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Wicked Burn (Free Falling Book 1)

Page 2

by McKenna Jeffries

  He moved across the living room and down the short hall to the front door. His niece blew a raspberry on his cheek as he opened the door.

  Sedeo laughed then his laughter stalled as he met the topaz gaze that had been haunting him.


  She’d been about to turn around and leave when the door opened. Yasmine found herself staring into those same damnable blue eyes that wouldn’t let her keep her distance, even though she knew it was the smart thing to do. In the second she saw them again, she realized how wrong she was. In person, his eyes were nothing like the photo. In real life, they were so much more. With a slight gulp, she dropped her gaze and took in the vision he presented.

  Sedeo Parker was one hell of a man. He wore a pair of faded blue jeans which fit his lower half, making her long to peel them off and find the hidden treasures beneath. A plain white tee-shirt molded snugly to his torso, highlighting the tan his skin still held. In one arm, he held the adorable child with cornflower blue eyes she’d met during the fateful night two months ago.

  Yasmine was at a loss for words, and for a brief moment, she stared between him and the child in his arms. She’d noticed the shock in his gaze when he’d realized who it was on the other side of the door.

  “Hi,” she blurted. Great, Yas. Now he’s gonna think you’re a fool. “I don’t know if you remember me. I was one of the firefighters…” She trailed off, biting her tongue.

  As he continued to watch her silently, she shifted uncomfortably. Unable to stand the quiet, she spoke again, “My name is Yas. Yasmine Van Cort.” Lame Yas. Real lame. Do what you came here to do and leave with some dignity. “I-I’ve been meaning to get this back to you. Sorry, it took so long.” She held out the envelope holding the photo.

  She stared at his long, thick fingers as he grasped the end of the paper. Is it really so wrong to find a man’s hands attractive? The sound of surprisingly clear babbling filled her ears, and she snapped back to attention to find the little girl leaning out past Sedeo toward her, arms outstretched, her intentions very clear.

  “Hold me,” the child finally demanded.

  “What’s her name? She speaks very clearly for someone so young,” Yasmine asked as she brushed two knuckles along the baby-soft cheek.

  “Shelby. She only looks small. She’s actually twenty-one months old,” he responded. Sedeo tried to readjust her, but Shelby yelled and reached for Yasmine again.

  “Hold me,” Shelby said again, a stubborn note in her voice.

  “I don’t mind holding her,” Yasmine informed him.

  “She usually doesn’t like strangers,” he said, caution in his tone.

  “Technically, I’m not a stranger. Right, Miss Shelby?” She smiled at the lovely child.

  There was obvious reluctance to let Shelby go, but he did eventually and soon, she held a happy, chattering youngster in her arms. Shelby had one hand wrapped around a lock of her hair, as she carried on a one-sided conversation with herself. It was cute and endearing. She was talking so fast Yasmine could only make out a few words.

  “Would you like to come in?” Sedeo asked, running a hand through his shaggy hair.

  Holding Shelby, Yasmine moved by him and inside the house, her senses swarming with the same mixture of vanilla and sandalwood she recalled from the night they met. And her body reacted the same way, bringing her attention to the fact it had long been ignored. Tightening her grip on Shelby, she waited for Sedeo to shut the door and followed him into the living room. A small smile turned up the corner of her lips as she took in the chaos on the floor.

  “I must have interrupted playtime,” she said lightly.

  He flashed a grin which affected her heart as well as her breathing. Get a grip, Yas. You’re here to make sure he...I mean… the baby is doing well. She was happier than she cared to admit to discover he actually was taking care of the child.

  “Playtime,” Shelby chortled as she struggled to get down.

  Yasmine helped, and watched her run to her blocks and begin to rebuild whatever used to be there. Suddenly, the mood in the room changed. Without the baby to hold and keep almost as a barrier between them, Yasmine felt exposed. Turning her head, she noticed Sedeo kept staring at her, almost as if he were trying to make up his mind about her. But in the depths of those killer eyes of his, something else smoldered. Something hot and primal. Spears of sexual frustration roared through her, and she jerked her gaze from his and stared down at the child still chatting away happily.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” His question came on a sensual timbre which again, took her mind down a road it shouldn’t be going on.

