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An Invitation: Alayna's Training

Page 9

by Jennifer Cole

  Having toed off his shoes after stepping inside the room, Logan walked across the hardwood floor of his bedroom in his stocking feet. Ten feet from the foot of the bed were two antique wingback chairs with a small wooden table between them. Without taking his eyes off Alayna sleeping in his bed, he lowered himself into the chair that gave him a clear view of her beautiful face yet allowed him to remain hidden in the shadows should she stir.

  Subtle lines of frustration were still visible in Alayna's face as she slept. Had he been initiating her into the lifestyle, those lines would be gone, replaced by the glow of sexual satisfaction. Logan was sure of that much.

  Rick's placement of her on the cross had been too soon. He knew what caused Rick's slipup; their talk had rattled him. Were he in Rick's place, he'd have stripped Alayna nude and settled her in the chair. He would take her through the slow buildup of sensations created by the stroke of flesh against flesh as he instructed her in the proper stimulation of her erogenous zones.

  In the dark, Logan shifted to better accommodate the thickening length of his cock. Thinking of Alayna's soft white fingers parting her pretty pink nether lips, plucking and pinching her coral-colored nipples, the musk of her arousal drifting to his nose as the chair beneath her grew damp with her arousal, forced Logan to focus on steadying his breathing to keep from exploding.

  A soft sigh whispered from the bed; he stilled his breath and waited, certain that his heated thoughts had telegraphed themselves into Alayna's dreams. When she didn't wake, Logan relaxed and eased back into his seat. Coaxing his need to abate, Logan breathed slowly, drawing in the scents surrounding him. The sweet lavender and vanilla he associated with Alayna. Refusing to allow his inner dominant to reassert itself, he tried to content himself by watching her sleep.

  * * *

  Hours later, Logan startled awake at the sound of Dane's door closing across the hall. He jerked himself upright from a slumped position and realized he must have drifted off sometime during the night. A sharp pain shot through his neck and back, making him wince. He was too old to be falling asleep in chairs.

  Dawn peeked over the horizon, softly illuminating the bedroom. He lifted his left arm and silently cursed as he read his watch. It was six in the morning; he was surprised the woman in his bed was still sleeping. Perhaps subconsciously she knew she didn't need to be at the restaurant today and was catching up on sleep. Regardless of the reason, he needed to get the hell out of the suite before she woke up and found him ogling her.

  Logan stood, ignoring the angry protest of his stiff muscles. Before he reached the door, Alayna moved. The groan she uttered told him she was approaching consciousness. Stepping up his pace and neglectful of any additional noise he made, he pulled the door open, slipped through, and pulled it closed again behind him. For a handful of moments, he stood with his ear pressed against the wooden surface, listening for any sound from inside to indicate she'd spotted him.

  Once he was satisfied that he'd spent the night with Alayna unnoticed, he made his way down the hall and upstairs to the room he was supposed to be in. Despite the satisfaction he felt as he climbed the stairs, he berated himself for giving in to the temptation to watch her sleep. For the sake of his sanity, he couldn't allow himself to do it again.

  Chapter Four

  Day Six

  The soft sound of falling rain brought Alayna awake. Dawn approached, yet darkness still hung outside the window. The day before, Rick had mentioned a storm would be moving in from the east and it was likely to rain the entire day.

  She thought by now she would have made progress regarding her sessions with Rick, but each day continued to be a struggle, both mentally and physically. They spent their time talking and getting to know one another. She was the only one to turn their conversations toward the Dominant/submissive lifestyle. Only after she'd asked for the hundredth time did Rick take her on a tour of the playrooms and describe the various pieces of equipment and implements found inside and how they were used. When they weren't sharing through chitchat, Alayna spent her downtime walking the grounds or swimming in the pool.

  To add to her discontent, she'd not crossed paths with Logan since that first night in the dining room. She knew he was around; she'd caught the scent of sandalwood in the halls as if he'd walked through moments before her, but when she followed the fragrant trail, hoping to find him at the end, she was disappointed each time. But she was not yet prepared to give up on winning his attentions.

