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Princess Evie Young Fiction 1

Page 1

by Sarah KilBride

  For the magical Gwion & Arwen

  Sarah KilBride

  To Paul

  Sophie Tilley


  First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Simon and Schuster UK Ltd

  1st Floor, 222 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB

  A CBS Company

  Text copyright © 2014 Sarah KilBride

  Illustrations based on artwork originated by Sophie Tilley © 2014

  Concept © 2009 Simon and Schuster UK

  The right of Sarah KilBride and Sophie Tilley to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library upon request

  PB ISBN: 978-1-4711-2176-0

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-4711-2177-7

  Printed in Great Britain by CPI Cox and Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8EX


  Sleepy Head


  Pony Preparations


  Old Forest Friends


  A Wonderful Welcome


  New Friends

  Chapter 6

  Pincushion in a Pickle


  A Nasty Surprise


  Campfire Catch Up


  Forest Fairy Secrets


  Sleepy Head

  Princess Evie woke with a start. Wow, everyone must still be asleep, thought Evie. Even Sparkles! Her kitten was usually at the door first thing in the morning waking her up with a noisy miaow, but Starlight Castle was completely silent. Evie snuggled up under her cosy feather duvet and sighed. I’ll have to wake up earlier than this on Monday, she thought to herself. I’ll need plenty of time to feed my ponies before getting ready for the first day at my new school!

  Evie loved her beautiful ponies – they weren’t like any other ponies, each one of them was magic. There was a tunnel of trees at Starlight Stables that no one else knew about and whenever Evie rode one of her ponies through the tunnel of trees they were whisked away on a magical adventure in a faraway land. As they galloped out of the tunnel, Evie’s ponies would be magically transformed, their manes and tails glittering and their coats swirling with different colours and Evie would be wearing an exquisite new outfit.

  Evie sat up in her four-poster bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She smiled as she remembered all of the places that her ponies had taken her and the wonderful people she’d met – forest fairies, cloud sprites and even polar bears! Souvenirs from her adventures were dotted around her room: a wand from Foxwood School of Magic, a silver bracelet with the precious pink pearl from Periwinkle the mermaid, and there on the marble mantelpiece was the snowflake necklace given to her by the ice pixies. Even her purple silk pyjamas were a souvenir from a magical desert sleepover with the seven star princesses!

  “How am I ever going to find time to have adventures with my ponies when I’m at school?” Evie wondered out loud, as she jumped down from her bed. She landed softly on her white fluffy rug and shivered. The fire had gone out in the grate and her big bedroom felt chilly. Evie quickly slipped on her coral pink dressing gown and slippers and padded over to the window to open the thick velvet curtains. The sun was beginning to shine, making Starlight Stables sparkle.

  I’ve got to make most of my magic ponies before school starts tomorrow, Evie decided. I’m so lucky to have them. While Evie was thinking about her ponies she heard a loud miaow at her bedroom door.

  “How are you this morning, Sparkles?” asked Evie, opening her bedroom door.

  Sparkles trotted in, his eyes twinkling. He looked wide awake and ready to go!

  “Miaow!” said Sparkles, as he began to clean his paws.

  “You’re right, Sparkles! It’s time to get washed and dressed. We’ve got a busy morning ahead of us and we haven’t got a second to lose. Now then,” said Evie as she went to her wardrobe, “where’s my pink dress and stripy tights?”

  Evie pushed her wardrobe doors open to find the outfit she always wore when she went to the stables. Her wardrobe was bursting with gorgeous pink, purple and silver clothes.

  She looked at her flower dresses sewn with silk, her rainbow socks and her fluffy boots.

  “I’m going to miss wearing all of these clothes,” said Evie sadly. “From tomorrow I’ll have to wear a uniform.”

  Sparkles jumped up onto the windowsill and stepped carefully around the framed photos of Evie’s ponies. He looked at Evie’s uniform and then back at Evie and blinked slowly. Even though he was only a cat, Evie was sure he understood everything.

  “You’re right, Sparkles, my new uniform is very smart.”

  It was hanging on the wardrobe’s mirrored doors, ready for tomorrow.

  “And of course, I’ll still be able to wear all my other clothes on the weekends.” This thought cheered Evie up and soon she was washed, dressed and ready for breakfast.

  Evie met Sparkles at the top of the huge staircase that spiralled down to the hall. It was lined with golden framed portraits of Evie’s ancestors. Some of them were on horseback and Evie always wondered whether they rode through the tunnel of trees like she did – the castle was full of ornaments and trinkets from faraway places.

  “On your marks, get set, go!”

  They raced past the paintings, through the echoing hall and down into the kitchen.

  “Sparkles – you won again!” laughed Evie. “You always do!”

  The table was set with ruby raspberries, silver birch syrup and delicious homemade jams. Evie tucked into her breakfast and by the time she was spreading her favourite jam onto her crumpets, Sparkles’ bowl was empty and the little kitten was busy licking his paws. Sparkles loved the weekends because he always had kippers for breakfast. What a treat!

