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Ask DNA [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 23

by Tymber Dalton

  He was done. Happiness had lain so close, within their grasp, for both of them, and then this crazy crap.

  No, this wasn’t Davis’ fault, but Kirby was done.

  He had finally hit his fuck this shit mark.

  Maybe he could salvage something with Mel once she had a chance to calm down, but he couldn’t blame her for being angry. She never asked to be dragged into this drama.

  Fortunately, Davis didn’t speak on the ride home. When they got there, he went straight to his room and closed the door behind him.

  Kirby swallowed a couple of ibuprofen and retreated to his room after taking a long shower. Stretching out in bed, he didn’t even turn his TV on as he tried to go to sleep and hopefully get rid of the headache.

  Trying to calm down and think rationally, he knew no, he couldn’t move out and leave Davis alone. Especially not after their parents’ bombshell. Davis would feel it was another betrayal, and Kirby couldn’t fault Davis for that.

  The stable rock Davis had built his life and identity on had been shaken to the core tonight. It didn’t change how Kirby felt about him—Davis was his brother. Their dad was their dad.

  Although it did sadden him to think about the time he and Davis had missed with Parker. Would Davis have seen him as a role-model and perhaps more easily maneuvered through his life knowing someone else could and had done it?

  More than angry, Kirby felt cheated by life and fate, even though nothing could be done about what had happened in the past.

  At some point, he did, blessedly, fall asleep. Kirby wasn’t sure what awakened him at first, until the noise happened again.

  A knock on his door.

  Groaning with frustration, he rolled over and turned on the bedside lamp. “What, Davis?”

  Davis opened the bedroom door and walked in. “I’m sorry to wake you but I need to talk. Please?”

  This was very unusual. When they were kids, yes, Davis had frequently interrupted his sleep, but it rarely happened as adults. Davis had learned to send Kirby text messages or e-mails, unless it was a rare emergency needing immediate attention, like the time their hot water heater had sprung a leak.

  Obviously what had happened earlier—either the bombshell, or the mess with Felicity, or both—had impacted him.

  As badly as Kirby knew he was handling this, for Davis it had to be the equivalent of a mental nuclear blast. Fortunately, the worst of his headache had abated, so he tempered his tone and opted for charity. “What’s wrong, buddy?”

  “May I sit?”

  “Sure.” Kirby glanced at the cable box and saw it was after one AM.

  Davis settled on the end of Kirby’s bed, hands clasped in his lap, his gaze fixed on them. It took him a moment to speak but Kirby didn’t interrupt him. “Do you think Mel is going to break up with us?”

  “I hope not. But I wouldn’t blame her if she did after tonight.”

  “I wanted us to ask Mel to move in with us.” He finally looked up and into Kirby’s eyes.

  Kirby hoped he hadn’t just heard his brother wrong. “Move in with us?”

  “Yes. I feel bad that Felicity could have hurt her.”

  “That’s not the only reason you want her to move in, is it?”

  “No. I love her. You love her, too. It makes sense.”

  There had to be more. Kirby felt it. “And?”

  Davis’ gaze returned to his hands in his lap. “I want to officially collar her,” he softly said. “Not just give her the collar for play.”

  Now Kirby sat up. “What?”

  “I want to collar her as my submissive. Our submissive. Unless I misconstrued your feelings for her.”

  “You didn’t misconstrue my feelings for her, Davis. I love her, too.”

  Davis looked at him again. “Then let’s ask her to move in and be ours. And…” He swallowed hard. “In a year, if it’s still going well, one of us marries her.”

  Kirby knew whatever he said next might be epically correct or terribly wrong, so he weighed several options before he spoke. “If she decides she wants to get married, how do we decide which one of us she marries?”

  Davis sighed.

  Davis did not sigh, wasn’t a sigher, usually. It meant he was wrestling with his emotions and struggling to put words to them.

  “It would be up to her. As long as we’re both with her, I’m at peace with whatever she decides.”

  “Do you have a preference?” Kirby pressed.

  “I won’t deny that I wouldn’t object to it being me. But since I’m more concerned about getting to spend the rest of our lives with her, it’s not something that would cause me undue discomfort if she decided she wanted to marry you. There are a lot of factors for her to consider, such as which of us has the better medical plan, retirement accounts to protect, things such as that. The house is in both our names, so we could add her to that without any concern. It’s not so much—”

  “Davis,” he gently said, cutting him off before he totally shiny squirreled down an alternate path and into the boonies. “Would you like to marry her?”

  Another sigh, softer than the first and somehow sadder for it.

  Davis nodded.

  Kirby smiled. “How about when we have the ceremony, all three of us stand up there and exchange vows, but you’re the name on the marriage certificate? I’d be fine with that.”

  “If she wants me to be the one.”

  “Why wouldn’t she?”

  He didn’t answer.

  “Davis, she loves you, too.”

  “She’s angry right now.”

  At least Davis hadn’t missed that. Kirby knew damn well Mel hadn’t meant what she’d said when she responded to Davis’ offer to pay for her tires. She’d been upset, angry, scared, and it had likely come out without her even thinking.

  But that didn’t mean she wasn’t still rightfully angry.

