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Maid to Order

Page 12

by Penny Birch

  By then I had my hand between my thighs, clutching at myself as I imagined how she would feel. When Jeff took his turn and made a point of using all three holes, her mouth last after withdrawing his cock from her now gaping rectum, I was remembering how I’d offered Mr Hegedus the same filthy service and I came close to orgasm. Then came one of the new members, who entered her and stuck a finger up her bum at the same time, before extracting it to paint a cross on his face as he fucked her, with the others calling out in delight to see that he’d been blooded. With that I came.

  Chapter Nine

  I escaped, partly because I hid and partly because once they’d finished with Annabelle they weren’t much good for anything else, the men anyway. One or two of the more virile ones had her twice before they let her go, while the women also seem content. I thought they’d be cross with me, and made a big show of how I’d supposedly escaped by climbing down to the beach and hiding in a cave right out on the headland. Instead they were congratulating me, but also demanding a return match. With everyone’s attention on me, saying how good I looked and what a good sport I was, I couldn’t find it in myself to refuse, though I secretly hoped that something else would come up to distract them.

  Being the one who got away also seemed to make me more desirable. They all knew I was willing, or thought they did, and knew about what I’d done before, but not many of them had had me. The evening after the hunt Melody gave me a very public spanking, after which every single one of the men tried to flirt with me, but it was Melody who took me to bed, alongside Annabelle. Unfortunately I was too drunk and too tired to really appreciate the compliment; though I helped Annabelle lick her mistress to ecstasy before falling into an exhausted sleep which lasted until morning.

  Once the Razorback Boys and girls had left it should have been back to normal, but it wasn’t. Everybody wanted a piece of me, Mr Hegedus, who thought he was on a promise for my bumhole, but had to be careful of his wife, who in turn wanted to feed me at her teat and had also decided I needed spanking for even the tiniest thing. Stefan was as bad, demanding his cock be sucked with the same casual assumption of authority he used when he wanted me to lay the tables or do the washing up. Even Chris had begun to look at me oddly, as if wondering if it might not be fun to take some of what was obviously on offer. I was no longer so much the hotel maid as the hotel slut.

  Not that I minded, except in the odd gloomy moment, but it was hard juggling their attention and the enjoyment of being such a turn-on for everybody with their casual assumption that I was up for anything. I like men to yearn for me, and to grant or deny their wishes in such a way that their yearning becomes ever more intense. It’s different with women, more playful, but from some of the things Mrs Hegedus whispered to me while holding my head to feed me from her ridiculously oversized boobs, I couldn’t but wonder if she was all there.

  He certainly was; a dirty, manipulative bastard who knew exactly what he wanted, nearly as bad as Morris but without the charm. I held off. I sucked his cock for him after a quick spanking one evening in the week, and let him toss over me with my bikini pants held down while we were on the beach. But I refused him my pussy, much less my bumhole. The beach was actually rather better than I’d originally thought, especially at low tide, which exposed a huge area of chalk rock pools with small areas of really quite nice sand between them. When not working or being molested it became my favourite place. On a hot day the sand would dry out and I could sunbathe in comfort, topless or even nude if I wanted to, because nobody seemed to care if guests saw me naked or not.

  I could at least enjoy teasing the male guests, and also the workmen who’d been hired to fit Venetian blinds to the sun gallery. They could see down onto the beach, with a clear view of my favourite sunbathing spot. But just far enough away to be absolutely sure I was naked without being able to see any details. It was great fun, especially stripping with just the right of amount of feigned embarrassment to get them going, and all the while knowing exactly what I was showing and what I chose to conceal.

  There were also the caves I’d pretended to hide in during the hunt, some of them quite deep: the perfect place to sneak off to and play with myself in safety, while the smooth, water-worn flints were ideal for slipping inside myself as I let my memory run over being fucked by Karay, or the way Melody had treated me. I could be sure I wouldn’t be disturbed, as the best caves were right out on the headland, and given how long it took to walk there over the flints, I could check that nobody was visible and be sure of at least twenty minutes of perfect privacy, while I could hear anybody coming long before they got to me anyway.

