Our Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Page 2
This was his calling card. Velvet glove over iron fist, at least to start with. Merciless to the dirty and as considerate as a crime lord could be to the wild citizens of Chaos. Leonardo walked over to a darkly dressed, black skinned woman and tilted his head at her. Fear was plain on the features of her face, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking – perhaps he was admiring the dark haired woman’s beauty. “Lovely jewels for a lovely lady,” the man said low, voice dark as dusk. His hand went over the red necklace fitted snugly against her person, and he fingered it with casual fascination. He inched closer to the woman, and in turn, I moved closer towards them – the soles of my feet being kissed by the fires of fear.
“Tell me, lovely,” Leonardo started, looking into the woman’s eyes and flashing his teeth in a smile, “how many times has a wild thing like you been broken in? Hm?”
One of Leo’s goons pushed out his chest, “Boss…” he said, the thinnest layer of skittishness behind his tone.
Leo snapped his head back to the man, “You rush me, and I’ll stick your tongue in a mason jar. Hope you’re into that kind of thing though, Meich. Rather painful.”
The bald henchman with dragon tattoos said nothing else, instead he breathed in deep and looked away.
Now the woman that Leo was courting spoke, “I’m not afraid of you,” she insisted, “and you’re the furthest thing from charming.”
Leonardo brought his head back to the dark skinned woman, and I crept closer, still unseen and not given away by any of my coworkers. “Mm,” the Mob Prince growled, the faintest hint of displeasure showing on his deceptively beautiful face, “one thing to hate my charm, another not to give in to that feeling in your gut. I can see it in your eyes,” for a few heartbeats, he paused. Then, with predatory quickness, his hand went for her throat and it clasped around the woman tight. She gasped and her eyes rounded in pure terror; immediately she threw one hand out to try and pry Leonardo’s from her throat, and another to push at his chin and neck.
Not wasting any time, I made long strides towards the two. My heart hammered in my chest, and fresh waves of hot sickness ran through me. Every part of me was telling me to run, save for that spot on my soul that told me: No. No, now you must be brave.
With a wicked grin, the Mob Prince uttered, “Proving a point, I wouldn’t hurt something so pretty as you.” His brooding emerald eyes flicked to me, and he let go of the woman. Without a second to spare, she coughed and darted away from Leonardo. The Mob Prince continued, “What’s life without a little choking, anyways? It’s all the rage between the sheets,” he cackled in amusement.
I straightened out where I stood, “I don’t know who you think you’re looking for, but I’m not the mayor’s daughter.”
That smirk on his face slowly turned to a sinister grin. It punched a hot feeling straight to my gut, that slowly worked it’s way down to my core – leaving me one part ashamed, and another part aroused. “Well well well,” Leonardo started, “you’re Tabby?”
“Oh you’re his alright,” Leonardo shook a finger my way, and continued to step closer in those dark shoes, “pretty little thing such as yourself,” his eyes worked me over. “All tits,” he waved a hand, still approaching, “hips, curves and sex. There’s no doubt in my mind, sweetheart.” It was very different to be noticed for once, and even more so for the features of my body I thought nothing of.
When he moved right up to me, I kept him away by putting my hand to his hard chest. “What mind exactly? I’m sure everyone he would agree there’s nothing up there but rocks,” I pointed with my chin to his crotch, “nothing there, either, what with how you put hands on that woman.”
Leonardo closed the distance between us, and briefly put his hand to the side of my face, before I stepped away. “S’why I was put on this earth, can’t you see?” His smile and his eyes were strangely intoxicating, but I couldn’t wash off the disgust that seemed to cling to my skin, “to touch…” his hand snapped to the dip in my back and he pinioned me against him within half of a heartbeat, “whatever I want. Whenever, I want.” The heat was unimaginable, like nothing else in this room mattered but the way that he touched me.
I could feel the weight of the world surrounding us, all eyes peering and staring and leaving nothing unexamined. The touch of his hand against me, the minty smell of his person; the wicked glean in his eye, the pounding in my chest. It all helped to make me feel delightfully powerless.
But I would not be.
“Take your hands off of me,” I growled, “now.” Not giving him a chance to respond, I moved back and pushed him from me – giving me a precious few feet of space.
“Fightin’ spirit,” the man said, flicking his tongue lightning quick across his lips and leaning an inch closer, “I like that.”
“You’re a scoundrel.”
“Handsome scoundrel,” he replied. He extended his hand, “now, take my hand and let’s do this the easy way. Or… do you prefer it hard? Don’t answer that,” he gave a short laugh, tilted his head and flicked his tongue quickly across his lips, “I’ll find out for myself.”
It was a bitter pill to swallow, but in this city of outlaws. In this city of demons, justice wasn’t something you’d get the chance to wait around for. “Just, please, don’t hurt anyone,” I pleaded with resignation, stepping forward but ignoring his hand.
Leonardo gave another short laugh, and grinned. “Only person I’ll be hurting is you, babe. Trust me, pain’s what I do best.”
There was only one small thing on my mind while I was escorting the lovely little woman. Just where was Cagliostro? Five days might as well have been two months with the way people were backing out of deals with us. I know for a fact that Pops will take at least a finger if he’s gone for more than week.