  Alayna jumped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. After a quick shower, she dressed and left the suite. She loved the rain. The smell of brewing coffee scented the air as she walked through the house. Perfect, she thought. She'd grab a cup and sit outside under the gazebo and enjoy the rain before everyone else got up.

  “Good morning,” she said as she entered the kitchen and spied Shendah slicing a melon at the counter.

  “Good morning, Miss Alayna. You're up earlier than usual this morning. Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, I woke to the sound of the rain. I love listening to rain and thought I'd sit outside for a while. May I help myself to a cup of coffee?”

  “By all means, of course. It would seem Master Logan also shares your enjoyment of the rain,” Shendah said.

  Alayna returned the coffeepot to the hot plate and turned to the other woman. “Excuse me?”

  The woman seemed to know Logan rather well—his favorite meal, the fact he enjoyed the rain. Alayna couldn't help but wonder just how close Shendah and Logan were.

  “Master Logan is sitting out back. Been out there half an hour or so.”

  Alayna's belly fluttered. She glanced toward the sliding glass door that led to the large covered patio.

  “Is he? How nice,” she replied.

  “I'm sure he'd appreciate a second cup of coffee if you'd be inclined to take one out with you.” Shendah smiled.

  At the thought of being alone with Logan, a tingle started in Alayna's toes and worked upward. After the awkwardness between them on her first day, perhaps she could set her mind at ease by chatting with him without interference. Alayna returned Shendah's smile. “I'd be delighted.”

  Shendah went back to her fruit. “Very well.”

  After pouring a second cup and adding a splash of milk that she knew Logan liked, she attempted to calm the fluttering of butterflies in her belly by drawing a deep breath. She strolled across the kitchen toward the patio door, pushed it open, and stepped out. Despite the rain, humidity hung heavy in the morning air.

  The sound of the rain tapping against the slats of the wooden roof over the patio must have been enough to drown out the sound of her approach because Logan didn't move. On a steel-framed chair, with thick, padded cushioning, he sat forward with his elbows on his thighs and his hands hanging loosely between his knees. His eyes were focused on something off in the distance. Or perhaps nothing at all. He appeared at ease, lost in his thoughts. Clothed in a pair of worn jeans and a T-shirt, he looked sexy as sin. And his feet were bare once again. To Alayna, there was nothing sexier than a man who was comfortable walking around in bare feet.

  “Good morning,” she said, announcing her presence.

  He glanced over, and his expression drew tight. She stopped midstep, half expecting him to snap at her for invading his privacy.

  “I'm sorry to disturb your solace,” she continued and set one mug on the table beside him. “I came down early to enjoy the rain, and Shendah said you'd been sitting out here a while, so I thought you might like another coffee.”

  “Thanks,” he returned rather gruffly, looking at the cup.

  Several moments passed in silence as they listened to the raindrops pelting down around them. Logan went back to staring off into space. Thunder rolled in the distance.

  “Would you mind if I join you?” she asked.

  Logan's body stiffened, and he grit his teeth. Alayna wondered if maybe he wasn't a morning person.

  “Of course.” He gestured to the chair on the other
side of the table. “You are welcome to do anything you wish during your stay.”

  Though his tone wasn't clipped as it had been days earlier, it wasn't exceedingly friendly either.

  “No, I meant do you mind if I join you? Would you like some company, or would you rather be left alone?”

  The cool, unmoved expression on his face had Alayna ready to leave, but she saw warmth in his gaze; an almost heated need that flashed for the briefest moment in their depths. It happened so quickly, she was nearly certain she'd imagined it.

  “Sure. Please sit.”

  Alayna exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. His response surprised her. She had expected him to send her away. She was glad he didn't. Despite his questionable demeanor, a sense of comfort and warmth encompassed her while in his presence.

