Page 8
LAURA. I’ll come with you – let me get my bag.
TIMP. No one is fucking leaving! We’re having a party – for God’s sake it’s not even midnight!
LAURA. Let me go.
CAM (by the window). The police – they’re out the vans – they’re stopping them, they’ve got fucking helmets and shields.
BENNY. They can’t do that – not if it’s peaceful – no one was doing anything.
CAM. They’ve stopped them; they’re herding them like fucking cows.
BENNY. Come on, Cam.
TIMP. No one’s fucking leaving – look, Sophs, turn the music up. Alright? (Starts emptying it onto a plate.) I was going to save it but – I’ve got fucking two hundred quid’s worth of blow here. (Starts desperately rolling a ten-pound note.)
Who’s in – eh? Fucking freebies. Let’s go.
BENNY. Sophie? You with me?
SOPHIE looks at BENNY a moment – turns to TIMP and does a line of coke.
LAURA (she’s found her bag). I’m coming with you – we’ll go.
TIMP. I’m fucking three pills in – we’re not ending this party! We’re going till tomorrow!
CAM. One minute –
CAM goes to do a line of coke.
TIMP. You lot got any brains at all? You’re about to walk out into a line of fucking coppers when you’ve each taken enough drugs to kill a small horse.
CAM and LAURA stop.
It’s crawling with them out there. Curtains for your career, Cam; Loz, you’ve already had your hands smacked once.
BENNY. Who cares?
CAM. I don’t want to get /
BENNY. You remember reading all that stuff in History or English about those lads going to war, Mack? Fucking sixteen seventeen some of them – I always sat and wondered if I would. I remember thinking, fuck – I’d like to know if I was the kind that would piss himself, or if I was the kind that would take on ten men and go out roaring – you ever wondered that? You ever wished you knew for sure – whether you’re a coward?
CAM looks at BENNY then up around the room.
CAM. I’ll go and check the stairwell.
CAM exits.
MACK (comes in close to BENNY). Well done, mate, just sent Cam to his fucking death – good pal you are.
BENNY goes to hit MACK and MACK ducks it.
Who you fighting, Benny-boy? Hm?
BENNY tries shove MACK it doesn’t do anything to him – he stands strong.
TIMP. Strength of a bear, speed of a puma, eyes of a hawk.
MACK. I’m happy to roll up my sleeves but who are you fighting? The council? The landlord? The big bad government? The general fucking state of the nation?
BENNY. Fuck you.
MACK. Who do you think they’re hurting – huh? You want to join those mindless little fuckers who haven’t even begun to think it through – who?
BENNY (pointing out the window). At least they’re doing something.
MACK. You are so much smarter than this, Benny.
LAURA goes to leave.
TIMP. Don’t – Loz – please.
On the street outside there is an almighty explosion – we hear glass breaking, shouting – screaming – cheering.
MACK starts to laugh.
LAURA, SOPHIE and TIMP are over by the window.
LAURA. Fuck – they’ve just kicked in the window of the – fucking –
SOPHIE. They’re throwing bricks. There’s paint.
TIMP yelps with joy – he starts screaming, running up and down.
TIMP. That’s the window of the bloody restaurant!
TIMP picks LAURA up and starts spinning her round.
That little firecracker down there just earned us a day off work, babe!
MACK (to BENNY). What you going to do? Go and kick the crap out of a shop window? Really feel like you’re fighting ‘the man’ – when in fact, it’s probably just a little old shopkeeper – that’s worked his whole fucking life to build that shop up, and you’ll kneecap him – in the name of what?
TIMP. We can wake up late and spend all fucking day in bed – I’ll treat you like a princess, make you your eggy-bread you like – kiss your feet, use the old orgasmatron on your noggin, go to that posh coffee shop you like, I’ll even read you a bit a Harry Potter!
MACK. Or are you going to go and wrestle with a cop? Except he’s just doing his job; he’s just a guy being paid to stand there. He doesn’t give a shit about your problem, you think he’s defending an ‘idea’ – a – a what? Why are you kicking him? Eh? Because I can guarantee you he’s just thinking about his wife and kids and what he might have for breakfast. And he might put his fist in your face, but he’s probably thinking about his brother or his dad – or the bloke his missus fucked whilst he was working late. It’s just toddlers squabbling.
