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Gypsy Kiss: Book 1: Micah (The Gypsy Kiss Series)

Page 28

by Heidi J Thomas

Only…that’s not what he did at all. He washed me, from top to toe, carefully and tenderly taking extra care to wash my hair and rinse it thoroughly. And then he quickly washed himself, helped me out and wrapped me in a big, warm soft towel. He wrapped one around my waist, took me back into the bedroom and sat me on the edge of the bed.

  I watched him as he slid open a mirrored door to reveal a ridiculously huge wardrobe full of clothes, and as he bent down to look in the bottom, I got a magnificent view of his glorious bum. He came back to me and sat beside me. I literally could not take my eyes off his as he dried me carefully and dressed me in one of his oversized tee shirts. He then dried and dressed himself – well, he slipped on a pair of his trademark tight, white undies.

  Not a single word had been spoken between us, and it didn’t seem to matter one bit. He pulled back the covers on his huge bed and climbed in, patting the space beside him. I climbed in too, biting back a groan of pleasure from the soft, bouncy mattress and lush white clean sheets and bedding. He pulled me immediately into his arms and I rested my head on his warm, clean chest.

  “Goodnight, Jewls.” He whispered and I don’t know if I even answered before I drifted almost immediately into a deep, contented sleep.



  Waking up in my bed with my girl sleeping soundly by my side, in one of my tee shirts, was heaven on earth. Her breath was on my neck, her hair spread over the pillow. I had waited weeks for this, and for the previous night, and it had been well worth the wait. All sorts of thoughts were whizzing through my head, the most dominant one being that I wished I could have this every single morning. I would have asked her to move in there and then if I had thought she wouldn’t totally freak out.

  I couldn’t do it yet, but I allowed myself to think about it, to imagine it and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. My God, I loved her so much.

  She looked so beautiful lying there still sleeping, I had to touch her. She stirred and murmured and the sheet slipped down her body. I could see her gorgeous curves under the tee shirt. I ran my hand over her hip to her thighs and she moved onto her back, the shirt riding up just a little.

  I bent to kiss her knee and worked my way up her thighs, planting little kisses along the way until I reached the top. I would have carried on, but then,

  “Micah, what….what are you doing?”

  I looked up at her and winked, grinning. “Morning…”

  “What are you doing?” she repeated, still half asleep.

  My grin broadened and I shrugged. “I’m just happy you’re here.”

  “Me too,” she said, and turned, leaning up to plant a kiss on my jaw near the corner of my mouth – her favourite spot it seemed.

  “Any regrets?” I asked, a hint of nerves probably evident in my tone.

  She shook her head immediately, a good sign I thought. “None whatsoever. Last was…amazing. What time is it?”

  I leaned over her to check the time. “Nearly seven. If we want breakfast we need to be downstairs in half an hour, that’s when Mari puts it on the table. If we miss it, we make our own.”

  “So you all get up at half seven every morning?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. We’re a big family, with a big house and a successful busy restaurant, there’s always something needs doing. We work hard, but…we party hard too. Plus…it’s quite often the only time of day we can all get together.”

  She nodded slowly, obviously deep in thought. “So…it’s a big family thing, yeah?”

  I smiled knowingly. “I could already see where this was going. “Yes it is.”

  “Okay, so you go have some breakfast and I’ll call a taxi, and I’ll-”

  “You are not leaving this house without having something to eat. Speaking of breakfast…”

  I slid back down the covers, covering her body, my head level with her waist and kissed her navel, trailing kisses down until I felt her hand on the top of my head. “Micah!”

  “Relax, baby…” I appeased.

  “What are you…?” she trailed off, as I planted a soft kiss on her thigh.



  “Kissing you Jewls, loving you. I want to wake you like this every day.” Micah grinned and resumed his kisses. He moved to hover his mouth over mine, his hand moving up inside my tee shirt. I love Micah’s kisses; I could kiss him forever. I moved my hands into his hair, hair that still looked perfect in the morning, but he moved them to my sides. “Just relax Jewls, this is for you.” And then he was back to that place…..a place that…well let’s just say it hadn’t much proper attention, not this kind of attention.

