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Rough & Real

Page 32

by Hayley Faiman

  “No whores?” I ask, my voice breathy. I try to keep from climbing over his body and shoving my pussy in his face.

  He chuckles, his body shaking slightly beneath me. “I wasn’t lying when I said I haven’t been with any, and as long as I have you—all of you—it’ll stay that way,” he grunts.

  “I’ll try to be less… crazy.” I grin.

  He smirks and touches his lips to the tip of my nose. “I’ll try to be less, hot-headed.” It’s a partial truth, honestly, he could try all day long, but I think that’s just his personality.

  Tilting my head to the side, I press my mouth to his. I kiss him, slipping my tongue between his lips, I taste him. I missed him. A couple days felt like a fucking eternity without him. His hands grab ahold of my ass and squeeze my flesh. “Fuck, I love how fat your ass is getting, sugar,” he groans.

  “I should take offense to that,” I whisper against his lips.

  He chuckles. “But you don’t.”

  Biting my bottom lip, I sit up. Dustin’s eyes widen at my move, but he doesn’t grin until I start climbing up his chest. “Fuck, yeah, sugar. Give me some, honey,” he grins.

  Straddling his face, I slowly lower down against his mouth. Tipping my head, so that I can watch, I ride my husband’s gorgeous face. He wraps his fingers around my thighs and tugs me even closer to his mouth.

  His tongue flicks my clit, sending shivers throughout my entire body. I’m so close, my thighs shaking with each touch of his tongue. My hips jerk and grind, and I lose all self-control. I take, and take, and take, until my body hums and I come against him.

  I let out a moan when his hand releases my thigh and slaps my ass. Lifting from his face, I look down and give him a lazy smile. “Hands and knees, now sugar. It’s my turn to take,” he grunts.

  A thrill shimmies up my spine, and I hurry to the opposite side of the bed, my ass facing him on my hands and knees. Dustin drags his fingertips up the backs of my thighs, and then he spreads me apart.

  “Fuck, you don’t know how good your pussy tastes, sugar. Best thing I’ve ever had my tongue on.” I moan at his words, pushing my hips a bit closer to him, aching for more of his touch.

  I feel his cock press against my opening, and my breath hitches. When he sinks completely inside of me, I expect him to pull out and slam back in, but he doesn’t. He stays seated and lets out an exhaled breath. Then his fingers dance up my spine and wrap around my ribcage from beneath me tugging me upright.

  “Fuck me, sugar. Fuck me so good,” he groans against my neck.

  I moan, turning my head to the side so that I can press my lips to the underside of his jaw. I fuck him. Rolling my body, while he stays still, only one of his hands moving as he pinches and gently tugs on my nipples, one after the other. Slipping my hand to between my legs, I touch myself. I’m so damn close, but I need just a little bit more to take me over the edge, again.

  “Yeah, touch that pretty cunt, sugar,” Dustin whispers against my ear.

  In what feels like just a matter of seconds, I’m coming around him. He doesn’t waste a second, he gently pushes me back over, and I brace myself on my hands and knees.

  Both of his fingers grip my hips and he tugs me back while he thrusts forward. He pounds into me, his body slamming against mine until he lets out a satisfied roar with his release.

  “Goddamn, motherfucker,” he grunts as he continues to fuck me, his cock twitching with each stroke.

  I fall forward, careful to land on my side, losing him from inside of me when I do. My eyes are closed and my breathing labored.

  Yeah, he can’t leave me, not ever.

  “Sugar, ain’t going nowhere,” he murmurs, and I gasp.

  I said that out loud.

  My face heats with embarrassment, but I keep my eyes closed, afraid to open them. Then I feel his lips on my hip as he wraps his arm around me from behind. He straightens, his chest pressing against my back as he places his big hand on my belly.

  “You two are mine. Nobody is going fucking anywhere,” he grunts.

  I smile.

  My unspoken dream has come true. Granted, it didn’t happen the way I had anticipated it to. However, it happened, and I can’t ever be sorry about that. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been this happy. I finally feel a peace wash over me—wash over us.

