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Rough & Real

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  Ivy giggles against my lips before taking a step back. “Okay, out you go,” she announces.

  I lift my hand back and slap it hard against her firm ass, causing her to let out a yelp. Then I turn around and leave the kitchen, all while the rest of the women’s laughter fills the air.

  Walking into the bar, I look around. Less than a minute later I watch as my boys barrel through the doors to the clubhouse. I let out a sigh as they head straight for me. My kids, my club, my brothers, and my wife—life couldn’t get any fucking sweeter.

  “Last night I saw so many tits, swear to shit, I haven’t seen that since I was confused in college and went to a titty bar,” Chad slurs.

  The barbeque is well underway, the food has been consumed, the little kids are gone, and the teenagers are all milling around outside, assuredly causing problems. I giggle, sipping a water. I drank too much last night and I’m still recovering, old age is a bitch.

  “Let’s get you home,” Brian mutters as he helps Chad rise to his feet. “You bitches can sure cook. Come to the gym tomorrow so we can work all this food and booze off,” Chad calls out as Brian drags him out the door.

  The crowd all starts to disburse after they leave. West takes my hand and calls out a goodnight to the crowd as well. I give all of the girls from Idaho hugs and well wishes on safe returns home. Then I tell the men thank you, for all of their help with finding Rosalie.

  West and I walk outside and I freeze at the sight ahead of us. It’s Rosalie and Bailey. One of his hands is wrapped around her waist and the other is buried in the back of her hair. They’re kissing.

  “What the fuck?” West growls beside me.

  I squeeze his hand in mine. “West, don’t. Let her have this,” I whisper.

  “That boy is trouble, Ivy,” West announces as he turns to me. He’s pissed but I can’t help but laugh lightly.

  “I know he is, baby, and you can have a little father to teenage boy chat with him tomorrow. But for tonight, let her have this first kiss.” West grunts but doesn’t say anything, he also doesn’t take his eyes off of the young pair.

  “Can we go now?” Remi asks, running up to us.

  West wraps his arm around his neck and gives it a squeeze. “Yeah, son, let’s go.”

  A few minutes later, my family of five is loaded up in our SUV and we’re headed home—together. I can’t contain my happiness at the way things have turned out. Our life may not be perfect, it may not be where I ever thought it would be, but it’s real, and I fucking love it.

  West grasps my knee and gives it a squeeze as we drive down the road. Turning my head to the side, I look over at him just stare at his profile. His long hair, his scruffy bearded face, all of it I absolutely love—every part of him.

  He parks the SUV in front of the house and the kids all file out, but neither of us makes a move to leave the confines of the vehicle.

  “You’re happy?” he asks, turning slightly to look at me.

  “I am,” I murmur. “Are you?”

  West’s eyes smile before his mouth does, and his hand squeezes my knee again. “Baby, being your man makes me fucking happy. Now let’s go inside and you can show me just how happy you are,” he winks.

  He moves his hand from my leg and his fingers wrap around the door handle but I grab his wrist to stop him. He pauses and looks back at me questioningly. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip before I speak.

  “This whole thing we went through, between us, and then with Rosalie. It was awful, West,” I murmur. “It was downright horrible. However, I’m pretty sure that we wouldn’t be right where we are if we hadn’t.”

  “Silver lining,” he mutters. “Now, get out of the car and let’s get upstairs,” he smirks.

  I watch him finish exiting the car, and then I do the same before following behind him into the house. The boys are already passed out on the sofa, unable to even make it upstairs, and I’m sure that Rosalie is on the phone in her bedroom. “I’ll get them to bed, check on our girl, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper.

  Walking upstairs, I lightly knock on Rosalie’s door. She calls out for me to come in and I watch as she sets her phone down on the nightstand next to her. My eyes glance from the phone to her and I give her a small smile. “So, you and Bailey?” I ask.

