Ashley's Bend

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Ashley's Bend Page 13

by Roop, Cassy

  What? Dominic sent him to look after me? I’m not some child that needed supervision. I can more than take care of myself. Besides, who would want to mess with me with Big Tony in the back? Big Tony was a massive, six and a half foot tall brick house of a man. Rumor has it that his family was connected with the Mob, but those were just what they were−rumors. He was the nicest, sweetest guy, but mess with one of us and he went poppa bear on you. Mr. Clarke liked that he was protective over the girls in the diner. It also helped that the man could cook.

  “I…uh…Jared just came by to tell me that he had to sell the house,” I stammered.

  “He couldn’t have called you or emailed? Dominic is going to be pissed when he finds out he has been at your work harassing you again.”

  “I truly don’t think that is any of his business. Dominic has no claim to me. I am not his girlfriend, Knox. Hell, I don’t know what we are,” I snorted. Knox was quiet for a moment before he finally spoke, but he looked like he struggled with what he wanted to say to me.

  “Ashley, look, Dominic−he went through some shit at a young age. He has never been able to have a relationship with women outside of the bedroom, but you? He is different with you. Hell, I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. You have gotten inside of his head and he cannot shake you. Trust me I have seen him try,” Knox revealed. His demeanor told me that he felt a little uncomfortable airing out information about Dominic’s past.

  So, Dominic refuses to have a relationship with someone because of something that happened to him at a young age? What happened that was so horrible, that he couldn’t let himself have feelings?

  “Can I ask what happened?” I asked cautiously. Knox shook his head and placed his arms on the counter clasping his hands.

  “Not my story to tell. If he wanted you to know, he would tell you although I doubt that he will. He hasn’t told anyone before.”

  “He told you,” I pointed out to him.

  “Nic and I have known each other a long time.” I thought Knox would elaborate a little more as to the reasons he knew Dominic’s secrets when no one else did, but I was disappointed when he remained silent.

  It seemed that I was not going to get any information out of Knox about Dominic. He stood up from the counter and started to make his way to the door before he turned around to speak to me one last time.

  “Be patient with him, Ashley. I believe you are the one to help him escape his demons, only he will probably put up one hell of a fight before you do so.” And with that Knox walked out of the diner leaving me standing behind the counter in my own thoughts.

  You are the one to help him escape his demons.

  I was exhausted from being on my feet all day by the time I got home from work. Working a double shift, I was able to earn a pretty good amount of tips. I sat on the couch with my feet propped up looking at the same newspaper that had the ad about the art classes. I had decided that I was going to enroll, only I needed to save up enough tuition to be able to pay for the courses. If I worked really hard the next couple of months, I would have enough to apply.

  Kelly came home a little after ten pm. She had an event that her company sponsored that required her to work after hours.

  “I am so glad to be home. I love coffee and all, but it isn’t exactly an exciting event to moderate,” she said as she plopped down on the couch next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed.

  “Are you still thinking about enrolling?” she questioned as she gestured toward the now worn newspaper in my hands.

  “I am. I just have to save up for the tuition and I am good to go.”

  “That’s awesome, Ashley. I am happy for you,” she said with a wide yawn. I giggled. She was exhausted, but I knew she wanted to be a good friend by trying to talk to me.

  “Go to bed, sleepyhead. I’ll see you in the morning.” Kelly just nodded her head, kissed me on the cheek, and dragged her weary body down the hall with as much effort as she could. I was just about to rise from the couch to go to bed myself, when my phone chirped. Not knowing who would be texting me this late at night, I walked over to retrieve it from my purse on the dining table. Wonder turned to curiosity as I glanced down at the screen and saw a number I didn’t recognize.

  Unknown: How are you doing?

  My fingers hovered over the reply button. I didn’t know who is was. Should I respond? Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to reply.

  Me: Who is this?

  The reply came almost instantly and I gasped in shock.

  Unknown: Dominic.

  Holy crap? How did he get my number? Oh, that’s right, he had access to my file at the club. I was still giddy with excitement that he was obviously thinking about me enough to text me.

  Me: I’m fine.

  I waited for his response. Nothing. I assumed that he was just checking in on me since the incident on Saturday, and my hopes instantly went down the drain. So much for hoping he was thinking about me. With a big yawn, I decided it was time for bed. I tiptoed quietly down the hallway so that I didn’t wake up Kelly. I plugged my phone into the charger and placed it on my nightstand. Pulling back the covers, I crawled into bed and welcomed the soft comfort of the mattress. Just as I was about to lay my head down my phone chirped.

  Dominic: Don’t lie to me, Ashley.

  Holy shit! How did he know I was lying? I looked around my bedroom and out the window to see if he was spying on me. When I didn’t see anyone, I turned my attention back to my phone.

  Me: Ok. I am still a little upset by what happened. Does that make you feel better?

  I knew I was taunting him a bit, but I wanted to continue talking to him. So if I had to get him a little riled up, I didn’t care.

  Dominic: Fuck no it doesn’t make me feel better.

  Dominic: It never should have happened.

  Dominic: I’ve been worried.

