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Intergalactic Bondage Colony

Page 5

by Powerone

  Her fingers went between her pussy lips and she found herself drenched in desire. It was time for her to take him out of hibernation. She pushed the button that set the machine in motion to release him. It didn’t take long before the canopy began to rise and the inside of the bed lit up from the light that turned on. She watched his face for the second when he’d open his eyes. It would only happen once, and she didn’t want him to miss it. She stood in the right position so that the light behind her wouldn’t blind him, but it would outline her naked body and draw his eyes to her.

  Ethan began to see through the haze, as his eyes grew accustomed to the light once again. The panic he felt when they shut him in the bed came back, but the canopy was now open, and he felt the belts that pinned him in place, yet he couldn’t move his body. There was a shadow outside the bed, but his eyes were drawn to his own body. As the belt pulled from his waist, his eyes took in the size of his organ. It couldn’t be that big, but then, he felt it move, his muscles made it do it. His fingers twitched as well as his toes. He could move them, but he concentrated on his organ. It bounced up and down. He looked at his body and knew that he had hibernated for a long time. A real long time, as he flexed his arms and noticed they were no longer skinny but muscular as well as his chest. There were even hairs on his chest where none had been before.

  Ursula saw him look away from her, and she could see his cock jerk excitedly. He seemed to be impressed with his own cock, and he never saw her. This wasn’t going as she expected. She cleared her throat rather loudly until he looked up at her.

  His focus returned to the shadowy figure that lorded over him, scared once again at who it was. His vision began to focus, and he could feel his muscles in his limbs begin to listen to his mind. There was a person standing over him, but it was different. It wasn’t a man, or else something happened to the world while he was in hibernation. The first thing he noticed was the lack of an organ. His was monstrous, but this one had none. Where it was supposed to be, it had a mouth, a sideways mouth with a smile that ran up and down. The lips were full but were closed, but as he looked up above its chest, it had a mouth just like his on the face, as well as a nose and two eyes. Yet, the hair on its head was longer, but that could be because of hibernation and the skin looked smoother and there was no hair on its face. His gaze drew back down and stopped quickly when it got to its chest. He saw how big his chest and muscles had grown, but this one was something far different. It had breasts that were bigger than could be contained in his hand. They stuck out so far, yet they barely hung down in spite of the weight. It had tips on the end like his, but these were much bigger and the ends looked like hard pebbles. His eyes went to the waist, slimmer with full hips. The body was shaped so much differently than his body, but it had similarities. He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t understand a lot since he woke up. He was afraid to get up.

  “Step out, Ethan.” She held her hand out for him. He seemed to be unsure of himself. Would he end up the same as the women, submissive?

  He was surprised that it knew his name. When he grabbed the hand that was presented, it was soft, not like the men that took care of him growing up. He got up and his organ bounced in front of him like it was a puppet on a string. He could barely control it. He wanted to reach down and touch it, but he was afraid. “Where are the men that put me in the bed?”

  “That was a long time ago, Ethan, in a place that is a long ways away. It’s been ten years since you were put in the bed.” She saw the shocked look on his face.

  As he stood up, he realized that it had been that long. He was much taller, and he was no longer a skinny kid. That is why his organ was so big, but even in his dreams, he never expected anything like this. It was longer than his hand and thick. It scared him that it was always hard. “You, what are you, some kind of robot?” He loved science fiction, and this creature looked like it came out of the books that he had read. It had to be some kind of mechanical device with skin built in a test tube. Her large breasts must hold its power source and the slit between its legs must be for repairs.

  “No, Ethan. I’m Ursula, and just like you, well, almost like you.”

  “You look a little like me but not much. You’re bigger in your chest and you don’t have an,” pausing for the right word, “organ like me.”

  “I still have organs like you, a heart, lungs, liver, and such. But, I’m a female and you’re a male. We have differences. I have bigger breasts than you and you’ll soon learn why that is a good thing. And you have an organ that sticks out, mine goes in, just the right combination for us both to get much pleasure.” She reached down and her fingers curled around his cock. He jumped from her first touch, but he didn’t pull away as her fingers tightened around the throbbing cock.

  “EEEhhh,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Her hand grabbed his organ, shocked by another person touching him there, but then, he felt something different. Her fingers moved around his organ, squeezing it, and it sent shivers up his spine. He never felt anything so good. He felt a tingling between his legs.

  “That’s not so bad, is it, Ethan?” She moved her hand slightly up and down the shaft, and his cock quivered beneath her touch. She had to be careful not to make him cum. After ten years without using it, he’d shoot off in a second. First, she wanted to get him situated in the chair and bound. He would learn to do that to the other women, but she’d have her way with him first.

  “Nooo, itttt feeells good. What are you doing?”

  “That’s your cock. When you were small, it was an organ. Now that it’s big and hard, it’s a cock. I’ll show you how good I can make it feel. Let’s go to the examination room.”

  “You’re going to examine me?”

  “Don’t worry, it wouldn’t hurt at all. You’ll like it.”

