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An Invitation: Alayna's Training

Page 20

by Jennifer Cole

  Alayna cried out again, squeezing her pussy tighter as he seated himself fully.

  The position allowed him to plunge deeply inside her, to feel every wet inch of her body wrapped snugly around him. Logan leaned over, gripped her hips in his hands, and began to ride her.

  A sheen of perspiration coated her flesh. Fiery need danced in her eyes, and she held his gaze. Savage mewls erupted from her and filled the room as he pushed her higher. Against the cheeks of her backside, his balls slapped as he plundered harder and deeper. In control, Logan thrust long, measured strokes. Every moment or two, he switched his rhythm and used short, shallow thrusts.

  The flush of her skin announced the rush of another climax. She was so responsive to him. Made just for him. Her body began to milk his, and he grinned.

  “You aren't going to come without my consent, are you?” He chuckled.

  “Not if I can help it,” she panted. A sexy smile curled her lips.

  Logan dipped his head to nibble the swell of her left breast. Abandoning the ample globe of flesh, he lifted his head to sip at the corner of her mouth. Urgency and need flavored her breath. The scent of her arousal wrapped around them, promising fulfillment.

  “I can't hold on, Logan, not anymore.”

  “Come with me then, baby. I'll meet you in the middle.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Day Thirty

  Logan awoke to the sounds of soft movements around his bedroom. For the first time in nearly two weeks, he reached over to find Alayna's side of the bed empty. Forcing his eyes open, he spied her. He pushed himself up on his elbow and watched a moment in silence before he realized what she was doing.

  “What's going on?” he asked, sitting upright.

  “I'm sorry. Did I wake you?”

  “No. But why didn't you?”

  A sexy smile lifted her lips. “You were sleeping so soundly. I didn't want to disturb you.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Packing up. Today is my last day,” she said.

  “You're not leaving.” His tone was resolute.

  “I'm needed back at my restaurant.”

  “You're needed right here,” he stated.

  She stared back at him in silence.

  “I don't want you to go,” he admitted.

  “I'm not leaving us, Logan,” she said with a smile. “I need to get back to work, to my sister. I miss her.”

  “I know you do. I'm sorry. I'm being selfish.”

  “I'm just as selfish because I don't want to leave. I've become quite comfortable here in your mansion of ill repute.”

  He wasn't about to allow her to leave him. They'd come so far. She'd shown him how to enjoy life once again. He realized just how meaningless his was without her in it.

  “I'll come with you,” he said.

  She looked back at him, confusion knitting her brow.

  “Alayna, I wasted five years of my life struggling with the grief of Tasha's death. Right from the start, that path she was on was beyond my control; therefore the outcome was out of my hands. Then I met you, and my life took on meaning. I regret not making a move on you six months ago, but now that we're here, I refuse to let you go.”

  “You don't have to let me go,” she said, placing a folded sweater on the bed beside him. “Because I don't intend to let you go.”

  “Baby, I'm a 24/7 dominant. It's who I am, and I won't settle for anything less. I want you to move into the mansion with me, where I will protect you, keep you safe. It will be my honor to see to your every need, want, and desire. We will build a life together,” he said.

  Her eyes brightened, and her smile deepened. Contentment settled in her expression. He'd offered her exactly what she wanted, yet her hesitation worried him.

  “Logan, I love you. You are a very important piece of me, but you aren't the only component. I am a sister, a friend, an employer, and most recently I've become a lover. As well as wanting to be taken care of by you, and you make me feel safer, among other things, than I've ever felt before—I am independent, an individual. I've come a long way in my life, Logan, and I can't and won't give up who I am.”

  “Stop what you're doing.” His tone was firm.

  Alayna did.

  Holding her quizzical gaze, Logan settled his back into the pillows propped against the headboard. “Undress for me,” he said, then added, “nice and slow.”

  A seductive grin lifted the corners of her mouth. She reached for the small pearl buttons marching down the silk blouse she wore.

  “What I meant was, I want to be by your side, baby,” he said, watching as she pushed the soft, shimmering material off her shoulders and let the garment fall to the floor. “Me and you taking on the world.”

  Her slender fingers flicked the button on the black, pleated slacks that hugged her hips, and she slid them down over her smooth thighs. Her eyes continued to hold his, and her smile grew sexier. “Don't you think being under each other's feet will get annoying after a while, Logan?”

