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Willow's Cry

Page 5

by Beverly Ovalle

  Groaning, holding her still, Alex slid in and out. The mix of their juices enough lubrication to ease him in and out of her and feeling her tight passage hugging him with each easy surge inside her depths.

  He couldn’t get enough. Alex never wanted to leave Willow’s body. Alex felt a warm wet tongue caress his neck. He smiled. Willow was awake, or just barely. He wasn’t sure she’d even really fallen asleep, just drowsed a bit while enjoying laying across his body. A soft sleepy hum filtered to his ears as she nibbled and sucked the sensitive crease there.

  Willow wiggled her hips, trying to move. Alex held her still, but increased his tempo with her unspoken demand. Her appreciative groan tightened Alex’s scrotum, lengthening him inside her warmth. God, he wanted to permanently fill her, become a part of her. Make sure she never, ever thought of not being his.

  Alex rolled, placing Willow beneath him thrusting again and again, enjoying the warm wet feel of her tight hot passage. The feel of Willow grasping his ass, spurring him on, demanding satisfaction, sent a thrill of possession through him. Increasing the staccato rhythm, Alex gave her what she demanded, pounding heavily into her. Gritting his teeth, straining against Willow, he shot his load into her. She came with a groan, mixing her cream with his seed, making a warm sticky mess. Alex collapsed on top of her.

  His chest heaved, pressing heavily onto Willow. The warm cushion of her breasts and body beneath him a haven. Alex felt a measure of contentment he never before felt. With Willow beneath him, surrounding him, Alex was home.

  Their ragged breathing was music to his ears. His breath slowing, Alex leaned down, kissing Willow. A long slow sweep of her lips with his tongue. She shuddered. Alex continued his exploration, kissing the corner of her lips and slipping his tongue in to play with hers. Sweeter than honey. Alex deepened the kiss, enjoying the intoxicating flavor unique to her.

  The tang of pine permeating the air left him reeling, his senses heightened. The freshness of the outdoors mingling with the scent of their lovemaking. He slid his arms beneath Willow, pulling her tight against his chest. Her arms encircled his neck, their lips clinging together. So lost in each other, neither heard footsteps approaching.


  A nudge of his side and Alex glanced up, freezing. He whispered quietly against Willow’s mouth. “Willow, I think you need to cover yourself.” Alex closed his eyes in frustration. “My mother is here.”

  Willow squealed, covering herself in a rush. The branches and leaves forming her clothing grew rapidly, poking at tender his body parts, forcing him to roll off of her.


  “Watch your mouth, Alex.” A pile of clothing dropped in front of him. His mom sniffed, her nose in the air. “You should probably rinse off first.” She turned and walked away. “I’ll be over by your tent.”

  Alex stood with a groan and looked down at Willow. Her arms grasped her knees, she her face hidden on top of them. The crimson color of her neck showcased her embarrassment. Alex leaned down and gently tugged her into his arms. She came reluctantly, only allowing him to gather her after his tugs made it evident he wasn’t giving up. Willow burrowed her head into his chest, arms tight around his waist.

  “Willow, it’s okay.”

  “Your mother will hate me.”

  He chuckled. That was not really a concern to him.

  Willow dug her fingers into his waist.

  He winced. “No, she’s not going to hate you. Why would you think so?”

  “Look at how she caught us! And I’m a tree spirit. How can I explain?”

  “Willow, Honey, are you forgetting who my father is?” He laughed. “I’m sure my mother has been right where you are.” He gagged. “Eww. I don’t even want to think of it. So gross.” His stomach turned. Bleach, he needed mind bleach.

  Willow giggled, warm puffs of air tickling his chest. “What are you, twelve?” She giggled at his snarl. So cute, he couldn’t help but grin back.

  “Come on. Let’s have a quick rinse and get back to my mom.”

  Willow groaned as Alex dragged her fully into the water. “Don’t wanna.”

  “I think your clothes can come off while we wash.” Willow sniffed, but dissolved her clothes, allowing Alex access. Groaning, he dipped his head and circled a nipple with his tongue. His voice hoarse as he spoke. “I wanted to taste these.”

