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Page 9

by Ava Benton

  Klaus stepped up. “I’ll take the key to the cells, please.”

  “Don’t do this, Klaus,” Tamhas murmured.

  “It’s for the best. This way, none of the others can even accuse you of trying to break her out. It isn’t that I don’t trust you. It’s that there are so many others who like to whisper and question and fear.”

  Ainsley stepped up next to him. “That’s what it’s all about. Fear. Not mistrust. They’re just afraid. Like all of us, really.” She looked at me. “Did he tell you what happened? The reason he was away for so long?”

  “I didn’t,” Tamhas replied in a tight voice.

  “I’m sure he will,” she continued, still looking at me. “And I think you’ll understand.”

  “In the meantime,” Klaus said, extending an arm in the direction of the tunnel. “We really should get back before the alarm sounds. Things will only get worse from there.”

  “I won’t leave her in there. In a cell, all alone. She’s not a prisoner, not a far as I’m concerned.”

  “What do you intend to do?” Klaus sighed. He was beyond exasperation by then. I wondered how he ended up with the scars down the side of his face. He obviously wasn’t human—a human man wouldn’t stand up to a dragon the way Klaus had, and he was much bigger than any human male I’d ever known.

  “I’ll be in there with her.”

  “Come on,” Ainsley muttered, folding her arms and looking away. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I won’t leave her alone in there. If she has to stay with us and she has to stay in the cell—”

  “I won’t leave you in a cell,” Alan said as he walked toward us from inside the cave.

  I froze. Damn, damn, we waited too long. I was as good as done for. He’d kill me for trying to escape, and he might even kill Tamhas.

  “I’ll do what I feel is right,” Tamhas muttered. He didn’t miss a beat, like seeing Alan standing there didn’t bother him one bit. Like he had expected us to be followed.

  I felt more and more like I was in an episode of The Twilight Zone every fricking minute.

  “It wouldn’t be right for you to live in a cell, like some sort of prisoner.” He stood in front of us with his arms folded. They were so thick. They could squeeze the life out of a person without hardly trying. The men I trained with would’ve killed for half his strength.

  He could make a mint if he made training videos. Nobody needed to know he didn’t come across his build naturally.

  “I won’t leave her in there like she’s a prisoner. Some sort of criminal. She didn’t come here with any ill will toward us. She didn’t know what she was getting into at all.”

  Alan sighed. “I wish I knew that was the truth. But the fact is, regardless, I can’t have her running around the place freely. She found us. She’s a danger to us, no matter the reason why she’s here. Besides, if she could find us, anyone can.”

  “Not quite, no offense,” I added when his eyes narrowed. “I’m not trying to be difficult, but just keep in mind that I’m not the one who found you. Only people with a serious lot of skills would be able to.”

  “And that was before we tightened security,” Tamhas pointed out.

  “We used an email from before you all went away,” I said.

  “See? Things weren’t the same then as they are now.”

  “Plus, it took time and a lot of work. You were already set up pretty well. Proxy servers rerouting to different countries and all that. I didn’t understand half of what she was talking about.”

  “Even so. Your friend managed it. Other people could, as well.”

  “I still don’t see what that has to do with whether I’m locked up here or not. I’m not going to tell anyone about you. It would mean telling them about…” I looked at Tamhas. “Telling them about you. I would never do that.”

  “How do I know?” Alan demanded.

  “She wouldn’t,” Ainsley murmured.

  “What?” Alan and I both said at once.

  That was a twist I wasn’t expecting. Of all people to stick up for me, it was her?

  She shook her head at her brother. “She wouldn’t. I’m sure of it now.” Man, they looked alike. I hadn’t noticed it until that moment. “She had the chance to escape, and she didn’t take it. I trust her.”

  “So do I,” Klaus agreed as he slid an arm around her waist. “She could’ve run. She could’ve taken Tamhas with her in spite of what it meant for him, knowing he would have to leave the clan as a result, that he could never come back. She put him ahead of herself and agreed to stay.”

  “Even when she knew Mary might not be able to prove the Blood Moon Priestesses aren’t in existence any longer. She knew there was a chance she couldn’t prove there was no current connection to them.” Tamhas moved slightly until he was just in front of me. “She cared more about me, and the clan, than she did about her own safety. I think that says a lot for her.”

  He took a step closer to Alan, who was looking less sure of himself every minute. “Alan, you know how it is when we know something. Something true, something absolutely factual. We simply… know.”


  “I know.”

  They looked at each other for a long time. What felt like forever, really, seeing as how my future hung in the balance. No big deal or anything.

  “All right,” Alan sighed. “No cell. But I want eyes on her whenever possible.”

  I had the feeling that was as close to a kind word as I was going to get from him. I was grateful for it.

  “Come on, then,” Ainsley said, and her voice was much brighter than before. “Let’s get some sleep. I’m exhausted. All this waiting around out here.”



  I let him lead me to his room—after all, I wouldn’t have known where to go, otherwise.

  It was a long walk. It gave me plenty of time to think.

  Was this what I wanted? To live with the clan, with him? To be with him? I couldn’t have one without the other, could I? If I wanted him—and I did—I had to stay. Even if Alan was a raging prick about it and just begged to beat up my fist with his face.