  He was firing off texts one right after the other. He was worried. Knox had said earlier that he had said he was worried.

  Me: Was that why you sent Knox to check on me?

  Dominic: Yes.

  Well at least he was being truthful. He hadn’t said anything about Jared being at the diner, so I was not sure if Knox told him or not. I didn’t want to poke the bull if I didn’t have to, so for now, I would keep that bit of information to myself.

  Dominic: I am worried most that you won’t come back.

  My breath hitched in my throat and my heart thudded in my chest as I read his last text to me. He was worried I wouldn’t come back? Does that mean he wanted me to?

  Me: I’m still thinking about it.

  Dominic: I think you want to.

  Oh really, Mr. Michaels? I thought to myself. No one could say that Dominic wasn’t a cocky bastard.

  Me: Why is that?

  Dominic: Because you know how great we are together.

  Well, he wasn’t lying there. I hadn’t been able to think about anything but. When I was around Dominic my body automatically responded to him. It was uncontrollable. Almost like someone else took over possession of my body.

  Dominic: Think about it, Ashley.

  He didn’t respond after that. I was slightly irritated that his last text felt more like a demand, but strangely turned on. I rested my head on my pillow and brought the covers up to my chin. I couldn’t help but feel the wetness between my legs. I was turned on just from talking to him. Via text. I was in so much trouble.

  Dominic was on my mind all morning and afternoon. I decided that I wanted to return to the club, even if that meant I had to continue with the sub training in order to be close to him. I wanted to help him get past his demons. I wanted to be the one to break through Dominic’s walls to allow himself to open up. I felt like we would be stuck in this same back and forth banter of emotions otherwise.

  I got ready to go to work at the bar later that evening. Tuesdays tended to bring in a larger crowd with trivia night, so I was excited to be able to earn some cash. When I walked in, I noticed a pet
ite brunette manning the bar that I had never seen before. Andrew must have hired another girl to help out on the busier nights.

  Smoke and the buzz of chatter mixed with the music from the jukebox filled the atmosphere as I weaved my way through the people to get to the back office to clock in. Andrew was sitting at his desk on the phone. His brows were furrowed together as he rubbed his temples with his free hand.

  “Yes. I understand. No. I will explain it to her. Thanks.” I was only tuned into Andrews’s side of the conversation as I reached for my time card to slide it into the time clock.

  “Ashley, wait.”

  I turned around to meet a stressed looking Andrew. His head was in his hands as he rested his elbows on the desk. I watched his shoulders rise as he sucked in a large breath. When he finally lifted his eyes to meet mine, I knew something was wrong.

  “What’s wrong, Andrew?”

  “That was Mike, our business partner on the phone. Apparently word got to him that The Celtic Knot is a BDSM club. He said he doesn’t want any of our employees associated with that place. I am afraid−I have to let you go. I am so sorry, Ashley. Please know this had nothing to do with your job performance. You were a great employee.”

  What? I’m fired?

  I stood there staring at Andrew as tears welled up in my eyes.

  “But I really need this job, Andrew. You know I just went through a divorce.”

  “I know, Ashley. My hands are tied. I have to keep Mike happy. Why are you involved with that place to begin with?” he asked.

  What was I supposed to say? That I joined the club as a sub in training in order to get close to Dominic? A man that had completely compelled me only weeks after I divorced my husband? No. No matter what I said, I would still come out looking like a whore.

  “It’s a long story,” was all I offered him.

  “I truly am sorry, Ashley.”

  I nodded at him as I turned around and walked out of his office. Tears were now streaming down my face as I made my way back through the crowd. Time could have been standing still for all I knew as I made my way out of the bar. I walked methodically down the street feeling the cool air hitting the tears that streaked my face as I walked along the busy Chicago streets.

  How the hell did they find out about me and the club? I thought everything about the club was private?

  I needed to still make some money so I whipped out my phone to call the diner to see if I could pick up a shift, only to be told that I no longer had a job there, as well. What the fuck was going on? What the hell was I going to do?

  I did an about face as I waved my hand in the air to catch a cab. There was only one person who would know how the information about my involvement at The Celtic Knot got out.


  Fuck. If I had to read the same line of the report over one more time, I was going to throw something. I couldn’t keep my focus on the financial reports with thoughts of Ashley rolling through my mind. The image of her beneath me as I pounded into her the other day at her house had my cock hard as fucking granite. She had become a fucking drug to me, one that had taken a hold of me like an addiction that I couldn’t shake. Every little fucking thing I saw reminded me of her.

  As I started to read over the same lines on the financials for the millionth time, my office door flew open and I was greeted with an angry, very pissed off looking Ashley.

  “How the fuck could you, Dominic? How could you let it happen?” she yelled as she placed one palm on my desk and pointed her other finger in my face.

  “Whoa, chill out there, princess and tell me what the fuck you are talking about.” I said as I held my hands up to her. She took a deep breath and then closed her eyes. When she opened them, a fresh flood of tears fell down the same path on her face that mascara streaked ones appeared to have fallen earlier. It wrecked me to see the hurtful look in her eyes as I watched the glistening tears roll down her beautiful cheek.