TIMP. Don’t go home; babe – it’ll all be alright in the morning, promise.
SOPHIE. They’re throwing bricks, at the policemen.
MACK. You want to be part of that?
SOPHIE. They’re coming into the street – they’re trapping them in our /
LAURA. Cam’s out there.
TIMP. Babe? Fucking day off – we’re going have the best day ever.
LAURA shakes her head.
Don’t make me come down on me own.
LAURA puts her hand on TIMP’s face.
MACK. Or are you going to fuck with a politician or a tutor – come on, tell me who am I hurting?
SOPHIE. Leave him, Mack. You’ve made your point.
MACK. Because this isn’t anyone, do you see? This isn’t a problem. The man that makes the decision to fuck you up doesn’t know or care who you are and he probably doesn’t have a choice.
SOPHIE. Leave him – Mack.
LAURA. Guys – Cam’s out there.
MACK. He just has a boss and a wife and a wallet and he just pisses and wanks and cries like the rest of us, he’s just cheap and scared and weak like the rest of us. So what is the point in fighting?
CAM enters; he’s carrying bags of rubbish, he’s shaken, almost crying.
CAM. The police are in the stairwell.
LAURA. It’s okay.
CAM. They’re afraid of fire. They told me to bring everything in off the landing. There’s so much. I tried to tell him to go and fuck himself – to – say no but... I – I – didn’t. He started asking me if I’d taken anything and I – I was scared.
BENNY. But we can’t take any more in here.
CAM. But he said /
MACK. We’ll move it in.
BENNY steps into MACK’s way as he tries to leave they stand close.
LAURA grabs her cardi and runs with him.
TIMP. Loz? Don’t – it’s dangerous.
Just before he gets to the door.
CAM. You can’t.
BENNY. What?
CAM. We have to stay put – we can’t leave the building until they say so.
LAURA. We’re trapped?
BENNY. I’ll talk to them.
CAM. They’re not letting anyone out. We’ve just to bring the bags in off the landing.
BENNY. Well, say no!
CAM. I’m sorry, Ben. I’m really sorry.
TIMP. I declare that a fucking lock-in! On top of a day off! Hoo – yeah!
CAM, downbeat, crushed – starts bringing the bags of rubbish in handful by handful.
BENNY stands and watches – the rubbish builds around him, higher and higher – it almost becomes a physical manifestation of BENNY’s interior state; we are overwhelmed, we are trapped – there is no way out – we are going to suffocate.
BENNY (calmly). We have to try.
MACK. Why?
BENNY. We’re students – we’re the people who should /
MACK. Students, eh?
BENNY. What we have to say /
MACK. I was in a café few weeks ago – I see a professor marking
exam essays – he flicks through three pages – doesn’t even read ’em. Thinks for a minute chucks sixty-five per cent on the front; didn’t even read it – Benny. People laugh at students – ethno scarves, drink too much – what you going to do – sew a little hammer and sickle on your army-surplus jacket? Eh? Fidel Castro T-shirt?
BENNY. We’re the fucking future.
TIMP (laughs). I’m sorry, Ben – even I’ve got a have a little chuckle at that. You do sound silly.
MACK. What like him? (Points to CAM.) Good luck, mate. You know how old he is?
CAM. Shut up.
MACK. Anyone know how old he is?
LAURA. He’s nineteen; it’s in the paper –
MACK. Except he’s not – he’s twenty-one. Lied didn’t you, Cam?
CAM. Shut up, Mack.
BENNY. That true?
MACK. Come on – no one cares. Tell ’em.
CAM (really starting to get shaky). Just leave me alone, okay.
MACK. Come on, pal, nobody minds – just tell ’em.
CAM. They put my age wrong in the paper – when I was ten – they said I was eight, my mum had written my brother’s age by mistake and /
LAURA. You’re not actually the youngest ever violinist in the Royal Scottish /
CAM. They said I was an eight-year-old prodigy so Mum said to just keep my mouth shut.