  He parted my thighs and gently kissed me there and oh good God. Oh no, I couldn’t let him do it, I just couldn’t. I felt my face heat up with a blush.

  “Micah, no! I can’t, you can’t, it’s…..wait!” I pulled away, trying to close my legs but he looked at me with those gorgeous brown eyes,

  “Jewls relax, it’s okay. We love each other, I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”

  He carried on with those soft kisses, then nibbling and then licking.

  “Micah…” I half protested, but honestly? I was already weakening. It just felt so damn good.

  “Shhhh Jewls, just relax.” His tongue was warm along my thighs and back to that sweet spot as he teased me with little nips and soft kisses, contrasting with the roughness of his beard scratching my sensitive skin. The combination had me seeing stars. I slammed my fist into my mouth to keep from crying out.

  As his tongue worked its magic, I grabbed the sheet at either side of me, digging my nails into the soft fabric. It should have felt wrong, it always had before, but it didn’t, it felt right, oh…so…right. Micah’s head between my legs felt just so amazing.

  Andrew had tried this on the odd occasion, in the early days of our relationship, but I hadn’t liked it, didn’t think I’d ever like it. It was something Andrew thought he ought to do, and typical to his nature he thought he was so good at, but compared to Micah… he was a total disaster. I never dreamed it could be like this.

  Micah was still licking and sucking and flicking, all my sensitive parts were coming alive. My hips were moving of their own accord pushing onto his mouth, willing him to apply just a little more pressure. If Micah’s kisses were good, Micah’s tongue, there, was pure heaven.

  As his fingers joined his tongue I felt tingling from my core, spreading all over my body, and I climaxed in a way I never had before.

  “Oh God! Oh God...Micah…oh!” I wanted to scream out loud but Micah covered my body with his and his lips were on mine kissing me as though he never wanted to stop. I could taste myself on him.

  “See Jewls?” he whispered, his breath hot and heavy. “See how sweet you taste. That’s how I want to wake you every day.”

  We lay together for a while, till I gently floated back to earth.

  “So…are you ready for your breakfast, Jewls?”

  I nearly choked on nothing at that. God did he want me to do that for…for him?

  He grinned and winked again. “Downstairs. Breakfast, with my family, downstairs.”

  I narrowed my eyes in mock annoyance and then nodded. “Um…”

  Micah smiled, swinging his legs off the bed, all glorious in his underwear, his hair all tousled from me running my fingers through it. He stepped into some black cotton pyjama bottoms and held his hands out as if to say well?

  Breakfast? With his family? Oh no, we were going down to breakfast, with his family. I was suddenly convinced they would know what we had just been doing – what Micah had just been doing. It had to be written all over my face.

  “Uh…” I stammered again. Damn it, my head felt empty, or like it was full of clouds. “I have no clothes.”

  “That tee shirt is long enough.”

  I raised an eyebrow, suggesting I didn’t think so and he thought for a minute and then clicked his fingers. “Wait there.” He disappeared into the hall and r
eturned with a pair of joggers I correctly guessed were Mari’s. “She won’t mind, I promise. And…here…” he handed me his dressing gown. I climbed out of bed and stepped into the joggers, then put the dressing gown on. I wrapped it around myself and couldn’t resist inhaling deeply. It was black, fleecy and smelled of him. He smiled as though he knew what I was doing and why, and then offered his hand. “Ready to face the morning mob?”

  Hell no, I thought, but nodded and smiled. “I guess so.”

  He stopped me in the doorway, grabbed the collar of the dressing gown in both hands and pulled me to him for a kiss. I had to go up on tip toes as usual to be kissed by him, and I found myself standing on his feet.

  He hummed happily into my mouth and as he pulled away looked me up and down, smiling approvingly. “I like this…”

  “What?” I said, smiling back. I was still lost in that kiss, floating on air.

  “You…wearing my stuff. I wish I could see you like this every morning.”

  Wait, what? What did that mean? I didn’t have chance to think about it, because he took my hand again and we headed down the stairs.