  I went down to the beach on the Saturday morning after the regular guests had left, both to sunbathe and because it was my last chance to tease the workmen, who were putting the finishing touches to the blinds. The tide was still going out, which meant I could undress right at the edge of the sea; being deliberately awkward as I struggled to strip off and get into my bikini, twice dropping the towel to show them my bare bum. I took ages, but I still finished before the sand was uncovered and waded out a little way, watching the tiny fish in the shallows and the way the two men were watching me.

  They were quite good-looking, and both young, which I couldn’t help but feel would make an interesting change. Not that I was actually going to approach them, but I was telling myself that if they tried to chat me up I’d go along with my mood. I was going to have to wait until they’d finished their work anyway, so there was plenty of time. With the water now revealing the edge of the chalk flats I sat down in the wet sand, enjoying the feel of the gentle waves on my skin and the movement of the cool water between my legs. It was rather sexy, and I began to wonder how to get Summer down to the hotel, and whether a visit to the beach might not provide the perfect opportunity to get her naked and maybe even spanked.

  I could picture her, naked, or with her bikini pants pulled down, and her little pink bottom stuck up over my lap, as I gave her a few playful swats to see how she took to it, and if she did take it, she’d be rosy and bare with her thighs apart while I played with her pussy. Just the thought was enough to make me shake, and tempt me to take my top off, enjoying the sun on my bare breasts and the sudden sharp increase in interest from the two workmen.

  It was great fun, but it seemed to be taking for ever for the tide to go out, while a line of clouds was blowing in from the west, threatening to spoil my sunbathing. I was going to give up, and was padding back towards where I’d left my clothes when I saw that the workmen had finished and were climbing down. There was only one reason they could want to come down to the beach, and my tummy began to flutter immediately.

  ‘Hi, boys,’ I managed, now with my arms folded across my bare breasts as they came close, enjoying their embarrassed grins but feeling much the same myself.

  ‘I’m Vince,’ the shorter of the two replied and jerked his thumb at his mate. ‘This is John.’

  ‘Hi,’ John responded, obviously the shyer of the two, but also the better-looking.

  ‘So, er ... we’re off today,’ Vince went on.

  ‘Yeah,’ John added, ‘So, um ... leave the blinds alone, yeah, in case the cords go on the wet paint.’

  I nodded, fairly sure they hadn’t come all the way down just to tell me to mind the paint. John was having trouble looking at me, but Vince was grinning, his eyes fixed to the little bulges of flesh where I was covering myself up at the top, then flicking down. I knew my bikini pants were pulled up quite tight, giving me a camel toe and I couldn’t help but blush and smile at his attention. He saw and his grin grew broader.

  ‘You’re fucking gorgeous,’ he said. ‘But you know that, don’t you? How about you make up for all that teasing with a nice blow job? John can keep a look out for us.’

  The blood came up to my cheeks in a rush, leaving me red-faced and staring, scarcely able to take in what he’d said and wondering if I really was that obvious. He wasn’t joking either, and obviously knew he stood a fair chance without
going through the normal flirting and cajoling.

  ‘You fucking pig!’ I managed, eventually. ‘How dare you!’

  ‘Aw, come on, love,’ he responded. ‘You’re a big girl. You’ve done it before.’

  Again I was left speechless, but John, whose face was as red as mine, chipped in. ‘Sorry about Vince, love. He reckons he’s a bit of a player.’

  Vince shrugged. ‘I’m honest, that’s all. You’re a good-looking girl. I’m about the best thing you’re going to find around here, so let’s get it on, yeah? I mean, it’s not like I’m after a fuck and you’re going to end up pregnant, and I’m not one of them male chauvinist sorts either. You give me a suck and I’ll lick you out. Can’t say fairer than that, can I?’

  I slapped him. I couldn’t stop myself, bringing my arm around in a long swing that connected with his cheek.

  ‘What the fuck did you do that for?’ he swore, clutching at his face.

  ‘Because you’re a pig and a bastard and a dirty little sod!’ I yelled back. ‘Come on, John, come with me.’