  “Oh.” She sighed, arching her back, offering her ripe nipples up for his taste. Alex latched on, suckling, Willow squirming against him. Her gasps and moans enticing him. She circled his waist with her legs, sliding down to sit on his once again erect cock, her nipple slipping from his mouth with a pop.

  Alex spread his legs, balancing on the silty bottom. He held Willow’s ass in his hands, thrusting into her. Arching her over his arm and again latching onto her nipple. He suckled as Willow shifted, unable to move other than to rub her clit against the tight hair circling his cock. Her whimper driving him crazy. Alex teased her clit against him.

  Alex felt the water sprites join in. His swaying balls nibbled and a watery hand caressing the joining between him and Willow. Turning his head, Alex saw a sprite latch onto Willow’s other nipple, suckling until it tightened into a tight protruding knot. Alex continued, using his teeth to add a bite of pain to his thrusting, churning the water and driving the sprites into a frenzy. They suckled, nibbled, and caressed until he and Willow broke from the pleasure. His seed flooding Willow, her honey spreading over him. Their combined pleasure spilled into the water to be chased by the sprites, the water once again calm.

  “I could stay here all day.” Alex lay his head against Willow’s, his arms surrounding her. “But, we need to get out and dressed.” Alex leaned over, sliding out of her, and grabbed a handful of the sandy river bottom. He began to wash Willow, enjoying her squirming. He ran his hands over her sensitive nipples, and washed away the evidence of their pleasure even as the sprites continued to try to lick it away.

  Alex pushed away one persistent sprite latched onto her clit. Alex’s nostril’s flared at the sight of her engorged bud, pulsing from the sprites attention. He lifted Willow, set her legs on his shoulders and suckled her ruby clit until she screamed, her cream coating his chin and sliding down his throat.

  “Alex!” Willow undulated against his mouth. “Oh. Alex.” Alex felt Willow pulse against his tongue. He greedily lapped up her cream. She slumped over him, her body boneless. With a final lick, Alex groaned and lowered Willow back into the water, loving the feel of her skin against his as she slid down.

  “You taste so damn good.”

  Willow blushed, a bright red, and backed away. “We need to get out. Your mother is waiting.”

  “Crap. I forgot.” Alex looked at Willow, knowing his hunger shown in his eyes. “Maybe she’ll have fallen asleep.” He knew his mother would not be sleeping and if they were gone much longer she would head back to drag him out. Not to mention, half tree whatever he might be, he was also half man and that half was no way able to back up his talk or desires at the moment. He grabbed a handful of sand and began to rub his body to clean up.

  Willow shook her head and followed suit, scrubbing until she was pink and clean. “I’m getting out.” She climbed the bank, once again dressed in her own unique clothing. “I’ll wait for you.” She sat, watching while he bathed.

  Alex finished up, admiring Willow. The delicate green she wore set off her features, making her glow with health and happiness. Alex stepped out, shaking off the water, and reached for his shirt to dry off. He started. A finger touched him, tracing his length as it lay dormant against his thigh.

  “It’s so soft.” Willow’s gaze was locked to his groin as her fingers explored him. He twitched under her delicate exploration. Her eyes shot to his and her fingers stilled. “Oh.”

  Alex grinned down at her. “He likes it.”

  Her face tinted pink. “He?” Her hand dropped away at his laugh.

  “We can talk about this later. If we don’t go to my mother soon, she
’ll come here.”

  Willow swiftly stood up tossing his clothes at him.

  “Then get dressed.” She fidgeted, eyeing him from under her lashes.

  Alex quickly put his clothes on, arranging his cock carefully away from his zipper, his arousal persistent in Willow’s presence. He tossed his shirt over his shoulder and grabbed her arm.

  “Come on, time to meet my mother.” Alex slid his hand from her arm to intertwine his fingers with hers. “She won’t bite.”

  Alex could see the reluctance in Willow’s face. “Are you sure?”

  “That she won’t bite?” He laughed. “Yes.”

  “No. You want me to meet her?” Willow tugged at his hand. “Maybe I should just stay here.”

