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Fur Magic Boxed Set: Talisman, Sage, Fawn, Lola: Paranormal Romantic Comedy

Page 9

by Colleen Charles

  “I liked that one too for the same reasons. I also liked Arenal in Costa Rica. The zip lining is great there too.”

  Pen’s eyes sparkled. “Really? Have you been there?”

  “Yes. I went there on a mission trip back in college. We built wells for villages that didn’t have a fresh water supply.”

  So Dr. Luke was playing his volunteer card. For tender hearted Pen, that was probably the best thing he could do under the circumstances. She would save the animals. He would save the underdeveloped countries.

  They stared at each other for a few minutes, neither one wanting to break the spell that had woven itself in to the silence around them.

  “I guess I should be going since my first appointment is at seven,” Dr. Luke said as he rose.

  Walk him to the door. And, then … how about a lip lock you crazy kids?

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Pen said as she rose to follow him.

  They stood like that outside the front door. Close but not close enough. Not close enough to feel. Not close enough to touch. Then, he reached for her.

  No … no … no.

  Chapter 4

  Dr. Luke had the market cornered on the awkward hug. Just when I thought he’d move in for the kiss, he grabbed Pen in a loose embrace and, wait for it …

  Patted her on the back!

  That same back now sported a Columbia knapsack on top of a moisture wicking shirt and leather hiking boots. Penelope looked like a walking advertisement for Gander Mountain and Ami didn’t look much better. Both girls weren’t hikers so they’d gone to get geared up in the morning and the sales person had spotted a couple of easy marks. I was pretty sure they didn’t need an oilskin canteen.

  “Hey, Pen,” she said. “Let’s get a move on. We need to meet Luke at the Coffee Hut at 10:00. Are Tali and Lola coming with us?”

  Did she really need to ask? Lola and I were standing at her feet like little, lost orphans. There wasn’t any way I was letting these girls go to those crazy caves alone even if Dr. Luke went along. And Lola, she still had some residual effects from the passing of her owner and didn’t like to be alone. And I didn’t like it when she cried.

  “I don’t think we can keep Tali behind,” she sighed. “Even though it’s hot out today, they’re going to tag along because wherever Damian or Elias might be, Tali wants to be. I love how he always wants to be by my side if I might be uncomfortable.”

  Ami snorted and tapped her booted toe on the ground. “Clingy. Controlling. Demanding. Kind of a like a husband … with fur.”

  Ami was still pissed off about that two-timing jackhole, Bard Greenwood. He’d taken Ariana Woodspryte to the Shadowkeep festival and rode in her car on the Ferris wheel when he was supposed to be exclusive with Ami. Now, Ami had it out for all things male.

  “Ami,” Pen admonished. “Tali’s a cat. He just wants to support us with his unconditional love.”

  “Is he capable?”

  Lola hissed and batted Ami in the leg for that statement. Rightly so, I’d given up so many of my lives and so much of my energy morphing, Ami’s surliness was uncalled for.

  Her face softened and she leaned over to give me some strokes to the back. “I’m sorry, Tali. Pen’s right. What would we do without you? I’m still a little testy since it hasn’t been that long since Carnival Gate.”

  I slid my black fur up against her calf length boot. The unbroken leather was as hard as a board. I could see some serious blisters and Epsom salts in her future. Dr. Luke had offered to drive us to the caves but Pen still had to get us to the coffee shop so we all piled in to her small SUV. Lola and I snuggled up in a kitty carrier in the cargo hold. I was fine with that because I didn’t want to be loose in the car with my propensity to attract accidents. Airborne into the ditch didn’t sound like a plan.

  Ami and Pen chatted about the caves and what Sabrina had said at the theater and then Lola and I became completely still as Ami asked a question.

  “What was up with Edris and that ‘Please Don’t Squeeze The Charmin’ chick?” Ami asked.

  “You mean the one the cops were chasing?” Pen countered with another question.

  “The very same.” Ami paused a few seconds before she continued and Lola and I held our breath. We knew what was coming. “I think Edris could do better.”