  As we reached the bottom I heard all the voices and felt a final pang of nerves. It was one thing to go to a family barbeque with these guys, quite another to share breakfast with them, when I wasn’t even dressed properly. Wisely, probably, Micah didn’t give me a chance to dwell on it, just marched straight into the dining area, dragging me with him.

  Sure enough, there they all were. Five Machvaya boys all sat round the table passing bowls and plates back and forth, chatting amongst themselves, laughing and joking. Even Eli was here.

  The minute we walked in, they all stopped, and six pairs of eyes – Mari was in the open plan kitchen – turned to us, all curious and mildly amused.

  “Morning, bro…” Luca said, and Kris nudged his arm as they both giggled.

  “Morning.” Micah replied, completely unperturbed.

  “Good morning, bro.” Marco said, grinning stupidly. “Good uh…night last night?”

  “Best night of my life.” Micah said, pulling me to him and kissing the top of my head. I smiled feebly, more than a little embarrassed. Marco was in playful mode, I could tell that much. He and Micah also shared a powerful connection, so he was bound to know more than the others about what we had been up to and what Micah was feeling in this moment, which was probably lust considering that roughly fifteen minutes before his head had been between my legs. I blushed involuntarily at the thought. Hell, he wouldn’t even need extra sensory perception to read into this, I was giving off enough vibes for the both of us.

  “Congrats on finally doing the deed, man!” he exclaimed, his eyes alive with mischief. That set Luca and Kris off again laughing. Nic raised his hand and clipped the back of Marco’s head, hard.

  “That’s enough, show some fucking respect! Jewls is a guest in this house and Micah’s girlfriend. I won’t have you disrespecting her or your brother, you hear?”

  Marco rubbed his head and then held his hands up. “I was just kidding.”

  “I don’t give a shit!” Nic snapped and then looked at me and smiled. “Have a seat Jewls and don’t mind him. Just be glad you got the twin with manners, yeah?”

  I smiled at that and nodded. “Yeah…”

  Nic patted the space beside him. “Sit down, love.”

  I hesitated a moment, part of me wanted to sit next to Micah, I felt weird enough here without sitting between Nic and Eli, and I looked over into the kitchen area where Mari was busying herself over the cooker.

  “You need a hand, Mari?”

  She shook her head, waving a hand in my direction without looking back. “No thanks, Jewls, I got it.”

  With no other option presenting itself, I forced my feet to move and sat myself down in the chair between the two older Machvaya brothers. Micah sat opposite me, caught my eye and winked in an attempt to reassure me.

  On the table before me, everyone had a plate and bowl, a glass and a mug – even me, so they knew I was here somehow I presumed – and along the long table sat three jugs of orange juice, two of milk and a large jug of coffee. Further down, I could see a pot of tea steaming away.

  “Would you like tea or coffee, babe?” Micah asked.

  “Um,” I started, and my stupid voice cracked. I cleared my throat and tried again. “Coffee would be great. I’ll uh-”

  “I got it,” he said, and leaned over, pouring me a cup and adding the milk for me.

  “Thanks,” I heard myself say. Still no one had resumed their prior conversations, which led my paranoid brain to presume that they had been discussing us before we came in.

  “So where did you two end up after Carousel last night then?” Eli asked, “I didn’t finish at the restaurant until twelve, and you weren’t in when I got back here with the linens.”

  “We went to that new club.” Micah said, “And then for a walk on the beach. Got back here about one.”

  “A walk, huh?” Marco chipped in, and winked at me.

  This time Eli smacked the back of his head. “Manners, you were told!”

  Marco rolled his eyes. “What happened to everyone’s sense of humour this morning, huh? Jewls…you know I’m just messing, right? You’re not offended, are you?”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Let’s just say I’m getting used to you.”

  Eli smirked at that and started to say something but then the air was filled with the unmistakable aroma of fresh bacon and everyone’s eyes – mine included – turned to Mari as she came in with a huge hotplate and set it on the table. I couldn’t believe my eyes at the sheer amount of food on offer – bacon, sausages, fried mushrooms, toast, you name it…here it was.

