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Tropical Tryst: 25 All New and Exclusive Sexy Reads

Page 194

by Nicole Morgan

  She felt the sweet swell of orgasm boiling in her loins, gathering at the base of her spine and traveling with the pumping of her blood to all parts of her body. Seth gripped her ass tightly and her body responded, breaking to his touch. Julia’s muscles contracted and her pussy spasm around his enormous erection as he continued to thrust in her, deep and fast. She arched her back and pushed her body toward him, the proof of her lust streamed out from between her legs. Julia let out a scream, but Seth covered her mouth with his and swallowed it whole in a deep, passionate kiss.

  “I can’t hold back,” Seth said. His voice was deep and gravelly with a hunger and desire. He pushed himself up on his arms, hovering over her, slowing his pace slightly.

  Julia reached up with both hands, pushed his damp hair from his face, and wrapped her legs around his back. “Don’t,” she said through her heaving breaths. “Don’t hold back.” Julia looked deep into Seth’s eyes. “Take me. Take me now.”

  Seth obliged her. He thrust deep and fast, giving her the full length of his penis with each plunge inside. Julia put her head back and called out as a second orgasm grew quickly, a feeling so intense it bordered pain. Digging her heels into the back of Seth’s thighs, she moaned again and again, the pleasure sweeping over her body like the waves of the ocean that had once been their backdrop.

  Moments later, Seth moaned out, driving a final before his body stiffened and stilled, slowly lowering until his damp skin made contact with hers. Julia listened to his quickened breath in her ear, feeling his chest press into her body. She could feel his heartbeat, rapid and strong, against her breast. Seth rested his head on her chest, and she ran her hands through his hair.

  Seth lifted his head and kissed Julia, slow and tender, caressing her cheek with his hand before rolling off and lying beside her on the bed. Turning to his side, he propped himself up on his elbow and stared at Julia.

  She slowly turned to meet his gaze. “What?” she said.

  “That was unexpected,” he said. “Great, but unexpected.”

  “I know,” she said. She turned to her side, facing him, caressing his arm. “I just wanted to be with you one last time before you left.” Dammit. I’m not a good liar. But I can’t tell him the truth. I can’t tell him I like him. Cause I don’t like him. I’m just attracted to him. I’m confusing lust for love. This is just a fling.

  Julia looked into Seth’s eyes, and what she saw nearly devastated her. In the depths of his beautiful blue eyes, she saw a mixture of tenderness and fear, swirling in a pool or admiration and wonder. She saw the emotions she was feeling deep inside her heart, her soul. Was he reflecting her feelings back at her, or was he feeling the same way?

  Seth continued to stare at Julia. She wanted to break away, but couldn’t. Can he see it in my eyes? Am I falling for him? Or am I just clinging to the first guy who made me feel good?

  “You’re beautiful, Julia,” Seth said. He leaned in and gave her another sweet kiss. Her name on his tongue pulled at her heart. She swallowed hard, hoping to keep the emotional dam in place long enough to make a clean exit.

  “You’re sweet,” she replied, kissing him lightly on the lips. He gets laid, and I get what I need from him – that’s all it is. “And thank you.”

  “For what?” Seth runs his hand down her curvy hip.

  “You’ve done more for me during this vacation than I could ever explain to you.” She touched his face, gave him a smile, and pushed herself up from the bed. “Let’s just say that you helped me put the last pieces of a very hard puzzle back together.” Julia grabbed her clothes off the floor and moved toward the bathroom.

  “Glad I could help,” Seth said. “And I love puzzles.”

  Of course you do.


  “I really feel bad that we didn’t spend more time together,” Julia said. She rubbed sunscreen on her arm as she reclined on a beach lounge chair, the hot sun beating down on her barely sun-kissed, ivory skin. “It was supposed to be a girlfriends’ getaway.”

  “Yeah,” Wendy added. “Sorry I skipped out on you guys the last couple days.”

