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Maid to Order

Page 21

by Penny Birch

  She came in seconds, arching her back and squirming her cunt onto my hand as I rubbed, her kisses now more passionate than my own. I clung on, praying she wouldn’t get a sudden fit of guilt once she’d finished even as the shivers of her climax ran through her. She didn’t, her cuddles growing gradually bolder as I soothed her, and when I pulled my own top up her mouth went straight to my breasts. I let her suckle, holding her tight and stroking her hair, until at last she pulled away, her mouth open and her eyes wide, her face framed in a halo of golden hair as she looked down at me.

  ‘Do you want me to ...’ Her question was left unfinished, but it was obvious what she was offering. I giggled as I tugged down my jeans and knickers, stripped eagerly and helped her off with her panties, before we rolled back together, now both stark naked. Our inhibitions were gone, our mouths and fingers touching everywhere as we explored each other, breasts and bottoms and pussies. She put a finger in me, began to rub at my clit with her thumb and I gave in to the pleasure, lying back with a sigh. She was giggling as she began to masturbate me and turned a little to let me see her bottom, the cheeks pink with spanking, her pussy swollen and wet.

  ‘My bum feels all warm!’ she giggled.

  I reached out to touch, stroking her hot skin and making her giggle again.

  ‘You can do it a bit more, if you like?’ she offered.

  ‘Come a bit closer then.’

  She obliged and I began to spank her once more, only now with her fingers working on my pussy to bring me gradually higher. For once I wasn’t going to need a fantasy, because I had one then and there: Summer’s beautiful naked body with her lovely little bottom red with spanking while she brought me off; the girl who’d sat on her and pulled her knickers down; the girl who’d spanked her bare bottom and made her masturbate me, now kneeling with her bum stuck out and every rude detail on show for me to come over.

  I grabbed her, hauling her bodily onto me, to bury my face between her thighs. She squeaked in surprise, but didn’t try to stop me, her fingers till busy with my open sex as I began to lick her. I couldn’t stop myself, lapping at her clit and trying to get my tongue up inside her hole, past the tight arc of her hymen, kissing her hot cheeks as I babbled apologies for being rough with her. She giggled, still rubbing, and I lost control completely, sticking my tongue in up her tiny pink bumhole as far as it would go as my body went tight in orgasm.

  My hands were on her hips, my face held tight to her naked bottom as I licked her anus, my head full of conflicting emotions as my body jerked in orgasm; I revelled in sheer joy over her body, delighted in the heat of her cheeks from the spanking. And experienced a sense of contrition for doing exactly that, which made having my tongue up her bumhole perfectly appropriate. Only when I ran out of breath did I collapse back on the grass.

  ‘You licked my bottom!’ she gasped, her voice full of shock, but also delight.

  She was still sitting over my face, her bottom cheeks open to show off the tiny pink star between. I pulled up my head just long enough to plant a kiss full on the little wet ring and as I lay back once more she burst into giggles, then said, ‘You, Jemima. You’re the one who needs spanking!’

  I got it later that same afternoon, over her knee in the living room in-between her own sessions from me. She was like a wild thing, eager to explore everything she knew about and to learn what she didn’t, including lots and lots of spanking. Three times I made her bend over, and the third time I used a hairbrush on her, leaving her bruised and feeling a little sorry for herself until I kissed her better, on both cheeks and on the hole between. She loved having her bottom licked, something she’d never done before, and made me do it after my punishment, reaching what must have been her fifth orgasm of the afternoon while sat on my face with my tongue up her bumhole and her fingers busy with her cunt. I felt it was only fair that she returned the favour, which led to a lot of pouting before she did me, as I was bent over the very same chair her mother had spanked me across, with her tongue flicking at my pussy and bumhole while I brought myself to orgasm under my fingers.

  By then I was beginning to worry that Dad and Danielle would come back, to catch us running around the house naked and red-bottomed. There would have been hell to pay, so I finally persuaded her to get dressed and to help me carry my things down to the car along with a few of Pippa’s. It was only then that she really opened up to me, saying how sorry she was about the situation with our parents and almost begging me not to hold it against her. I told her not to be silly, considering what we’d just done, and promised she could come and see me whenever she wanted; with the strong implication that we’d both end up with hot bottoms and well-licked pussies.

