The Graft
Page 22
“Frank, come on son, come over here and get on the sofa.” This was a privilege for the animal and usually he only got a prime seat in the house if nobody was about. Frank limped towards his owner like a soldier returning from war, his eyes were blood-shot and you could see his back legs were still in pain. Fortunately, the gash on his tummy had missed his vital organs but he’d had to have twenty stitches and was wearing one of those lampshades round his neck to stop him from picking at the wound.
Tony patted the space next to him and urged Frank to jump up. The poor animal was struggling, he didn’t have much energy and he was in too much pain to make it. Tony reached down and scooped him in his arms. Once he was next to him, Tony spoke into Frank’s ear. “You done good lad. You protected us and probably saved us from a good arse-kicking. From now on I’ll take you out more and every time I get my jobseekers allowance you can get a nice bit of steak for your tea. You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
Frank looked at Tony and probably thought the same as the rest of his family when he was promising stuff. If the dog could have talked, he would have told him to stop chatting shit. Frank knew more than anyone that the promise of steak was just another of Tony’s lies.
Jane popped round later that week. She went straight to Emily’s bedroom but paused as she was about to go in. She was frozen staring at the wooden door. Finally, with the palm of her hand she pushed the door open. Emily was awake and spotted her straight away. “What do you want? I suppose you’re here to tell me that you were right? Well, save your breath because I already know, so there.”
Jane was in no mood for drama, she wanted a friendly ear, someone to talk to. Her spirits were low and this usually confident girl was in bits. “Emily, I’ve not come here to argue. We have both been through some horrendous shit and I need you by my side so we can both get through this together.”
Emily sat up in bed and growled at Jane. “You left me. If you knew what was happening, why didn’t you come back for me. I would never have left you knowing what was going on. You’re just a selfish cow, like you’ve always been.”
Jane moved across the bedroom towards Emily. “It wasn’t like that. I would never have left you if I’d have known what was really happening. Those men drugged us, had sex with us. Not just you, me too. So you’re not the only one who’s going through shit here, it’s me too.”
Emily was rattled and anger filled her veins, rage pumping through her blood. “Oh, how did I know it would be about you. I loved Mark, I mean really, really, loved him with every bone in my body. You were just after a free ride with Omar, you weren’t in love like I was.”
Jane wasn’t standing for this, she needed to fight her corner. “Mark was coming onto me too. I never told you because I knew how much it would hurt you, but yes, he wanted to meet me when I was away from you.”
Emily ran at Jane and plunged her nails deep into her eyes. “You’re lying, you evil bitch, why would you say something like that?”
Jane was holding her own and she was getting the better of Emily who was still weak, “because, it’s true, you daft cow. You thought he loved you when he didn’t give a shit about you. I took photos of him kissing another woman in the car-park when you were in the pub, but I never sent them you because you would have dismissed it anyway. He’s fucking brainwashed you. He never loved you.”
Elsie and Tony came flying into the bedroom and pulled the girls apart. “Whoa, turn it in, you mental cases. You two are supposed to be friends. What are you fighting for?” Tony shouted.
Emily was gagging for breath and collapsed onto the floor as Jane straightened her hair. “I’ve told her the truth Tony; she can’t handle it.”
Emily was trembling from head to toe. And there it was, the truth had hit her in the face and knocked her for six. She lifted her eyes and they welled up with floods of tears. Emily broke down crying. “I know; don’t you think I know he never loved me.”
Jane wriggled free and went to her friend’s side and hugged her. “Don’t cry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for leaving you. I was scared, shitting myself in fact. But I come back for you. Ask your dad, I was terrified but still came and showed them where the house was.”
Tony nodded, “She did love, she was petrified and she still came with us. That’s a true friend, that is.”
Elsie shot a look at Jane. She wasn’t letting her off so lightly and still held a grudge, you could see it in her eyes. Emily let out a scream from the pit of her stomach like a wounded animal. There was so much pain leaving her body. Elsie ran to her side and pushed Jane out of the way, she put her arms around her daughter and rocked her gently. “You get it all out, go on girl, let it go and cry.”
This was all too much for Tony. How could he stand there and watch his own baby suffer like this? He needed to get out of here before he lost the plot. He booted the door open and smashed his clenched fist into the wall. “God help me; I’ll rip their fucking heads off when I get my hands on them.” Tony ran out of the house before he hyperventilated. He was in no mood for anybody today and God help anyone who crossed him. He was on the war path and somebody was getting hurt today without a shadow of doubt.
Tony scurried through the estate. He didn’t seem to know where he was going, he walked one way, then another. Finding a brick wall, he plonked down on it and cried his eyes out. The heavens opened as he lifted his head towards the sky. “Please, take this pain away. God, if you let her be alright, I’ll never do wrong again. Do what you want to me, but please help my girl. She’s innocent and doesn’t deserve this.” Tony’s heart was breaking. This was a father’s worst nightmare.