  “Yes, I absolutely do,” he said.

  Clothed in her lace bra and matching panties, she walked toward the bed where he lay. “The rest,” he ordered in a husky voice.

  Alayna cocked her head as if, for a moment, she was contemplating refusing his soft-spoken demand. The sparkle in her eyes sent a jolt to his sac.

  “I won't live any other way,” he added, finishing off his earlier statement. Tossing the sheet that covered him aside, his arousal rested heavily against his thigh.

  After sliding her thumbs into the waistband of the pretty blue panties that hid her from his hungry view, she wiggled her hips teasingly from side to side and pushed the scrap of fabric to the floor. Defying him by leaving her bra in place, she climbed onto the bed and straddled his groin.

  “Your blatant disregard of my request has earned you a punishment,” he pointed out and reached up to release the front closure of the offending bra.

  “I can hardly wait,” she purred.

  Alayna sighed as her breasts spilled free. When his hands cupped her, his thumbs brushing across the hardened tips, she threw her head back, pressing the mounds of flesh against him.

  “Take me inside you, baby,” Logan said.

  Bringing her gaze back to him, she smiled and reached for his shaft. Lifting her ass up, Alayna shifted and aligned the throbbing head of his dick with her body.

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked as she began to lower herself onto him.

  “Always,” she purred, and her slick pussy swallowed his cock.

  Her bright white teeth sank into her bottom lip, and her eyelids lowered. Alayna leaned back, resting the palms of her hands atop his thighs as her hips began to rock. In his hands, her breasts heaved as her breath grew labored. Around his cock he felt the first ripples of her approaching orgasm, and he dropped his hands to her waist. For a moment he encouraged her to increase her tempo, to give in to her building need.

  “Not yet, baby,” he then said, his voice throwing off her rhythm.

  Wide-eyed, she met his gaze, and her lower lip quivered, matching the pulsating around his dick.

  “W-what?” she asked, her voice hoarse with need.

  Logan smiled and shook his head. “I'm not ready yet,” he told her. He dropped his hands lower, to her still hips. Then he urged her to move against him once again. “You must learn that my pleasure will feed yours.”

  A groan resonated from deep within her heaving chest. “That's not fair,” she whimpered, bringing her hands around in front and pressing them against his chest for support. “I-I'm so c-close,” she begged.

  Logan watched her expressions shift from yearning, to anxiousness, and finally desperation as her need climbed. Pride coursed through him as she controlled her arousal. He knew she was so very close. Hell, he teetered on the edge himself.

  The soft sounds she had uttered when they'd first begun were replaced with hoarse cries pleading with him to give his permission for her release. The sweet scent of her sweat tea
sed his nose as tiny rivulets of the tantalizing salty liquid trickled between her breasts. The harder she rode his cock, the heavier the perspiration glistened on her heated flesh.

  “Go ahead, baby,” he said. “I've always got you.”

  And she did.

  * * *

  Late in the evening and buckled into Logan's Mercedes, the two drove through the countryside toward the city and Valerian's Root. In the leather passenger seat of the luxury automobile, Alayna enjoyed a sense of contentment, along with heavy anxiety.

  “I'm not sure how receptive Ariel is going to be to my new living arrangements,” Alayna said, glancing over at Logan. “It's just been her and me for so long. She's going to feel as though I'm abandoning her.”

  Logan reached for her hand. After wrapping his fingers around hers, he squeezed tight in support. His energy traveled up her arm, spreading warmth throughout her body. Alayna knew with Logan in her corner, she could handle anything life threw her way.

  She'd have to address her moving from her and Ariel's shared home very carefully.

  “We'll bring her to the mansion so she can check things out for herself,” he replied. “And she is welcome there any time she wishes.”

  “Whenever she wants?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  “And when she wants to spend the night?”

  “She gets Dane's suite,” Logan said.

  Alayna laughed.

  “Have you ever thought of implementing an early dinner menu at the café?” he asked, following several moments of silence.

  “Ariel's been clamoring to bring in a dinner menu,” Alayna admitted. “I'd love nothing more than to give it to her.” She blew out a sigh. “But we just can't swing it financially right now.”

  “Well I can,” he announced, glancing her way. “I'll invest in your restaurant and front the extra costs to hire additional staff and whatever else you will require.”