  “I wish you could come to school with me. I won’t know anyone.” Evie tried to imagine her new classroom and teacher. She felt a little shiver and couldn’t decide whether she was feeling nervous or excited.


  Pony Preparations

  “Come on,” said Evie as she put on her wellies, “let’s go and feed the ponies.” Evie loved this part of the day – her ponies were always so glad to see her. They whinnied and neighed as soon as they heard Evie and her kitten making their way through the castle grounds.

  “Let’s take the short cut through the orchard,” said Evie, “and we can collect some windfall apples for a tasty pony treat!”

  Evie could see Silver waiting for her at the gate with her friends, Shimmer and Indigo. Silver was a pretty Welsh Mountain Pony and Evie’s smallest, but without a doubt, she was the strongest pony Evie had ever met! Star, Evie’s spirited Arab, neighed from her stable. Star loved nothing more than racing along the mountain tops with the wind in her mane. All her ponies were extremely special and Evie loved every one of them.

  There was always so much to do at Starlight Stables, but the first job was always to make sure her ponies were all happy and to give them fresh water. The sun was beginning to warm the autumn air and little leaves fluttered from the trees. As Evie led her ponies from the field and tied them in the stable yard, Sparkles played with the leaves, jumping and pouncing and trying to bat them with his paws.

  It wasn’t long before Evie called over to her kitten,

  “Time to get to work, Sparkles.”

  It wasn’t just Evie’s ponies that enjoyed eating oats! Sparkles had the very im
portant job of making sure Starlight Stables was free of rats and mice. Evie opened the door and Sparkles dashed in to inspect the feed shed.

  After a few minutes, he gave a loud ‘all clear’ miaow!

  “Phew!” said Evie.

  Evie went in and measured out the oats. Every one of her ponies had a different amount because they were all different shapes and sizes. Some of Evie’s ponies were energetic, like her Arab, Star, whilst others liked to take things a little easier! Added to that, some of them spent their time out in the fields, enjoying the grass, whilst others lived in their stables.

  While the ponies were enjoying their breakfasts Evie got her grooming kit from the tack room and brushed their coats and cleaned out their feet. She checked that her ponies didn’t have any injuries and chatted away to them.

  “If anyone heard me talking to you like this, Willow,” said Evie as she checked her little New Forest Pony’s feet, “they might think I was crazy!” But Evie knew talking to her ponies made them feel calm.

  Willow stood at 13 hands. Like all New Forests, she was gentle and very sure-footed. As Evie combed out her thick mane, Willow nudged her gently.

  “You’re right, Willow,” said Evie. “It is the perfect day for an adventure.”

  Evie went to the tack room to get her pony’s saddle and bridle. The walls were lined with saddle racks and hooks for every bridle and halter.

  Hanging next to Willow’s saddle, were all her rosettes. Although Willow wasn’t the fastest pony at Starlight Stables, she was a great jumper and she loved going to cross country events with Evie.

  It didn’t take long to saddle Willow up.

  Evie was about to mount when she remembered something very important!

  “Of course we can’t go yet! We have to take my rucksack of useful things!” Evie could never go through the tunnel of trees without her rucksack – there was always something in it that they needed.

  When Sparkles saw Evie putting the rucksack on, he raced across the yard and sprang up into the saddle. He adored going on adventures with Evie and her magic ponies; they always had so much fun.

  Soon Willow was trotting out of Starlight Stables, taking Evie and Sparkles towards the tunnel of trees. Evie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  Where would it take them today?


  Old Friends

  “What a beautiful forest,” gasped Evie as they came into a clearing of tall trees.

  Willow’s coat swirled with autumn colours and her mane was decorated with shining berries and sparkling dewdrops glimmered like diamonds along her brow-band.

  A gentle breeze blew through the trees but Evie was nice and warm. She was wearing a scarf, as delicate as a cobweb and a pale green felt jacket that tied at the waist with a ribbon the colour of blackberries. Her skirt was layered with different shades of pink silk like the petals of a wild rose.

  Willow neighed as they came to a halt.

  “You’re right Willow, we have been here before – for the forest fairy fashion show. We helped the forest fairies to make their outfits with spiders’ webs and dewdrops.”

  “And you helped us to solve the mystery of the stolen dresses,” said a voice from above, “welcome back.”

  Evie looked up.

  “Holly!” laughed Evie, “how lovely to see you again!”

  The forest fairy fluttered down from her branch and gave Evie a hug. She was a little bit older and taller than Evie and her blue eyes sparkled with happiness to see her friend again.

  “I’m so glad you’ve come back,” said the forest fairy stroking Willow’s muzzle. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us. Let’s go to the Acorn Cafe and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Holly led the way, flying in and out of the trees. Evie felt the warm autumn sun on her face and the fresh crisp air. It wasn’t long before Evie and Holly were busily catching up on each other’s news.

