’t want to be the cause of an extended delay.

  As soon as she stepped onto the porch, Rosie flung the door open wide. “Blake.” She held her arms open and Blake stepped right into them, happy to be holding her mother again. Maybe it was the emotion of the moment, brought on by the strain of having to rehash Jerome’s deception. She found herself clinging to her mother like she would never let go.

  Trying hard not to break down Blake released her mother and stepped back then turned to Ryder who had come to stand just behind her. She forced a smile. “Mom, I’d like you to meet Ryder-”

  “Yes, the young man you wrote me about. Your friend.” Rosie lifted her hand to shake Ryder’s.

  “Mom.” Blake rolled her eyes. Did she have to go and say all that? What must Ryder be thinking now? Quickly, before her mother got it into her head to reveal anything else, Blake changed the subject. “I finally did it, Mom. The statement is in. Now let the chips fall where they may.”

  “Good girl.” Rosie gave her a congratulatory pat on the arm even as she ushered them into the house. “You should have done it a long time ago but better late than never.” Then she smiled back at Ryder. “I hope you like roast beef because that’s what I fixed you for dinner.” Then she gave her daughter a not-so-subtle wink and all Blake could do was sigh. So much for not wanting Ryder to find out she’d written and told her mother all about him.

  After that they sat down to a delicious meal, albeit a quick one, and much too soon and to her regret, Blake had to bring it all to an end. “We’ve got a long drive ahead of us,” she explained, “and I’ve got to open the restaurant tomorrow.”

  “I know, dear, and I’m sorry I was such a chatterbox this evening.” Rosie gave Ryder an indulgent smile. “You forgive me, don’t you?”

  He reached out and patted her hand. “There’s nothing to forgive. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

  “And I enjoyed having you here.” And from the way she spoke, Blake could tell that her mother liked Ryder. A lot. That was definitely a good sign. But then, when it came to Ryder, what wasn’t there to like?

  Later, as they traveled along the highway that would take them back to southwest Texas, Blake couldn’t help but smile. Just before they’d gone through the door her mother had pulled her back to whisper in her ear. “This one’s the real deal,” she said softly. “A true gentleman. If you two choose to go further I give you my blessing.”

  Blake knew exactly what her mother meant. When Rosie first met Jerome she’d found him charming but still she’d hesitated. She hadn’t quite come out and said it but Blake could sense her ambivalence. This time, though, there was clearly no question in her mother's mind. As far as she was concerned, Ryder was ‘the one’.

  “You’re okay?”

  At his question Blake gazed over at Ryder. “Hmm?”

  “You just sighed. Tired?” He glanced at her then back to the stretch of road ahead. Although it was almost ten o’clock the highway was alive with vehicles heading to and fro.

  “I’m fine,” she said and then spoiled it when she followed her words with a yawn.

  Ryder chuckled. “Don’t fight it. Relax. Get some sleep. I’ll wake you when we get home.”

  Home. He’d said the word so easily, like Beaumont’s was truly her home and his. And she liked the sound of that…very much.

  Blake had no idea when she eventually slipped into slumber. She’d felt so safe and comfortable by Ryder’s side that she hadn’t even tried to resist when she felt sleep begin to claim her. He’d switched on the radio and she was listening to John Legend’s, “All of You”, when the music faded away and all went still…

  Blake woke to the softness of a kiss, the feel of gentle lips on hers. She gave a soft sigh and tilted her face, all the better to receive the sweet caress. If she was dreaming she didn’t want to wake up. With a soft moan she slid her hand up Ryder’s strong shoulders and as she clung to him she knew this was no dream. It couldn’t be, not when Ryder felt so warm, so real.

  The kiss, so soft and tender, soon turned insistent. Ryder reached his hand up to cup her chin, tilting her face ever so gently so he could take full control, kissing her with such passion that the embers glowing inside he
r threatened to burst into flames.

  Too soon he was sliding his lips away, but she gasped when those lips left a trail of butterfly kisses along the column of her neck, across her collarbone and then down, down until they caressed the tops of her breasts.

  It was a sweet, sensual caress that made her shiver in response. When Ryder lifted his head to gaze up at her she moaned, wanting more. So much more.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Ryder’s words came out in a ragged whisper that revealed the height of his arousal. She wanted this, so badly, but so did he.

  Wanting to give him the pleasure he’d just given her, Blake slid her hands under Ryder’s arms, urging him up until she had greater access to his body. Just as he’d done just moments before, she feathered soft kisses along the line of his jaw then tickled and teased her way down his neck until she reached the open V at the neck of his shirt. Spurred on by the tortured moan that slipped from his lips she ventured further down, trailing soft caresses across the breadth of his chest, seeking that sweet spot that would have him sighing in pleasure.

  She’d almost reached her goal when Ryder sucked in his breath and reached down to cup her face in his hands. He groaned then bent and kissed her on the forehead. “You’d better stop,” he whispered, his voice tinged with regret, “if you don’t want us to end up doing a whole lot more than just kissing.” He reached up to brush away the tendrils that had fallen across her cheeks then, with a gentle smile, he moved away, back to his seat on the driver’s side. “It’s almost two in the morning. Let me get you to bed.”

  Blake sighed, wishing he hadn’t had the fortitude to stop. She wanted a whole lot more than just kissing. She wanted him.

  But he was right. And so when he got out of the car and came around to the passenger’s side to help her out she took his hand and walked with him up the pathway to the front door.

  And as she walked she knew she was in big trouble. This was the last thing she should be doing right now, the absolute last thing she needed in her life, but like it or not she was falling hopelessly in love with Ryder Kent.


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