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False Security

Page 15

by Evan Grace

  “I had to talk to Jack.” He leans into the table. “You know, if you want, I can teach you some self-defense. Nothing too fancy, but enough to disable them, and to give you time to get away from your assailant.”

  “That might be a good idea, thanks. Do you think maybe you could teach Grant some stuff? I mean, I know he’s only five, but I figure there might be some moves that it’d be good if he learned.”

  “Absolutely. I’ll talk to Erik and have him bring you guys to my gym. It should only take a couple of hours.”

  I stand up to hug him goodbye and tell him that I’m looking forward to learning some moves. My phone rings, and my stomach knots when I grab it out of my bag. I relax when I remember that Erik blocked Ryan’s number. “Hello?”

  “Ms. Martin, this is Gregory downstairs, and Mr. Walker is pulling up in about five minutes. He has asked for you to wait downstairs for him. I’m to keep you behind the desk with me until he arrives.”

  “Oh okay, sure. I’ll be right down.” I gather my things, put my coat on, and head for the elevator. As I wait, a small smile graces my lips when I think about learning some self-defense moves…and using them on Erik.

  When the doors slide open and I step on, in a flash a hand wraps around my throat and my back hits the wall. I stare into the cold, beady eyes of my ex-husband. I grab onto his wrist, trying to pull it off. But he’s not choking me—he’s just using the move that he always used to when he had a point to make.

  “W-What do you want, Ryan?” I croak. “Can’t you just leave me alone? We’re divorced…you have no claim to me anymore.”

  “Oh baby, we’re just getting started.” The elevator doors open, he lets me go, and I sag against the wall. I shouldn’t have let my guard down, because I don’t see the fist hitting me in the stomach until it’s too late.

  My breath leaves me in a wheeze, and I hit my knees just as he steps off. The doors slide shut. When the cab finally opens up to the lobby, I stumble out and right into Erik. “Baby, what the fuck!”

  He lifts me up into his arms and carries me back onto the elevator. When it lets us off on the Rogue floor, we’re greeted by the man on the team, Josh, who watches the monitors until morning. “Shit, Erik, I watched him grab her, but he was already gone by the time we made our way down to the floor where he got off.”

  “Thanks, man.” Josh heads into the back and leaves us alone.

  My breathing starts to even out and I place a hand against my stomach. “Baby, tell me what happened,” Erik asks.

  “I…I was waiting for you in the break room, and my phone rang. When I answered it, he said he was Gregory from downstairs, and that you told him to have me meet you downstairs. As soon as I stepped onto the elevator, he grabbed me by the throat. I asked him why he was doing this, and he said he was j-just getting started. When the doors opened he let me go, but then he p-punched me in the stomach.” I feel so ashamed I fell for Ryan’s tricks.

  Of course, during our marriage he’d be sweet enough to get me to let my guard down and then he’d strike, quick like a snake. “I’m so sorry, Erik. I shouldn’t have gone downstairs.”

  “It’s okay, but baby…no more, okay? If it’s not me or one of my team talking—and I’ll program their numbers into your phone—then you’re to stay right where you’re at and call me.”

  I nod. “Yes, I promise I won’t go anywhere unless it’s you telling me to do it.”

  He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. “Let’s get Grant and go home.”


  “Brilliant, Grant!” Dalton pats my son on the back. “Let’s do it again.” I watch Dalton grab for Grant, and my boy lets his body go limp and then kicks at Dalton’s leg. I clap when Grant hops back up and runs around Dalton.

  Erik sits next to me, and he’s been shouting encouraging words at Grant while Dalton flips him around the mat. Of course he was just as vocal while I was flipped around like I weighed nothing, and was shown some moves to get away if someone were to grab me. The best was when Erik got up and tussled with me, which was fun and a huge turn-on.

  After we finish, we head back home to get cleaned up. Lucifer meets us at the door. “Hi, baby.” I pick up my fat cat and hold him to my chest. He’s definitely made himself at home and doesn’t seem to be destroying any of Erik’s stuff, thank goodness.