  Alex shook his head and firmed his grip on Willow’s hand. “No. I want you to meet her.” He knew Willow would need help with things he might not be able to help with. His mother could, though he just might regret asking for her help. Willow’s wellbeing would have to come first. Even if it meant his mom poking around in his life. Her goal was to see him settled so hopefully she would be thrilled to help. “She’s going to love you.” Grabbing the pail and filling it with water, he dragged both back to camp.

  Alex could see his mother. She was leaning against the oak tree, arms around it as far as she could go. She looked far more upset than she usually let anyone see. She looked up and her features schooled themselves into the cool mask Alex often saw her wear.

  “I was wondering if I was going to have to get you two.” Her tone cool, she wore the face Alex hated seeing on her, unapproachable and remote. But he saw the grief on her face moments ago and knew it was just a mask.

  Alex released Willow’s hand and pulled his mother into an embrace. “He’s going to be okay, Mom.” Her arms tightened around him convulsively.

  “He feels so distant.”

  Willow came forward and placed a hand on her arm. “He just needs to sleep for a while and heal.” His mother raised her head and looked at Willow, stepping out of Alex’s arms, shaking off Willow’s hand.

  “Who are you?” Her tone was cool again. Alex grabbed Willow’s hand and pulled her towards him.

  “This is Willow, Mom.” Willow shrunk back against him, instinctively seeking his protection. “She’s with me.”

  “At the ranger station?”

  “No. Where ever I am.”

  Willow glanced up and smiled at him. Alex couldn’t help but hug her, loving the joy in her eyes. “You’ll be seeing a lot of Willow, Mom. A lot more.” He whispered in Willow’s ear. “A lifetime more.”

  The happiness in her face gave him the answer to his unasked question. She spun and threw her arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss he wanted to continue for the rest of his life.

  “She’s a nymph, Alex.” The sound of his mother’s voice broke over them. Alex loosened his arms, not letting Willow go.

  “I know Mom. But then again, evidently I am too.”

  She sniffed. “Not entirely. You are my child too.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “She can’t leave. She’s tied to her tree. You’ll never have a life with her.” She looked stricken for a moment and then Alex could see her buck up. “It’s no way to live. Do you have any idea of what life would be like for you?”

  “I’m not tied to my tree.” Willow spoke as she huddled in Alex’s arms. “My tree is dying.”

  “Even worse.” His mother sniffed. Alex could hear the anger in her voice. “You’re going to die.”

  Willow’s eyes welled with tears and Alex cursed.

  “Nice Mom. Why not spread the misery?” Alex gave Willow a quick hug and released her striding over to his mother. “I know you’re upset about Dad but don’t be so mean.”

  “I’m being realistic. If her tree is dying, so will she.”

  “No, she won’t. She isn’t tied to her tree. She can’t get back in.” Alex stood looking down at his mother, hands on his hips. He loved her but, gah, that attitude. He wanted to snarl at her. He knew it wouldn’t do any good, though.

  “And how do you know?” His mom looked angry. “How can you be sure? She’s a wood nymph. She’ll need a tree to survive.”

  “No, she won’t.”

  “You don’t know. How can you know?” Sarah stamped her foot, lips curling in.

  Willow slipped her arm around his waist and snuggled into his side. “Because Gaia told me so.”

  Alex’s mom looked at her and then nodded. She took a deep breath, her features once again behind her mask. “Fine. Exactly what did she say?”

  “I’m needed to help stop the land from being sold.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “And how exactly did she expect you to do that?”

  “I should follow my heart.” Willow nibbled her lip, glancing at Alex from beneath her lashes.

  Alex’s mom looked at her and gave her a small smile. “Well, I guess then I don’t know what I’m talking about.” She walked over and pulled Willow into her embrace. “You can call me Sarah.” She let go quickly and stepped back. “But don’t underestimate your grandmother, Alex.” Sarah frowned at him. “She’ll stop at nothing to destroy this area.”

  “But why, Mom?”

  “It’s a long story.” Sarah looked around. “Why don’t you set up camp and get some food ready and I’ll tell you.”

  “I can do that, Mom. Do you mind if I call Levi and you can tell all of us?”

  “How long will it take for him to get here? Or is he here?”