Tony had been sat on the brick wall for over half an hour. He was soaking wet and shivering. Looking around the estate he seemed to be going back over his life and the choices that he’d made. From the corner of his eye he spotted someone, and he gritted his teeth tightly together. Without a second thought Tony sprinted towards Mickey and ragged him all over the show. “You fucking Judas, you set me up, you double crossing twat.” In seconds Mickey was on the floor curled up in a tiny ball. Tony was dealing with this traitor alright, he was kicking and punching him like there was no tomorrow. If a passer-by hadn’t stopped him, he would have finished him off. Mickey was on the floor and barely moving. As Tony stood back, he screamed at his mate. “I thought you had my back, you scumbag. Don’t you ever darken my door again. Every time I see you, you should expect a good hiding. You may as well move from around here because I’ll let everyone know what you did. You’re a snitch, a rat, a grass, a fucking German.” This was bad news for Mickey, a few of the younger kids from the estate had heard what he’d just said and they were eyeballing the grass now. Tony started to walk away. His job was done here. He knew now that the word was out and Mickey wouldn’t last long on the estate, he was a marked man.
A grass.
Tina stood in the kitchen and gawped out of the window as the kettle boiled on the kitchen side. The steam was rising from the spout but she just twisted her head and looked at it. Elsie looked over at her and brought her back to planet earth. “Make a brew then instead of just watching the kettle boil.” Tina was still dressed in her pyjamas. There were dark circles under her eyes and she looked like she’d not slept properly. Tina grabbed two cups from the side and placed a spoonful of coffee in each of them. “Tina, I have two sugars, bleeding hell, get with it will you.”
Tina tried to snap out of. “I can’t think straight anymore. I’m on some tablets from the doctors and they just freak me out. It’s like I’m here but I’m not, if you know what I mean?”
Elsie went over to finish off making the cuppa. “Go on, sit down over there. I’ll make us the coffee. I’ll wait all bleeding day if I wait for you.”
Tina stumbled to the kitchen table and sat down. Her fingers ragged through her hair and you could see she was struggling today with her emotions. “I still can’t believe it. He seemed such a nice man. I thought he
was genuine. Everything about him was everything I was looking for. Why didn’t I see it? I’m not usually daft and I can normally smell a rat a mile away. God knows I work in a brass house I know this kind of men inside out.”
“They’re tricky fuckers Tina. They get you where they want you then pull you in. They’re professionals. The police said there were ten other girls there who they had working for them. Mark had pretended to love them but he just used every single one of them. I mean, how will they ever get over what he’s done to them? Our Emily is trying her best to cope, but I can see it in her eyes that she will never get over what them cunts did to her. The police said one of the girls called Lizzy has given evidence against Mark that will put him behind bars for a very long time. Personally, I would hang the lot of them. Prison is too good for them, they should string them up, every single one of them.”
“The police have had me down the station too. They wanted me to go over every detail. Do you know Alex is married and his wife lives in Cheshire? He’d set this up years ago with Jimmy The Chop and every time he was away from home his wife thought he was away on business. What a lying bastard. I feel for his wife. Imagine finding out that your husband is part of the sex trade, picking up young girls and drugging them so they will have sex with men. I feel sick inside every time I think about it.”
Elsie slid a hot drink over to her and sat down. “I’m dreading the trial. They’ve asked for Emily to give evidence by video link, but she said she wants to be there in the courtroom to say what she has to say to Mark. She wants to see him get sent down.”
Tina was alarmed. “Do you think that’s a good idea? She’s still only a baby. If you can keep her out of that courtroom, then I think that would be for the best. You don’t want her seeing him again, do you? It will just upset her even more.”
“Jane and Emily are adamant that they want to give their evidence in the dock, so I just have to go along with it.”
Tina placed her hands around the hot mug. “I’ll be taking the stand. I have no doubts about that. What they did was wrong and I want to make sure the lot of them rot in jail for it. The sooner it’s over the better for me. I can’t wait to put it all behind me and move on. I could have been homeless; I was giving everything up for Alex. I was leaving my home, this area, the lot.”
“Lucky escape if you ask me,” said Elsie. “I have to tell my dad what’s happened. I told you he came to see me, but I never mentioned anything about what had gone on. He wants me to bring the kids around to see him, but I’ve just been putting it off. I’ll have a word with Emily when I get home later. She’ll be happy that he’s been asking about her. She’s missed my parents. Every night for months she cried her eyes out when she left there. It was a big void in her life. I feel so guilty about it all. I didn’t see back then how much my kids would be affected by it all.”
Tina nodded and took a small sip from her mug. “We all fuck up in life, love. The thing is, you must put it behind you and learn by it. Life is one big lesson and we are all learning each and every day.”
Elsie shot a look over at her friend, this was one of the most sensible things she’d ever said to her since she’d known her. “I’m dreading seeing my mam. I can’t see her being as forgiving as my dad. He said she’s looking forward to seeing me but somehow, I don’t believe him. I’ll just have to front it and see how she is when we go there. We have years to make up for. I just hope she’s not living in the past and wants a relationship with me.”
Tina tapped her fingers on the table. “Of course she will. For fucks sake you’re her daughter. Surely she’s missed you. She wouldn’t be human if she’s not.”