  Ethan followed her, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her backside. She had such firm cheeks, and when she walked, her hips swayed and her backside move hypnotically as though she tried to entice him.

  Ursula took him to the room and closed the door behind them. She turned on the lights for him to see the room and its content. Many items were hidden beneath sheets and blankets, but the gleaming stainless steel chair stood out in the center of the room like a beacon, the bright lights above it glistened off the shiny metal. This one was different than the one Michael had for the females. There were no large troughs for the legs to spread them, and this one barely had a seat. There was a small section of stainless steel in the back of the chair, just enough to support the lower body slightly, but the rest was open from beneath. That would leave everything he had exposed, his cock, balls and ass. His legs would be drawn over the armrests, his hands over his head and both of them bound. Then, she’d have him helpless.

  “Sit on the chair.”

  “It’s not much of a chair; where will my butt go?” Ethan felt a little ashamed to be naked in front of her, not sure why.

  “Lean all the way back; don’t worry, I’ll help you get settled.”

  He liked the way her hand felt on his cock, so he turned his back to the chair and tried to get into it. The metal was cold to his skin when he first sat back, but it quickly warmed up. She stood behind him and helped him slide back, but then, she moved to the front of the chair.

  “Lift your leg up and put it over the armrest.” She didn’t wait for him to do it; she reached down, grabbed his ankle, and pulled it up. He didn’t resist at all, and she soon had it over the armrest. She moved to the other side. “Now the other.” She grabbed his other ankle and pulled it up, harder this time as it spread him wide.

  Ethan had to hold on as his legs were propped up over the armrests. The second leg was the hardest as his crotch was spread wide until it ached. He grunted until his leg was hoisted up on the armrest. He couldn’t believe the way it spread him. The cheeks of his backside were pulled apart and his heavy balls hung down below from the sheer weight. His cock stood up like a giant spear. What is she going to examine? He hoped that she’d touch
his cock again. It felt so good.

  Ursula had to be quick now before he realized what she did. She went in back of the chair. “Raise your arms up in the air.” She would use the leather straps, though they had more advanced ways of securing a body. She liked the old bondage, though the new ways were effective and allowed for more interesting positions.

  He didn’t think anything about raising his hands up until he felt her grab one arm and pull it back high over his head. In a second, he felt something secure his wrist, and then, she did the same with the other wrist. It was over in seconds. When he tried to move his arms and hands, he couldn’t. They were tied. “What did you do?” Panic was in his voice, just the way he felt when they put him in the bed and tied him down.

  “I don’t want you to hurt yourself, Ethan. Don’t worry, all you’ll feel is pleasure.” To assure him, she reached down to his cock as she moved next to his legs and wrapped her fingers around it. He jumped again, but this time, it was excitement, his cock jerked in her hand. “That feels good, doesn’t it, Ethan?” Her hand stroked it for a second and then released it.

  “Yeess.” He couldn’t believe how good it felt, but she deserted it once again. Then, he felt her hand on the inside of his thigh to touch him as it slid down his leg until it touched his ankle. He saw it, but it was too late when she attached the leather band around his ankle. She moved quickly to the other side, and he soon found both of his legs bound, also. With his legs spread wide, he felt vulnerable, but his hard cock stuck up and he wished for her hand again. That lessened some of his apprehension.

  “Now, we can begin, Ethan.” She stood between his legs and marveled at the magnificent cock that stood up so boldly. He had a thick thatch of hair that needed to be removed, but she knew he’d be too excited to sit still, even bound. She’d get him off and give him the pleasure he wanted so desperately. Her fingers reached for his cock and clenched around the thick shaft. She saw the smile on his face and felt the way his cock quivered beneath her fingers. With her other hand, she reached between his legs and a finger slid slowly up and down his heavy ball sack to tickle it lightly. She got the desired reaction; his cock came alive in her hand. “You like that, Ethan?”

  “Yeess, yees.” Ethan unable to contain the pleasure he felt. Not only did she touch his cock, but also her fingers touched his balls so lightly that it sent shivers between his legs. Her hand began to move on his cock, to slide up and down the shaft as she pulled the loose skin when her fingers tightened on it. Her other hand was hidden from him, but he felt her fingers touch him harder when she grasped his balls as they slid around inside the bag, wishing they weren’t so evasive. “OOH, yees, touch the head like that!” He saw the drops leak out the head of his cock, ashamed that he had wet himself, but it was different from when he peed. This felt good as the pleasure rose up from his balls. Were her fingers doing that to me when they gripped my balls tighter? He was still ashamed by his wetness, turning red.

  She felt the hot juices leak from the head when her fingers ran over the thick ridge and teased it. She used her fingernail to run over the very tip and spread the drops of cum that she induced around the smooth head of his cock until it was slick. She found his balls and squeezed them tighter as her fingers began to stroke up and down his cock.