  The hug she gave me before I left was tight and long, and it was her who pushed me to open my mouth to her kiss. As I drove away I was singing, exalted by what we’d done together, and also because Danielle would have been utterly furious to know that I’d not only spanked her precious little Summer, but included some very dirty lesbian sex into the bargain. Not that I had any intention of revealing our secret, satisfying though it would have been. It was hardly sensible, or fair on Summer.

  Penny was in an almost equally good mood, having just had her weekly dose of domestic discipline from grandma Elaine, and I couldn’t resist telling her. She was a little doubtful about the way I’d made Summer take it, but she couldn’t help but enjoy the details, or get aroused, with the inevitable consequence that we spent the rest of the day in bed together. It was gone midnight before I got to sleep, sore but happy.

  The week went painfully slowly. Summer and I had been swapping texts and trying to work out how to meet with her mother getting suspicious, while Pippa was coming back on the Friday night. I’d also had a call from Mr Morozov, asking for an appointment, which meant more money and some extremely kinky sex too. It was impossible to concentrate on work, knowing all the things that might happen that weekend, and I made a complete mess of the seed boxes I was supposed to make for Botany practicals, which meant I had to stay late on the Friday.

  When Penny came to pick me up she told me that Morris had called, but had been evasive when she asked him what he wanted to talk to me about. That almost certainly meant he was back on his mother and daughter spanking kick, as I couldn’t think of anything else he wouldn’t have been able to tell Penny, who’d been going to his parties off and on for years. He’d also said he might call in, but no matter how much money he offered or how persuasive he was, I was determined not to end up back across Danielle’s knee.

  Pippa’s plane was due in very late, but I wouldn’t have missed meeting her at the airport for anything. I hadn’t seen her in months, and an awful lot had happened since we last met, while for all the support I’d been getting from Penny and others she was the only person who would share my feelings completely. When the passengers from her plane finally started to come into arrivals I was close to tears, and she came straight to me, dropping her hand luggage to hug me and kiss me before greeting Penny. She had changed a lot in so short a time: her skin was darker and her arms and legs were cut with long, hard muscles, while she’d had her hair cut back to a fuzz of tight, dark curls and was dressed as if she’d just come in from the outback.

  We were talking constantly as we drove back, about all sorts of things, but it was the following morning before we had the serious conversation, over toast and marmalade at the breakfast table. Pippa’s attitude was the same as Penny’s, that our parents had been growing apart, that we were grown up and so should try to accept their choices. I could see the sense in what she was saying, but found it hard to take in and moved on to vent my feelings about Danielle as quickly as possible. Pippa was horrified, not only by the way she’d treated me, but with Morris and Mr Hegedus too, I did, however, explain about the money and how much I’d enjoyed the spankings.

  ‘But that’s not the point is it?’ she was saying. ‘No, I take that back. It is the whole point. They’re taking advantage of your sexuality, Jemima.’
/>   ‘Yes, but it’s what I need, and besides, a few more appointments with my gentlemen and I’ll have enough saved up to pay my way through uni.’

  ‘You do have a trust fund, Jemima.’

  ‘Yeah, which is worth about half what it was last year.’

  ‘It’s still enough. Look, why not just admit it, you get off on being paid for sex. That’s OK, I’m not judging you, but Morris is way over the top, and as for this Danielle!’

  ‘I did try to tell her,’ Penny sighed. ‘And to be fair she did come away from the hotel before anything disastrous happened. Anyway, I have to go in to make sure the seed trays are correctly labelled this time, so I’ll see you two at lunchtime.’

  ‘I ought to do that,’ I volunteered.

  ‘You stay here,’ she insisted. ‘Keep Pippa company.’

  She left, but the sound of her car had barely faded before building again, to end with a crunch of tyres outside the front door. I got up, thinking she’d forgotten something, only to open the door not to Penny, but to Danielle. Her face was set in cold fury and she was dragging Summer by the arm. ‘I want to know what you did, and I want to know now!’ she demanded, pushing inside.