  When I step out of the shower, I hear Erik’s voice. “Mom, I don’t know if that’s a good idea right now.” A pause. “Yes, I know he’d have a good time, but Shayla’s ex is being a pain in the ass.” Another pause. “Okay, let me talk it over with Shayla.”

  I step into the bedroom, and he holds his hand out to me. “Do your parents want to keep Grant?”

  I sit on his lap, wrapped in my towel. “Yeah, Gretchen wants to see him, and I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to come here, so she wants Grant to come stay with them. I just don’t know if that’s a good idea, either.” I wrap my arms around him. “Marcus has family not far from there, so maybe he can hang out a bit. He knows my mom, Tad, and Gretchen.”

  “Well, I’ll leave it up to you. As long as you think he’s safe, then I’m fine with whatever it is you want to do.”

  He leaves me to get dressed and start lunch. I take a moment to sit on his bed—correction, our bed—wrap my hand around the pendant on the necklace he bought for me, and thank the powers that be for bringing him into my life.

  After lunch, I lie down for a nap but can’t sleep. My mind just whirls with all the shit that Ryan has pulled. I want answers. I want to know: Why? What did I ever do to him except love him? I tried to give him a good home, and a son. He’s the one who pissed it away, and it took me a long time to realize that it wasn’t my fault.

  I’m strong now. For Grant I had to be, and will continue to be. I peek out into the hall and can hear a movie playing in the other room. Grabbing my phone, I go into Erik’s closet so he can’t hear me talking.

  I pull up Ryan’s number and hit send. It rings twice before he answers. “I knew you’d call me sooner or later. I’ll think about taking you back, but you’re going to have to work for it.”

  I don’t answer at first because I’m stunned. He thinks I really going to go back to him, that I would expose our son to that? Ryan has seriously not asked about our son—I mean my son—at all.

  “Shayla,” he snaps.

  “Oh no, you’re not going to talk to me like that. How dare you send me roses, try to jeopardize my relationship with a wonderful man, and how dare you fucking threaten me. I used to be so frightened of you, but now I realize I should pity you, you fucking piece of woman-beating shit. I hope while you were in jail that you were someone’s bitch.” I disconnect the call and realize my hands are shaking.

  I open the closet door and find Erik sitting on the end of his bed. Shit, he looks pissed. I’m tempted to go back into the closet, but I don’t. “Erik, listen before you say—” He holds up his hand. “Erik, please, I’m—”

  “Shayla, shut the fuck up.” I snap my mouth shut. “What did I tell you? I told you we didn’t know what his end game was. We also don’t want to provoke him. You just said that when he was in jail you hope he was someone’s bitch.” His lip twitches, and I feel myself relax…a little. “Come here, mouthy.” I crawl onto his lap. “I love that sassy little mouth of yours. When Grunt goes to bed, I’m going to fuck it.” He rubs his thumb along my lower lip.

  “Seriously though, I’m so fucking happy that you’re not letting him hurt you anymore, but someone who’s clearly unstable shouldn’t be provoked. If he’s capable of hurting you, there’s no telling what he could do. Promise me that if you’re feeling impulsive, you’ll let me know. You can just use that sassy mouth on me instead.”

  I kiss his cheek. “I promise that I won’t call him again. I just wish he’d disappear. It’s like we’re going to have to look over our shoulders until we know what he’s up to.”

  Erik’s arms tighten around me for a moment. “I’m working on that. Just
trust me, okay?”

  I nod because I do trust him, and have to trust that he’s got my and Grant’s best interests at heart.

  Grant rushes into the room. “What are you guys doing? You’re missing the dinosaurs.” He then holds up his hands like claws and roars.

  Erik moves me off his lap and holds up his hands like claws. He does some weird half-growl and half-roar before chasing Grant out of the bedroom. My son’s giggles melt my heart, and I can barely stand it.

  I get up and head out into the living room. Erik is on his back on the floor and is bench pressing Grant while he watches one of the Jurassic Park movies. I think those are his favorite gifts; he’s been through the entire film series twice. It’s about the only time he holds still for an extended length of time.

