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One Last Risk (Oak Grove Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Stopper, Nancy

  Sarah and Lucas had barely taken a few steps before they ran into Stacey.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “Hi. It’s so nice to see you again,” Sarah said.

  “You, too. Are you enjoying the festival?”

  “Oh, my God. It’s great. There is no way I’ll be able to see it all. I notice you’re a bit drier than the last time I saw you.”

  Lucas looked between Sarah and Stacey then raised his eyebrows at Sarah. She nudged him with her shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, his hot breath prickling her already heightened senses. “What’s that all about?

  She smiled up at him but didn’t answer.

  They chatted a few more moments before Stacey said, “I’ve got to get back to the crew. Still on duty for a few more hours. Hopefully, I’ll see you guys later.”

  Stacey turned and jogged toward the red and white first aid tent positioned prominently in the center of the green. Several other firefighters and paramedics hung around and Stacey jumped right into the fray.

  “Did you want to head over and talk to your friends?”

  “No, I spent enough time with the guys this morning. I’m yours for the rest of the day. How about we try again to get to Emma’s without being waylaid?”

  Without further interruption, they made their way to Emma’s booth. Bright, cheerful colors and the pink-and-white banners attracted the crowds, if the long line snaking in front was any indication. Behind the table, Emma hustled back and forth, helped by the two high school students she employed part-time. Sarah and Lucas stood back for a moment, waiting for the crowd to thin before they walked up.

  Emma greeted them with a wide smile but didn’t stop moving. “Hey, you two. What great weather we have for the festival today, isn’t it?”

  “It certainly is. You’re really busy today.” Sarah was thrilled her friend was doing so well.

  “That I am. And it’s so much fun.”

  “Well, you know everyone from the firehouse is going to be over here at some point today,” Lucas added.

  “Some of them already have been—multiple times. I swear, you boys—and Stacey, too—can eat more than most people I know.”

  “It’s because everything you make is so good. We have to do extra PT every time someone brings over a box of your goodies.”

  Emma laughed. “I aim to please.” She tilted her head, trying to look behind Sarah. “Where’s Lily?”

  “She’s off with a friend from preschool at the bounce houses.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Yeah, she’s got a whole lot more energy than I do.”

  “Me, too. Where are you kids headed off to now?”

  Lucas and Sarah held a silent conversation.

  “Food,” they said in unison.

  Emma turned to help another customer and Sarah and Lucas stepped back.

  “Are you ready to go? How about we head over to Joey’s stand?” Lucas urged her ahead with his hand on her back.

  “I didn’t know he’d be here today.”

  “Yep. He closed the bar for the festival because the entire town is here. I know they’re serving nachos and beer and some great buffalo wings. Want to give it a try?”

  “Sounds great. Lead the way.”

  Lucas stayed right behind her, his possessive hand on her lower back making her feel safe and secure. But more than that, it demonstrated a possessiveness she didn’t know she liked. He was openly telling everyone they were together.

  He looked down at her, his gaze full of warmth. His arm snaked around her shoulder where she rested her head. This man scrambled her brain every moment they were together. But she’d told herself to relax and see what happened. Who cared what the rest of the town thought? She deserved a chance to explore what was developing between them.

  They eventually made their way to Joey’s booth. A crowd swarmed around the table, and it took a few minutes before they reached the front. A blonde, curly-haired woman tended the line, quickly and efficiently, with a pleasant greeting for every customer. But the woman’s face broke out into the widest grin when she spotted them. Sarah turned to Lucas, where she saw a similar smile.

  Was this an ex-girlfriend? Did he used to date her? Sarah hadn’t considered that she’d run into someone Lucas had been with before. Her muscles tensed and an ugly feeling coursed through her. Jealousy. It had been so long she’d forgotten what it felt like to look at another woman and wonder. She and Lucas hadn’t been together long. She had no right to feel the way she did. She didn’t like it. Not one bit. Just another sign of how deeply and how quickly her feelings had developed.

  “Hey, Cowboy? How ya’ doing today?”

