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Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads

Page 89

by Nicole Morgan

  Frank stopped eating long enough to look intrigued. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” Quinn brought Dee’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “For the authentic experience, you two try to relax, immerse yourselves in the experience.”

  “Are we’re going SCUBA diving?” Dee guessed.

  “Stop being so literal.” He smiled, shaking his head. “Just wait for it. What I’m saying is, after we get details from the driver, our work is finished. All the rest is fun. This evening we’ll need to split up briefly to write up our reports. Include potential improvements to my tour, jot down marketing strategies.”

  “My man’s a real stickler for the rules, isn’t he?” Frank noted, darting a gaze between Quinn and Dee.

  “Yes, thank goodness.” Dee beamed.

  “You two make quite the team,” Frank murmured.

  “On today’s tour,” Quinn said, “it was relatively easy to add one more passenger.”

  The cab dropped them off at a small dock where a large white catamaran waited. Quinn smiled down at her when Dee linked fingers with his. “I was close,” she whispered. “Snorkeling, right?”

  “Welcome aboard the Aloha Tryst,” the captain announced with a flourish, introducing himself and two crew members who handed them aboard. “We’re about to embark on an exciting snorkel adventure.”

  “I was waiting for him to say,” Dee whispered to Quinn, “a three-hour tour.”

  “Shhh,” Quinn hissed. “Pay attention. There’ll be a quiz later.”

  The crew untied the boat from the dock while the three passengers settled themselves on a padded bench with Dee in the middle.

  The captain eased his boat away from the dock, then picked up speed as they moved farther from the shore. Donning a headset, he spoke into a microphone so they could hear him over the roar of the motor.

  “Aloha and welcome to, what we hope will be, the ultimate dolphin experience.”

  Dee gasped and grabbed Quinn’s arm.

  “We’re always excited to welcome Dolphin-aware tourists to Kauai,” he continued. “Let me tell you a little about our local pods, we’ll review the rules, then we’ll get wet and hopefully you’ll meet some Hawaiian dolphins.”

  The captain explained that dolphin research was ongoing in Hawaii. The scientists believed the Spinner Dolphin pods hunted at night, away from shore.

  “Since we could be disturbing their rest period, we’ll switch to sail as we get closer. Then only spend a limited amount of time in the cove and in the water. If we’re lucky enough to see a pod, I’ll drop anchor. You three go quietly into the water from the back platform.”

  Dee raised her hand. “Any chance we’ll see Bottlenose dolphins?”

  “A very good chance. They seem to like swimming in bays and nearer to the shore. They’re very curious, playful, and will approach swimmers. The rules say to maintain a 50-yard distance, wait for the dolphin to approach you. If that happens, you can tread water or continue swimming in the same direction.”

  Quinn loved seeing the excitement on Dee’s face. Whatever her expression, the woman was sexy as hell. Today could be the experience of a lifetime.

  As the catamaran followed the perimeter of the island, they played with the flippers and snorkels. The captain pointed out landmarks, repeated Hawaiian legends, and entertained them. As they approached a large inlet, one of the crew, positioned on the bow with powerful binoculars, shot his arm in the air. The captain pulled off his headset and cut the engine. The three sailors scrambled to switch to sail. Soon, the wind tugged at the catamaran, and it slid silently through the water toward the center of the cove. The anchor made a splash, followed by quiet.

  In the silence, the captain joined them near the diving platform. “Spinners,” he said in a whisper. “Keep your voices low; splashing to a minimum. Do not swim under them. We’ll be filming so you’ll have digital memories to take home. Have fun.”

  Frank went in the water first and turned to help Dee. When they were all together, the captain leaned over and pointed, “Swim, slow and steady, toward that rock formation. Stop before you reach it, at a point about 60 yards out.”

  As they swam, Quinn kept Dee in his peripheral vision. Before they reached the designated stopping point, a gray shadow streaked past him. Startled, he stopped. Bringing his head up, he found Dee treading water. Frank had stopped several feet ahead.