  I took John’s hand, leading him away from Vince, who seemed genuinely astonished that I’d slapped his face. Yet it wasn’t only what he’d said to me that had made me lose my temper, but the way everybody treated me, just assuming I was up for sex whenever, wherever and however they fancied it. Vince had just been the one to catch the rough end, but it was Mr Hegedus and Stefan and the Razorback boys, even Morris as well, who I was really mad at. John had been nice.

  He was trying to hold a conversation as we walked, not at all sure of himself, and I realised that for all his height and build he wasn’t much older than me, if at all. That made it all the easier as I led him towards the closest of the caves, and when Vince began to follow I pretended not to notice. If he wanted to peep at us it would just leave him even more jealous than if he stayed back. That way he’d know it had really happened and that he’d been turned down in favour of his friend.

  Kissing me first and not even taking advantage of me being topless, John barely knew what to do. I made up for that, squatting down in front of him and unzipping his overalls to flop out his cock and balls. He was quite big and very pale, with a thick foreskin and just the tip of his knob peeping out where my body had stared to get to him. I kissed it, then began to lick at the underside; always a sure-fire way of getting a man’s undivided attention. He responded with a sharp gasp, encouraging me to take him in properly. I lapped under his shaft as he began to swell in my mouth.

  ‘Fuck off!’

  I though he was talking to me for a moment, and then realised that Vince had caught up with us and was watching from outside the cave. He ignored John, and the V-sign I gave him, but it was only intended to make him keep his distance. I wanted him to watch, and began to get really rude, rolling John’s foreskin back with my lips and suckling at his knob, squeezing his balls at the same time, and with my back dipped to show off my bum in the tight scarlet bikini pants that barely covered me at all.

  John’s hand found my head, pulling me closer and forcing me to take him deep. I didn’t mind at all, quite happy to let him make me gag on his erection, even fuck in my throat, just so long as it made Vince jealous to see how dirty and how compliant I could be. He’d seen, swearing under his breath and squeezing his crotch. I got busier still, blatantly enjoying John’s now straining erection, tickling and squeezing at his balls, wanking him into my mouth and performing all the dirty little tricks I’d been taught in America.

  ‘That’s so good,’ John sighed. ‘You’re lovely, Jemima.’

  ‘Lovely, yeah. A lovely little tart!’ Vince exclaimed, his voice thick with envy.

  I pulled back long enough to stick my tongue out at him before taking John in my mouth again, as deep as I could to make him sigh once more and tighten his grip in my hair. He began to push into my throat, making me gag, but I was determined to be a good girl and didn’t even try to pull away, watching Vince sidelong all the while. It was too much for him. His hand went to his fly and he’d whipped out his own cock, long but skinny, and already erect. I just had to taunt him, and pulled back once more.

  ‘You dirty bastard!’ I mocked, laughing. ‘Here, have something to wank over.’

  I thumbed down the back of my bikini pants, baring my bottom, then shifted a little to give him a good rude view of what he wasn’t going to get, never once letting go of John’s cock. Having him getting so horny over me was almost as good as sucking on John’s erection, and the temptation to stick a hand down my half-lowered bikini bottoms and bring myself off while I sucked was growing fast. It would have been the final insult for Vince too, watching me get off over his friend’s cock when I’d rejected him.

  I gave my bottom a wiggle, taunting him, but he got the wrong end of the stick, stepping close with his erection in his hand, obviously intent on taking me from behind. John swore, but didn’t let go of my hair, and I was forced me to grab Vince’s cock, because it was the only thing I could to do stop him putting it up me. I pulled hard, meaning to hurt him, but he merely grunted and closed his hand over mine.

  ‘Not so hard, love,’ he gasped. ‘There, like that, over your tits.’

  John’s grip had tightened and I knew he was going to come, his fist twisted in my hair and his cock jammed down my throat, too deep for me to pull off, while Vince was using my hand to wank himself, squatted down with his erection pointed at my bare chest. I squeezed John’s balls, hard, and felt his cock jerk and fill my mouth. The next moment I was gagging, with spunk exploding from my nose and around my lips, again and again, all over my hand and his overalls too.