  “I’m great. I want to introduce you to someone. This is my girlfriend, Sarah. Sarah, this is Carla. She works wonders behind the bar for my brother, Joey.”

  Girlfriend. The word shouldn’t surprise Sarah, but it did. Hoping Lucas didn’t notice her reaction, she forced her muscles to relax. She didn’t mind being called his girlfriend, but hearing it out loud for the first time shocked her a bit. She hadn’t been anyone’s girlfriend in a long time.

  Carla’s smile never broke as she turned to Sarah and extended her hand. “I’m so happy to meet the girl who’s taming our Lucas.”

  “Carla…” Lucas groaned, prompting a laugh from both women.

  “Is Carla causing trouble again?” the man behind Carla asked.

  Lucas leaned down and whispered in Sarah’s ear. “My brother, Joey.”

  As if he needed to tell her. She chuckled at him and whispered back. “I figured.”

  Of course they were brothers. All she had to do was look. He and Lucas stood about the same height, Joey’s broad shoulders matching Lucas’s. Joey even shared the same thick hair. But in place of Lucas’s whiskey-colored eyes were deep green depths that twinkled with mischief, like he was searching for the next good time. Unlike Lucas’s, that held a deep intensity like there was a lifetime of stories within them. She saw straight into Lucas’s soul each time she looked at him.

  “Well, you going to introduce me to this woman who obviously has questionable taste?”

  “Hey,” Sarah cried out in mock outrage. She’d definitely been right about Joey.

  Lucas’s brother rounded the table and wrapped one arm around each of their shoulders, putting himself squarely between them.

  “I’m Joey. Lucas’s much nicer, more handsome, younger brother.”

  They all laughed. Lucas nudged Joey in the ribs, and Joey elbowed him back.

  “Well, then, I guess it’s good that I like my men a bit older. Nice to meet you, Joey. I’m Sarah.”

  Lucas laughed out loud and Joey elbowed him again. This was interaction between these two men who clearly loved each other. Sarah’d missed out on having a brother—it was just her and Jessica. She and Alex had always wanted a large family but they’d only had Lily before…

  “Hey, listen. I’ve got to get back behind the table. Carla’s giving me the evil eye.”

  They all turned to Carla at the same time and she rapidly transformed her eyebrow-raising look into an infectious smile.

  “I did no such thing.” When Joey looked away, Carla winked at Sarah.

  “Whatever you guys want, let Carla know. It’s on the house,” Joey added.

  “Thanks, man. Are you hanging out after you shut down?”

  “Damn straight. Lots of beautiful women just waiting to meet me tonight. You guys staying for the dance?”

  “Yeah, we are.”

  Joey eyed Lucas suspiciously. The expression on Lucas’s face was equally intriguing.

  “What was that look for?” she asked them both.

  “Nothing,” Joey responded. “We’ll see.”

  Lucas smacked Joey upside the head, and Joey laughed before heading back behind the table.

  “So, what can I get you guys?” Carla asked.

  “How about some nachos, buffalo wings, a soda, and two beers.”r />
  “Sounds great. Give me a sec.”

  Carla hustled to collect their food then placed two foam containers and their drinks in their hands. “Here you go, guys. Hot and ready to go. Just like me.”

  Sarah laughed. Joey hassled Carla and she elbowed him in the ribs. They clearly had a great working relationship. Maybe something lurked beneath the surface between the two of them, too. Although, Joey sounded more like he was ready to scout the festival for a willing woman.

  Lucas grabbed the food and beers and gestured to one of the nearby picnic tables. Sarah headed over while he had a few final words with Carla, when Lily came running up, pulling Gracie and her mother behind her.

  “Hey, baby!” Sarah placed a kiss on Lily’s cheek. “Did you have fun?”

  “I did, Mommy.”

  “Thank you so much for taking Lily to the moon bounces.”

  “No problem. They had fun. Gracie loves Lily. The girls bugged me the entire time. They wanted to have a sleepover tonight if that’s okay with you.”

  Sleepover? Sarah hadn’t even considered sleepovers. How could she keep Lily safe at someone else’s house? Her stomach knotted. And then there was Lucas. She would be alone with Lucas without Lily as a buffer. Was she ready for that?