  Moments later, multiple fins broke the surface around them. “Hold still,” Dee commanded in a low voice. “Frank, stay where you are.”

  The captain had explained that the Spinners were shy. Quinn watched Dee adjust her mask and put her face in the water. Following her example, he could make out the slender shapes circling and crisscrossing below them. It seemed the dolphins were checking them out. Deciding if they wanted to leave or come closer.

  Two smaller dolphins approached from his side. They rose closer to the surface, on a trajectory to cross right in front of Dee.

  He tried to catch her attention with a hand signal. When she noticed him and them, they were within her reach. Breaking the surface practically in her face, they took in air and dove.

  A deep rumbly laugh escaped him when he saw the look of pure joy on her face.

  The pod seemed fascinated with Dee. They swam close enough to Frank and he that Quinn was happy with his experience. But they concentrated on Dee. By the time the captain whistled, signaling them to swim back to the boat, she was talking softly to them and had given names to a few of her most persistent admirers.

  Helping Dee onto the boat, Quinn realized she was shaking. One of the crew wrapped her in big towels, topped with a blanket. “Capt’n says to keep Miss Dee bundled up. She’s reacting to the excitement combined with too long in the water. We’re getting her hot tea.”

  Quinn sat on the padded bench, Dee curled in his lap. “Oh, my god, Eddie,” she said between chattering teeth, “That was awesome…the most exciting… did you see…how close they got?”

  “You bet I did.” He rubbed her arms and legs with a brisk motion. “Are you getting warmer, honey?”

  “It was a struggle not to touch them. They’re so beautiful.” Tears rolled down her face. Ducking into the crook of his neck, she cried softly.

  The captain put his crew in charge of weighing anchor, and setting sail while he made his way to the stern. “Are you okay, Miss Dee?”

  She raised her head. “I’m fine, wonderful. Happy tears. I didn’t realize how cold I was.”

  “Let you stay in the water too long. I couldn’t believe it. We need to bring you along on every cruise. You, beautiful lady, are a dolphin magnet. They love you. We’ll leave slowly, see if the pod wants to say good-bye.”

  Over the captain’s shoulder, Quinn saw a large Spinner Dolphin leap from the water, twist his slender body three or four times, and dive back beneath the surface.

  “Like that?” he asked, pointing.

  “That’s it.”

  “Is your camera still recording?” Quinn mentally crossed his fingers.

  “Yes, sir.” More dolphins twisted above the water. “We’ll get it all, including this last part.”

  * * *

  AFTER THEY WERE UNDERWAY, with everyone dried off, they reapplied sunscreen, guzzled water, and munched on fresh fruit and salty snacks. The captain spoke through his headset.

  “Next stop is the secluded beach. It’ll take us a while to get there but you’ll find the trip is worth it. Kipu Kai Beach is a totally isolated. A shoreline located at the foot of the mountains on our island’s southeast side. There’s a road leading to the beach, but it’s privately owned. The beach itself is a soft sand crescent with lush cliffs on three sides.”

  “That sounds romantic.” Frank finished his soda.

  “We can arrange to drop off a couple for a few hours or a full day,” the captain said.

  Squinting in the tropical sun, Dee put on her sunglasses. “How does that work?”

  “We provide a small camping toilet becaus
e there are no restroom facilities. On calm days, Kipu Kai is a wonderful spot for swimming and we bring snorkeling equipment and a big picnic basket. Today, we’re just looking.”

  When Dee pressed herself to Quinn’s side, he tightened his arm around her. Her lips to his ear, she whispered, “I like the sound of that.”

  His entire body stiffened.

  “Eddie,” she breathed, “Imagine us spending the entire day, naked on a secluded beach.”

  He was instantly hard as a rock.


  In the early evening, after she’d cleaned up and finished her report, DeAnna called Quinn to invite him and Frank to join her for a pre-dinner drink on the balcony of her suite.

  Frank arrived at her door toting two bottles of wine. Quinn was right behind him with a pu pu tray.

  “Thank you, guys,” she said, “very thoughtful.”