  “Okay,” Grace said. “Listen up.” She sat at the end of the row of chairs and leaned forward so she could see everyone. “Stop apologizing. We told you to go and have fun and we meant it. The only way I’m going to be pissed about it is if you tell me the sex was bad.”

  Wendy and Julia looked at each other. A smile came across both their faces. “Not me,” Wendy said.

  “Nope,” Julia said, chuckling.

  “Okay then,” Grace said. She reclined back on her chair, moving her shoulders and legs to get in a comfortable position. “Then shut the hell up, tell me about the sex so I can fantasize about it later and we’ll call it even.” A roar of laughter took over the small group of women.

  Wendy shared the detail about her two-night sex marathon with Seth’s friend, causing lots of sighs and moans of jealousy from the others. “It was hot, dirty,” she said. “And I’m not ashamed to admit it girls,” Wendy took a sip of her tall pink drink with little green umbrella. “I used him like a battery-operated toy.” More laughter from the girls, and shy smiles and blushing from the two waiters holding their next round of drinks.

  “So what about you, Julia,” Mia asked. “How was prince chaming?”

  Julia put her head back and closed her eyes behind her dark sunglasses. She touched her stomach, the butterflies fluttering at the thought of Seth. “He was good,” she said, a small reverberation in her voice. “He was so good. He was sweet, and gentle, but then rough and passionate –”

  “Which did you like better?” Deb asked. She turned to face Julia. “What was your favorite?” She leaned in closer and sipped on her oversized frozen concoction.

  “Would you believe that we had sex standing up?” Julia took a long drink of a drink in a tall glass with a pineapple attached at the rim.

  “What? He did the wall thing?” Deb said, her eyes wide.

  “Yep.” Julia bit her bottom lip thinking about it. “He picked me up, put me against the wall, and fucked me until my legs were shaking.”

  The girls looked at each other, back and forth between them, and then let out a scream in unison. Julia covered her face and hung her head, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Oh, honey,” Wendy said, touching Julia’s arm. “That’s exactly what we hoped would happen.”

  “What?” She looked at Wendy with a confused expression. “That we’d have sex standing up?”

  “No,” Mia said. “That he’d fuck your brains out –”

  “And you’d have a great time,” Grace added. “So, did you?”

  Julia took a deep breath and let it out quickly. She looked out at the ocean, and watched the waves coming into shore, so peaceful, beautiful, and calming. “Yes,” she said. “Best time of my life.”


  “ Julia, you look great.”

  “The islands sure do agree with you.”

  “Wow, you’re glowing.”

  Returning to the office, Julia was flattered by all the compliments she received. Unlike Wendy, who enjoyed and relished the attention, Julia simply said thank you and continued on her way.

  She sat in her office staring at the files that had accumulated on her desk during her absence. Some things never change. She pulled one file off the stack and opened it, staring at the pages inside. Her mind wasn’t on her work, but was still in St. Lucia, in Seth’s arm, tasting his lips.

  Closing her eyes, Julia could hear the waves crashing onto the beach, and she could almost feel Seth’s hands on her skin. Her fingertips brushed her bottom lip as she remembered his kiss, his taste, his smell.

  Julia heard someone talking, but it’s not enough to stir her from her thoughts, her sensual memories of Seth.

  “Ms. Turner?” Kelly’s voice was louder the second time, jostling Julia to the present. “Ms. Turner, are you all right?”

  “Kelly!” Julia sat up straight in her office chair and shuff
led the pages from the file. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said. “Just haven’t had my coffee yet is all.” Wow, I’m getting way too comfortable with this bullshitting thing. “What can I do for you?”

  Julia fought to pay attention while Kelly dictated her messages, informing her of her schedule for the day, and let her know the latest office gossip.

  “And have you seen the new guy that’s taking Craig’s position in the Design department?” Kelly’s eyes lit up and she smiled so big she showed all her teeth.

  “No, I don’t think so,” Julia pushed one files off to the side and grabbed another. “Why?”