  Edith placed her hand on her arm. “They’ll be fine.”

  This was a big step. And worse, Edith needed an answer right now. Regular mothers could utter a simple “yes” to a routine request. But not Sarah. She’d have to talk to Lily later about asking in front of other people. In the meantime, she turned toward Lily. “Did you want to sleep over at Gracie’s house?”

  “Can I, Mommy?”

  She thought quickly, fumbling for any reason to keep Lily at home. Right, clothes. “I’d need to run home and get a bag for her.”

  “Oh, no. Don’t worry about it. Gracie and Lily are about the same size. She can borrow some pajamas from Gracie.”

  It figured Edith had an answer for everything. Sarah couldn’t think of any other objections. Not without sounding a bit neurotic about working smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. “Okay, Lily. You can go. But… you have to—”

  Lily and Gracie screeched and jumped up and down. Sarah placed her hand on Lily’s shoulder to try and get a word in between screams.

  “Lily, you need to listen to Gracie’s mom and do everything she says, okay? I’ll come pick you up in the morning.” She could do this. She could let her baby go to someone else’s house for the night. And she wouldn’t worry… too much.

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  “Give me a hug.”

  Lily wrapped her arms around her waist and squeezed. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “Love you, honey.”

  Lily’s smile wavered.

  “What is it, honey?”

  “Well, I promised Mr. Lucas I’d dance with him. Do you think he’ll be mad?

  Sarah chuckled. “No, honey. Mr. Lucas will be fine. You can dance with him another time, okay?”

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  Sarah again marveled at the resilience of her daughter. With two anxious girls at their feet, Sarah and Edith exchanged cell information, Sarah promising to call later to check in. Then Lily and Gracie skipped away, Edith right on their heels.

  “Bye, Mr. Lucas,” Lily yelled and waved as they skipped by him.

  Lucas whipped his head to Lily and then back to Sarah before placing the rest of their food on the table. “Where are they headed?”

  “Lily is going to have a sleepover with Gracie tonight.”

  “Oh, okay.” Lucas opened his beer and brought the bottle to his mouth. He stilled just before he took a sip. His eyes wide, he locked his gaze on her. “So, it’s just us.”


  Sarah’s stomach churned, and it wasn’t from the delicious aroma of spicy nachos or buffalo hot wings. It was Lucas. He excited and scared her at the same time. Her hand shot to her neck to rub her ring, but her fingers came up empty. She slid her hand over her pocket, patting the small part of Alex she had left. Was she ready to be with Lucas? She thought so, but what if he expected more from her than she could give?

  He gestured at the bench and she lowered herself. He slid beside her, close enough for his thigh to brush hers. Maybe he left room for other people... and maybe she was out of practice being this close to a man. The heat pouring off him had her heart racing and her palms sweating. If this type of closeness had her practically fanning herself, imagine what his naked thigh would do to her. The brush of his hair grazing her. His bare, tight muscles feathering her soft skin. She squirmed.

  He leaned down and placed his mouth against her ear. “I can see the wheels turning. Stop worrying.”

  Well, that didn’t help. Now she’d be nervous for the rest of the night about what would or wouldn’t happen. Dating didn’t use to be this hard. Maybe she wasn’t ready after all. She couldn’t solve this problem right now, though. Instead, she focused on dinner and put those thoughts out of her mind for a few moments.

  “This smells delicious. If Joey’s nachos and wings are as good as his burgers, he has a fan for life.”

  “They are. No doubt.” Lucas took a long drag off his beer and let out a long moan. “Oh, man, that hit the spot.”

  The deep-throated sound reignited her arousal. Reminded her of the other night, when they made out on the couch. Would he sound the same when they finally made love? Prickles of arousal flooded her body and she calculated how long they had to stay before it was appropriate to leave. She wanted to be wrapped up in his naked body. Feel him inside her.

  Lucas lowered his head and whispered in her ear. “Boy, what I wouldn’t give to know what put that blush on your cheeks.”