  His hand gently rubs my belly until it becomes heavy, and I know he’s fallen asleep behind me. I snuggle against his warmth, content to lie in bed with him. We’ll have to get up and face the day, face my family, eventually, but right now, I just want to bask in this warm happy feeling.

  My phone buzzes a few hours later, and I gently disengage myself from Riley’s sleeping body to answer it. I grab it and hurry out of the bedroom into the living room. I cringe when I see that it’s her father, MadDog on the other end. I accept the call, and before I can say a word, he’s already talking.

  “Did a drive-by of Riley’s this morning and a familiar looking bike was parked next to her car,” he rumbles.

  Clearing my throat, I look down at my feet. “Yeah,” I sigh.

  “You’re gonna need to say more than, ‘yeah,’” he grunts.

  I pinch my eyes closed, and then reopen them. Riley is standing at the mouth of the hall, completely naked. My mouth waters at the sight of her bare body. I want to lick her all over and make her come on my tongue again.

  “We’re good, MadDog. We worked our shit out,” I grumble.

  MadDog snorts. “Stop making stupid as fuck threats. Next time I won’t give a fuck what either of you say. She’ll be in my house and you’ll be out on the goddamn street.”

  “I expect nothing less,” I state.

  I can almost see him shaking his head with a smile on his face when he speaks again. “We’re doing a going away thing for Bailey. You’ll both be there tomorrow at six in the evening.” He doesn’t give me an opportunity to reply before he ends the call.

  “Sugar, if you don’t go put something on, I’m going to need to fuck you again. Honest to fuck, I’ve rested, I’m ready to go,” I growl.

  She smirks. “I’m hungry, but I could eat while I ride you,” she winks.

  My cock goes fully erect at the idea. Fuck me, this is the woman for me, a hundred percent.

  “What did my dad want?” she asks.

  I tell her about the party tomorrow and she grins. “That means we get to be together all day long with no interruptions,” she whispers.

  “Go get a snack, grab something for me too. My dick’s ready for you.”

  She walks past me, and I slap her ass which causes her to squeal. That’s how I spend my day, fucking my sexy as fuck wife. Best day of my goddamn life.

  I gasp when we pull up to the clubhouse. What I thought was just a small family get-together is really a gigantic party. I reach over and wrap my hand around Bailey’s thigh, giving it a squeeze. “Holy shit,” I whisper.

  He chuckles next to me and guides his mom’s SUV into an empty spot. “It’s so pretty,” I blubber.

  The entire clubhouse is decorated with balloons and streamers, all in light pinks and whites. It looks soft and light, nothing like the usual. There are even rented tables with linens and chairs all around. Bailey doesn’t respond, he instead, slips out of the car and jogs over to my side to help me out as well.

  We start to walk toward the crowd and I gasp when I see his brother and his entire family from Idaho are there. Including his cousins and their families. “Holy shit,” I whisper again. Bailey takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

  His brother, Fury, starts toward us before anyone else. Only when he’s right in front of us does Bailey drop my hand. He wraps his arms around his brother and they embrace. “Congratulations, kid,” Fury murmurs.

  My eyes water at the affection, my hormones have been extra crazy the past few days, so I don’t even try to rein it in. In what seems like just the next second, we’re surrounded by all of Bailey’s family from Idaho. They give us both hugs and congratulations as w
e continue to walk toward the party.

  This is how our lives were meant to be. We were always meant to be together, and our families were always meant to be intertwined. There is no other man for me, and although I’m only eighteen, I know without a doubt that there is nobody else for me on this earth.

  Fury’s wife, Kentlee, and her sister Brentlee rush up to me a few minutes later. Each one of them takes each of my hands and they drag me away from Bailey. The next thing I know I’m standing with them, my mom, and Bailey’s mom while they congratulate and hug me.

  “Ok, spill, how long have you secretly been dating?” Brentlee asks with a wink.