  Her face pinks and she shakes her head. “Your daddy saw you two,” I announce. Her face pales but I ignore it and continue. “I told him not to do anything, but he’ll probably have a talk with Bailey eventually. You know that it’s probably not a good idea for you two to continue on with anything. Our families are close, and the last thing we need is to have any kind of family drama with his parents.”

  “I know, it’s just, I love him,” she whispers.

  Walking over to her bed, I sit down next to her. “I know that you feel like you love him, sweetie.”

  She puts her hand up to stop me from speaking.

  “I don’t feel like I love him, Mom. I know that I love him. There’s nobody else, and there never will be. He’s been there for me since everything that happened, he cares about me,” she practically pleads.

  I wring my hands together in my lap, thinking of the right words to say. I don’t want her to hate me, her father, or Bailey, but this cannot be. I let out a breath before I speak. “You are your father’s and my responsibility until you’re eighteen years old. I’m sorry, Rosalie but we cannot allow you to be involved with Bailey. We like him, love him actually, but he’s not who we want for our daughter.”

  Her eyes fill with tears, instantly before she speaks. “What’s wrong with him, Mom? He’s perfect,” she cries.

  I shake my head. “Nobody is perfect, sweetie. Not a single person is. We want someone who will treat you right. We don’t want you to cut off your options at such a young age,” I try to explain delicately.

  I personally don’t want my thirteen-year-old with a fourteen-year-old who is already sexually active, but I don’t want to forbid her and push her closer to him, either.

  There’s a fine line that I feel like I have to walk. I want to keep a little innocence inside of her for as long as possible, although with everything that’s happened, I’m not sure how much is really left.

  “You don’t understand,” she announces.

  I reach for her and take her hand with my own. “You’ve gone through a lot recently. Why don’t we all just take a breather. Calm down and then maybe in a few months, a year, we can revisit this?”

  She looks from my eyes, then tips her head down to look at her phone, and then back to me. I can see the wheels turning inside of her head as she thinks through and analyzes every word I’m saying.

  She sucks in a deep breath before letting it out and then she nods. “I think that would be okay,” she whispers.

  Leaning forward, I press my lips to her forehead before I drop her hand and stand. “Now, get in bed and try to get some sleep?”


  I leave her room walking straight to mine. West is inside, his back facing me, wearing only his tight boxer briefs. I close the door softly behind me, locking it, then I slowly make my way toward him. I wrap my arms around his middle and press my lips to the center of his strong back.

  “You got our girl straightened out?” he asks.

  “She’s in love with him, or so she says,” I whisper, not hiding it from him.

  West grunts reaching behind him to grab ahold of my ass and squeezes. “She doesn’t know what love is.”

  I laugh softly. “No, she doesn’t. I told her that she’s gone through a lot recently and to just take a breather, for a few months.”

  West takes a step forward and turns around, sitting on the edge of the bed before tugging me against him. His hands wrap around my knees and he pulls them against his sides. They sink into the mattress at his hips and I rest my ass against his thighs. “Baby, she’s not dating him in a few months, not ever.”

  I almost let out a giggle as my fingers dive into his hair. “Let’s not talk
about it right now, in fact,” I lean in and whisper against his lips. “I don’t want to talk at all, Daddy.”

  “Sounds like a goddamn plan,” he grunts as his palm slaps down against my ass, hard.

  I let out a cry, along with a laugh. West rolls us over so that I’m on my back and he slowly strips my clothes off of me. Then we spend the next hour, not talking, in fact, the only sounds that can be heard are moans, sobs, cries, and grunts along with slapping skin.


  Another fucking night at the docks unloading and loading, one box after another. It’s repetitive bullshit, and MadDog knows how much I hate it, which is why he decided on this as my punishment. It’s cool, it’s better than cleaning the clubhouse or some stupid shit like that.

  Derek hasn’t been back, in fact, I doubt he’ll ever show his face again. I should feel bad for causing the loss of his eye, but I’m not sure I could find it inside of me, not really—he fucked my wife.

  Once the truck is all loaded up, I leave the dock. I wait until the truck is started and out of view before I follow in its path. Normally, I would go straight home on a night like this, but not tonight. I continue to follow the truck all the way back to the clubhouse. The cars that litter the parking area cause me to grin.