  “I know,” Pen replied. “I’ve liked Edris since high school. He’s never had much luck with the ladies. Unless, you’re saying you feel his ‘luck’ is about to change?”

  “Until last night at the theater,” Ami went on, “I hadn’t really thought about it. He’s always been such a great friend to me and we both love it when we get the chance to play chess together. Seeing him standing there in the middle of drama made me realize how great he is as a man. And how cute.”

  Pen agreed. “He is pretty darn cute.”

  The vehicle stopped so we must be in the parking lot. Pen turned off the ignition and hopped out as Ami came around the back and lifted the hatchback to get me and Lola out of our carrier. Since Shadowkeep was so small and everyone knew everyone, citizens often brought their pets with them. A couple of cats was out of the norm but Penelope was out of the norm so the town let her eccentricities slide.

  Talisman, ole buddy, ole pal!

  As I trotted toward the coffee shop, I saw Walter tied to a light post outside. Harry must be getting a cup of Joe.

  How are things going with Harry?

  Great! We’re going hiking today with the rest of the group. I can’t wait to see the caves. Who’s your pretty friend?

  I’m Lola.

  Hi, I’m Walter.

  It was great to meet you, Walter. We’ll see you later.

  Just as Pen had grabbed the metal handle to swing the door open a voice pierced the silence.

  “Miss, Penelope. Now, you wait just a minute. I have a bone to pick with you.”

  Walter looked up in shocked surprise as Elias Stout toddled down the middle of main street all decked out in his gear. Now I had to deal with this tool two days in a row. Getting rid of him was like trying to land a tin can in hurricane. He was not coming along with us.

  No. No. No.

  Sabrina Scuttleworth had just exited her vehicle in the parking lot when she’d heard Elias’ shrill voice and her head snapped to attention. Now, whatever ‘bone’ the lawyer had dug up was going to be a part of the skeleton in Pen’s closet. Sabrina slung her backpack over her arm and rushed toward us just as Elias arrived.

  “What’s up, Elias?” Pen asked as he reached them.

  “I had a dream last night,” he said, arms circling the air around him. “A very scary dream. It was so lifelike. It was if I my soul had temporarily left my body.”

  He has a soul?

  “Sounds frightening,” Ami said. “What was the dream about?”

  If he was having sex dreams about Penelope, I was going to morph and dig his beady eyes out with my thumbs.

  “There was a shadow in my bedroom,” he gasped as he paused, deep in thought. “It stood by the side of my bed and stared at me. Then it said something.”

  He pointed a skinny finger at the twosome.

  “Elias, what are you trying to say,” Pen questioned, her melodic voice breathy with exasperation.

  “It said your name … Penelope DeLacroix.”

  After his declaration he took a step back and waited with a gleeful expression on his face. Made even more gleeful by the huge intake of breath by Sabrina and the hand covering her big mouth. The Shadow Watcher had been in the bedroom of Elias Stout. I imagined him in his nightcap and flannel dress. Either that thing was a glutton for punishment or it was up to something. Or sent by someone.

  “Obviously, it was just a bad dream, Elias,” Ami spat. “Penelope isn’t a dark shadow that hides in a man’s bedroom at night. You need to lay off the wine before bed. It’s messing with your head.”

  “I’m not sure I believe that,” he whispered. “I think there might be more to it. I’ve been doing some online

  Sabrina just stood there mouth agape and eyes wide as the deep blue sea. Someone had to put a stop to this nonsense.

  Ami stood to her full five foot two inches and puffed up. “What kind of research?”

  Penelope just stood there. Why didn’t she say something? Defend herself.

  “Witch research.”

  A small crowd had gathered to listen to the exchange. Some people stopped on their way in to the coffee house and some on the way out. Of course, it didn’t help that Sabrina had beckoned some of them out with a wave and a mouthing of the words ‘listen to this’.

  “Elias, that’s ridiculous,” Ami argued. “There’s no such thing as apparitions that hang out in a single man’s bedroom. That’s just your warped idea of a fantasy.”

  “What’s this about, Elias?” a male voice cut through, raised in irritation.

  Dr. Luke to the rescue. My hero. And Penelope’s too.