  The sky began to brighten as morning crept up around them. The rain continued to fall, and the silence between them stretched on. Alayna tried to tune in to Logan's body language, but she had trouble deciphering it. His fingers were now interlaced, his knuckles white. His breathing had become uneven, and he tapped one heel to a silent cadence on the cement beneath his foot.

  “You have a lovely home,” she said in an effort to open up conversation.

  “Thank you,” he replied after a moment, without elaboration.

  She took a sip of her coffee and held the warm cup in her hands.

  “I'd never really given much consideration to antiques before, but I have to admit, there are some beautiful pieces around. Dane was right; you have an eye for treasures.”

  He glanced over, and his gaze locked with hers. “That I do,” he said. The sudden intensity of his gaze stole her breath. A glint, similar to the one she'd seen moments before, sparkled in the brown orbs fixed on hers.

  Then he looked away sharply. As if reining himself back in, his expression once again drew tight.

  “Dane indicated this home has been in your family a long time,” she continued, wanting him to say more.

  He nodded.

  “I'd love to learn about its history sometime if you're willing to share.”

  He gave another nod without definitive commitment. Silent moments passed again before he spoke. “I inherited the estate a couple of months after my twentieth birthday. To save you asking, that was eighteen years ago.”

  “Oh, I wasn't—” The knowing look he cast halted her sentence. “Okay, I was.”

  He chuckled, and for a moment the Logan from her café emerged.

  A few moments of silence passed, and Logan took a sip of the coffee she'd brought out to him. Glancing back toward the kitchen, Alayna fought against the curiosity that had been tripped a few nights earlier in the dining room when she'd witnessed Shendah and Logan exchange a glance. Ever since then she'd been unable to get it out of her mind. Though Logan's expression had remained tight, the warm smile Shendah had given him made the lines of tension ease around his mouth. As hard as Alayna tried to hold it back, jealousy reared its ugly head. She needed to know the other woman's place at the mansion…and in Logan's life.

  During their initial meeting, Dane had said Shendah wasn't his slave. He also indicated neither he nor Logan had a submissive. But the woman in the kitchen sent red flags shooting up into the air for Alayna. She may not be involved with Dane, but that didn't mean she wasn't a toy Logan played with. Just because he wasn't presently engaged in a relationship didn't mean his physical needs weren't being met by someone. Shendah's familiarity where Logan was concerned would be an answer to that question.

  “Has Shendah been with you all that time?” she asked.

  Logan twisted his hands nervously, as if she'd struck a chord. “No, she came to live here almost twelve years ago.”

  “So she's a house slave then?” In her research, Alayna had learned there were houses and clubs designed to cater and fulfill the needs of those in the BDSM lifestyle. In those establishments, if someone didn't have a submissive of his or her own, a house slave could be available to slake one's pleasures.

  Logan's eyes narrowed. He turned his head to study her. Alayna swallowed a lump that suddenly formed in her throat. Had she said something wrong? Her research had provided her with the term, and she assumed she'd used it correctly.

  “Not in the sense that she's an object to be used by whoever walks through our door.” The sharpness from days earlier returned in his voice.

  “I didn't mean to infer anything of the sort,” she offered as an apology. “I was just curious as to her presence, considering what is taught here.”

  “To share with you the reasons why she is here would be a breech in client confidentiality.” Logan stood, his body rigid.

  “I'm sorry. I was just trying to make conversation.”

  “Shendah came to us as a means of coming to grips with past abuse. Her training is in learning trust and confidence in her own worth as a woman as well as a person. Nothing more. Does that satisfy your curiosity?” he asked. “Excuse me. I have work to do.”

  The brusqueness in his voice sent a chill up her spine. She interpreted his abrupt departure as a reflection of his disgust and disappointment in her butting into something that was none of her business. And he was right. Shendah's presence in Logan's house, in whatever capacity, was none of her business. Whether the other woman was a client, friend, or lover—whatever their relationship—it was between the two of them. She contemplated calling after him to apologize but refrained from doing so. Their paths would cross again; she'd make sure of it.

