Ashley's Bend

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Ashley's Bend Page 14

by Roop, Cassy

  I looked down onto her sweat coated face and chest. Our eyes meet and fuck if her smile didn’t do weird things to me.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” I said as I began to withdraw from the heat of her delicious cunt. It was then that I realized that I made a tragic mistake.

  “Fuck...fuck!” I cursed as I swiped my jeans from the floor and put them on, sans underwear. I paced the floor of my office all the while Ashley was still spread out on my desk in her gorgeous naked glory staring at me as if I had grown two heads. I knew my reaction was confusing her.

  “What is wrong, Dominic?” she asked as she climbed off of the desk, pulled her skirt down and tried to cover her chest with the now useless shirt I ripped from her body.

  “It’s you!” I barked. She startled back from me, gripping her shirt tighter around her body in protection. I laughed internally. She needed protection...from me.

  “I don’t understand,” she said sounding defeated.

  “I don’t want love, I don’t want a relationship. I fuck and fuck hard, Ashley. You just witnessed evidence of that. I don’t have time for or want any feelings or emotions, but every time I am with you they seep in. Hell, when I’m not with you, you invade me! It’s like you are a fucking virus that has made its way into my system and I cannot make myself clean of you!”

  She said nothing. Just stood there as I attempted to make her understand what I was going through. Her eyes darted from side to side looking everywhere in the room but at me, so I continued.

  “I don’t fucking think straight when you are around. I didn’t use a condom, Ashley. Fuck! We didn’t use protection! I have never had sex without a condom, ever. I don’t do shit like that. You are fucking me up and I don’t know how to handle that!”

  I was unleashing my frustrations and fears on her all at once and all she did was stand there. Did she not understand the consequences of the mistake that we just made? I had no doubt in my mind that she was clean, but what happened if she got pregnant? The last thing I wanted to do was bring a child into this fucked up world so that the child could be fucked up just like I was.

  “I...I’m on the pill, Dominic. Jared didn’t want kids and...I have just continued to take them even after the divorce. You don’t have to worry about me getting pregnant. And I am clean. I went and got tested after I found Jared fucking his secretary,” she explained.

  “I’m glad to hear that, but it still doesn’t excuse what happened. When you’re around, all my control, all my inhibitions go out the fucking window. This is not me, it’s not who I am.” I walked over to the couch in my office and slumped down onto it allowing it to absorb my body. I was out of control. I was losing it! Ashley and her fucking sorceress pussy had me not thinking and acting clearly. I needed to cut that shit off.

  “Look, Ashley, I’m sorry. I’m just...hell, I don’t know what I’m thinking. You have a job here if you want it. But right now, I think it’s best if you leave.”

  She nodded, but hesitated just before she left to walk out of my office. The sight of the tears streaming down her face as she walked out fucking wrecked me to my core.

  Having Dominic fuck me on his desk was probably the best sex of my life. It was carnal, raw, and just the memory alone had the wetness between my legs building. The connection between us couldn’t be denied and I knew Dominic felt it too; otherwise he wouldn’t have gone off on me like he did.

  I walked with my arms wrapped around my waist to keep my shirt closed as I made my way out of Dominic’s office. I turned the corner to head downstairs and was taken by surprise when I collided with a solid mass of muscles.

  “Whoa, there, sweetheart. Where are you going in such a hurry?” The familiar sound of Knox’s voice said as he grabbed ahold of me to keep me from catapulting down onto the floor. When I looked up and met his eyes, he sighed deeply. His eyes drifted behind me to Dominic’s office door before looking at me again and taking in my torn shirt and disheveled appearance.

  “That fucker did it again, didn’t he? He pushed you away again.”

  I tucked my chin into my chest. I didn’t need to answer. It was a rhetorical question anyway.

  “Of course he pushed you away. That’s what he does. That is what he is good at.” A small sob broke from my lips and Knox pulled me into his embrace giving me a hug. There really was a sweet, caring guy underneath the Goliath of a man and his dominating attitude. If I had a brother, Knox was what I imagine he would be like. Rough, tough exterior, with a caring, devoted interior.