  “I think your girlfriend is hiding something,” he said as he glared at Penelope but talked to Dr. Luke.

  “Penelope has nothing to hide, Elias,” Dr. Luke chided. “And you raising your voice to her in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the entire coffee shop is just plain rude.”

  I’d been really proud of Dr. Luke lately. He was really starting to raise his game. Or, Pen just brought out his protective side. Then again, she did that to me too and just about every other male in the county.

  “Yes, well then,” Elias coughed in to his hand. “So sorry, didn’t mean to offend.”

  His glare at Dr. Luke said that he might be sorry for now but it wasn’t over.

  “Elias,” Sabrina finally found her voice. “Would you like to accompany me to the caves today?”

  Please, Lord … get this dead man walking out of my sight so I can have a peaceful day with Lola.

  “That would be wonderful, Miss Sabrina,” he said. “Thank you so much for asking.”

  I saw Penelope breathe a sigh of relief as Dr. Luke placed an arm loosely around her shoulders. As soon as Elias walked inside the coffee shop with Sabrina, he whispered in her ear. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just a little shaken up. It was really rude of Elias to start raising his voice at me in public. All over some crazy dream he had in the privacy of his own bedroom.”

  Ami stomped her foot on the cement. “That guy has some weird witch obsession and he needs to get over it.”

  Elias Stout needed an exorcism. Or a lobotomy.

  Tali, that guy scares me. He’s not very nice, is he?

  No, Lola. Stay away from him. He’s bad news. But don’t worry because I’ll keep you safe.

  “Right now, I just want to get my daily dose of caffeine and get on the road,” Pen sighed as she swatted away a lock of long hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. “Can we go inside and get a latte’?”

  Lola and I waited outside while the threesome went in and ordered coffee to go. Besides, with my unfortunate addiction to coffee grounds it was pure torture for me to even be standing outside because the scrumptious aroma still wafted out towards me whenever someone opened or closed the door.

  Tell me more about that man, Tali.

  Well, you know his name is Elias Stout and he’s a lawyer. Since he’s the only lawyer in Shadowkeep he ends up with a lot of clients he probably doesn’t deserve.

  What’s a witch?

  I really didn’t want to get in to this discussion, even with my new girlfriend. My loyalties lay with Penelope and the entire DeLacroix family so I’d never divulge any of the familial secrets. Even to Lola. Probably especially not to Lola. One never knew where a relationship was headed and I’d never really been the committing type.

  A witch is a person who is supposed to have magical powers and an ability to use them.

  What kind of powers?

  All kinds. Like casting spells, mental telepathy, levitation, moving objects. One or a combination of all or some of them. It depends on the witch. There can also be witches that use their powers for good and some use their powers for evil.

  I’ve never known a witch. Penelope’s not a witch is she? She seems so nice.

  To lie or not to lie, that is the question …

  No, Penelope is about the nicest person in this world. But there are others who are not so nice.

  But you’ll keep me safe?

  I will.

  Chapter 5

  I just about pissed on the sidewalk instead of the litterbox. Lola saw it too and her azure blue eyes widened to the size of golf balls. Penelope inhaled. A quick, ragged breath that caused her already alabaster complexion to whiten further. She saw it. I saw it. Lola saw it.

  What in the hell was it?

  Dr. Luke and Ami acted like nothing had happened. Were they blind? Not that I was unhappy that my human friends hadn’t been scared out of their wits but it just didn’t make any sense. As soon as the Shadow Watcher appeared against the light post of 74th and Lime, it disappeared almost as quickly. Maybe it was looking for its little bottle of …

  Witch Potion #9.

  Keep your day job, handsome. That scary apparition is nothing to tease about. Can’t you ever be serious?

  Doll. Get used to it because it’s what I do. And I do it well, if I do say so myself.

  Lola just rolled the blue eyes that were finally starting to shrink back to their normal size.

  Dr. Luke brushed his hand against Pen’s and looked concerned. “Are you okay, Penelope?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “I thought I saw a ghost.”