  “He’s near. He’s on his way to my cabin. I’ll just let him know to come here. I’m sure he has his compass. He’ll find us.” Alex pulled out his phone and dialed, walking away from his mother and Willow, speaking when Levi answered.

  “Okay.” Sarah started picking up wood laying on the ground, gathering enough for a fire. Willow watched, wide eyed while Sarah piled it together. “Willow why don’t you gather some rocks so we can circle the fire, keep it from spreading.”

  Willow nodded and started searching. Leaning over, she pulled up a rock and brought it back. She looked at the pile of wood and dropped the rock. She hunted enough to encircle the pile of wood Sarah stacked for the fire. When she finished, she sat on the end of Alex’s sleeping bag, hugging her knees to her chest, glancing at Sarah from the corner of her eyes.

  Alex glanced at the two of them, circling around each other like wary animals. His mind split between Levi, his mother and Willow.

  “What?” Sarah gave an exasperated sigh. “You obviously want to ask me something, so go ahead and do so.” She grabbed a piece of wood and sat down, sitting as gracefully as a queen on a throne.

  “Do you hate me?”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “No. I don’t even know you. I’m not thrilled about Alex falling for a wood nymph, but I suppose there is nothing I can do about it. He’s a grown man and entitled to his own mistakes.”

  Willow eyes welled with tears. “You think I’m a mistake?” Her voice was a whisper as it came out.

  Sarah shook her head. “It’s just an expression.” She looked up as Alex came back. “Is Levi on his way?”

  Alex frowned, looking from his mother to Willow. Ignoring his mother, he pulled Willow into his arms. She snuggled in close, burying her face in his chest. Alex turned. “What’s just an expression, Mom?”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “What?” He demanded.

  “She said I was a mistake.” Willow whispered.

  “Why would you say such a thing?” Alex glared at his mom and tightened his arms around Willow.

  “It was just an expression. I said you were entitled to your own mistakes. Not that she was a mistake.”

  Alex shook his head, exasperated by the situation. “Mom, why do you always sound so hateful?”


  “Why do you always try to make other people feel bad? You’re as bad as Grandmother.” Alex regretted it the moment he said it and the stricken look on his mother’s f
ace told him he’d hit a tender spot. “I’m sorry.”

  “She’s not that bad, coz.”

  Alex turned, smiling. His cousin Levi looked at home, backpack loaded and a half naked, little, bitty brunette in his arms, engulfed in what was obviously one of Levi’s shirts.

  “Who do we have here?” Alex asked him. Cute as a button, she obviously adored Levi from the expression on her face.

  “This here is Daphnaie.” Levi gestured. “Hi, Aunt Sarah. Who have you found Alex?”

  “This is Willow.” She turned her head and peeked towards Levi and Daphnaie, giving them a shy smile. “Why don’t you get set up and then my Mom has a story for us.”

  “Hello Levi. And Daphnaie. Another nymph? My, my, Gaia has been busy.” Both Levi and Alex turned to glare at Sarah. “Sorry.”

  Alex didn’t think she sounded sorry at all.

  “Mom.” Alex clamped his mouth shut as his father stepped from the tree and placed his hand on his mother’s arm and turning her toward him and leaning down to quietly talk to her.

  “Woah. Alex. Your father just came out of a tree.”

  Alex glanced at Levi who was watching Peter with wide eyes. He shrugged. It should be obvious.

  “What the heck? What exactly is your father?” Levi looked to Alex, glancing at Sarah.

  “My dad is evidently a dryfaun.”

  Levi frowned. “What the hell is a dryfaun?”

  “A male nymph, a tree faun, much like Willow and me.” Daphnaie injected. She wiggled, dropped out of Levi’s arms, and flashed a round, bare fanny as she descended.

  Levi tried to catch her, but Daphnaie was on her feet in a flash, leaning against him.

  Willow giggled, watching, slipping away from his arms and toward Daphnaie.

  Alex smirked, happy that slender though Willow might be, her height meant he wouldn’t have to break his back to bend down to kiss her. Knowing Levi, he’d just carry Daphnaie around in his arms to eliminate that issue.

  “Levi, set up your gear. You might as well spend the night here. I want to check on Dad’s roots in the morning and make sure they’re covered enough.”


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