  “Someone told both of my jobs that I was involved with the club. Apparently my employers don’t want anyone affiliated with a sex club to work at their establishments,” she revealed as her fingers wiggled in the air to mimic quotation marks. I was momentarily stunned by her revelation. All members signed a nondisclosure agreement when they became a member at this club, and the only ones who had access to member files were me and Knox.

  I stood up to walk over to where Ashley stood in front of my desk in hysterical tears. With caution, I placed my hand under her chin and tilted it up to get her to look at me. Why I was able to look her in the eyes when I never could any other was beyond me.

  “Ashley, there is no way that anyone from the club would have said anything about you being a member here. They know that they will be fully prosecuted if they violate the NDA. Knox and I are the only ones who have access to the member files.”

  She stared up at me blankly for a moment as the tears continued to roll down her face. I lifted my hand to wipe at a tear before bringing it up to my mouth to suck it off of my thumb.

  “I−I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a job anymore. I live with Kelly and don’t have my own place. I−I was going to sign up for art classes,” she said before she collapsed into my chest. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her. Comforting anyone, much less a woman, was foreign to me. But somehow, having Ashley in my arms felt right. I had never had those feeling about anyone, until her.

  “Work for me,” I blurted out. She lifted her head up from my chest to look at me through her red rimmed eyes.

  “Dominic, I cannot do that.”

  “Why not?”

  She was quiet for a long time while we just stared at each other. I had an overwhelming desire to claim her, own her. To have her so consumed with me that she couldn’t think of anything else. Call me a selfish bastard for thinking with my dick while she was upset, but I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted her. I would just have to convince her to take the job.

  I leaned down and sucked her bottom lip into my mouth. She tasted like tears and peppermint, it was very intoxicating. She was shocked initially by my assault on her lips before she finally began to surrender.

  That’s it. Let it happen.

  I released her lips, and I brought my face to the crook of her neck and nibbled on her flesh there. I was rewarded with a soft mewling moan as my arms brushed down her ribcage and my fingers latched on to her tight ass. Spinning her around I lift her up and set her on the edge of my desk. My carnal need to be inside her had me wound up so tight and nearly drove me crazy with the desire to possess her. I grasped the front of her shirt and ripped it opened sending the buttons flying all around us. She looked up at me, questioningly and all I did was offer her a smirk in return. I reached down to find the hem of her black pencil skirt and shoved it up towards her waist. She lifted her hips up and helped me with the task before placing her bare ass back on the desk.

  The only thing standing between me and Ashley was the tiny triangle of silk material thong she was wearing. My hand cupped her pussy and she threw her head back arching her back and her bra covered breasts reached out toward me. Taking my free hand, I fiercely tugged down the cup of her bra to expose the pink bud of her breast. My head descended and I sucked one of her hardened beads into my mouth rolling my tongue around the tips making it become even harder.

  “Oh God,” she moaned and it only heightened the fury for me to be inside of her. My hand snuck past the material of her thong and I stroked her folds with my fingers. Her hips began to gyrate against my hand and I could no longer hold back my want and craving for her.

  “Ashley, I need to be inside you, now.” She nodded her head and I let her go as I reached for my jeans and unsnapped the button shedding them with the quickness of a horny teenager. My hand found her thong and with one quick tug, I ripped the fabric from her body. She gasped. I leaned in over her and aligned my cock at her entrance as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

  “Hold on, princess.”

  With one quick thrust, I imp
aled her so that her ass was forced backward on the desk. Fuck giving her time to adjust, I compulsively pounded into her. She growled and it only added more fuel to the fire of my desire. I wanted to crawl inside of this woman. Possess her.

  “Oh God, Dominic!” I could feel my release starting to build. I wanted to see her come beneath me before I came inside of her. I continued with my unrelenting rhythm as I brought one hand up to circle her clit. I focused on her sensitive button of flesh with the same intoxication that I had as I pounded into her now dripping wet pussy.

  “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come!” she yelled. Our hips met thrust for thrust as I looked down at her. I hardly ever have sex with a woman facing me, but I needed to watch her come. I needed to watch her face as her release rippled through her body with the pleasure that I brought to her. It was erotic, and electrifying. I felt her absorb into me, reaching down into the depths of my being that I kept hidden away from others. Her power over me was forceful and fervent, a power that penetrated me, annihilating any control that I had over my thoughts and emotions.

  Just a few more plunges in and out of her and she exploded around me lubricating my cock. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her thighs gripped my waist as she rode out the throws of her orgasm. Her cunt squeezed my cock harder and I could no longer hold back as I forcefully pumped into her once, twice, and I detonated inside of her. I stilled on top of her and she laid all the way back onto the desk, her chest rapidly rising and falling with each inhale and each exhale. My expeditious rate of breathing matched the pattern of hers as I came down from one of the biggest highs of my life.

  What is it about this girl that had me coming completely undone? She was a witch, a sorceress who had bewitched my body, and my thoughts. I had never felt freer than I did when I was with her, but could I give up all of my self-preservation and take a chance on something that might rip me apart just like it did my mom?


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