  ‘What are you –’ I began, and stopped as she threw a printed out photo onto the hall table.

  It was the picture I’d taken when she’d tripped over her panties, showing her crawling across the lawn with everything she had on full show, including her very obviously well spanked bottom. I looked up at her, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes, turning a hang-dog expression to the floor instead.

  ‘Did you think I don’t monitor her computer?’ Danielle demanded. ‘Well, I do, and now I want to know what the fuck you thought you were doing!?’

  ‘We had sex, big deal,’ I mumbled.

  She lashed out, catching me a stinging slap across the face. I went back, clutching my cheek, and she had grabbed my wrist before I could react further, pulling me towards the straight backed chair next to the telephone table. It was obvious she meant to spank me, in front of Summer, and with nothing on but my pyjama bottoms and a bathrobe it wasn’t going to take a lot to get my bottom bare either. I fought back, kicking and scratching as she dragged me close. But she’d already got my wrist in the small of my back and I was going down, over the knee, bum in the air, my robe flipped up and my pyjamas jerked down to leave me bare-bottomed as I let out a wail of despair, cut through by Pippa’s voice.

  ‘What are you doing!?’

  ‘Oh it’s you is it?’ Danielle snapped. ‘Well, you’d better stay out of this, because I’m just in the mood for this and I can spank two little brats as easily as one.’

  ‘You’re not spanking anybody,’ Pippa answered and waded in.

  I suppose all sisters fight now and then, and I suppose the little one nearly always loses. Pippa had always beaten me anyway, and I’d always been in awe of her strength, or maybe it was the way she’d toughened up in Australia, or the hard biker girls she goes around with. I was still amazed by the way she handled Danielle. She just grabbed her under the arms and lifted her bodily off the seat, tumbling me onto the floor, and before I’d managed to get my pyjamas up it was all over, with Danielle in some sort of arm lock, spitting threats and struggling furiously but obviously helpless. I was shaking with reaction for what had been about to happen to me, my eyes full of hot tears and my mind burning hotter still, for vengeance.

  ‘Spank her, Pippa!’ I shouted. ‘Go on, spank her!’

  Pippa hesitated, but only for an instant.

  ‘Get another chair,’ she told me. ‘We’ll do this together.’

  Danielle’s let out a scream of fury and consternation that must have been heard in Reading, and if I’d thought she’d been fighting before, it was nothing to her kicking, screeching fury as she realised she was about to get a dose of her own medicine. I ran for a chair, picking the twin to the one in the hall and quickly setting them facing each other.

  ‘Down you go!’ Pippa hissed, seating herself and taking the frantic Danielle with her, across our interlocked knees as I too sat down. ‘I’ll hold her. Jem, you get her stripped.’

  ‘Don’t you fucking dare!’ Danielle yelled.

  ‘And what are you going to do about it, exactly?’ Pippa answered, and tightened her grip.

  Danielle gave a grunt of pain, but she hadn’t given up, her body jerking in Pippa’s grip and her legs thrashing up and down in her efforts to kick us. I hooked one of my own around the back of her knee and as Pippa followed suit we shared a grin. Danielle was helpless, her bottom pushed out beneath the short blue summer dress she had on, round and tempting, far too tempting to hurry over. Summer had seen everything, standing speechless by the door, her mouth and eyes had come wide in horror as I looked up to her.

  ‘I’m sorry, Summer, but she deserves this. She did it to me, and she wanted to do it in front of you. In fact, you were going to, weren’t you, Danielle, you vicious bitch?’

  ‘Fuck off!’ Danielle screamed. ‘Don’t you dare touch me, Jemima, or –’

  ‘Or what?’ I broke in. ‘Or you’ll get your own back when Pippa’s not around. Fine, do me. I like it, and even if I didn’t I’d gladly take the cane just for this moment.’

  I lifted her dress, very slowly, to expose the smooth flesh of her thighs, the muscles twitching; her desperate attempts to kick her way free; then the seat of an extremely fancy pair of lacy black panties, the seat pretty well see-through to show off the crease of her bottom.

  ‘Very pretty,’ Pippa remarked. ‘I bet Dad loves these.’