  “Of course she’s angry. That psycho woman slashed her tires and probably would have gone after her if that guy hadn’t come out when he did. But you know what might un-anger her?”

  Davis looked at him. “What?”

  “Maybe if the two dudes who are desperately in love with her show up at her place in the middle of the night and tell her how much they love her and beg her to become their submissive.”

  “Why in the middle of the night?”

  “Because I’m pretty sure that, right now, she’s upset, mad at Felicity, mad at you and me because we’re guys and she got caught in this crossfire by accident, and she’s probably not sure how we feel about her because we left.”

  “Why would she not know how we feel about her? We’ve both told her we love her. And she seemed to make it pretty clear she didn’t want us to follow her inside. That’s what you said.”

  “Yeah, and maybe I was wrong about that. It’s complicated, and I don’t have the energy or time to explain it to you right now. People are complicated and sometimes do and say the opposite of what they really want because they’re angry or upset.” He threw back the sheet and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Go get dressed.”


  “We’re going over to her place, dummy.”

  “What do I wear?”

  “Just shorts and a T-shirt.” He stood and headed for his closet. “And get the collar and cuffs you bought for her.”


  Kirby stopped midway to his closet but didn’t turn. He threw his head back in frustration. “Oh. My. God. Davis, just do what I fucking say, okay?”


  When Kirby turned, Davis was already up and moving.

  That’s a miracle.

  The next miracle would be if Mel would even talk to them, much less agree to this craziness.

  * * * *

  Mel had cried herself to sleep, certain she’d ruined the best thing in her life. It didn’t matter how angry and upset she’d been, she’d had no right to take that out on Davis.

  Especially like that. The horrible things she’d
said to him.

  She’d try calling them tomorrow to apologize, if they’d even talk to her.

  If they didn’t want to talk to her…she wouldn’t blame them. Kirby would likely stand by Davis on general principles, because he loved his brother. And she knew once Davis’ trust had been broken, he didn’t give second chances.

  She wasn’t sure what time it was when she heard knocking on her front door in the middle of the night. Terrified it was Felicity bonded out and back to finish the job, she wrapped a robe around her and grabbed her phone, 911 punched in and ready to dial as she left the lights off and crept up to the front door to look through her viewfinder.

  On her front steps stood two men…


  She took a deep breath and flipped on the light to be sure.

  Yep. Kirby and Davis.

  Clearing her phone, now she realized it was nearly three AM.

  She unlocked the door and opened it. “Hey.”

  Kirby stepped in without a word, forcing her back. Inside, he grabbed her and kissed her while Davis shut the door, locked it, and turned off the outside light.

  She started to resist, to talk, then realized that was a stupid fucking idea.

  Let go and let this happen. That was much better.

  Because maybe this could be salvaged if they were there and Kirby was kissing her.

  He’d no sooner released her than Davis spun her around, grabbed her, and kissed her, hard, deep, frantically.

  She grabbed him and held on tightly as Kirby pressed in behind her.

  “I want our collar on you tonight,” Davis said before kissing her again.

  “Rule one, baby,” Kirby hoarsely said. “You’re moving in with us.”

  Davis lifted his mouth from hers. “Rule two,” he said, “you call us both Sir.”

  Kirby was nibbling the back of her neck. “Rule three, you ask for permission to wear clothes when we’re alone at home.”

  “Rule four,” Davis said, “be prepared to spend time on your knees every evening servicing our cocks.”

  “Rule five,” Kirby said. “Never forget that we love you and want to spend the rest of our lives with you.”

  She started crying. “Yes, Sir. Sirs. Both of you. I love you both. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I said that, Davis. I didn’t mean any of it. I was so mad and upset but I never should have said it.”

  He frowned. “Said what?”

  “When you offered to pay for my tires. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

  “Kirby, help.”

  “I don’t remember exactly what she said, but I didn’t take it the way she apparently thinks we took it. I took it that she was upset.”

  “But…isn’t that why you guys looked so angry? Why you left without even telling me good-bye?”

  Kirby sighed. “I had a sick headache. I’m the one who stopped Davis from following you. He tried to follow you. Yeah, we were angry, but not at you. We’re mad at our parents and at Felicity. I figured you wanted time alone to cool off.”

  She started crying again, but this time in relief. “I thought you were mad at me for what I said.”

  Kirby nuzzled the back of her head. “Sweetheart, Felicity attacked you. Mom dropped that bomb on you. We were certain you were going to tell us to fuck off and go fuck ourselves along the way.”

  “I knew we should have followed her,” Davis said.

  That prompted laughter from Kirby. “Yeah, you can rightfully rub my face in that one for making the wrong call.”

  They led her into the bedroom and turned on the lamp by her bed. She realized Davis held a small box. “What’s that?”

  Davis arched an eyebrow at her. “Do you have permission to have clothes on?”

  Heat flaring in her, she shed her robe and the T-shirt she’d been sleeping in, leaving her naked.

  “That’s better.” He opened the box and held up a beautiful set of soft leather wrist and ankle cuffs and a matching collar. Hand-tooled black leather, they were embellished with intricate Celtic knots and the edges wrapped with leather lacing.