  “Tuck in, boys.” She said, and stepped back. The look of pride was evident on her expression. She loved feeding them, doing this for them. She was a domestic Goddess. On the occasions Micah had slept at mine, he had woken to a cup of tea and a bowl of coco pops.

  I wanted everything in front of me. The alcohol I had consumed last night had been more than in the rest of my years combined and had left me feeling oddly empty and seriously hungry. How I didn’t have a hangover I did not know, but I was ravenous. I just didn’t want to look like a complete pig.

  As the boys all dove in, grabbing food and piling their plates, I gingerly picked out a slice of toast and that was when I saw Micah just watching me, amused.

  “Hand me your plate, babe.” he said and I smiled back at him.

  “Oh, I just want…” I trailed off when I realised he wasn’t taking no for an answer and rolled my eyes, passing him my plate.

  I watched as he filled it with food, a bit of everything, and handed it back to me, grinning. I considered protesting, but then my stomach growled – again – and so I just nodded my thanks. He winked again and started eating too.

  Mari finished up in the kitchen and hovered around us for a while, checking everyone had what they needed. I was about to tell her to sit and eat something when by my side Eli stood up.

  “Well, I’m off to let the cleaners in the restaurant and take the delivery.” He took a bite from the toast he was holding. “Who’s got morning shift today?”

  Marco raised his hand, a little reluctantly. “That would be me.”

  Eli nodded, finishing his toast and swallowing some coffee down before setting the cup on the table. “See you at half eight, on the dot. Don’t be fucking late this time. Mari, sit here. Eat. Thank you for breakfast. See you soon, Jewls.”

  “Yeah, see ya…” I trailed off, when I realised he wasn’t really listening, he was putting on his coat – a leather jacket – and putting an unlit cigarette in his mouth, probably to smoke on his drive to work. The early start explained why he was here I guessed, the house was quite close to the restaurant, and maybe he and Lisa lived further away. He took the cigarette from his mouth, kissed the top of Mari’s head in a sweet, tender gesture that seemed quite odd on Eli, fist pumped Nic, put the cigarette back in the corner of h
is mouth, and with one final half-hearted wave at us all, he was gone. Moments later I heard the unmistakable sound of his BMW’s engine revving, followed by the thumping of music and the screech of wheels on tarmac as he left the driveway and took off on his death ride.

  Mari slipped into the seat beside me and smiled. “So did you two have a good night then?”

  I glanced at Micah and nodded. “Yeah, we did. It was…perfect.”

  Everyone else had gone back to their own conversations, so this was just between me, Mari and Micah. I found it was much easier to talk without all the ears listening in.

  Mari leaned back from the table, gesturing for me to do the same and mouthed the word, so…? She nodded at me, and then in the general direction of Micah and wiggled her eyebrows.

  I pulled back a little from her, unable to wipe the smile of happiness from my face and nodded slowly.

  First time..? She mouthed and again I nodded. She put a hand on her chest as if to say awe and then glanced over at Micah. He was watching us both, frowning a little, that ghost of a smirk still on the corner of his mouth. She frowned back.

  “If you don’t mind, this is a private conversation.”

  “How can you be having a conversation? Neither of you said anything.”

  Mari thought about that and smiled smugly. “It’s a girl thing. You boys wouldn’t understand.”

  “Are you suggesting our intellect is somehow less adequate to yours?” Micah said, feigning hurt. I sat back, enjoying this banter. It was funny. I was growing fonder of Mari by the day, she was strong and feisty and everything I wanted to be. And she may have been small, but she had all these boys firmly under control.

  She looked him up and down, as though considering her answer and then simply said, “You have toast crumbs in your chest hair.”

  I burst out laughing at that, couldn’t help it, and Nic laughed too, the first time I had ever seen Mr Serious laugh like that. Micah was busying himself looking for said toast crumbs and he looked up and narrowed his eyes.

  “You’re cruel to me, ganging up on me. This is how it’s gonna be now, huh? Now you got another girl to back you up. Nic, you gonna tell her off, or what?” he said, sticking his bottom lip out playfully.


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