  But Ainsley had come around. A little, anyway. And I didn’t want to kill her anymore. Maybe there was hope for him, too.

  I would do whatever I needed to do to make sure Tamhas was happy with his choice. Me. He was choosing me, just like he would’ve chosen to run from his clan for my sake.

  Like I’d ever let him do something so crazy.

  With the time to actually look around and take things in, I couldn’t help but feel impressed with the underground tunnels and rooms which made up the home of the dragons. I never would’ve imagined something so… clean. Bright, but not clinical. Warm. Homey, even.

  Alan and Klaus stopped off together at the first door to our right. I glanced inside as the door swung closed and saw a bank of monitors and screens. That must’ve been where Tamhas had talked to me, in that room.

  Ainsley continued down the hall to another closed door which she opened and disappeared behind.

  Tamhas came to a stop three doors down. I stopped with him. Why was my heart in my throat? Because shit just got real. We were about to be alone, really alone, for the first time. Not in a cell with bars and a cot, either.

  He’d be a gentleman. I had no doubt.

  Did I want him to be? That was another question.

  “This is where you live?” My boots sank into the thick, light gray carpet. “Shoot. I could sleep soundly on this carpet, I think.”

  “You don’t have to,” he replied with a soft chuckle. “The bed is much nicer. I mean if you find the carpet impressive…”

  I grinned, maybe a little nervously, as I went to the king-sized bed and ran a hand over the silvery bedspread. Soft, silky. I fought the temptation to rub it over my face, it was so luxurious.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “I like all of it.” There was a big TV hanging on the wall at the foot of the bed, shelves an
d shelves of books on either side and along the other walls, too. I could read for weeks and months on end, if I wanted to.

  I would have to, or else I’d go nuts with nothing else to do.

  It seemed like he sensed what I was thinking. “You can access all kinds of movies and TV shows through the TV. Music, too. There are tons more books in the common room. Video games, if that’s your thing. We have an extensive gym, too.”

  “Ooh, now that sounds interesting.” I arched an eyebrow. “I could use the challenge.”

  He paused, then laughed. “You think the men in the clan will spar with you?”

  “Why not? I’m just a girl, right?” I fluttered my eyelashes.

  “They know better by now than to think you’re simply an ordinary girl.” He crossed the room, coming to me with his arms extended.

  There was nothing for me to do but sink into his embrace.

  God, I’d been wanting to do it since I first laid eyes on him over the computer. That smiling image was nothing compared to the real thing—and now that we weren’t separated by miles or iron bars, there was nothing stopping me from sinking into his arms.

  “That feels good,” he murmured in my ear.

  Oh, yes, it did. He smelled good, he felt good, he was warm and strong, and he was willing to do just about anything to make sure I was taken care of. He’d even stand up to the leader of his clan for me.

  I wished there was a way for me to explain what it meant to know that.

  “Are you really all right with being here?” he asked. “Because I want you to be here. I need you to know that.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. This isn’t just a last-minute way to get Alan to agree to keeping you out of a cell.” He pulled far enough away to look down into my eyes. “I want you here. I want you. For as long as I can have you. The rest of both of our lives.”

  “Do you know what you’re saying? You know you don’t have to go that far just to get me to stay, right? Don’t feel like you have to offer me the rest of our lives together, just so I won’t try to escape.”

  His expression darkened. “Is that what you think this is? All a ruse to keep you here? As a prisoner?”

  “I don’t think of myself as a prisoner—”

  “But you think I want to keep you from escaping.”

  I wondered if he knew the gold ring around his irises seemed to glow brighter when he was angry or upset.

  “Which makes it sound as though you’re a prisoner.”

  “You have to keep me here to keep things even keel. I get that. You promised to keep watch on me. It’s just what you have to do.”

  He let out a huge sigh. “But I want you. Yourself. Here. In this room, in my arms, in my bed. As my woman. My mate. And that has nothing to do with keeping things even-keel in the clan. Not even the first thing. I couldn’t care less what Alan thinks, so long as you’re happy.”

  “I just want to be with you. That will make me happy.”

  “You’re certain? Here? Not back at home?”

  Emelie’s face floated up to the front of my mind, and that made my heart ache a little, but that wasn’t his fault. I’d have to come to terms with that on my own.

  I knew there was a chance I wouldn’t go back, didn’t I?

  Why hadn’t I bought a return ticket?

  I nodded firmly, smiling. “I want you, Tamhas. How could I not?”

  Instead of saying another word, he lowered his head to cover my mouth with his. All I could do was hold onto the back of his head, letting my fingers tangle in his thick, soft hair as he kissed me harder and more thoroughly than I’d ever been kissed before.

  Why not? He’d had the practice.

  I let my head fall back against his arm as the kiss deepened, his tongue prying my lips open and slowly, torturously slowly, exploring in the inside of my mouth. My fingers curled into his flesh, passion already flaring up deep in my core and flooding me with a burning, aching need to be taken. Oh, my God, did I want him to take me.