  Ami laughed outright, thinking Pen was kidding. “A ghost? Imagine that in the middle of Lime Street in broad daylight. Did you get enough sleep last night, Pen?”

  She sighed and brought her hand to her throat as if that simple gesture could protect her from whoever or whatever that damn thing was. “I know, silly me. I think it’s the sun because it’s hot today and we’ve been standing out here for over ten minutes.”

  That comment put Mr. Knight in Shining Hiking Boots straight in to protect and fix-it mode. “Let’s go back inside and sit down then for a few minutes before we head out to the caves. I don’t want you overheating. You should drink some water too so you stay hydrated. I never should have allowed all of us to get these mocha iced coffees. Even though, they are delicious.”

  “No doubt,” Ami said as she took a long draught from her green straw. “We’re good Dr. Luke. Penelope and I both bought new Liter sized BPA Free water bottles and they’re full. We even added electrolyte powder. The dude at Gander Mountain was really helpful.”

  Yeah. Helpful. Helping you two ignorant fools out of hundreds of your hard earned dollars. I was about to scratch Dr. Luke on the boot so he’d shut his mouth and get his long legs moving. Didn’t anyone notice it was the full, blazing sun and my fur was shiny and black? It felt like I might spontaneously combust.

  “Amelia … Penelope!” a voice called out from about fifty yards down the street. I squinted in to the blinding sun and a few seconds passed before I could make out a mop of brown curls heading toward us. Edris and Elias again in the same day? Posturing over the same woman? The age old battle of good vs. evil. Maturity vs. youth.

  Douche bag vs. nerd.

  This day couldn’t get much better. If only Dr. Luke would get us all out of the damn sun.

  “Hi, Edris,” Ami said with a flirty wave of her hand. “We’re heading to the caves to explore the hieroglyphics. Want to come?”

  He glanced down at his shorts and tennis shoes. “I’m not sure I’m dressed for the occasion. Do you think these shoes are okay?”

  Dr. Luke swept his gaze over the younger man’s outfit. “I think you’ll be fine as long as you keep to the trail and don’t walk over any loose rock. We were going to go inside to cool down for a few minutes before we head out because Penelope’s feeling the heat a little too much for my comfort.”

  “Always the doctor,” Ami snorted. “Eldris, come inside with me and you can buy me another one of these
mocha numbers. They’re super scrumptious.”

  “Sounds great,” he replied as he put his hand in the small of Ami’s back. “I’d love to hear more about that column you did last week explaining that fight scene in Game of Thrones.”

  Lola and I brought up the rear as the group filed back in to the Coffee Hut. I had to go inside and face my demons in order to protect the girls. The place was packed so I was hoping that no one would see us and start yelling to get the cats out of the premises. Dr. Luke sank into an overstuffed wingback so I took that opportunity to herd Lola underneath it and we laid together to rest up.

  Ah, the smell.

  Lola, I’m addicted to coffee grounds like catnip. If I try to lick them, stop me. Please, please stop me or I’ll end up so loopy I’ll start talking to myself. Then, I’ll answer.

  What kind of a cat eats coffee grounds? That’s gross, Tali.

  Bet you didn’t know what you were signing up for, did you, doll?

  Lola just rolled her baby blues and commenced with paw licking. I noticed Elias out of the corner of my eye with two drinks in his skinny fingers. Sabrina was already seated with an iced tea so what was he up to?

  “Miss Amelia,” he said as he strode toward the fireplace where our chairs were arranged. “I brought you one of those mocha concoctions you’re so fond of.”

  Then, his beady little eyes narrowed even further when he spotted Eldris perched on the chair right next to Ami, his hand suspended in mid-air as it clutched the drink.

  “Thanks, Elias,” Ami said as she jumped up, grabbed the iced mocha and headed for the counter. “I better tell Dr. Luke I already have one so I don’t get a duplicate. Not that I wouldn’t love a third but that’s too much caffeine. Even for me.”

  Elias took that opportunity to plunk himself down in the chair that Ami had vacated. The man’s boots were only a few inches away from my face. And claws. Oh, the temptation. But, Lola was right. I needed to start setting a better example for her.


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