  They don’t notice me at first, so I just sit in the corner of the couch watching them, and my heart is full. I’ll be damned if I let Ryan take this away from me.


  My tongue swirls around the head of his cock, and it makes me wet to hear him moan like he is. I swallow him down as far as I can, and when I drag my tongue up the underside while I cup his balls in my hand, he grips my hair in a punishing grip. Up and down, I suck him into my mouth. “Fuck baby, use that sassy fucking mouth. Fuuuccck!”

  I hold his cock at the base as I suck him with all I’ve got. Every few sucks, I let my tongue swirl around the purple crown. His balls tighten in my hand, and I know that he’s so close to coming. Increasing my suction, I bob up and down.

  “I’m going to come, baby. Let go or I’m going to come in that sassy mouth of yours.” Instead of pulling off his dick, I keep up my suction until that first splash of cum hits my tongue. I swallow every drop, moaning as the salty, viscous fluid flows down my throat.

  Erik pulls me off his softening cock with a pop and guides me up until I’m straddling his face. I try to push myself off him because I’ve never done oral this way and I’m self-conscious, but before I can, he spears me with his tongue. Gripping the headboard, I moan as he begins to work my pussy over.

  When he sucks my clit into his mouth and then nips it with his teeth, I have to cover my mouth to keep from crying out. When the ripples stop, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I taste myself on his tongue, and it makes me moan into his mouth.

  He pulls his mouth away from mine. “I’m in love with you, Shayla.” I freeze, stunned speechless—my eyes begin to burn. I’ve never heard such beautiful words, but they scare me. Ryan was my husband and I never heard him say those words to me.

  Like a damn fish, my mouth opens and closes, but nothing comes out. I want nothing more than to tell him that I’m in love with him too, but I’m scared.

  Erik reaches out and strokes my cheek. “You don’t need to say it. I just wanted you to know that I do.”

  A tear leaks from my eye, and Erik pulls me toward him. All he does is hold me as I cry silent tears because I have this amazing man who loves me and loves my son. He hasn’t said it, but I can tell. I hate that Ryan broke that part inside of me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I slip the cover off my Impala, eager for nicer weather so I can drive this beast around. Grant would get a kick out of riding in my baby, especially the way it rumbles when I turn her on. I’d love to get Shayla in this baby, and go parking. My dick twitches with just the thought of burying myself in her pussy.

  Since we’ve stopped using condoms I can’t get enough of her, but a teeny tiny part of me in the last week has started thinking about watching her belly grow with my baby planted in there. I haven’t shared that with Shayla because I don’t want to send her running as far as possible from me. I shake off those thoughts or I’ll end up heading back to the office and taking Shayla against the wall in her office.

  I climb in the driver’s side and stick the key in the ignition. It takes a couple of tries before my baby roars to life. I rest the back of my head on the seat and just listen to her purr. Ten minutes later I turn her off, lock her up, and put the cover back on.

  Reece pulls into the garage directly behind my Impala. His Mustang is a thing of beauty. “What’s up, brother?” We give each other the half handshake, half backslap bullshit.

  “Not much, man—how are your girls?” The fool always smiles like a crazy person when you bring up his family.

  “They’re amazing. I swear when Charlie hears my voice she looks for me.” He shakes his head. “How a beautiful baby girl can shit the way she does is beyond me, though. I swear she smiles when she does it, especially if I change her.”

  I can’t wait to be a father. Fuck, I can’t—I’ll get there with her, I just need to keep proving that she can trust her heart with me. “Fatherhood looks good on you.” Sighing, I scratch the back of my head. “I wish this was more of a social visit, but do you have the info?”

  He grabs a manila folder from inside the car and then hands it to me. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  When I decided to go track down Shayla’s ex, it was more just to watch him and see what he was up to, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to send a message. I wanted him to know that I was done fucking around and I was done letting him put that look on Shayla’s face that I hate seeing: her brows furrowed, lines around her mouth.

  Reece hunted him down for me, so I know where to find him. He’s living in Waukegan, which is only about an hour away, so he’s close enough to be a pain in our asses. I’m worried he’s going to want to try and see Grant. I think it would kill Shayla if she had to share her son with the man who beat her.