  There was nothing in the world but him. His taste—sweet, warm—and his scent—musky, masculine, a little spicy—and the strength of his arms, like steel bands around me. I let my hands trail over his shoulders, his back, impossibly large and thick with muscle that moved under his skin, promising so much.

  When he growled, low and deep in the back of his throat, I shivered in response and slid my hands under his shirt to touch his bare skin. So smooth, soft, perfect for running my nails along. He growled again, louder, his arms tightening.

  I felt myself giving control over to him, something I never did. It was a thrill like I had never felt before, trusting and knowing he was worthy of trust.

  I had to pull my mouth away to get some air, which meant he could trail hot kisses down my throat. I gasped, pulling him closer, panting for breath which his hands slid down my back and cupped either side of my butt.

  When he pulled me in, almost slamming me against him and the growing hardness between us, I just about sobbed in desperation. It was going to happen, and it was supposed to happen. Whatever was different about me was reaching out to whatever was different about him, seeking the connection we both needed.

  He walked me back to the bed, guiding me even as his mouth took possession of any bare skin he could reach, and he lowered me gently to that silky bedspread and undressed me without breaking eye contact.

  I watched him, stared up into those strange eyes I already loved so much, aware of the touch of his hands as he slid them over me. So firm, so tender. Worshipful, even. Taking in the curves of my hips as he worked my pants down, then my panties. Gliding over my torso and my breasts as he peeled off my tank top and bra.

  Goosebumps rose over my skin as he took me in, his eyes going over every inch as his hands closed into tight fists. His breathing was harder than ever—just like the bulging erection in his pants.

  “I want to see you,” I whispered.

  No sense in being the only one undressed. He was much quicker with his undressing than he was with mine, shucking off his clothes and throwing them on the floor. He was perfect—my mouth watered at the sight of his chiseled abs, bulging chest, not an ounce of fat to be seen. All muscle. All mine.

  I opened my arms to him, my legs, wrapping my body around his, as he settled over me for another breathtaking kiss while his hands roamed freely over everything he could reach. He lit me up from the inside, making my nerves sizzle as I writhed under him.

  I was already slick, slippery, and his fingers slid through my folds. I clenched up, arching against him when he stroked my clit. It was ecstasy and agony all at once, all wrapped up together, a relief and the promise of more.

  “Yes… yes, baby…” he whispered in my ear, his breathing hot and fast between grunts. Driving me crazy was driving him crazy, too.

  Which drove me crazier.

  I worked my hips in slow circles, grinding against his hand, guiding him and pushing myself higher. I’d never been very good at letting go, letting somebody else take control of the situation. Of me. Nobody had ever known how to pleasure me before without a lot of help.

  He didn’t see it that way. “That’s right,” he grunted, kissing my ear, my neck. “Show me what you want. Show me what you like.”

  “Oh, God!” I groaned, throwing my head back, the tension in my core growing and building until it was almost too much. And not enough. All at once. “Oh, yes, yes… I’m…”

  “Come for me,” he hissed, which was all it took to throw me over the edge. I clung to him, moaning into his shoulder to muffle the sound.

  “I need this…” he grunted, pressing that enormous dick against my hip. Bigger than anything I’d ever taken in. “I need you. Now.”

  “Yes, Tamhas,” I almost wept, still shaking, caught between satisfaction and the desire for more.

  “I can’t hold back. The dragon…” Something flashed in his eyes, something that almost made my heart stop. The dragon behind his human form. He was in there, wanting me, wanting
to complete our connection. It would be like nothing I had ever been through before.

  My body leapt to life, arching up again to meet his. He spread my thighs to fit himself between them and pressed against my quivering entrance. My eyes were half-open, staring up into his in a sort of daze. It was all happening so fast, but that was how it needed to be. I knew it.

  “Yes…” I breathed, and he took this as the invitation, the demand, the plea that it was. He pushed forward with one sure thrust, and we both cried out, gripping each other tightly as our bodies fused.

  “My God!” I gasped, tensing with the sudden burst of fresh pleasure he brought. He was so big, filling me up, stretching me, moving in and out in deep thrusts. I locked my ankles around his back, pulling him even deeper than before, showing him how much I needed all of what he was giving me.

  He growled louder than ever, sending shivers up my spine when I realized dimly, in the back of my mind, what was really happening. I knew it in the pit of my soul. He was claiming me as his every time our bodies crashed together, every time he buried his length inside me.

  I held onto the back of his neck, pressing my face to his shoulder as tears ran down my cheeks. It had never known that sort of joy, that completeness. So sure that everything was right. Just as it needed to be.

  He pulled back, pushing himself up on his palms and locking his arms. “Look at me,” he commanded.

  I did, our eyes meeting. “Say it. Mine. You’re mine.” Sharp thrusts, harder than before.

  “Yours. All yours.” Pressure built where our bodies met, the heat growing and growing. I jerked my hips in time with his thrusts, taking all the pleasure I could get, and he groaned in response.

  “That’s right… Mine. You’re mine.” He sounded like an animal, like something I hadn’t heard before, growling and grunting, losing himself to something bigger than himself just like I was losing myself in what we were building between us. I closed my eyes, letting it take over, letting bliss wash over me in waves I thought might drown me.


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