  ‘You filthy bastard, John!’ Vince crowed. ‘Get it out. It’s my turn.’

  I’d given in, wanking Vince’s cock of my own accord as I struggled to swallow John’s spunk, although most of it was dripping down my face and chest. The moment he’d withdrawn Vince put his in, sticking it deep without the slightest thought for me. I tried to take him, but he was so long and so thin it had gone right down my throat, making my stomach lurch violently.

  ‘You suck like a pro!’ he sighed, an instant before I brought my breakfast up all over his cock and balls. ‘Jesus shit, you dozy bitch! Oh who gives a fuck ...’

  He trailed off with a sigh, wanking furiously at his cock as I sank down, coughing and retching. My tits were covered in John’s spunk and my own sick, then Vince’s spunk too as he came in my face and down my chest, milking his erection with his hand squashing in the mess I’d made over him, right down to the last few drops, which went in my hair before he shook his cock in a vain effort to get it clean.

  ‘You’re a dirty pig, do you know that?’ he snapped.

  I couldn’t speak, but managed a half-hearted V-sign before climbing unsteadily to my feet, dripping filth. John looked concerned, but I could see he was trying not to laugh, while Vince was only worried about himself.

  ‘Look at my fucking overalls!’

  ‘That’ll teach you to stick your cock down girls’ throats!’ I managed. ‘Give me a hand, please, John.’

  ‘What do you want me to do?’ he asked, obviously reluctant to touch me.

  I threw my hands up in despair and started down the beach for the nearest decent sized rock pool. Behind me, they’d begun to argue. I ignored them, getting down in the sand at the bottom of the pool and splashing water in my face. I still wanted to come, but I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction of watching me, especially Vince. It would have to be later, but I knew what I’d be thinking of when I came, not John with his gentle but masculine style, but the moment Vince had jammed his cock so deep that I’d been sick down my tits.

  He’d started back for the hotel, but John waited for me, apologising for his friend as we walked back towards where I’d left my clothes and towel. I hadn’t bothered to put my top back on, because he’d seen just about everything anyway, which meant that I was in nothing but wet bikini bottoms and flip-flops as a woman jumped down the last couple of rungs of the cliff ladder and star
ted towards me, a woman I recognised immediately – Danielle.

  ‘Oh shit, it’s my stepmother ... I mean my ... whatever. Say we were swimming, please.’

  ‘Yeah, but ...’

  No doubt he wanted to point out that he was in his overalls, but as he hadn’t bothered to clear up it was pretty obvious what we’d been doing anyway, and the smirk of contempt on Danielle’s face as she approached made it very clear that she’d realised.

  ‘There you are, Jemima,’ she began. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be working instead of flirting with the workmen? Although flirting isn’t really the right word, is it? You really do need taking in hand, don’t you?’

  For one ghastly moment I thought she was going to spank me, then and there on the beach in front of John and Vince watching from the cliff top, but she merely shook her head and picked up my towel for me. ‘At least have the decency to cover your breasts.’

  ‘What are you doing down here?’ I asked, wishing I could speak to her without sounding like a sulky little brat.

  ‘I came down to see you, of course,’ she replied, ‘and uncle Vilmos.’

  ‘Is Dad with you?’ I asked hopefully. ‘And Summer?’

  ‘No. He’s taken her to the London Eye. Summer gets on very well with your father, and I think you might make a little more effort to get on with me. We’re a family now, Jemima.’

  ‘What did you send me here for then?’

  ‘Because I wanted you to do something productive and sensible in your year off, something that would teach you about life.’

  John had wandered off, no doubt embarrassed by our conversation, allowing me to give free rein to my outrage as I replied. ‘Oh, I’m learning about life all right, getting spanked and molested by your pervy old uncle! And the rest.’

  ‘Oh what nonsense! I’m sure uncle Vilmos treats you very well.’

  She knew it was a lie. I could tell from the tone of her voice, and I wasn’t going to let her get away with it.


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