  Alayna turned in time to watch him disappear through the open sliding door. Her cheeks caught fire when she saw Shendah standing a few feet away. The expression on her face was soft and contained no malice.

  “I'm so sorry,” Alayna began. “I didn't mean to pry, and the last thing I wanted to do was offend.”

  Shendah smiled. “I'm not insulted, I assure you. In the future, please feel free to ask me anything you wish. I am an open book. Perhaps one afternoon during your downtime, we could talk over coffee.”

  “Your past and present is none of my business.”

  “You're going to be here awhile. I'd like us to be friends. Besides, though I have no desire to be in an intimate relationship, I can understand why another woman would worry about a potential rival.”

  “Oh, now t-that's just crazy,” Alayna all but croaked. Flustered with embarrassment, she felt warmth creep from her chest all the way to her cheeks. She knew by the degree of heat she felt, her face was probably bright red. She rubbed her suddenly damp palms on her jeans.

  “Is it?”

  Alayna sat speechless. Were her intentions that obvious? If that was the case, maybe Logan was short with her because he didn't appreciate her unwanted attention. Perhaps she'd read into something all those months at the restaurant that just wasn't there.

  “Listen, I've been with Logan, Dane, and Keegan a long time. In that time I've seen a lot and learned a great deal about each of them. What I have never before seen is Logan in knots.” Shendah's smile grew wider.

  “Really?” Hope blossomed in Alayna's chest at the other woman's words. “Are you telling me there might be a chance?”

  Shendah shook her head noncommittally. “I came out to tell you breakfast is ready.”

  Alayna laughed. “Thanks.”


  Rick was already at the dining room table when Alayna entered.

  “Hey, there you are.” He smiled. “I stopped by your room but didn't get a response when I knocked. Figured you were in the shower.”

  “I woke up early and sat outside for a bit.” She shrugged and took her seat. “I like the rain.”

  “Sheila does too. Says it's relaxing.”

  Shendah appeared carrying a serving tray. After placing it in the middle of the table, she disappeared back into the kitchen.

  “Listen,” Rick said. “Since it's going to be shitty weather-wise today, I've put together some reading material for you.”

  “What kind of
reading material?” she asked, reaching for a basket of fresh-baked blueberry muffins.

  “Information on masturbation.”

  Shendah walked in just as the words left Rick's mouth, and Alayna nearly choked on a mouthful of juice. She glanced at the other woman, who went about setting serving dishes on the table, seeming oblivious to the topic of conversation. Sensing Alayna's embarrassment, Rick waited until they were alone before producing a short stack of books.

  “You're going to have to get over that shyness,” he quipped in amusement. “Remember where you are.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it. And I'm working on it. So what have you got for me?”

  “These are a great place to start,” he said, sliding the books across the table.

  * * *

  Shortly after his exchange with Alayna, Logan stepped inside his suite, closed his eyes, and inhaled. Though faint, her fragrance scented the air. His cock stirred. Slowly exhaling the breath he held, he opened his eyes and looked around. At the sight of the feminine touches scattered around his masculine room, he chuckled. The pink silk robe he'd seen her in days earlier lay neatly folded at the foot of the bed. His bed, where he'd watched her sleep the last five nights. Memories of her lying beneath his silk sheets had his cock swelling. He closed his eyes and turned his head in an attempt to dissolve the visions in his mind. Several pairs of shoes were lined up neatly beside the door. Half a dozen pictures of Alayna and her sister sat atop the bureaus.

  It must be hard for her, being away from Ariel, he mused. He suspected they depended a great deal on one another. Alayna looked so happy in the photos. He loved her smile, the way it reached all the way to her eyes.

  She was far too good for the likes of him.

  Remembering her hurt expression earlier that morning on the patio, Logan reassured himself that his portrayal of indifference toward Alayna was what was best for the both of them. His curtness bordered on obnoxious, but it was necessary to keep her at arm's length.


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