The Wilde One (Old Town Country Romance)

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The Wilde One (Old Town Country Romance) Page 9

by Young, Savannah

  I feel like I’ve been taking a lot more than I’ve been giving but I keep that to myself.

  “Well, I know you’re busy,” Riley says. “I just wanted to introduce myself.”

  When she places her hand on my arm I notice the huge diamond ring on her finger. It must have cost a small fortune.

  “That’s a lovely ring,” I admire.

  She lifts her hand a bit and looks at the ring. “Cooper has good taste.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Obviously.”

  She laughs. “I wasn’t fishing for a compliment.”

  “You seem perfect for each other.”

  She nods. “I hope you’ll be careful with Tucker. He may look tough on the outside but he’s got a huge heart.”

  “I know.”

  “The guys will be on stage in a few minutes. You’ll want to get a place up front if you can.”



  The place is busier than I’ve seen it in a while. I attribute it to the cold weather and the lack of other options for entertainment in Old Town.

  And maybe a few people are actually here to see Wilde Riders perform.

  I’ve tried to keep my eye on Gracie. It’s her first night with a big crowd and I want to make sure she’s doing okay.

  And, yes, I want to make sure that other guys keep their distance. If that makes me sound possessive, so be it.

  Just as we’re about to take the stage, I have the overwhelming urge to look back at Gracie. I’m not sure why but the feeling is so strong, it’s overpowering.

  When I quickly glance back, I see Dex out of the corner of my eye. He’s got Gracie by the elbow and he’s dragging her towards the front door.

  As if I’m in a movie in slow motion, I hear the sound of my guitar hit the floor and only then do I realize I’ve dropped it.

  And as precious as the instrument is to me, it doesn’t seem to matter as I race towards the entrance as fast as my fucked up leg will take me.

  By the time I make it to the door, I see that my three brothers are already blocking the entrance like a wall of flesh. I take my place in front of them and force Dex to stop dead in his tracks.

  Gracie looks petrified and I want nothing more than to take her into my arms and let her know everything is going to be all right.

  But it’s not all right yet. One big asshole stands in our way.

  “Let her go,” I demand. I give Dex a look that says if he doesn’t, I’ll kill him.

  When I glance over Gracie there’s still fear in her eyes, but this time it’s fear of me. I never wanted her to be afraid of me, and I hate Dex for putting me in this position, but I don’t have any choice. I want the jerk to think I’m tough enough and crazy enough to hurt him permanently.

  Dex’s eyes narrow to angry slits. “She’s mine,” he spits. “I don’t want your dick or anyone else’s inside what’s mine.”

  I can feel rage surge through my body. “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.” Dex makes a point of looking down at my leg. “What are you? Some kind of cripple? Can you even get it up?”

  I lunge at Dex but I can feel the force of my brothers’ strength holding me back. I’m so flooded with anger I can’t even think straight. I only have one thought in my head and that’s getting Gracie away from this sick freak by whatever means necessary.

  “The cops are on their way,” I hear Cooper whisper.

  That calms me down a little. I hope I can keep cool until they arrive.

  I notice that a crowd has now formed around us and everyone in the bar is staring at me. Under normal circumstances I hate being the center of attention, but this is anything but normal. I feel like a specimen under a magnifying glass.

  Then, to my surprise, Gracie speaks up. “He was a solider. He was injured in Iraq. He sacrificed himself for his country. What have you ever done for anyone but yourself?”

  Before I have a chance to react, Dex slaps Gracie so hard her head snaps back.

  There’s a collective gasp in the crowd and it feels like all of the air is sucked out of the bar all at once.

  It takes all the strength my three brothers possess to hold me down so I don’t kill Dex.

  “Please,” I hear Gracie cry. “Don’t hurt him. I’m not worth it.”

  She obviously knows I’m mad enough to kill him and she doesn’t want me to get in trouble. What she doesn’t realize is that I’ll do anything to save her, even if it means sacrificing myself to do it.