  Frank poured the wine and sat in a rattan chair across from where she sat with Quinn on the matching loveseat. He gave the two of them a half-smile. “Have to tell you, buddy, it was driving me nuts listening to the old man rave about how much he loves you. He and his staff are eating up these reports.” He took a mouthful of wine. Glanced from Quinn to her, then back to Quinn.

  “Now,” Frank said, “I realize it’s a reflection of Dee he really loves.”

  “Whatever makes you feel better,” she retorted, curling up the corner of her mouth.

  Frank zeroed in on her. “Tell me again, who do you work for?”

  “Back off,” Quinn snapped.

  “Thank you,” she said to Quinn. “I’ve got this.” With a penetrating look at Frank, she said, “There is no again. I never told you who I work for. Now, let’s change the subject.”

  “One more question.”

  She scowled at Frank, about ready to tear her hair out. Or his. “What?”

  “Would you consider an offer to work for Whitney Group Investments? Dad says he’s willing to pay top dollar for talent like yours.”

  Quinn had one eyebrow arched.

  She took a deep, calming breath. Looking at this from a certain angle, it could be considered a compliment. “Please thank your father for me. But we all know he’s been reading Quinn’s reports, not mine. Therefore, he should be offering Quinn a position, not me. Hiring me wouldn’t be fair to your dad or the Whitney Company.”

  “I’ll pass the word along,” Frank said with a brief nod. “But let me warn you, I know you’re talented. Also, we Whitney’s don’t take no for an answer. The old man won’t give up easily.”

  Quinn raised his wine glass. “Where are we going for dinner?”

  Frank downed the remainder of his wine. “Got a hot date with a flight attendant I met on the plane coming here.” He rose, gave them a roguish smile. “You two have fun tonight.”

  Walking across the suite, he was already on a call, his phone pressed to his ear. From the middle of the room, he paused and said over his shoulder, “Don’t wait up, you two. See you at breakfast.”

  The minute the main door clicked closed, Quinn took her wine and set both their glasses on the table. “I thought he’d never leave.” Sliding his arm around her shoulder, he leaned close.

  Dodging his mouth, she said, “Wait one minute. Did you two decide on your itinerary for the remainder of the week?”

  Quinn’s lips danced across her jaw and nibbled at the sensitive skin below her ear. “Mmm, I tried. Frank kept skirting around it. I don’t know what his plans are.”

  “You know, if you need to—”

  “Stop.” His head came up, his face stern. “I want you and I to continue going on tours, checking out places together. After I instructed the butler to include Frank, she left a new schedule. Which he didn’t share.” Quinn kissed the tip of her nose.

  “You think we should continue to go along day to day?”

  “Exactly.” He rose to his feet, lifting her with him until she stood in front of him. “Time to relocate.”

  Before they could go anywhere, his lips settled on hers. For a few brief moments, the kiss was gentle. With only a subtle hint of the seduction to follow.

  Quinn groaned and pulled her tighter into his arms. DeAnna’s body responded. Need, demanding and ruthless, consumed her. Pressing her body to his, she plunged her tongue into his mouth. Tightening her arms around his neck, she tried to climb him.

  He matched her demand for demand. The kiss turned hot, deep, and wet. His tongue ravaged hers. Teeth nipped, playful and borderline painful. Yes.

  “More,” she groaned.

  His hands jerked at the hem of her blouse. She pulled her mouth away long enough for the garment to go up and over her head. Followed by his shirt.

  “Inside,” she gasped, stumbling backward, and she fumbled to unfasten the waistband of his board shorts. The fabric sagged open on his hips. He pulled out his wallet before both the shorts and his boxers dropped to the floor. Tossing aside her bra, he stepped them both over the pile of clothing.

  “Hurry.” She wiggled out of her shorts and panties. When they were gone, she rose up on tiptoe. With little jump, she wrapped her legs around his waist. “The bed.”

  “Too far. Couch.”

  They half fell, half collapsed onto the living room sofa. Quinn raised his head, pierced her with a look. “Don’t move.”