MACK. Ten years old and over the hill.
LAURA. / Oh my God.
TIMP. You’re a twenty-one-year-old virgin?
CAM. Just fuck off!
MACK. The future’s too busy making sure it’s not past it to be doing very much else. Cam’s investing in anti-wrinkle cream, not in fucking revolutions, mate.
BENNY. Why can’t you try? What’s so scary about it, Mack? Why does it – hurt you to try?
MACK. It’s you that’s going to hurt, Ben. Don’t you see – we’re fucked. How well you do doesn’t have anything to do with how good you are – it’s decided by some useless prick somewhere acting out of fear or jealousy or greed – even if you do alright, you’re never going to earn what your parents did, you’re never going to be able to afford the house that you grew up in – trying – all that nonsense out there – wouldn’t bother.
BENNY. If you try hard and you’ve got passion and you’ve got fucking drive –
MACK. That what your mum said? What else is she going say – eh? ‘It’s largely to do with timing, image and nepotism – so always try and be in the right place at the right time, suck as much cock as you can and find a way to be better looking than God intended you’?
BENNY. I won’t let you get in my head like you got in his.
MACK. I didn’t get in anyone’s head.
BENNY. You sure?
MACK. People make their own decisions.
TIMP picks up LAURA and spins her round. TIMP pours a shot and offers it to LAURA – he sprinkles it with coke – as if it’s a magic potion.
TIMP. It’ll be magic.
LAURA. Yeah?
TIMP nods.
SOPHIE corners MACK before he’s able to leave to help CAM with the rubbish.
SOPHIE. Looks like we’re here until morning.
MACK. Looks like it.
BENNY. Cam – no – we can’t have any more.
SOPHIE. Wonder how long you’ll last?
MACK. Think you should have a sit down, Sophs.
SOPHIE. It would be brilliant, we would be /
MACK. Cool off, calm down.
SOPHIE. Do you remember the colour of the sky?
BENNY. Stop it – Cam, stop bringing it in.
MACK (turning from SOPHIE). Leave him.
TIMP. I love you.
LAURA. I know.
BENNY. Stop bringing it in.
CAM. We have to.
BENNY. I said stop.
CAM. They told us to.
TIMP. Shall we have some fun?
LAURA. Course.
LAURA knocks back her first shot and hands the shot glass back to TIMP.
More please.
SOPHIE (getting louder). Do you remember the colour of the sky?
SOPHIE gets up onto the table and starts dancing.
MACK starts bringing the rubbish in with CAM – BENNY stands.
BENNY. Stop. Stop.
TIMP refills the glass and goes to knock it back. LAURA stops him.
LAURA. Na-uh. It’s mine.
LAURA takes the shot glass from TIMP and sinks it herself.
And again – let’s go.
TIMP. You sure.
LAURA. Barely started, babe.
TIMP. Good on ya.
LAURA. More please. More please, Timp.
TIMP. Everything alright, babe?
LAURA. I said more please.
TIMP. Your wish is my command.
TIMP fills another shot.
It’s party time.
LAURA. Damn right it fucking is.
LAURA sinks another shot.
MACK and CAM keep bringing in the bags.
BENNY. Stop it – fucking stop it.
SOPHIE. Mack – I don’t feel bad. Mack?
MACK stops bringing the rubbish in and turns to her.
BENNY. We didn’t make this mess; this isn’t our mess.
CAM. We have to /
BENNY. Stop bringing it in.
CAM. He said – we have to –
BENNY (up close to CAM). I said stop fucking bringing it in – you hear me?
LAURA. You got any pills left?
TIMP. How many you taken already?
LAURA. None.
TIMP. That’s not true, babe.
CAM. But they’re police, Benny – we have to /
BENNY. Stop being such a fucking coward.
CAM stands opposite BENNY and juts his chin out.
Now take these bags and put them back out there, because I’ve had enough – you hear? I’ve had enough of just bending over and taking it – I won’t sink – I won’t fucking sink – you hear? Pick ’em up.
CAM stares at BENNY.