  “You headed inside?” Tinker calls out from the front seat of the truck. I give him a wave as I make my way toward the entrance of the club.

  One step inside and I can feel the buzz and excitement of the evening. Smoke fills the air, naked bodies do too, but I am on a mission. I head straight for the free-for-all room. Stepping inside, my eyes find her immediately. She’s sitting on the sofa talking to a stranger, a man I’ve never seen before. He grins down at her, probably hoping for a taste. He won’t get it, not the way he’s thinking anyway.

  “Ivy,” I grunt when I’m finally right in front of them.

  She jumps to her feet wrapping her arms around my neck, her lips touching mine. “This is Jacob,” she breathes.

  My eyes glance from the stranger, then back to her. “You like what you see?” I ask with a grin.

  Our boundaries are clear now. Her pussy is only for me. The rest of her though? That’s up for discussion, and debate.

  “I do,” she says as her cheeks tint pink. A smile slowly appears on her lips.

  Turning her around I grasp her shoulders in my hand and lift my chin to the man across from us. “Take off her dress,” I order.

  His eyes shift from my patches to Ivy, and he gives her a small smile as he stands. His fingers touch the straps of the tiny scrap of material she’s trying to pull off as a dress. I’d never be okay with her out in public wearing something this miniscule, but in here, the rules are different. I watch as he peels the dress down the length of her body to expose her naked form.

  Jacob lets out an exhale as Ivy kicks her dress to the side. We’ll probably never see it again, we never did find the last couple ones we’ve brought in here.

  This has become an every other weekend thing of ours. It satisfies our needs. My desire for this type of kink, and then my need to reclaim my wife as my own—something I didn’t think I really needed except, I do.

  I watch as Jacob puts his hands to his sides and balls them into fists. “Touch her stomach,” I rasp against her ear, but loud enough for him to hear me.

  Jacob reaches out and runs the backs of his fingers along her stomach once, twice, three times. Ivy trembles against the feel of his fingers against her skin. “Move up to her tits,” I instruct.

  Ivy lifts her arm and wraps it around the back of my neck, pushing her chest out while he slowly glides his hand up to cup her breast.

  “How do they feel?” I ask.

  “So goddamn soft,” he groans. His free hand goes to his dick and I chuckle when he holds himself. “Can I suck?” he asks.

  I lift my chin to him and hold Ivy’s hips while he reaches forward and sucks one of her nipples in his mouth.

  He and Ivy moan simultaneously. Her other hand dives into his hair and holds his face to her while he feasts. His hand slips behind her and up her back, forcing her to arch a little more. I don’t mind because her ass presses against my cock a little harder. Ivy shakes against me, her legs moving back and forth, her pussy searching for release.

  “I need more,” she finally moans.

  “On your knees, Ivy.” Following my command, she slowly sinks.

  I walk around, standing next to Jacob. Ivy is on her knees with a little smile pulling on her lips, looking like an angel, and the devil, all at the same time. I grasp her chin in my hand and tip her head back a little further. Moving my head to the side, I look over to Jacob.

  “You can’t have her pussy,” I announce.

  He blinks then grins. “What part of her can I play with?”

  “Ivy, baby, where do you want Jacob to play?” I ask her, curious as to what her answer will be.

  Last time we were here, we played a little more than the first time, but she’s still owning her adventurous side. I’m leaving everything up to her right now. She blinks and then her eyes dart around the room. I know when she’s seen Pixie because her eyes widen.

  “Do you want what Pixie is doing?” I ask, not having to look in the direction of the whore.

  Pixie has all three of her holes filled. Ivy wants that, she can have it, I would give it to her in a heartbeat. Doesn’t matter what she wants, she can have it, just as long as I’m the only one inside of her cunt.

  “I don’t think I can do quite all of that yet, but I’d like to do a little,” she blushes.

  “Take your clothes off, Jake,” I grunt as I start to remove my own.