Getting my head out of the clouds, me and the girl made our way down the library steps. I grabbed her wrist tightly, and ignored the shooting feeling through my body; when this… Tabitha creature huffed in displeasure, I growled in fiendish ecstasy. Down below just on the curb of the road, our carnal carriage awaited.
I said to her, in a hushed whisper in her ear, “You look pale as a ghost, darling. Never ridden one of these before, have you?”
I could see those brown eyes with flecks of gold, widen in realization. “You can’t be serious.”
“Don’t worry,” I told her, “the boys’ll take the SUV. Just you, and me.” Some kind of dark laugh rumbled from my chest as we descended the grey steps. Hurrying the girl along, I opened the door to my yellow and black Koenigsegg Regera. This was the crown jewel of my family’s assets, and I didn’t even have to spend a dime on the bad bitch - stealing from the rich and lazy was my way of earning. “Get in,” I told the girl, letting my eyes drink in the delightful curves of her body quickly. If there was fear in her, it didn’t show on the surface.
I liked that. It always made me excited. To tame the things that seemed out of reach, to do things that were thought impossible.
Damn, what was it about her?
I just felt like… I never wanted to take my eyes off of her. And she wasn’t even dressed properly for my earthly delights. Now there was a nice image. That girl, the mayor’s bastard daughter, with her pale ass in black lingerie. It stirred my cock just to think about her bending over and making her mine.
If that bastard could see me with her, I’m sure he’d be red in the face with jealousy.
Pushing at the small of the girl’s back, I helped her inside of the car, shut the door, and made my way over towards the driver’s side. Getting in, I slammed the door shut, fished inside the pocket of my suit for the keys, and turned the engine. Turning my head to face her, I smiled at the pretty little prisoner and revved the engine; it roared delightfully, and the vibrations could be playfully felt. When I saw her go for the seatbelt, I let go of the brakes and slung us directly into tr
affic – forcing Tabitha hard into her luxurious seat.
We went fast into the night, zipping in and out of traffic. I howled with joy at each pass we made; every now and again I’d spy a look at the beauty of a hostage beside me. Her knuckles were turning white, and her face had seemed to have gone pale. Racing down the asphalt, I threaded the needle so to speak, having us run a red light and squeeze between intersecting traffic. To me this was just a night like any other – only more enchanting with such a vision beside me. Everything that I did had to be perfect; had to be precise and mine and under my control. Driving was no different.
Tabitha screamed some obscenity. I was too focused on the feel of my hands tightly pressed against the wheel of my steed. The caress of leather, the feel of the road, the kiss of adrenaline, the smell of her hair—wait. Did I just think that she smelled good?
Right then she smacked a hand on my shoulder hard, but I just kept on smiling and driving. With a hell of a scolding voice, she said: “You’re going to get us killed!”
“No, no, no,” I replied, tapping on the brakes for a moment and having the car bank as I turned tightly to the left. “I won’t let a pretty little hair on your head get hurt. Promise. You see, I may be the bad guy to this place,” I licked my lips, “but to me? I’m just the guy who knows exactly what he wants, and just how to get it.” My eyes glanced along the lines of her delicious body longer than I’d anticipated; why couldn’t I take myself from her haunting figure? She wasn’t the typical kind of babe. No.
She was the babe with the power. The power to make me feel… just a little less powerful.
“Watch where you’re driving, you idiot.”
Growling, I turned my head back to the road and shoved my foot down hard against the gas pedal, letting my darling of the road gain considerable speed. Something about the way this girl carried herself beautifully annoyed me.
“Wow,” she said with the slightest hint of sarcasm. “I didn’t know powerful, brooding mob bosses such as yourself took the opinions of librarian’s so seriously.”
“Tch,” I voiced, swerving into the other lane and overtaking the car that was once in front of me. “I don’t take your opinion seriously at all,” I managed to say through grit teeth, “I take you precisely zero percent serious.”
“The timbre of your voice changes when you lie like that.”
“I’ll remember that the next time I have you alone, away from the rest of the rabble.” That was a promise I intended to keep. With Connifer and Meichwaltz headed back to the penthouse, maybe time alone was something I really would get to have.
“They’re going to think you stupid once they realize I’m not the girl you’re looking for.”
“Oh no,” I told her, “that’s where you’re wrong, babe. You’re exactly the girl that I’ve been looking for.”
With my heart thumping in my chest, I clutched my fingers tightly against whatever I could get ahold of. It wasn’t long before my knuckles turned ghost white; at this point I was practically glued to the lavish seat of this asshole’s exotic car. I’d never been in something so expensive before. More importantly, I couldn’t wrap my head around the absurd notion that he had: I’m the mayor’s daughter?
I’d grown up with my mother for the first sixteen years of my life. Met my father for the next two. What happened still clings to my bones to this very day.
It burned me up inside. Tore away pieces of me that I’d thought I’d buried. Digging up the dead wasn’t like me; I never cared to dwell on those long-gone pains. But now, with what he was proposing – it all just came up in a fervent roar.