SOPHIE. I don’t feel bad.
MACK. Get down.
SOPHIE. I think it’s worth it.
LAURA. Where are they? They in your pockets, babe? Are they?
LAURA starts frisking TIMP – TIMP progressively uncomfortable tries to fend her off.
TIMP. I think you’ve had enough.
BENNY. I said – Pick. Them. Up.
LAURA. Do you? I thought it was party time?
BENNY. Did you hear me?
MACK. Get down.
SOPHIE. Why won’t you try, Mack?
LAURA discovers TIMP’s pills on him – she pulls the bag out of his pocket.
LAURA. Ah-ha!
SOPHIE. Why won’t you try?
CAM’ s bottom lip starts to go.
BENNY. Don’t start fucking blubbing.
SOPHIE. For me?
TIMP. Give it here.
MACK stares at SOPHIE, unable to move – unable to answer.
LAURA. What’s the problem – worried you won’t have any left?
BENNY. I said pick up the fucking bags – Cam I – said – pick them the fuck up!
TIMP. Give it to me.
CAM, sniffling, starts scrabbling around trying to pick up all the bags – CAM stands and sees out the window past BENNY.
CAM. There’s fire – look – they’ve, they’ve set fire to it – the city’s on fire.
LAURA. You reckon there’s enough in here to kill me?
LAURA pops one in her mouth.
BENNY goes to look out of the window – dumbstruck – distraught.
BENNY. Whole fucking lot’s going to burn.
SOPHIE (to MACK). Do you remember the colour of the sky?
TIMP. Give me the bag.
TIMP lunges at LAURA and grabs the bag off her.
BENNY. Whole fucking lot’s going to burn.
SOPHIE. Do you remember the colour of the sky?
MACK. Get down, Sophs. Please.
SOPHIE. Do you?
LAURA opens her palm and reveals three pills.
BENNY. Whole fucking lot’s going to burn!
SOPHIE starts to sing ‘Ain’t Got No/I Got Life’ – loud on the table staring directly at MACK, he can’t seem to move – to speak.
LAURA laughs.
TIMP. Don’t – don’t do that. Please – don’t, you’ll hurt yourself.
LAURA sinks the three pills and laughs.
BENNY (snaps – something has broken in him, he can’t contain it any longer, he roars). We’re going to fucking burn and you’re still not looking! If this is a party, where are all the people? Used to be hundreds showed up!
LAURA. What do you care – as long as I keep laughing?
BENNY. You’re just fucking swallowing it and it’s going explode inside you.
LAURA laughs hard and throws a bin bag at TIMP. TIMP stumbles backwards into the rubbish. CAM and MACK start throwing bags as well. A huge rubbish fight starts – bags being lobbed, as if to throw the bags at each other is all that they can do. The fight gets harder and harder – more and more painful – they are hurting each other, the pace builds and builds and builds until they are exhausted – they pant, and stare – as if they have been tickled so hard it hurts.
They stand – all of them breathless, barely able to get air into their lungs. Red-faced – half-laughing, half-crying – an exhausted silence falls.
Long pause.
It’s still here.
SOPHIE stares at MACK.
SOPHIE. Are you crying?
MACK wipes his face and walks slowly over to BENNY, he’s choked, he comes in close to BENNY, he’s shaking.
MACK. Please be quiet, Benny.
BENNY grabs MACK, it’s forceful – it’s the strongest we’ve seen him, there’s real power and control in it – BENNY drags MACK to the untouched chair and forces him to look at it – we see MACK stare. MACK turns to BENNY – and looks at him, it seems amazingly tender – as if everything in him wants to give him a hug but he can’t.
BENNY. Look at it.
MACK can’t.
MACK (almost sobbing, pleading). Please don’t make me cut your tongue out.
BENNY. Say his name.
The boys stand and stare at one another – an eternity seems to pass between them, neither can move.
LAURA stumbles to her feet.
LAURA. Boys don’t have tongues. They go silent when you come in the room. They don’t say anything. It feels like they don’t like you – like you’re not friends at all. (Silence.) How many people has he fucked since I’ve been with him?