  I breathe the smallest sigh of relief when I hear sirens blaring towards us. As if a realization suddenly hits Dex, he finally lets Gracie go.

  He might have been able to abuse her as much and as often as he wanted to when they were alone, this time he’s going down. He hit her in front of a crowd of witnesses.

  It’s chaotic when the police arrive. Mac Malone heads in our direction while several other officers escort the patrons out of the bar.

  So much for the Wilde Riders performing tonight.

  It’s not until Mac is standing between me and Dex that my brothers finally let me go. Smart men.

  “Mind telling me what’s going on?” Mac stares at Dex.

  Dex frowns. “Okay, I hit her. I admit it.”

  He makes a point of moving his hands behind his back in the position to be handcuffed. “But I’m not saying another word without my lawyer present.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to call your lawyer,” Mac says as he puts cuffs on Dex.

  Dex continues to glare at me as Mac hauls him away. I know this isn’t the end of things between us.

  After we all give statements to the other officers, Jake decides to close the bar early. I feel bad because I know it’s going to hurt us financially. We make most of our money on Friday and Saturday nights. But we’re all physically and emotionally exhausted.

  Jake tells a few of the stragglers still standing outside smoking and talking to spread the word that tomorrow night is Happy Hour all night long. Half price drinks and free appetizers. The regulars will be thrilled.

  My guitar is a mess. I must have thrown it down a little harder than I thought.

  “I’m sorry,” Gracie says as she joins me and we both look at the broken instrument.

  “It can be fixed,” I assure her.

  I can see tears start to stream down her face. “I’m really not worth all this trouble.”

  I put the guitar down and pull her into my arms. “Please don’t say that. You’re worth it to me.”

  She sniffles. “I don’t think your brothers are going to be very happy with me. I ruined everything.”

  I place the softest of kisses on her lips. “It wasn’t you. It was Dex. I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about him for a while.”

  Gracie furrows her brow and looks even more concerned. Not the reaction I was expecting. “He won’t stay in jail. He’s got a fantastic lawyer who always manages to get him out.”

  I pull her in tight and just hold her. She’s still shaking a bit. Her nerves are probably as frayed as mine. I want her to know I’ll always be there for her. That I’ll always protect her.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you, Gracie.”

  She heaves a sigh. “You don’t know Dex. He won’t give up that easily.”

  “I can handle it,” I assure her.


  “I need a shower,” Gracie states when we get back home.

  I nod. “Go ahead. I’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll make us some tea.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “And cookies?”

  I grin. “And cookies.”

  She hurries upstairs and I make my way into the kitchen. I’m surprised when I see Cooper, Riley, Jake and Hunter all sitting around the table obviously engaged in a serious discussion.

  “Looks like you’re having a family meeting and I wasn’t invited,” I state.

  All eyes are on me as I walk over to the table.

  “Where’s Gracie?” Jake asks.

  I fol
d my arms over my chest. “Taking a shower.”

  “Why don’t you take a seat?” Cooper suggests.

  I grab a stool from under the counter, drag it over to the table, and take a seat. “What’s up?”

  “We’re concerned,” Cooper says. “About you and about Gracie.”


  “Do you think this is the end of it?” Jake says. “Dex didn’t look like he was even close to giving up.”

  I shake my head. “He’s not.”

  “Gracie is always welcome in our house,” Jake says. “You know that. But we’re not sure it’s a good idea for her to be at the bar.”

  I can feel every muscle in my body tighten. “She goes where I go.”

  Jake and Cooper exchange a quick glance then Jake says, “Maybe you should take a break from the bar for a little while.”

  I jump from the stool so quickly it falls to the floor behind me. “What are you saying? You don’t want me and Gracie around anymore? That bar belongs to me just as much as it does to the three of you.” I point at each of my brothers.

  When Cooper looks up at me I can see the gravity in his eyes. “We have to think about what’s in the best interest of the business.”