  “He’s so hot – like movie star hot.” Kelly put her hand on her chest and closed her eyes, letting out a big sigh.

  “Well let’s keep it in our pants.” Julia chuckled. “We don’t want to get a sexual harassment suit, do we?”

  Kelly scoffed. “Anyway,” Kelly looked down at the notebook cradled in her arm. “Mr. Dayson said he would be bringing him by to meet you. He says the two of you will probably be working together a lot. Oh, here they come.”

  Julia looked up from her desk and glanced out the window to get a look at the new guy. Kelly seemed so impressed with him. She caught sight of Mr. Dayson walking down the hallway, and she leapt from her chair, hitting the stack of files, pushing them into other items on her desk and knocking them to the floor. It can’t be. Can it really be him? Please don’t let this be a hallucination. Julia reached out in an attempt to catch the items, but only managed to knock over more, making the situation worse.

  Kelly held up her hands. “Stop, stop, stop,” she said. “Before you tear the whole office down. I’ve got it.” Julia turned around just as Mr. Dayson entered her office, with the new guy walking behind him.

  “And I’d like to introduce you to one of our top junior executives, Julia Turner,” Mr. Dayson said. His voice bolstering and bold. “As she handles most of our top clients, you’ll be spending a lot of time with this little lady. Julia, I’d like you to meet Seth Knight.”

  Julia tried to hide her shock and excitement, holding out her hand to greet the man who had haunted her thoughts just moments earlier. “Hello, Mr. Knight,” she said. She did her best to keep her tone professional and business-like. “It’s nice to meet you. Welcome to Dayson Enterprises.”

  Seth reached out and took Julia’s hand, grabbing it firmly. “Thank you,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  “Hope you had a good vacation, Julia,” Mr. Dayson said. “But it’s time to get back to work. We’ve missed you around here.” Mr. Dayson put his hand on Seth’s shoulder and urged him toward the office doorway. “Okay, Mr. Knight, let’s get you over to meet Tom. You’ll love Tom.”

  Julia’s mind was spinning. What the fuck? She watched Seth walk with Mr. Dayson, trying to figure out how the man she gave herself to, thinking she would never see him again, was just standing in her office. She turned to go back to her desk, but then immediately spun around and looked out the office of her window once again. What the fuck?

  “See?” Kelly said. Her tone dripping of confidence. “I told you. He’s hot.”

  Julia’s took a long deep breath and watched Seth walk back toward her office. He smiled the charming, sweet smile she remembered, and continued until he stood right in front of her.

  “I’m sorry to barge back in your office, Ms. Turner,” he said. Julia slowly let out the breath she realized she had been holding in. “I just wanted to tell you that I’ve heard great things about you, and I’m really looking forward to our working together. I think we’re going to be a great team.” Seth held out his hand to Julia again, and she reached out in kind. When she pulled back, Julia realized she was grasping the extra room key she’d given Seth at the hotel. She fought hard to hold back the giddy feeling, putting her hands against her sides.

  “Thank you,” Julia said. “I look forward to it, as well.”

  Seth walked out of Julia’s office and Wendy passed him, walking in. “Hey Julia, wasn’t that –”

  “Um, hey, Kelly,” Julia interrupted Wendy, holding up her hand and giving her a glaring look. “Could you go ahead and get on the Sheller’s report? I’ll need it before lunch.” Kelly gave Julia a confusing look. “I’m just trying to get a little ahead since I’m just getting back from vacation.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” Kelly said. “I can get it done by then.”

  “I’ll run down to legal and have them print out the forms we need signed. Wendy do you want to go down with me?” Julia put her hand on Kelly’s shoulder and coaxed her toward the door. “I really appreciate all your hard work.”

  Kelly smiled, put her shoulders back, and strutted to her desk. Julia grabbed Wendy’s arm and they headed toward the elevators.

  Wendy leaned over to her friend. “Isn’t that your prince charming?” she said, whispering into Julia’s ear.