  I completely undress, leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor, but putting my cut back on over my naked torso. I walk around behind Ivy, and tell her to spread her legs, wide, and lean forward. She’s just inches from Jacob’s dick and I can tell he’s about two seconds from losing his shit.

  Sliding my cock through Ivy’s slick folds, I slowly sink inside of her tight pussy. Jacob groans and wraps his hand around his dick. I move my arm and hug it against Ivy’s chest, letting her tits rest against my forearm and I lift her up slightly.

  “Fuck that sexy mouth of hers, Jacob. Open up for him, baby,” I murmur to her as I slip my hand around her hip and press my fingers against her clit.

  I gently rub Ivy’s clit, caressing and tenderly touching her while Jacob fucks her mouth. Every time he sinks down her throat, I thrust my hips up inside of her cunt. We use her body for our pleasure, but don’t disregard hers, I can feel her pussy growing wetter with each thrust, her clit throbbing beneath my touch as we fuck her together.

  “When you come, come on her tits,” I announce.

  Ivy reaches up and plays with his balls, lavishing him with attention, while I lavish her with my own. Her thighs begin to tremble as her hips move and buck on top of me. I slap her clit, then pinch it, hard, which causes her to let out a sob.

  I let out a groan when her hot pussy clamps down around my cock. My own balls draw up, just as Jacob takes a step back, and starts to jack his dick. I wrap my hands around Ivy’s waist and use her body to jack my own. I come on a grunt just as Jake’s jizz spurts all over her tits.

  Gently, I pick her up and set her down so that her ass is on the floor but her back is against the sofa. “Spread those legs,” I gently demand.

  Ivy spreads her legs and I look at her. My cum is leaking from her cunt, Jacob’s is splattered all over her tits and she looks sated, and happy.

  These two men are staring at me and the looks on their faces scream proud. They’re proud of themselves that I’m covered in their release and to be honest, it’s so damn hot. I never thought that I would be okay with what just happened, but, I want more.

  Rising to my feet, with shaky legs, I walk over to West. His hand gently fists my hair and he holds my head still as he lowers his face and presses his lips to mine. His tongue fills my mouth and I let out a low moan.

  “You’re not
done, are you?” he whispers against my mouth.

  I smile, glancing over to Jacob, then back to him. “Not really,” I admit. West chuckles and shakes his head. Then he turns.

  “She wants more,” he announces to Jacob.

  “Then more is what she’ll get,” he grunts with a smirk.

  The rules are the same, they won’t change, nobody but West is ever inside of my pussy. I reach for Jacob’s cock and wrap my fingers around it, giving it a gentle squeeze before I start to slowly stroke him.

  He reaches up and starts spreading the remains of his release all over my breasts, pinching and tugging on my nipples as he does. Bending over slightly, his tongue licks my neck before he sucks on my skin.

  “I want her ass,” Jacob announces as he looks over my shoulder.

  I haven’t done much anal play, but I’ve done a little. I’ve only ever been with West, though. However, I can’t deny that having both of these men, inside of me at once, isn’t exciting.

  West leads me over to the sofa and sits down before pulling me on top of him to straddle his hips. I feel his hard cock rub against my sticky center.

  “Do you want that, Ivy? You can say no,” he murmurs as his eyes search my own. I look over my shoulder at Jacob who has his cock in his hand and is stroking it as his eyes stay focused on my ass.

  “I want it,” I breathe.

  West wraps his hand around the back of my head and pulls me closer to him so that he can kiss me. I can feel his length against my pussy lips, he’s already hard and a thrill shimmies up my spine. His tongue invades my mouth.

  Placing my hands on his shoulders, I slowly sink down onto his already hard cock. “Lean a little more forward, show Jacob that gorgeous little ass of yours,” he whispers.

  I lean forward like West asks and groan when his hands wrap around the cheeks of my ass and he spreads me apart. I continue to fuck West, unable to stop my body from moving. Turning my head back again I watch as Jacob slips a condom down his length.


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