  My eyes widen and I glance up to my mom, then Mary-Anne, but they both just smirk at me. “Girl, we’ve always known. Just because we didn’t bring it up to the men, doesn’t mean we didn’t have a clue,” Mary-Anne says.

  “Sweetie, I knew from the beginning. You can’t hide shit from a mom,” my mom smirks.

  Kentlee raises her hand and they high-five each other. I can’t hold back my giggle, and I place my hand on my stomach when I do. “I can’t believe we’re getting two new babies in the family,” Kentlee whispers as her eyes drop to my stomach.

  “Three,” Brentlee states. Kentlee’s eyes widen and she turns to her sister. “Oh, God, my baby days are over, you crazy bitch. Stella,” she chuckles.

  “Stella?” Kentlee chokes.

  Stella is Brentlee and Bates’ daughter. She’s been married to a member of the Idaho Devils for the past few years. I’m surprised she hasn’t already had a few kids, they’re always all over each other every time that I’ve seen them.

  “I can’t believe that this whole new group of kids are grown. It seems like only yesterday we were in their shoes causing drama and sneaking around,” Kentlee whispers as she looks around the crowd.

  Her eyes are unfocused and I follow them. There are so many people here, especially with the Idaho group. It’s almost overwhelming, but I don’t feel anything but happiness as I scan them all.

  We chat for a few minutes, they ask me about the baby and when it’s due, and a few other things about the quickie wedding we had. Then, I feel a warm hand slide around my waist and a palm press against my stomach.

  “You hungry, Blue Eyes?” Bailey whispers against the shell of my ear.

  My eyes automatically close and when they reopen, we’re alone. I turn in his arms and wrap my hands around the back of his neck. “I’m starving,” I whisper. He moves his hand to the small of my back and presses my hips against his. I can feel his hard length press against my belly. “For food,” I giggle.

  “I’ll be feeding you later, don’t you worry about a thing,” he grunts. I can’t help but laugh at his words. Looking up, I notice that he’s smiling down at me. “You know if I had to spend my last night somewhere other than inside of you, I’m glad it’s here, surrounded by our families.”

  “Me, too,” I whisper.

  He leans down slightly and brushes his lips, across mine. “Let’s get my babies fed,” he mutters against my mouth.

  My eyes never leave her, even when she’s across the room from me—I watch. My beautiful wife. “How are you going to live this life without knowing when you’ll have to leave her, or for how long?” Fury asks from beside me.

  I shrug. I don’t know, actually. I can’t imagine leaving her for the next eight weeks, let alone for months if I get shipped out.

  “It ain’t easy to be away from your woman for long periods of time,” he announces. He should know. He spent three years in prison before I was born when his son, Bear, was just a baby.

  “I imagine it’s not,” I agree.

  He wraps his hand around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. “Tell me why you didn’t join the Devils? Pops won’t ask you, but I sure as fuck will.”

  I think about his question. In fact, I’ve thought about it a lot over the past year or so. I could have been a Devil, and it would have been a fucking cakewalk. Then, I would think about the time Rosalie and my sisters were kidnapped, and all of the other shit that went down because of the club. I didn’t want that life, not for me, and not for Rosalie. I try to explain that to Fury and he nods his head as though he understands.

  “But you’re willing to risk dyin’ on the battlefield? Life is a risk, Bail. No matter your career choice, just breathing is a fucking risk.”

  I wrap my hand around the back of my neck as his falls from my shoulder, then I glance up and my eyes catch Rosalie. She’s good and pure, always has been. She deserves to have a nice, clean life, and that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. I tell my brother as much, and he clears his throat.

  “I get you, kid. I fuckin’ get you more than you know,” he murmurs.

  Fury doesn’t say much else and a few minutes later he walks away just as Rosalie begins to head in my direction. When she’s right in front of me the rest of the world slips away, just like it always does. I slip my hand around her waist and press against her back. “You ready, Blue Eyes?”

  She yawns and looks up at me, her face smiling and her eyes shining. “I am,” she whispers.