“I hope your right. Do you think I should take her some flowers and chocolates, a piece offering?”
“That would be nice. It would break the ice and show her you have changed.”
Jordan sat with Lizzy in a local café. She’d been in touch with him and wanted to meet him. Jordan was facing her and waited for her to speak. After a few deep breaths she started. “I’ve told the police everything. I’m sorry I never helped your sister when I was there, but you must understand how terrified I was. I’ve been in this world for so long I feared ever leaving it.”
He reached over and stroked her hand. “I understand. You did the right thing in the end and that’s all that counts. Have you been back home to see your parents?”
She choked back the tears. “I’ve been in touch but I’m not ready to face them. It’s been a long time and I just need space to sort myself out. I’m lost at the moment. I’ve been through a lot and it will take time for me to start get to grips with it. Your sister will be the same. You just need to be there for her, listen and support her.” These were wise words from the heart. Lizzy ate some chips slowly, eating them one by one. “Jordan,” she said in a soft voice. “You tried to help me when I was at the house and I’ll never forget that. You knew what I was doing and still you never judged me and wanted to help me. I’ll never forget that for as long as I live. I ran it over my mind every day after you said it. Your words kept me going, helping me face another day.”
“I cared about you Lizzy. You’re beautiful and I just didn’t want to watch you falling apart. You can still make something of yourself and put this behind you. I would like to see you again if you want?” Jordan was smitten with this girl. It was obvious by the way he looked at her.
“You can have any girl you want. Why do you want some mixed-up girl who has been through hell and back? I’m damaged goods.”
He smiled and edged closer to her. “You’re right, I can have any girl I want but I don’t want anyone else. I think you’d be worth it in the end. Your past means nothing to me. I’ve made mistakes too, Jimmy The Chop is in jail now but I’m sure he won’t forget the money I owe him. He’ll have his boys booming my door in sooner or later. I’ll build my empire back up now and when they do come calling, I’ll be ready for them. I can earn good money doing what I know best. Drug dealing is not the best career, but it’s all I know.”
Lizzy was listening and her face was filled with a warm red glow, she was blushing. “How’s Emily?”
Jordan looked at his coffee. “She’s up and down to tell you the truth. She just keeps breaking down crying. Then there is the anger and deep rage breaking through her body every time she gets upset.”
“I understand that. Maybe, I should talk to her, Mark groomed me too.”
“That would be nice. I think she needs to talk to someone who’s been through it. Her friend Jane is there around the clock, but it would be nice for them both to hear your story. I’ll tell you something for nothing. I’ll find out which jail Mark lands in and I’ll make sure he gets a good beating every night he’s there. I know people in the big house and they are just waiting on him arriving, he’s a marked man. Trust me, he’ll suffer every night he’s there. Men like him are the scum of the earth and inmates are more than happy to fuck them up.”
Lizzy shivered and the hairs on the back of her neck started to stand on end. “I just want to get the court date out of the way and try to piece my life back together. Maybe I can go to college and get some qualifications. I always wanted to be an artist, so that might be the path I take.”
Jordan smiled. “I can see that; you can do it.”
Lizzy swigged on her can of coke. She shot a look at the clock on the wall and picked her bag up. “Thank you so much for meeting me. And thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I’ll never forget it, ever.”
Jordan was in a panic. “Whoa, where are you going? You can’t just leave like that. I want to see you again. Where are you going to stay anyway?”
She stood up and she was getting ready to move away from the table. “I have a friend who said I can get my head down there until I sort something out.”
Jordan urged her to sit back down. “You can stay with me. I’ll look after you.”
Lizzy chuckled out loudly. “Do you have your own gaff?”
He stut
tered. “No, I’ve had to move back to my mam’s but we can stay there for a bit while we start looking for somewhere for both us. No pressure, just as flatmates if you want?” Lizzy sat back down and he looked relieved that he would spend more time with her. “I’ll be straight with you. I don’t have much to offer you at the moment, but I can promise you that I will take care of you and make sure nobody ever hurts you again.”
Her eyes welled up, why was he being so nice to her? He didn’t know her from Eve, yet here he was, willing to put his neck on the line for her, to make sure she was safe. She listened some more to him and agreed that she would stay with him for now. If she was being honest, she didn’t really have somewhere to stay. She was making it up. The only mates she had were the girls who had been through Alex’s house, so it was a blessing in disguise that she was away from them, because who knew what might happen.
Tony was in the front room pacing the living room floor. He kept patting his jacket pocket and walking around. Emily walked into the front room and sat next to her mother. “What the hell is up with you Tony? Have you shit yourself or something?”
He smiled and rubbed his hands together. “Where’s Jordan? I need him to come in before I tell you my news.”
Emily sneered at her mother. Oh my God, did this man not get tired of telling lies? He’d done this so many times before, none of them believed a word he said. Elsie sighed and dragged her feet up under her bum cheeks on the sofa. “Tony, please, we are not in the mood for your make-believe world tonight. Can we just have a normal night without any drama?”