  “Water would be great. Thanks.”

  Crouching down beside Shelby, Yasmine allowed her eyes to follow his swagger as he left the living room to head for the kitchen. The jeans he wore only highlighted what the good Lord gave him. Yanking her gaze from him, she looked around his house. While it was messy, yes, there was still a very nice look to it. The furniture was very impressive.

  “Here you go.”

  Yasmine glanced up and bit back a moan as her eyes traveled up the man before her. Damn! In one outstretched hand, he held a bottle of water. As she reached out to take it, a few droplets of condensation rolled down the plastic. Images of sweat moving down his skin filled her mind’s eye. Swallowing rapidly, she took the offered bottle and smiled before turning her attention back to the little girl lost in her own world. “Thank you.”

  Her moment of reprieve ended when he crouched down on the other side of Shelby, placing himself back in her line of sight. She stared at his hand as he picked up a block and rolled it around with his fingertips. He has such large, strong hands. Uncapping her water, Yasmine took a much-needed swig of the cool beverage. As the liquid ran down her throat, she glanced across to the man playing with Shelby. His intense gaze was focused on her throat, and despite the coolness inside, another wave of heat engulfed her.

  The ringing of a phone brought his head up. “Excuse me,” he muttered as he got to his feet and walked to the phone. “Hello.” A heavy sigh left him as he shoved a hand through his hair again. He stared down at Shelby before meeting her gaze, a question in his eyes.

  She nodded her understanding and took total advantage of watching him head up the hall into a room where the door closed with a decided click. “Well, Miss Shelby,” Yasmine said as she placed the capped water bottle on the floor. “Looks like it’s just you and me for a while. What are we doing here?”

  Bright blue eyes sparkled as Shelby handed her some blocks. She babbled before batting thick lashes and pointing at the wobbling structure.

  “Got it, we’re building.”

  For a while, she helped Shelby build and knock down things only to turn around and rebuild them. The child was totally adorable, and her laugh was highly infectious. Getting to her feet, Yasmine glanced around the living room. In a far corner sat a large toy chest with Shelby’s name carved into the front panel. It was beautiful, with scalloped edges and scrolled designs. This must have taken hours to create. Glancing back at Shelby, Yasmine smiled as the child continued to play contentedly on the floor.

  Without a second thought, Yasmine began to straighten up. It was painfully obvious that while Sedeo Parker loved his niece, she was running him ragged. It didn’t take too long, and the living room was spotless except for the soft cars and blocks Shelby continued to play quietly with.

  Casting a glance down the hall, she wondered where he was. “I hope nothing’s wrong,” she murmured.

  “Unca Seddy sleepin’,” Shelby said on a roll of laughter.

  The innocent phrase brought to Yasmine’s mind images she shouldn’t be thinking about. She looked down the hall at the door of the room he’d disappeared into, wondering if she should go and knock. Without much debate, she decided against it. She would wait a while and see if he came out before checking on him. Good thing I don’t have anything planned.

  “I see. Well, let’s let him sleep. You and I can play.�

  “Play,” Shelby agreed, patting the floor beside her.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  Time flew by as she played with the adorable little girl.

  At one point, when Shelby was well occupied, Yasmine moved down the hall and stopped before a closed door. Knocking lightly, she cracked it open and peeked inside. Her breath caught in her throat. Sedeo lay sprawled on his bed, dead to the world. Low snores reached her.

  The sunlight shone across the room and caressed him gently as he slept. It highlighted his hair and the butterscotch tone of his skin. Up and down his chest moved, and Yasmine had to physically stop herself from progressing further into the room. She longed to stretch out beside him, rest her head upon his shoulder, and bury her face into the side of his neck, and see where the embrace led. One muscled arm rested above his head, and she licked her lips before backing out of the room and closing the door as softly as she had opened it.