  He slapped his wallet onto the table, slid out a condom packet. “Been dreaming all day about getting you alone.” Grabbing her wrists, he pushed her arms above her head. Kneeling between her spread legs, he rolled on protection. “My turn first.”

  Leaning forward, Quinn kissed her until her toes curled. She could barely breathe when his open mouth moved across her cheek, and paused to lick and tease the sensitive skin under her ear. His fingers slid down her neck and circled one tight, aching nipple.

  “Yes,” she moaned, arching her back. He tugged and massaged her breast while her lower body throbbed with each tug, desire pulsing deep inside her.

  His mouth moved lower, leaving a wet trail to her other breast. Quinn’s tongue circled her neglected nipple, and made her squirm. Moving the hard peak of flesh into his mouth, he sucked hard.

  “Oh yes.”

  His fingers trailed across her abdomen and her thigh muscles quivered. Dipping one hand between her legs, he stroked her. When his mouth started to follow, she grabbed for his head. “Not this time.”

  “Eddie, inside me. Now.” She tugged on his shoulders until he eased up and over her. Arching her hips, she offered herself. “Deep.”

  He thrust deeply. “Perfect,” she groaned.

  “You are,” he whispered. “Crazy about you.”

  When he began to move, she locked her ankles at his back and moved with him. And loved his weight pressing on her.

  “Eddie. Oh my god.” Every muscle in her body tensed as the orgasm gained strength. Heat rocked through her.

  “Yes, now,” he gasped. “Right now.”

  They moved together, until pleasure consumed them. And together, they shuttered with the release.

  It left her boneless, mindless. Stroking his head, she tried to regain her breath.

  * * *

  WHEN THEY FINALLY MOVED TO the bedroom, DeAnna cuddled against Quinn and sighed with contentment. He was sprawled flat on his back, one arm behind his head while the other stayed tightly wrapped around her.

  “I think we missed dinner,” he murmured to the ceiling.

  “There’s always room service.”

  “About what I said…you know…during—”

  “Don’t worry.” Her voice was upbeat, while her heart took a nose-dive. He was back-tracking already. “Nobody listens to pillow talk.”

  “Well, you’d better listen. I said I’m crazy about you and I mean it. I’m not sure exactly what that means for the future. But we need to talk about how we can stay in touch…you know…after.”

  He seemed to run down, run out of words. Maybe it was just as well. She shouldn’t listen to any more from Olivia’s big brother until s
he told him everything

  The time had come to set the record straight with Major Quinn.

  “I have a confession to make.” Tipping her chin up, she watched his face. Next to her, his muscles tightened and Quinn braced himself.

  “I promised my boss, Mr. Martin. Gave my word I wouldn’t tell anyone my real name or the name of my employer—”

  “I remember.”

  “My real first name is Dee. DeAnna Drake. I’m one of your sister Olivia’s best friends and I know your fam—”

  “Holy shit.” He shot up in bed, almost clocked her in the chin. “You’re DeAnna?”

  “That’s me.”

  “The missing college roommate. My baby sister’s best friend. The one who disappeared last year.” His voice grew deeper with each word.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Some friend. My little sister has been worried sick about you. She begged me to contact you, make sure you’re okay. Damn it. I’ve been calling—”

  “I know. Your missed calls are on my phone. When I first arrived in Hawaii, I was embarrassed about the break-up with my ex. And how fast I left town. I avoided email for a week or so. I dreaded having to explain over and over. Then my job got so busy, I barely had time for anything. So—”

  “There’s no excuse for dropping off the planet. Ollie’s been frantic and—”

  “Quinn, please. Slow down for a minute. I’ve been e-mailing Ollie and several others all along. Short messages instead of long ones. No social media. You know your sister loves to dramatize things.”

  He sank back onto the pillow. “I can’t believe you’re Ollie’s little college friend.”

  Biting her lip, she welcomed the new topic. Here was something she could rag him about. And she led with attitude. “Little college friend? I’m far from little.”

  “That’s how I’ve always thought of you. In the sorority with my baby sister.”


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