  Alayna turned toward Logan to find him smiling.

  “You're serious.”

  He nodded. “Very much.”

  “Logan, while I appreciate the gesture, it may cost a small fortune to bring in another seating. I don't know when I'll be able to pay you back.”

  “My love, money is of no concern to me. I have more than I'll ever spend, and I don't expect you to pay me back. If this is something you want, then I will spend every penny I have to bring it to fruition for you. All I desire is to make you happy.” He squeezed her hand again.

  Alayna's chest felt like it was going to burst. She was so full of love. Contentment wrapped her in its secure embrace. She was exactly where she was meant to be. Logan was everything she'd ever looked for in a partner, a lover. A friend. The future lay at their feet.

  Together they would conquer any obstacle.

  For the remainder of the drive, they bounced ideas off one another regarding the endeavor. By the time they pulled up to the curb out front of Valerian's Root, Alayna had accepted Logan's proposal to invest and was excited to present their idea to Ariel. Her sister would be thrilled.

  Alayna waited while Logan walked around the car to open her door. He offered her his hand; she slipped her hand along his palm and stepped out and onto the sidewalk. Logan slid his arm around her waist, his hand resting possessively on her hip. He pulled her close against his side and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  As they approached, the CLOSED sign hanging on the door was turned outward. Several recessed lights along the back of the eating area cast sufficient illumination that a passerby could see inside. Alayna grinned as she glanced in the windows. Their parents would be proud of what they'd done with the place. No, they'd never make millions, but they were passionate about their love of the family business.

  “Let me find my key,” she said. Before they reached the door, Alayna began rifling through her purse.

  When she pulled her keys out, Logan held out his free hand for them. She handed them over and returned his smile. She could certainly get used to having him doing little things for her. After unlocking the door, he held it open for her. Then after they entered, he relocked it.

  Loud voices floated from the kitchen, both feminine and masculine, making Alayna pause.

  ”Damn,” she said looking up at Logan. “I figured they'd get off to a rocky start but hoped after all this time Ariel would have started playing nice with Dane. Guess I was wrong.”

  “I'm sure things are fine, honey.”

  “Are they arguing?” she asked as they continued through the eating area. “I can't tell. Things sound intense. I hope she isn't killing him.”

  Logan pulled her tighter against him in an embrace of assurance. “I don't think that's what's happening, sweetheart.”

  When she glanced up, he was smiling.

  “Dane can be very persuasive when he believes in something,” Logan added.

  She had firsthand knowledge of that. Which reminded her, once Ariel calmed down about having Dane under her feet over the past month, Alayna would beg her to prepare him one of her award-winning dishes to show her appreciation for everything Dane had done to bring her and Logan together. Though Dane's methods had been sneaky, she was willing to forgive him.

  The voices in the kitchen dropped to a tone that was reminiscent of a couple engaged in an intimate conversation.

  Logan followed behind her as she walked down the hallway, his hand still on her hip. When they turned the corner, he pushed the double doors open, and together they entered the kitchen

  Alayna gasped at the sight before them and stopped mid step.

  “I guess that's one way to kill a guy.” Logan chuckled.

  Loose Id® Titles by Jennifer Cole

  A Delicious Taboo

  A Delicious Taboo Plus Two

  Abbey's Sexual Adventure

  An Invitation 1: Alayna's Training

  Pursuing Zarah

  Jennifer Cole

  After reading a number of erotic romances I got the bright idea it might be fun to write one. Seems I possess a talent to tell a lascivious tale—my English Profs are stunned. Regardless of the steamy sexy stories I create, for me it's all about true love and happily-ever-after, or a reasonable facsimile—the guy must get the girl in the end.

  On those rare occasions when I manage to steal some spare time, I read. When not sweating over the laptop tapping to keep up with my over-active imagination, I squeeze in running, cycling, trips to the gym and occasionally shoot pool. Above everything else, I cherish time spent with my family and friends.

  Currently I make my home in a small city in Southwestern Ontario and just enjoy life.

  A simple girl with simple indulgences, that's me. I listen to rock music, enjoy expensive cognac and oh, I've never met a cookie I didn't like!

  I invite you to grab a naughty story and snuggle up with your knight in shining armor or, your master or mistress of the dungeon and lose yourself in the seduction of erotic romance.

  Visit Jennifer on the Web at




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