  What am I getting myself into? What happened to keeping my distance? I should wake him and leave before I get any more involved than I already am. Despite the inner commentary running in her mind, Yasmine Van Court didn’t follow through. She didn’t leave and she didn’t wake him. Instead, she decided to care for his niece while the ruggedly handsome Sedeo Parker slept a few feet away from her on a large king-sized bed.

  Sedeo woke with a start. Panic filled him as he bolted upright in bed. “Shelby!” he gasped.

  A quick look down told him he still wore what he’d dressed in this morning. Running a hand across his eyes, he got up and yanked open the door. The house was deathly quiet and fear settled into the pit of his stomach. Yasmine might have assured him she wasn’t a stranger, but she was—a stranger he’d left unattended with his niece. Cursing himself and praying, he bolted across the hall to Shelby’s room. He found her crib empty. Goosebumps darted across his skin, despite the warmth of the day.

  Spinning on his heels, he headed to the living room and froze. It was spotless. Not a single toy lay on the thick gray carpeting. Staring towards the divider between the kitchen and living room, he noticed it was spotless as well. But still no baby. A light bubbly laugh reached him and yanked his gaze to the door leading to his backyard. Moving with haste to the sliding glass door, he stared out and felt his knees shake in relief.

  Shelby was running around, playing on the toys she had outside. And watching over her was Yasmine. This time, something else responded and he hesitated before going out the door. Staring at his guest, he was again taken in by how beautiful she was. Her skin seemed even darker since he’d last seen her. It was obvious the sun loved her and vice versa. She wore white shorts and a light green tee-shirt. The darkened hue of her skin blended in beautifully with her clothing.

  The desire to see how long her hair was filled him again. Today it was gathered up in some kind of clip which left pieces hanging around her face. Is it as soft as it looks? He groaned as her tongue snuck out to lick her full lips, and his body responded with a jolt. The image of laying her across the table she sat at filled him, and his cock swelled in anticipation. Would she taste as wonderful as I think she will?

  He recalled how she’d smelled as she moved past him when she arrived. It was a faint hint of lily of the valley, bergamot, and jasmine combined with amber musk, and a slight hint of sandalwood. Not overwhelming or strong, instead it called to him to see if she smelled the same everywhere.

  The smile fell from his face as he realized his attraction to Yasmine was growing by leaps and bounds. She seemed so content with Shelby, and the fact his niece had taken to her so easily made him take extra notice. Shelby was usually very shy and reserved, so her reaction to Yasmine made his mind imagine things like family gatherings, dinner, and more, with him and Yasmine starring in the role of parents.

  The throb of his body left him wanting to explore things with Yasmine. The guilt he felt, however, in imagining himself as Shelby’s parent, floored him. Anger rushed to the surface. He jerked his gaze away from the temptation she presented. Sedeo stared out at the stretch of ocean beyond the fence he had installed when Shelby was born. Usually it calmed him, but not today.

  Why does the thought of this woman make me feel this way? He didn’t deserve to experience these kinds of feelings. There were more important things to dwell upon. How to keep his niece, prove he was more than capable to handle raising her, and not lose the last link to his sister.

  Opening the door, he stepped out onto the smooth wooden porch. The heat from the summer sun warmed him instantly, while the salty scent of water wafted in the air, filling his nose.

  Shelby looked up at him as she ran around with a toy in her hand and smiled. “Unca Seddy!”

  Returning her grin, Sedeo watched as Yasmine jumped and turned to face him.

  “Hey,” she said almost shyly.

  “Hey, yourself,” he responded, moving down the steps and stopping beside her. “Sorry about that.”

  Her honeyed skin seemed to take on a blush under his intense stare. Why is she embarrassed? His eyes lingered upon her lips, and again, the urge to taste them entered his mind. Forcing his gaze back to Shelby, he tried to rope his feelings back under control. Why am I feeling so confused when it comes to her?

  “You were tired. You don’t know me well, so you shouldn’t have left me alone with her.”