  He nuzzled behind her ear, licking along her heated skin. She squirmed and lowered her head.

  “Oh, man, maybe I don’t want to know.” He sat back up and nudged her side, the cocky smile back on his face.

  She and Lucas enjoyed their buffalo wings and nachos, and she met a couple new people when they sat at the table with them. Everyone in Oak Grove were so friendly. Some walked up to introduce themselves because someone else had mentioned her, others because they’d heard about her accident. Even a few came over because they knew Lucas and had to meet the woman with him. She’d heard that from men and women alike. There was a story behind those comments, one she wanted to explore. Lucas seemed uncomfortable but not upset that everyone seemed genuinely surprised to meet his girlfriend. He laughed along with each person who shared the sentiment.

  Sarah licked the buffalo sauce off her fingers. She turned to Lucas to see a heated look in his eye. All of a sudden, he jerked his head up and cried out to someone behind her.

  “Hey, Rachel. Over here.” Lucas jumped up and motioned to a couple walking by. The woman looked to Lucas warily and then back up at the man beside her. He didn’t smile, instead he looked down at her with disgust. Despite that, she draped her arm around the man’s waist and together, they walked over to the table.

  Lucas embraced the woman awkwardly. She returned the hug with one arm but kept the other wrapped firmly around the other man. She smiled at Lucas, but her eyes didn’t share the emotion. This woman was too thin and her cheeks hollowed out. Gray circles ringed her eyes. She didn’t look anything like Sarah had expected. Nothing like Lucas’s other sibling she’d already met.

  “Hey, Rachel. I want to introduce you to Sarah.” Lucas turned to her. “Sarah, this is my sister, Rachel.”

  “Rachel, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “And this is…” Lucas motioned to the man who accompanied Rachel.

  The man’s lip lifted in a sneer. “Shane.” His voice was colder than the beer Sarah held. And his icy tone caused Rachel to shrink down even more and lower her head.

  Lucas extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Shane. I’m Rachel’s brother, Lucas.”

  Shane didn’t take Lucas’s hand. He instead wrapped his arm tighter around Rachel’s waist and tucked his other hand in his pock
et. Sarah looked between Rachel and Shane, and then between Lucas and Shane. Lucas’s arm muscles tensed and she placed her hand on him and squeezed gently. No one spoke.

  “Rachel, are you coming to dinner tomorrow?”

  “I doubt it,” Rachel answered meekly. Her eyes drifted to Shane.

  “You should try to come. Mom and Dad have been asking about you.” Lucas turned to Shane. “It’s a tradition in our family. We get together every Sunday. We’ve missed Rachel recently.”

  Rachel stepped between Lucas and Shane… that was probably smart. Sarah had never seen Lucas strung so tight. “I’ll try. Listen, Lucas, we’ve got to go. I’ll see you later, okay?”

  Lucas gave Rachel another stiff hug then Rachel and Shane walked away without another word.

  “Oh, man.” Lucas rubbed his hand over his jaw.


  “I don’t know who that was, but that was not my sister. She’s normally so much more energetic and happy. Bubbly almost. And I did not like how that guy acted toward her. Not one bit.” Lucas grew more agitated with each word he spoke, his hands clenching into fists on the table.

  She placed her hand over his, wanting to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Lucas.”

  “Joey told me Rachel hadn’t been coming around. I’m afraid Shane is the reason, and I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t blame you. Something seemed off about him.”

  “I’ll have to mention it to Joey. She still works at the bar for him once in a while. Maybe he’ll get her to talk to him.”

  After running his hands through his hair a few times and taking a few breaths, Lucas cleared their trash and returned to the table. Grabbing her hand in his, he leaned down and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “I don’t want to think about Rachel anymore. Tonight is just about you and me. Let’s head over to the dance floor. The band should be about ready to start.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  LUCAS PULLED SARAH to him as they headed toward the dance floor. He figured three songs, maybe four, and then he could get Sarah alone. No prying eyes, no risk of little interruptions. Nothing between them. Just him and Sarah. His crotch twitched at the prospect.


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