  “Yes,” Julia said. Her heart was racing and her mind filled with the image of their last moments together – the look on his face, what she saw in his eyes, the feelings she had.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Wendy looked over her shoulder one way then the other to make sure no one was listening. “Did you tell him where you worked?”

  Julia chuckled. “No,” she said. “But apparently, he took Craig’s position in Graphics department. He did tell me he had two interviews.”

  “Mr. Destiny seems as apt a name now as Prince Charming.” Wendy covered her mouth with her hand. Julia’s mouth puckered, trying not to laugh.

  “Hello ladies,” Seth said, standing next to Julia. “Mind if I ride down with you. I guess I have to go down to HR.” He leaned against Julia, his fingers brushing against hers. Taking in his scent, she licked her lips and took a deep breath. Seth tilted forward to look around Julia. “Hello, Wendy. How are you?”

  “Hi,” Wendy said. “I’m good.” She looked at Julia and smirked. “But I just remembered something I have to do, somewhere else, that’s not here. So I’ll see you around, Seth.”

  The doors to the elevator opened and Seth motioned to Julia to go first. She nodded and boarded. Seth followed, pushing every button on the panel – this time there were only seven. As soon as the door closed, Julia pushed him against the wall and kissed him hard. Seth cupped her breast with one hand and grabbed her ass with the other.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, between their lips pressing together. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you. When I came in for my interview, I saw your name on the door, I couldn’t believe it.”

  “Wait,” Julia put her hands on his chest and pushed him back. “You knew I’d be here? That I worked here?”

  “Of course,” he said. “That’s why I brought you the room key.” He put his hand on her back and pulled her close, kissing the exposed skin on her chest. “And it was a perk that helped me make the decision to take the job.” The doors to the elevator opened. Julia quickly moved back and turned away, wiping her mouth. “No one’s there,” Seth said. He pushed the close door button repeatedly. The doors closed and he pushed her against the wall, pushing his pelvis against her hip. “I really did miss you,” he said.

  “Shut up and kiss me,” she ordered him. Julia took Seth’s tongue into her mouth, pulling his head close, fisting the back of his hair. Their embrace continued until the bell of the elevator doors opening broke them apart again.

  “So,” Seth said, standing in a corner of the elevator. “Is it safe to say that our summer fling isn’t over?”

  “No,” Julia responded. She watched the doors of the elevator close, slowly moving toward Seth. As the doors sealed, she pushed her body against his. “Our summer fling is definitely over.” Seth looked confused. Julia kissed his lips lightly. “If we’re going to do this,” she motioned back and forth between the two of them, kissing him again. “This is new. This is different. This isn’t a fling,” Julia kissed him, deeply this time. “We have a base to build on because of our time together this summer, but I don’t want this to be a con
tinuation of that. I want this to have the potential to be something more. Are you okay with that?”

  The door opened, she stepped back from Seth, standing against the far wall. No one got on. The door closed again. Seth rushed to Julia, putting one hand on her neck and pressing her against the wall. With his other hand, he slowly ran his fingertips up her thigh, kissing her lips. “Just tell me you want me and I’m yours.”

  Julia looked into his eyes, she thought about their time together, the things they had done, the experiences they had shared. She thought about the way she felt when she was with him, how she again felt like a beautiful, desired woman. Suddenly, she began to see herself with Seth in the city. Images flashed through her head – dinner at her favorite restaurant, walking in the park, making love on her back deck in the rain.

  Julia ran her hands over Seth’s chest. Do I want to do this? Do I really want to do this? She looked into his eyes and the words simply fell from her lips. “I want you, Seth,” she said. “I want you.”


  Carma Haley Shoemaker is a nurse, wife, and mother of three. Living in North Central Ohio, she fills her days with writing mixed-genre romances, Supernatural reruns, and playing her music loud enough to annoy the neighbors. While she does put her characters through many hardships, heartbreaks, and angst-filled moments, Carma believes in fast-love, true romance, and HEA endings.

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