  Her tone was matter-of-fact, but he heard the censure in it. His respect for her increased and he nodded, agreeing with her. It was a careless, not to mention dangerous, thing he had done. The call had been from Kali, confirming the project he was working on would be delivered on time. Fatigue had overcome him and he sat on the bed. The next thing he knew he was waking up with no clue where Shelby was.

  “I hope I wasn’t too forward in cleaning and bringing her out here.”

  “No, that’s fine. She loves it out here. I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to talk you into taking her swimming. She loves the water.” Sedeo sat upon the table top and glanced down at her. “So, tell me, Yasmine, a bit about you.” Married? Engaged? Dating? Will you let me kiss you?

  A gentle smile filled her features. “She did try to talk me into it, but I didn’t think it was a good idea without your permission. Not much to tell, really. I’m pretty much a what-you-see is what-you-get kinda girl.”

  She stretched her legs out in front of her, and he admired the lean strength he saw in them. The image of them wrapped around his midsection as he thrust in and out of her body flashed before him. Would she scream, or is she a silent lover?

  Jumping off the table, Sedeo walked away from the delectable temptation sitting there. His mind wasn’t helping his libido in any way. A sound behind him caused him to turn, and he watched her stand and smooth her hands down her thighs.

  “I should get going.” She waved a hand past her shoulder. “I have some errands to run.”

  Something deep inside of him wanted to ask her to stay. Shoving it back, Sedeo picked up his niece and headed to where Yasmine stood. “Thank know, for everything,” he said.

  Her tongue slipped out and wet her lips. “No problem. She’s a little angel.” Yasmine reached out toward him and, at the last moment, touched Shelby’s cheek. “Goodbye,” she whispered.

  When she began walking toward the door that led inside the house, Sedeo was swarmed by the urge to grab her and pull her into his embrace. “Let me walk you out,” he muttered.

  Long strides put him at the door before her and Sedeo inhaled deeply as she slipped past him. His eyes lingered on the gentle sway of her hips encased in the tight white material of her short shorts. Determined to ignore his body’s reaction to her, he dropped his gaze to the floor and slowly moved up her lithe form.

  Damn, damn, and double damn! Absently, he placed Shelby on the floor, and she headed for the toy chest while he followed Yasmine to the front door. He reached around her as her hand landed on the handle, and for a moment, she was trapped between him and the smooth surface of the door. Lowering his head, Sedeo allowed himsel
f a moment of indulgence. He could see the slight shudder she tried to contain as his warm breath flowed across the back of her neck. With his free hand, he touched some of the strands of her hair that had escaped confinement. Biting the inside of his cheek to keep his groan of satisfaction quiet, he closed his eyes and dropped the silken hair.

  “Goodbye, Yasmine,” he murmured into her ear.

  Her body tensed slightly before she opened the door. Without looking back, she headed down the steps and to a truck. He stared after her until her vehicle vanished from view. Closing the door, he immediately searched for and found Shelby playing with her toys. Sedeo moved to the envelope Yasmine had given him and smiled as his gaze landed upon the return address.

  “Until we meet again,” he muttered to the air.

  “I can’t believe I was so stupid!” Yas berated herself as she drove home. “Why would I think it would be a smart thing to actually go see him? And under the pretense of dropping off the picture. I could have mailed it,” she wailed.

  Shaking her head in dismay, Yasmine headed toward the grocery store to grab a few things for the rest of her day off. Even as she and her Irish Setter Rufus took their evening run, her mind lingered on the fine-ass image of Sedeo Parker.

  “I just need to get laid,” she muttered as she refilled Rufus’ dish and drank some water herself.

  Her dog woofed as if in agreement before he lay down on his bed.

  “No comments from the peanut gallery there, pup,” she admonished him lightly.

  She spent the night curled up on the couch watching an old black-and-white movie before she drifted off.

  Despite her desire to go back and see him, Yasmine refused to allow herself to do so. Instead, she kept busy at home and with work. As days turned into weeks, it became easier to not return, or at least that’s what she told herself. The fact Sedeo had taken up residence in her dreams was more than enough to warn her away from him during waking hours. He was a distraction she didn’t need.


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