  It felt like a knife sliced the head of his cock when her fingernail scraped it, but there was no pain, only pleasure that raced through his body and more juices flowed from the end. She didn’t seem to mind the wetness as she ran her finger over it until the head of his cock glistened with the shiny juices. It felt like her hand trapped his balls and squeezed them tighter, but even though there was a little pain, he was bound and could do nothing to stop her and her hand began to stroke his cock so urgently. It took him by surprise. I happened only seconds after she stroked his cock and squeezed his balls. Something struck him between his legs, not pain, but a tingle that grew bigger. It hit him suddenly; his muscles felt so tight, his arms and legs strained against what held him bound tight.

  She saw it in his face, and her hand stroked harder, up and down the shaft, her fingers tightened on the head then back down. She let her fingernail dig into the flesh of his cock each time, but all it did was make his cock twitch harder. When he cried out the first time, her hand gripped his balls and milked them until he shot out. She saw the surprised look on his face when he saw his cum jet out like a geyser.

  He couldn’t believe it, his head exploded with such pleasure, but the tingle in his balls shot up through his cock, and he jerked his head back when he saw the tiny hole in the tip of his cock open up wide. The hole got big, and then a fountain of thick white crème shot out. It scared him for a second when it shot up about two feet and then came back down to splat on his stomach. He felt the hot crème scald his skin, but the pleasure that raced through his body overwhelmed all of his senses. He could barely breathe as she continued to stroke his cock and force more of the crème out. It didn’t shoot as far in the air, but it was just as profuse. He felt her squeeze his balls, and it was as though she forced the crème out through his cock. Her hand was slippery with his juices, but she never stopped stroking his cock and inducing more of his crème to shoot out. It lubricated her hand, so it moved faster.

  His face showed his bliss as he cried out after each jet of cum. His stomach was thick with the white crème. Her hand on his cock moved slower, but her other hand continued to milk his balls until he was drained. She gave his balls one last firm clasp that made him sit up in the chair as much as the bondage would allow him, but then, she rubbed her finger over the tip of his cock to extract the last drops out. She finally pulled her hand away.

  “What did you do?” He couldn’t believe the way she made him feel.

  “You came, Ethan. Did you like it?” She knew the answer but wanted to hear the words from him.

  “Yes, yes, it was so good. Will you do that again?” The pleasure drained his body now, but he hoped she would do it again later. He looked at his cock, no longer the rock-hard flesh it was before. It didn’t stand up tall and proud as it did. “Did you break it?”

  “No, it’s just fine, Ethan. Relax for a while, it’ll soon be back.” She gathered up some of the cum from his belly onto her wet fingers. She went to his head. “Stick out your tongue, Ethan.”

  He was too content to notice what she did, so he stuck out his tongue without thinking. Then, she rubbed her fingers on his tongue, and when he pulled it back into his mouth, he realized what she had done. The crème was thick and salty. He cringed at the taste. It was his juices.

  “It’s your cum, Ethan. Do you like the taste?”

  Cum was such a strange word. “It’s very salty and a bit acrid.”

  “You’ll learn to like it, Ethan.” She had plans for Ethan and the other men, plans that didn’t have anything to do with Michael’s vision. His vision was too idealist; she thought more of a realistic outcome. “It’s time to clean you up, Ethan. You have too much hair.”

  He saw his hair, and it was long and scraggly; it would be good to get a haircut and a shave, though he would have to learn how to shave now that hair grew on his face. He saw her bring over a tray; on it was shaving crème and what looked like a knife. It was shiny and sharp.

  Ursula soaped up her hand, stood between his legs and saw the shocked look on his face. “You should be clean shaven here, Ethan. Relax; I’ll take good care of you.”

  He was nervous until he felt her hands return to his cock. One hand held it out of the way, and he felt some of the hardness come back from her touch. She rubbed the crème around his cock, but then, she covered his balls, the touch of her fingers sent tingles through him again. “Careful,” he said when she picked up the knife.

  “I’m good at this, Ethan; look at the way I’m shaved. I did it all.”

  He held his breath when she started, but with her hand around his cock, it took all the anguish from the shaving. The blade moved slowly and efficiently, shaving off clumps of hairs. The hardest pa
rt was his balls. She hefted them up with one hand, and then, the blade moved slowly over them. Her fingers pulled on the sack to stretch it out, and then, he felt the blade glide over the skin. It felt good, not the shaving, but her touch on his balls. His cock grew harder. Then, the knife moved between his legs and he lost sight of it, but he could feel it touch the tender skin farther back. Her hand returned with more shaving crème, but she rubbed it in his crack; his spread legs left him open. “Not there, please,” he begged when he felt her fingers run over his backside. He felt the muscles quiver.

  “There are tiny hairs on your ass hole, Ethan. I need to get them off. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful, and you might find that it feels good.”

  No matter how much it felt good when she held his cock, the razor running up the crack of his ass made him nervous. She was careful, and the knife slid along his skin, but then, she got to his ass hole. Her finger touched it first, and he couldn’t control the muscles. It felt like it was connected to his cock; it quivered along with his ass muscles. It felt strange.

  Ursula worked the straight razor over his ass hole with such precision. She could feel his ass hole quiver when the blade touched it, carefully slicing off the fine hairs that circled it until it was cleanly shaved. “All done. That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She gave his cock a couple of jerks with her hand as she said it.


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