  “Listen, Ashley. Don’t let him push you away,” he said unabashedly. “Toughen up. Fight back. When he pushes you, you push back. You are good for him. Dominic has found something in you that he never has with any other girl and it is scaring the shit out of him. Just don’t give up on him, ok?”

  “I−I’ll try,” I replied with a muffled voice into his shirt. Pulling back from his embrace, I wiped at the wet spot I left on his shirt before wiping my own nose in an unladylike fashion.

  “I lost my job−jobs today. Someone told them that I was connected to the club and they fired me,” I sniffed. Knox’s eyebrows rose in disbelief as he took in my words. A look of slight anger and confusion marred his face as he furrowed his brows.

  “How the hell could that even happen? All members sign NDA’s and the files are only accessible to Nic and me.”

  “That is why I came here to talk to Dominic. I was mad at the fact that the information could be leaked and I wanted to know if he knew who could have done it.” Knox nodded before placing his hands on top of my shoulder to look at me. His expression was serious.

  “I promise you that neither Nic nor I released that information, Ashley. We keep matters at this club private for a reason.”

  “Who could have told them then?” I asked him with even more question.

  “Could have easily been that asshole Asher or your ex,” he shrugged. I was stunned by his insinuation briefly until my thoughts drifted back to yesterday when Jared visited me at the diner.

  How would your bosses like it if they knew their sweet, innocent Ashley was actually a fucking whore with a sex club boyfriend? You deserve to know what it feels like to lose everything just like I have.

  “Oh my God!” I gasped when the realization hit me. “It was Jared! He made a threat to me at the diner last night, but I just brushed it off as him being pissed off at me for not taking him back.”

  I watched as anger grew in Knox’s face as I told him about my conversation with Jared the day before. I was startled when the door to Dominic’s office opened and he paused as he took in the sight of Knox and me standing in the hallway. He approached us with caution before he looked at his friend. I noticed that he avoided my gaze, and I knew he must still be feeling the effects of his outburst from only moments earlier.

  “What’s going on?” he asked as his eyes stayed intently focused on Knox.

  “Ashley was telling me about losing her jobs today,” Knox replied before I could. Dominic seemed to relax and his posture slumped slightly after Knox told him we were discussing my firing. He was probably worried that Knox and I were talking about what happened between me and him in his office moments before.

  “She also thinks she knows who ratted her out to her employers as well,” he added. I lifted my gaze to look at Knox and I silently begged him with my eyes not to tell Dominic. I knew he would go ballistic if he found out that Jared came to work harassing me again. Especially since I hadn’t gotten a restraining order on him like Dominic all but demanded that I did. He was already riled up from his outburst toward me, I didn’t need him to get even more upset.

  “Really? Who?” he asked as he finally met my eyes waiting for me to answer.

  “No, Knox,” I stated firmly only my sternness was brushed off by Knox who chose to ignore my request. My heart rate accelerated and my fingers dug into my shirt as I fisted the material in my hands pulling it tighter around my body like it would protect me. Knox looked down
at me with a look of apology before returning his attention back to Dominic.

  “It was her ex.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for Dominic’s reaction, when I all I heard was silence, I risked opening my eyes to brave the sight. Dominic’s jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists at his sides. He said nothing as I watched about four different features cross his beautiful face, most of them were looks of anger. Time passed by while I stood between those two men who seemed to be silently communicating something between them.

  “I’ll take care of it,” Dominic said before he looked at me one more time and took off down the stairs leaving me standing with my mouth open next to Knox.

  “Dominic, wait!” I shouted as I broke away from Knox to go after him. Knox grabbed my hand before I even made it two steps away, stopping me in my tracks.

  “Let him go, Ashley. You don’t want to be around him when he is like this, trust me.”

  I glared down the stairs at Dominic’s retreating form. What the hell did he mean by I’ll take care of it? Turning back around to face Knox, I sighed.