  “And I have to think about what’s right and what’s going to be the best thing for Gracie.”

  “Do you really care about her that much?” Cooper asks.

  I look at him like he’s an idiot for asking such a stupid question. “I would do anything for her.”

  “How much do you really know about her?” Cooper asks. I know he’s trying to be the voice of reason but he must have a really short memory. He hooked up with Riley the week he met her and they’re been together ever since.

  I give him one of my death stares. Of my three brothers, he’s the one who is the most difficult to intimidate. “I know you, of all people, are not going to go there with me.” I make a point of looking a Riley. I can see her start to turn red with embarrassment. I hate to drag her into the middle of it but Cooper started it.

  “Riley’s different,” Cooper says.

  I actually laugh at him. “Okay, whatever you say. Why don’t you just admit that when the Wilde brothers fall for someone they fall fast and hard?”

  Cooper eyes soften. “Is that really how you feel about Gracie? Is she the one for you?”

  I nod.

  “We’ll figure something out,” he says.

  Jake looks like he’s going to protest until Cooper shoots him one of his most intimidating looks. I’m actually surprised it shuts Jake up.

  “Is everything okay?” I hear Gracie’s soft voice as she enters the kitchen.

  Her hair is still a little damp from her shower and she’s wearing one of my T-shirts over sweatpants. Even though I bought her plenty of clothes, she seems more comfortable wearing mine. Not that I mind. There’s something incredibly sexy about seeing her in my shirts.

  Cooper and Riley hop from their seats and Jake and Hunter quickly follow. Gracie looks a little crestfallen that everyone seems to be leaving the moment she steps into the room.

  “I’m tired,” Jake announces then gives a half-hearted fake yawn for emphasis.

  I make sure he sees me roll my eyes at him.

  Cooper takes Riley’s hand and pulls her toward him. “Riley had a long day. A lot of stuff going on at work.”

  “It was great meeting you,” Riley says to Gracie and gives her a genuine smile.

  I can see that Gracie appreciates the gesture because she gives Riley a big smile in return.

  I wish my brothers would warm up to her a little more. But I guess I understand their hesitation. She does come with a little more baggage than a lot of girls.

  But no matter what she says and no matter what they think, she’s worth it.


  “Lie down with me.” Gracie pats the bed next to her. She’s looking at me in a way that says she wants more than for me to just lie with her.

  She looks so beautiful, lying in my bed. Her hair freshly washed and flowing down the pillow. And the only thing she’s wearing is my T-shirt.

  And it’s pretty obvious that’s she got nothing else on underneath.

  Her legs look so smooth and perfect. They’re so white, she looks like a porcelain doll. When I think about running my hands over that silky, flawless skin, I can already feel myself getting hard.

  She gives me a sexy little half smile and it sends a wave of desire through me that is so strong, I almost can’t contain it.

  I want to be with Gracie more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

  But I can’t bring myself to take off my pants.

  I’m supposed to be some courageous war veteran and I’m afraid to take off my damn pants.

  “Maybe I should shut off the lights?” I suggest, but the words sound even lamer than I am.

  She slowly shakes her head.

  I know I’ve got to man up. If I want to be with Gracie, and oh, do I want to be with her, I need to let her see me. All of me. Every fractured and broken and barely pieced back together part of me.

  As I take my shirt off, I watch Gracie’s reaction. When she bites her bottom lip, I take that as a good sign. I’m pretty proud of the top half of my body. I work hard at the gym and I know I look pretty good from the waist up.

  It’s the rest of me that I’m worried about.

  Now or never, I tell myself.

  I take in a deep breath and slowly remove my jeans and my underwear with them. I’m now standing in front of her completely naked. I’ve never felt so vulnerable in my entire life.

  When I finally get the courage to look over Gracie, her expression has changed. She looks scared. No doubt because she realizes that under my clothes I’m a monster. I let out the breath I’d been holding until I’m completely deflated.