Seemed like forever. Forever that we ran across the streets of Chaos, Nevada. Each turn that he made caused mayhem, each light that he dashed through was a brief flirtation with Death. It didn’t help that all of these things excited me in ways I never thought possible; there was almost a sexual pounding that made its way through my body – a lust for the extreme, and a taste for the adventurous.
Most of the time I only buried myself in books to keep my mind and my heart occupied. To keep myself spirited away from all of that terrible, cold darkness. But in the insanity of being kidnapped… I found life to be just a little bit more interesting. I tried to brush the feeling off, finding myself strangely intoxicated.
If I wanted to get out of this situation alive, I’d have to try and get a clear head. Remain focused.
When we finally came to a stop, it took my body a second to fully recover. Like my insides had lagged behind a couple of miles. After taking a moment to compose myself, I heard Leonardo open up his door, and I watched him through the blue tinted window glass as he walked towards me. Opening the door for me, I promptly exited the luxurious vehicle.
It was impossible for me to tell where exactly we were. Night wrapped itself snuggly around the nearby buildings, which stood more like sleeping giants ready to keep watch than things of stone and metal. What was in front of me, however, was something entirely different. Sprawling, the building, something more of a lair, really, stretched out several courtyards in length. There were multiple levels to the building, and none of the lights were on; silver light from the moon cascaded along its mutely colored walls, and a flock of birds perched themselves were they please, all scattered around the windows and nooks and ends.
Just before the building was a parking lot, and if anything gave this location away – it was the cars. None of them were beat down, all of them were new and screamed money in one way or another; some by the sleek look of constant care, from wax and other various cleanings. Others, just by the price tag.
Leonardo cleared his throat in some, under different circumstances, devilishly sexy kind of way. He then adjusted his suit and tilted his head, looking toward me – some mysterious, enchanting look pulled at me from his chilling eyes.
Taking in a breath right now was a game. Dangerous, it felt like every inch of air that I could manage to safely take, was the effort of scaling frightening mountains. Not that typical mountains were any less of a threat to me. Yes, electricity sewed itself along the lengths of my bones – it was a feeling I was not used to. No, it was a feeling that I’d… never felt before.
Was he feeling it too?
Stupid, I thought. Those feelings should be reserved for the people close to you, for good men. Not some barely-above street urchin level of thug.
The air itself became wonderfully hostile, like the space between us had been suddenly cut in half. Finally, I spoke up: “Spit it out if you have something to say, it’s not like I’ll be paying it any mind anyway.”
Leonardo’s taunting lips curled into a thin smirk. “Just a shame,” he growled.
“What is?”
“The fact that I can’t have some fun with you before I offer you up to the wolves.” I could sense he was getting some simple, perverse pleasure from telling me as such. Even though I wouldn’t let myself physically admit it, I felt an urge between my legs.
“You’re pathetic,” I chided, feeling that first rush of anger light up my body.
“No,” he replied, stepping forward. He leaned into me, and all the heat from his body mingled with mine. “I just know what I want.” His lips neared mine, and Leonardo paused. The space between was became our own private chamber of heaven and hell; each inch its own circle, and I felt that if I moved even a hair – I’d have my mind spill into a dozen decidedly dark, sinfully delicious thoughts.
So instead, I shoved the man back a step and a half, “You’re a charlatan. I bet you’ve never once had to work for a woman’s respect. Daddy get you all your toys?” I raised my brow like a weapon. That’s probably how he viewed girls. Jewelry. Something pretty to wear around your finger, and discard when you’ve gotten tired of one and fancy another.
There was anger in his face. Darkness in his eyes. For a brief moment, I suspected that he would strike me. Most men did, and
when they did, I’d always hit them twice as hard.
For most of them… at least.
Leonardo balled his fist tightly, “I think it’s time that you did meet my father,” not a second later and the black SUV from earlier came to a stop behind us. Leonardo’s men began to pour out from the car in lazy shambles. “Come,” he said. “Now.” His hand shot out to my wrist, and he practically dragged me at a frantic pace towards the gate of the compound.
With a quick motion, producing a key from a spot unseen, Leonardo unlocked the gate and shoved me through. He hurried me along towards, from what I could gather, the back entrance of the building as his men followed just behind us. He barked out: “It’s Leo!”
Right afterwards, I pulled my hand from his clutch and rubbed at the sore spot from where he had handled me. There was no hope for this man, and when I felt that twinge of fear fester in my gut; when an unseen weight found a resting place on either of my shoulders, I realized we were in the same boat – hopeless and doomed.
The lock on the door made a noise, and the door swung open. Two gruff looking men dressed in neatly worn button-up shirts gave a nod to Leonardo and a quick look over of me. Their eyes did not convey any sense of friendliness. I noticed something about them though, these two men. Something that I wouldn’t pick up from afar, and probably only because I’d read and watched a good number of things related to crime and modern urban warfare.
The two men had a noticeable bulge to their torso, indicating a thin layer of Kevlar. From my angle, I couldn’t see where they holstered their weapons – but I was positive that they were armed. I made a mental note and filed it away with all the other details.