  “I’m going to take the job Dominic offered to me.”

  Knox’s mouth split into a wide, satisfied grin. His eyes followed the same as mine did moments ago to look down the stairs toward the path that Dominic stormed off in before looking back at me, his grin growing even wider.


  If I said I didn’t enjoy working at the club, I would have been lying. I performed many of the jobs at the club, but mainly I bartended and worked the floor as a server since that is what I was most experienced at doing. I had made more money working at the club in the past two weeks than I did working at both of my other jobs in an entire month. The staff were all friendly and welcoming to me and everyone seemed to get along well, no doubt that everyone knew I was on friendly terms with Knox and Dominic. We stayed pretty busy since the club was so popular and membership was at its maximum, which didn’t leave a lot of social time, but I was ok with that.

  When I became an employee, Dominic withdrew me from the sub training program and forbade me to take part in any of the activities unless it was during the nightly lesson in which he used me to demonstrate to the audience should it require one. Those were my favorite times of the night, because ever since that day in his office, Dominic had not touched me unless it was during a demonstration. He didn’t use me every time, and it was the times that he didn’t that I was insanely jealous when he used one of the house subs. My body missed him with a fevered yearning. I missed the way I tingled all over from his touch, but most of all I missed the connection I felt with him. It wasn’t that he ignored me completely, it was just more of a professional relationship as opposed to—well whatever the hell we were.

  Having to watch his hands on another woman sent fiery rage drumming through my body. The green-eyed monster would rear her ugly head every time I had to witness another woman having the pleasure to have Dominic’s hands on her. I knew what those hands felt like when he touched and teased me. It was those same skillful hands that had my body thirsting for more, a craving that never seemed to be satisfied.

  Lost in my thoughts, I stared up at the stage while Dominic performed his latest lesson. There on stage, he was strapping a beautiful brunette’s legs to a spreader bar. I observed intently as his hands caressed the flesh at her ankles before he attached the leather cuffs. The brunette’s eyes shone with adoration back at Dominic and heated jealousy coursed through my veins. It was a form of torture, a constant reminder of what had occurred between us, and I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my own skin to escape the desperate need I felt to be with him again. My attention was so absorbed in the display on the stage that I nearly ran into Knox on my way back to the bar.

  “He’s just doing it to push you further away,” he said as he nodded his head in the direction of the bar. I sighed as my attention returned to where Dominic was touching the other woman while addressing the audience. Our eyes met and for a brief moment, he said nothing to the audience. We were locked in a moment where neither one of us could take our eyes off of each other. A buzz, an electric force, settled between us had me feeling like Icarus, flying too close to the sun. I knew that I was going to get burned, but like a moth to a flame, he was a beautiful light and I couldn’t help but be pulled into the orbit of his stare. It was probably only seconds of time that passed, but it felt like forever that we just stared at each other, lost in the depths of each other’s eyes.

  When Dominic looked away from me and returned his attention back to the girl on stage, I felt a cold chill ripple down my spine. All the heat I felt the few seconds our eyes were locked, fled from my body and I instantly felt the loss. The jealousy returned and I had to grit my teeth together to stop myself from walking over to where Dominic was and stake my claim on him.

  “Remember what I said, Ash,” Knox said interrupting my glower of Dominic and his subject.

  “I know Knox, push back. I just−don’t know how,” I stressed. I felt defeated and lost as to how I could get Dominic to want me again. The thought of him staying away from me sent a cold chill through me and I shuttered at the atrocious thought.

  A tall, muscular man approached Knox and reached out to shake his hand. The man towered over me and was nearly taller than Knox. At first glance, he seemed friendly. Strong biceps peeped out from the sleeves of his yellow polo shirt that contrasted against his bronzed skin as he shook Knox’s hand. His dark hair was clean cut and dark eyelashes brought out the cerulean blue of his eyes.

  “Ashley, this is Rownan Kleinfeld. Rownan, this is my friend and newest employee Ashley Carter,” Knox made known as he introduced me to the man.