  It takes us another forty-five minutes before we actually leave. Tonight is our last night together, and I know that she’s tired, but I also know that she’ll have plenty of time to rest when I’m gone.

  I have to be inside of her at least one last time.

  I’m going to fucking miss my girl.

  My wife.

  My Blue Eyes.

  I don’t want to wake up yet, but I know that I must. Today is the day. Last night we made love so many times, that it’s almost hard to believe Bailey is a human man and not a machine.

  This morning, however, it’s time for him to leave. I can’t just let him wake up and take off though. I decide I need to give him something to think about while he’s away.

  Wiggling down the bed, I’m not surprised to find his dick half-mast already. I smile before I stick my tongue out and lick the entire underside of his length. I swirl my tongue around the head before I suck him deep down my throat.

  His hand grabs ahold of the back of my head. I expect him to tug me off of him, but he doesn’t. His hips flex, and he slides a bit deeper down my throat. I moan, looking up at him. His eyes are open, swirling with need as he gently pumps into my mouth.

  “Fuck, Blue Eyes, so good,” he rasps.

  I slip my hand between my legs, touching my clit with another moan. I need more, I’m so sore, but I don’t care. I’ll recover later. Right now, I just want him to make me come—it’s the only thing on my mind, that, and making him come too.

  I start to rub myself and jerk my hips against my fingers when he tugs my mouth away and lets out a groan.

  “Blue Eyes, how do you want me?” he grunts.

  My mind is on the edge, I’m so needy. I don’t care how he fucks me, as long as I climax. “Climb on up, Rosalie,” he mutters.

  I do, and quickly. His cock is already in his hand and within a breath, I’m sinking all the way down. He groans, but I’m too close to think of anything but finding my release.

  When his thumb presses against my clit, I gasp. I move, my hips jerking, bucking, and rolling with zero rhyme or reason. I have one mission, and one mission only—coming.

  It doesn’t take me long to succeed in my mission, and I sob as my body hums, and trembles slightly against his touch. Bailey wraps his hands around my hips and holds me still as he thrusts up from the bed.

  My entire body is so sensitive that I can’t help but gasp with each move, and then he groans as he fills me with his climax. Only then do I fall against his chest, my lips licking and touching his neck. “I’m going to miss you,” I whisper against his skin.

  “Eight weeks and then our journey starts, Blue Eyes,” he murmurs as his fingers run through my hair.

  I hum, enjoying the way he feels. “Only eight weeks,” I whisper. “I can’t believe it’s all real.”

  “Oh, it’s real. You’re my wife. I’m your husband. We’re h
aving a baby. In just a few weeks, we’ll be moving somewhere new, and it’ll just be us.”

  “A fresh start where nobody knows who we are,” I whisper.

  We’ve talked about it a million times. A fresh start away from everyone, away from the Notorious Devils. Where we can be Bailey and Rosalie Duhart, and that means absolutely nothing, other than we’re just a Marine and his wife.

  It’s a dream come true.

  A good clean life, for us, and our family.

  One where we aren’t constantly waiting for something bad to happen.

  One where we’re safe.

  We’ll miss our families, and I’m sure we’ll visit them often. But this has always been our plan—to break away from the stigma of living the life in a motorcycle club. While it works for everybody else, it’s not for us, and never has been.

  This new journey is scary, exciting, and exhilarating all at once.

  Bailey presses his lips to mine before he whispers. “I love you, Blue Eyes, let’s get this journey started.”

  “I love you too, my husband. Don’t you know? It’s already begun?” I reply with a giggle.

  “Fuck yeah it has.”


  Pitching for Amalie

  Catching Maggie

  Forced Play for Libby

  Sweet Spot for Victoria


  Owned by the Badman

  Seducing the Badman

  Dancing for the Badman

  Living for the Badman

  Tempting the Badman

  Protected by the Badman

  Forever my Badman

  Betrothed to the Badman

  Chosen by the Badman (February 2018)


  Rough & Rowdy

  Rough & Raw


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