  “He needs to know that he can’t fuck with us—that he can’t fuck with her. Technically we don’t have any proof to show a judge and get an order of protection, and she didn’t get one before since he’s left her alone until now.”

  “Whatever you do, be careful. You know I have your back if you need help hiding the body or bail money.”

  I give him a chin lift. “Thanks.”

  He takes off, and I climb into my Explorer and make the drive to Waukegan. I plug in his address and eventually reach a brick apartment building that looks like it could use a total makeover. The grass is overgrown and covered in weeds. The sidewalk is uneven, the cement cracked, and the door to get inside is wide open. Obviously they don’t care if someone just walks right in.

  The interior smells like a stale ashtray, and the carpet feels slightly sticky against my boots. What the fuck is that brown spot? I reach Ryan’s door and pound until I hear shuffling around.

  “What the fuck?” he says. It’s almost comical the way his eyes widen, and he tries to slam the door shut on me. Too bad I’m half a foot taller than him, and have a hell of a lot more muscle than him, too. “Get the fuck out of here,” Ryan snaps. Too bad I’m not listening to this piece of shit.

  After shoving my way in, I quickly scan the space. There’s a futon against the far wall, a TV, and a game console. On the kitchen counter are pizza boxes and empty beer boxes. “Nice place.”

  “Fuck you. I had a nice place until that bitch ruined my life.” I grab him by the throat, slamming him into the wall. His face turns red, and he struggles for a breath.

  I lean in close. “I want to know what your plan is. Tell me what you’re trying to do to Shayla.”

  Even though his face is reddish-purple, he still manages to smirk at me. “Fuck you!” He tries to spit on me, but I flip him so he’s facing the wall, slamming him extra hard because I fucking hate this guy.

  “Fuck me? No, it’s going to be a fuck you if you go near my family again.” They are my family, and this guy has no fucking claim to them.

  This guy starts laughing—he’s nuts. “I had her first. I broke her in for you.”

  Anger pours off me in waves as I think about the way he probably “broke” her in. I should’ve brought backup, because I want nothing more than to put my fist through his face. “Shut the fuck up.” I’m done with this fucking prick. I can’t take it anymore. Leaning in close, I
say, “If you don’t stay away from her, I will make you wish you were never born, and they’ll never find your fucking body.”

  I don’t wait for him to respond—I just turn around and walk out.


  We pull into my parents’ driveway and I throw it into park. Deciding for all of us to spend the weekend here was an easy decision. Gretchen and Grant can hang out together, but we’ll still be around just in case. It’s been three days since I paid Ryan a visit, and I’m feeling good about my decision to go tell him the what’s what.

  Tonight we’re just going to hang out, and tomorrow Shayla, my mom, and my sister are going for a ladies’ day, whatever the hell that means. Then we’re going out for dinner while Gretchen babysits Grant.

  Gretchen comes out in the craziest get-up: flannel pants, some of those UGGs, the hoodie I sent her when I was in the Marines. It’s so big it almost looks like a dress. I shake my head as she runs toward me, except she’s not running toward me, but right past me to the back door to get Grant out.

  “Uhh…excuse me, I’m the one that drove us here.” I do my best to sound deeply wounded.

  Gretchen turns around. “I’m sorry, big brother.” She walks to Shayla and gives her a hug. “Hey, Shayla.”

  We head inside and after greetings are exchanged, Grant carries his bag up to Gretchen’s room and I take our bags into the basement. When I come back up, my mom and Shayla are in the kitchen, peeling potatoes. God, this feels so fucking right. Shayla glows under the attention of my mom, and it makes me happy.

  Don’t get me wrong, my family isn’t The Brady Bunch—we fight, and I know through my teens I was a nightmare. I’m sure they were worried I was either going to end up in jail or get some girl pregnant. The Marines straightened me out a lot, and I got to see a lot of cool places while I was overseas.

  The kids come downstairs, and my mom calls Grant over. “Do you like chocolate chip cookies?”


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