  “Hello, pleased to meet you,” he said with a British accent as he extended his hand out to mine that wasn’t holding the serving tray. His voice was dark, sexy and intriguing. His smile was warm and beautiful. I could feel my cheeks heat and flush under his watchful gaze. Although gorgeous, he still didn’t even come close to comparing to Dominic. I sighed at the thought.

  “Rownan is one of the house Dominants, Ashley,” Knox acknowledged.

  Wow. I thought. I would not have guessed that Rownan was a dominant. He seemed too gentle to be someone who liked to have control in the bedroom.

  “Hi,” I managed to squeak out. I didn’t know what to say to him or even why Knox was introducing us.

  “I uh, better be getting back to work,” I said defensively.

  “Ashley, you have been working your ass off all night for this crowd. Why don’t you take a break? I know you like art and Rownan here owns a studio downtown. Maybe you two can chat about that,” he said as he looked between me and Rownan. My gaze went to Dominic who was still on stage with the brunette who was damn near close to writhing right out of the chair if it weren’t for her being bound to it. I couldn’t help but understand how she felt because Dominic inflicted those same emotions in me. I didn’t miss the sneer that Dominic shot our way as he noticed me standing and talking to Knox and Rownan.

  When I finally broke free of Dominic’s stare I caught Knox looking at me and over to Dominic who was still staring at us with a scowl on his face. Knox’s smirk was complacent and he chuckled. Turning to me, he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

  “Push back.”

  He walked away leaving Rownan and me standing awkwardly alone as he went off in search of Kelly no less. They seemed to have grown close in the last several weeks. I knew my best friend was completely smitten with him, but I also knew that Kelly has never settled down to be with just one man for too long. She went through guys faster than I went through a piece of gum.

  The only table that was open was one that was close to the stage. Rownan suggested that we have a seat. I was interested in talking to him about his gallery, so I complied and followed him over to have a seat at the table. I have never taken any formal lessons, but art was my passion. I could get lost for hours in my room as I brushed the lucid colors of paint across a blank
canvas, manipulating the picture before my eyes. It was freeing and relaxing.

  “You have a love for art, eh?” Rownan asked after we sat at the empty table.

  “Yes, I want to be a teacher someday,” I replied with a sparkle in my eye. Just talking about art made me happy and I smiled wildly at him. He beamed a beautiful smile at me and his eyebrows rose.

  “So what is a gorgeous want-to-be art teacher doing working in a place like this?” he asked as he turned his head to glance around the room. I frowned as I instantly thought of the devious things that Jared did to cause me to lose my employment. I had not heard a word from Jared since that day, and I couldn’t help but feel like Dominic had something to do with that.

  “I am just trying to save up the money for tuition to the art school,” I explained not wanting to reveal the real reasons why I was there. I looked away from Rownan to find Dominic staring holes through us as he worked quickly to finish up the lesson on stage. His jaw was set in a firm line and his brows furrowed together creating a vehement look upon his gorgeous features.

  “Did you hear me, Love?” Rownan asked and I felt embarrassed that I hadn’t been paying attention to him because my thoughts were being consumed by the captivating man on stage.

  “Huh, what? I’m sorry,” I said sheepishly as I bowed my head and looked at him through hooded eyes. I flushed crimson. There is no way he could know that I was daydreaming about Dominic, could he?

  “I said that I have a person who does lessons at the studio two days a week. They have already started sessions, but I can ask her if you could be squeezed in.”

  My eyes brightened and my mouth split into a huge grin.

  “Seriously? You would do that? That would be fantastic!” I exclaimed as excitement overtook me. Maybe my dream wasn’t too far out of reach after all. Rownan handed me one of the bar napkins and a pen from the pocket of his polo shirt and asked for my number so that he could get back to me with the information about the classes. I was clueless to everything that was going on around me due to the excitement that Rownan had delivered to me as I buzzed with excitement in my chair. The thought of actually getting to do something that I loved to do elated me.


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