  I don’t think I could feel any worse until I realize tears are streaming down her face. She’s obviously repulsed by me and the idea of being with me is upsetting her.

  “I’ll put my pants back on,” I manage to choke out. I can already feel my throat starting to close.

  When I make a move for my jeans, she grabs my arm.

  “No, don’t,” she begs.

  “Why are you crying?”

  She furrows her brow for a moment then looks horrified. Great. Things are quickly progressing from bad to worse. I knew I should have just kept my pants on.

  “It’s not you,” she says quickly. “It’s me.”

  “I know it’s my leg. You don’t have to pretend it’s not. It’s okay.” I can feel my face tighten. I can’t stand the thought of me causing her so much pain.

  “No,” she says quickly. “It’s not that at all.”

  “Then what is it?” I probe.

  Tears start to roll down her face again. I can’t believe what a mess I’ve made of things. Me and my excuse for a leg.

  “Would you just lie down with me for a minute?” she suggests.

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  She takes my hand and pulls me down next to her.

  I look at her for a few moments then I push her hair back behind her ear and gently wipe away the tears from her cheeks.

  “Take a deep breath,” I suggest.

  She heaves a few residual sobs then takes in a deep breath.

  “Just relax.”

  She takes in another long, slow breath and then exhales.

  “Can you tell me why you’re so upset?”

  She nods but when she tries to speak, nothing comes out. She swallows then starts again. “Dex is the only guy I’ve ever been with.”

  I’m not sure I want to hear this. The thought of her being with that disgusting creep makes me want to puke. And the thought of him taking her virginity makes me want to hurt him. But what she wants to say is obviously important to her so I have to listen.

  “I never wanted to be with him,” she continues. Her voice is so small I have to really concentrate to hear her. “I don’t find him attractive. But he forced me
to have sex with him. He forced me to do all kinds of things—degrading things—that I never wanted to do. But if I said no, he just hit me until he got what he wanted. Sometimes, I think he actually enjoyed hitting me. It seemed to really turn him on.”

  I put up my hand to stop her. I just can’t hear anymore. I already want to hurt the sick son-of-a-bitch but what she’s telling me makes me want to hurt him in a more permanent way. So he can never hurt another girl again.

  Gracie is nervously wringing her hands and not looking at me. I don’t like it when our eyes aren’t connected. “Will you look at me?”

  She slowly glances up at me with her bloodshot eyes. I wish I could do something, anything, to take her pain away.

  “When we’re together,” I say. “I want it to be because both of us want it. Okay?”

  She nods but I’m not sure she’s convinced.

  “I don’t want you to ever do anything you don’t want to do just because you think you have to or because you think it’s what I want. Sex is supposed to be something we agree on together. Something that we both want to do and that we’ll both enjoy. I only want to do things that will make you feel good. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes,” she says but her voice still sounds so small and unsure.

  “If we’re going to be together, it’s really important for us to communicate. I want you to tell me what you like and what you don’t like. I only want to do things that make you feel good. Because when you feel good, it makes me feel good.”


  “Let’s just relax and hold each other for a while. Is that okay?”

  She nods.

  I lie on the bed on my back and Gracie cuddles up next to me with her head on my chest. She puts her leg over me and I like the feeling of her naked skin on mine. I want more of it. I want to feel every inch of her. I want us both completely naked and I want to be inside of her.

  But I don’t want to go too far too fast. Gracie is so vulnerable and I don’t want to do anything to hurt her. I realize that I’ll have to take things very slowly and carefully.

  As much as I want to be with her, I can wait. I’ll wait as long as it takes. I’ll wait an eternity, if that’s what it takes.

  After a few minutes, Gracie starts to slowly move her hand up and down my chest. I take in a sharp breath. I’m sure she doesn’t realize how much she’s turning me on but she will when she looks down and sees my rapidly growing erection.


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