  “I’ve been chosen to teach all the new fairies how to become magic forest fairies,” said Holly. “They’ll be arriving in a little while. As it’s their first day at forest fairy school, I’ll help them settle in with a fun task, before teaching them all about forest magic.”

  “I’m starting a new school, too,” said Evie. “I’m feeling a bit nervous about it.”

  “When do you start?” asked Holly.

  “Tomorrow,” said Evie. “I hope my new teacher will be as kind as you, Holly and gives us time to settle in.” Holly fluttered down and held Evie’s hand.

  “I feel so unsure about everything. There are so many things I want to know,” said Evie trying to smile. “What will the other girls be like? What happens at break times? The more I think about it, the more fluttery I feel!”

  Holly smiled at her friend. “What you’re feeling is completely natural. All the new fairies will be feeling nervous today, but it won’t take long for the fun to start and the friendships to begin. Just you see.”

  In no time at all, they arrived at the Acorn Café.

  “Here we are, Willow,” said Evie, giving her pony one of the windfall apples from Starlight Castle’s orchard and some fresh water.

  “Mmmm, let’s order some hazelnut shakes,” said Holly looking at the menu. “They’re yummy!”

  They sat down at a table with their delicious shakes. Holly made a list of things to do with her magic quill, which was made from a magnificent golden feather.

  “We have got a busy morning ahead of us!” said Evie, looking at the long list. “We’d better get started.”

  “Let’s split up,” said Holly, finishing her shake. “That way we’ll get everything done quickly. Willow can take you into the forest to collect birch bark and firewood for the campfire. See you back in the Magic Dell!”


  A Wonderful Welcome

  Evie and Sparkles hopped onto Willow and disappeared into the forest while Holly made a list of all of the new fairies’ names. As she called out each name, her magic quill wrote them down:

  “Ivy, Arwen, Rose, Sylvette, Rowan, Bryony, Juniper, Violet, Faye...”

  When she’d finished, Holly made a map for each fairy. As she described the forest, her magic quill drew a map of Bluebell Forest. Evie didn’t need one to find the silver birch trees because her New Forest Pony knew exactly where to go.

  “This papery birch bark is perfect for starting campfires,” said Evie as she carefully peeled the birch tree’s trunk. Then Sparkles and Willow helped her find dry sticks for kindling.

  Evie met Holly back at the Magic Dell and they built the campfire.

  “We’ll light it at the end of the day,” said Holly, as they arranged cushions on the forest floor.

  “We’ve only got ten minutes before the new fairies arrive!” said Evie. “And we’ve still got lots to do!”

  “I’ll make the signposts and find a wand for each fairy,” said Holly, looking at the list. “Could you decorate these baskets please, Evie? They need to be sorted into pairs and for each pair to look identical.”

  Evie looked at the little baskets.

  “Shall I paint each pair the same colour?” asked Evie.

  “That’s a great idea, but we haven’t got time for the paint to dry,” said Holly. “I’m sure you’ll think of something though!”

  Holly set to work with her magic quill drawing beautiful signs and then whizzed off into the forest to put the signs up, while Evie sorted the baskets into pairs.

  “How am I ever going to make these pairs look identical, Sparkles?” asked Evie, picking up two of the baskets. Her kitten began diving about in the fallen leaves.

  “What a brilliant idea, Sparkles! Of course, I’ll decorate each pair with a different type of leaf!”

  Evie set to work. She decorated two of the baskets with oak leaves and acorns, and another two with orange beech leaves and beech nuts. Sparkles helped her to collect a pile of pretty rowan leaves and red berries for the next two. Very soon all the baskets were matching pairs.

  When Holly
returned she was delighted. “They look lovely,” she smiled.

  But Evie was looking a little confused.

  “There are nine names on the register,” said Evie. “But we’ve got ten baskets.”

  “One of them is yours,” smiled Holly, popping a wand into each basket. “I hope you don’t mind, but I had an odd number of fairies in my class, so I needed you to help make up a pair.”

  “No problem,” said Evie, who was happy to help her friend.

  Now they were ready for the new forest fairies!

  One after another, the new fairies began to arrive at the Magic Dell. Some of them looked a little bit lost. Some of them looked a little bit sad. Some fluttered at the edges of the circle and a few laughed a little too loud. Evie realized that they were all feeling nervous and that each of them showed their nerves in a different way.

  Holly, Evie and Sparkles tried to make the fairies feel better with a friendly smile. They asked each fairy their name and gave them each a basket. Everyone sat down on the comfy cushions and the nervous chattering stopped. The forest fell silent.

  “Welcome to Bluebell Forest,” smiled Holly. “Today is all about learning how to fly and find your way in this magic forest. Take your time and use all of your senses to navigate.


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