  Kirby stood behind her, stroking his hands down her arms. “You need to ask for them if you want them, baby. We won’t force you.”

  “Please,” she whispered, holding her hands out to Davis. “Please, Sir.”

  Davis stared into her eyes, unflinching. “Say exactly what you want.”

  “Please collar me, Sir. I want to be with both of you. I want to spend the rest of my life with both of you. I love you both.”

  He smiled and buckled the cuffs onto her wrists first, then her ankles, leaving the collar. “You’re moving in with us. This week. I’m not screwing around and risking something else happening to you. I won’t lose you.”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Ditto,” Kirby said from behind her before nipping her ear. “You are going to be one well-loved, well-fucked woman.”

  Davis once again looked her in the eye as he buckled the collar around her neck. Then he smiled and pointed at the floor.

  She dropped to her knees and immediately went for his zipper.

  He caught her by the hair, holding her back. “Ask for it,” he softly said.

  “Please let me suck your cock, Sir!”

  “Good girl.”

  Holy shit, she was a goner. Absolutely, completely.

  He let her unfasten his shorts and pull them down, both of them moaning as she swallowed his cock all the way to the root. Behind her, she was aware of Kirby stripping, and then his hand probed between her legs, two fingers easily slipping into her slick pussy.

  “Oh, yeah,” he said.

  He repositioned her, even as she followed Davis while he sat on the end of her bed, and then Kirby’s cock slammed home into her, driving her deeply on to Davis’ cock.


  The first tingles of an orgasm, maybe not as strong as the ones they gave her orally or with a vibrator, started swirling through her. By Kirby’s fifth stroke she was coming, Davis’ hands cradling her head as she moaned around his cock.

  “Oh, good girl,” Kirby said, picking up the pace. “Think I just found a new trick to make our girl come.”

  “Yes,” Davis said. “She is our very good girl.”

  Davis waited to come until Kirby had finished and unloaded into her pussy. Then he pulled her hard and deep onto his cock, a load of his hot cum erupting and flowing over her tongue as she moaned in happiness, echoing the soft, satisfied groans he made.

  “Good girl,” Davis said when he recovered, finally pulling her off his softening cock so he could kiss her.

  She thought they’d curl up in bed with her, but they didn’t. Instead, they got dressed, bundled her up in her robe and nothing else, grabbed a change of clothes for her to wear in the morning, and loaded her in Kirby’s car.

  They left the collar and cuffs on her.

  Davis rode in the backseat with her, holding her as much as their seatbelts would allow him to. Back at their house, they took the robe from her at the doorway, led her in to Davis’ bed, and that’s where they curled up to go to sleep.

  Her last conscious thought before exhaustion took her was the feel of Davis nuzzling the top of her head.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “This is a negotiation, Davis,” Mel told him. “Nothing is binding.”

  Davis stared at the calendar and the list next to it. “Is this one of those times you’re trying to push my boundaries a little?”

  “Yes,” she and Kirby both said.

  He sighed, which Mel fought the urge to giggle over. Kirby had told her that, before her, Davis rarely sighed like that. It was a good, healthy expression of emotions.

  Even if it meant aggravating her guy to get them, she’d take the win.

  They both waited for Davis to make the next move. They didn’t have to badger him about the details. She’d laid out the options, and now it was his choice.

  “And you really don’t have a preference?” he finally asked.

bsp; “I’ve given you a range to choose from.”

  Davis looked to Kirby.

  He held up his hands. “Dude, I don’t honestly care, as long as it happens.”

  Melanie had insisted she’d marry Davis after a long, private conversation with Kirby to make sure he really was okay with it. Because her next option had been to have a handfasting with both men and let Ed draw up papers for all three of them instead of a legal marriage to either man.

  But Kirby had been perfectly happy with it. She would be Mrs. Melanie Hill-Silva, and call both men her husbands as well as both men would wear wedding bands.

  But she was legally marrying Davis.

  Now came the hard part.

  “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?” Davis eventually asked.

  “Yes, it does.” She stood there wearing nothing but her collar, the wrist and ankle cuffs, and the engagement ring the men had given her two weeks before.

  Well, and the large butt plug.

  Davis finally took the top choice from the list and picked a date. “There. Do I need to make the reservations?”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “No, Kirby and I will handle all of that. You just do what we tell you to.”

  “You put Yellowstone at the top of the list on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “No, it was the first one I thought of.”


  Their honeymoon date and location were now settled. Planning the wedding would be easy, because they’d be holding it at Alana and Jonas’ house, with Loren officiating since she was used to handling those kinds of ceremonies, and Kel taking pictures and video for them. Mel’s family would be there, as would Kim, Cole, and Mason. Mel’s parents and sisters had, surprisingly, reacted well to the revelation that Mel was involved with Kirby and Davis. She’d already told them that Kim was with both Cole and Mason, so at least they were familiar with the dynamic.

  Despite her men wanting to go with her to break the news, she’d done it alone, preferring to handle it her way. She’d also promised her two Doms that, from that point on, she’d defer to them when it came to stuff like that. This, however, she needed to do herself.


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