  Danielle let out a hiss of fury like an angry swan. I giggled as I began to stroke her bottom, just the way she’d done to mine when I was the helpless one. She was shapely, her cheeks bulging in the see-through panty seat, but quite soft, although definitely spankable.

  ‘Very spankable,’ I said, echoing my thoughts. ‘Feel her, Pippa, she’s got a lovely bum.’

  ‘I think I’d better hold on,’ Pippa replied, as Danielle gave another furious hiss and a violent lurch. ‘You have fun.’

  ‘I intend to,’ I told her. ‘Watch me, Summer. Watch me spank Mummy’s naughty bottom! Yes, that’s right Danielle, I’m going to spank you in front of Summer!’

  She gave a violent lurch, but we had her helpless and I was laughing as I continued to feel her up, squeezing her cheeks through her panties as I carried on. ‘I’m going to enjoy this so much, Danielle. Really, really enjoy this. And you do have a lovely bottom, you know, ripe and cheeky. Just right for spanking, and that is what you’re going to get, Danielle. A good old-fashioned spanking. Just the sort you like to dish out. Only now it’s you on the receiving end, isn’t it. In front of your precious daughter. And of course it’s got to be bare-bottom, hasn’t it, Danielle? Because you know how it feels for a girl to be made to go bare-bottom, don’t you, Danielle?’

  She gave another lurch, so hard she nearly knocked me over, but Pippa tightened her grip until Danielle cried out in pain.

  ‘It’s silly to struggle,’ I told her, enjoying every word as I took hold of the waistband of her panties. ‘Because it’s going to happen, so you might at least try to take it like a lady, and not the grubby, gold-digging little tart you are!’

  ‘You wait, you little bitch!’

  ‘Bitch, is it? Well, we all know that’s a spanking offence, don’t we? We’d better get you dealt with then. Right, on three your panties come down. Watch me, Summer, watch me take your Mummy’s panties down. One, two, three ...’

  Danielle let out another piercing shriek as I levered the fancy black knickers down over her bum, nice and slowly, to unveil her to her daughter and to Pippa and I; her lovely bottom now bulging naked behind her, with her smooth, pale cheeks just open enough to hint at a wisp of fur between, and the darkness of her anus, while the way we had her legs locked meant she was giving a good show of cunt from behind too.

  ‘Such a pretty bottom!’ I laughed, and gave her a pat, just hard enough to make her cheeks quiver. ‘And such a
pretty cunt. Don’t you think Mummy has a pretty cunt, Summer?’

  Summer didn’t answer, but she looked as if she was about to wet herself and Danielle had begun to sob, provoking a sudden pang of guilt which I got rid of by laying in. It was so good to spank her, to watch that lovely round bottom bouncing to the smacks of my hand, to feel the softness and warmth of her flesh, to catch glimpses of the pitted brown star of her anus in its nest of fur. To see her sweetly turned cunt too, and to know her own daughter could see every rude detail. But best of all, I knew who it was over my knee: Danielle, who’d spanked me on my panties in my own front room; Danielle who’d pretended to be my mother while she punished me and masturbated me at her breast in front of a load of dirty old men; Danielle who’d been going to do me bare bottom in front of her daughter and was now getting the same treatment herself.

  My anger was rising as I spanked her, and her bum was getting very red. But if her sobs had become more urgent and broken, then there was no denying the state of her sex. She was wet, sopping, the juice running so freely from her swollen cunt that as I turned my attention to the tuck of her cheeks it began to splash out over my hand and her thighs. I knew what was going to happen, or I hoped I did, because she’d stopped fighting and there was a note of panic in her voice as she began to beg me to stop. ‘Please, Jemima, no! Not this. No!’

  I began to laugh, indifferent to the sound of hysterics in my own voice as I began to spank harder still, aiming every smack at her sweet spot. There was juice splashing all over her bottom and into her panties, onto my hand and over the floor. Her pussy had started to squeeze as she gave a last, despairing cry and stuck her hips up to the smacks, showing off her winking bumhole and the open, ready hole of her cunt. She’d come, and we’d all seen, including Summer, and Morris Rathwell, who was standing in the open doorway.


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