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Charmed Again (Halloween LaVeau)

Page 22

by Rose Pressey

  “We would have succeeded if you hadn’t discovered that damn necklace. But now that we have it back…” He smiled.

  “What have you done with Nicolas and Annabelle?” My anger surged and I felt the blood drain from my face.

  “I don’t know anything about anyone named Annabelle,” Jacobson said.

  “Tell her the truth,” Liam demanded.

  “You do know. She was here. You attacked her earlier,” I said.

  He snorted. “She serves no purpose to me.”

  “You are a liar. Where is Nicolas?” I demanded.

  “He’s with the demon where he belongs,” Jacobson said with that familiar smirk.

  Jacobson was out of control and I had had it with him. With all the energy I could muster I raised my hand and pointed at Jacobson. He had made me furious. Some way or somehow I would force him to tell me the truth. As the words popped into my mind, I spoke them out loud. I had no idea if they were right or would even work, but with my anger, there would be no stopping me.

  I recited the words, “I freeze your power. You will not work magic. No harm will come from you. So mote it be.”

  A wave of energy flowed from my fingertips and hit Jacobson. As he stumbled backward, Sabrina flashed her fangs and hissed at me.

  “You lied about Nicolas attacking you. That vampire turned you years ago. Why did you do that?” I asked.

  “We wanted you to deliver Nicolas to us. He needs to suffer for what he’s done.” Jacobson’s face was hard and unyielding.

  “Why now? Why didn’t you do something years ago?” I asked.

  “We just became aware of what Nicolas and his mother did. So we decided to fight for the demon. Besides, what better time to become the leader of the Underworld? We could get rid of Nicolas and you, then I would be the leader,” Jacobson said.

  “That doesn’t even make any sense,” I said.

  “To you maybe it doesn’t make sense. To us it makes perfect sense.” He gave an evil grin.

  Misty stepped forward slightly, as if she hated to interrupt. “Um, we can cast a spell that will help reveal where they are keeping Nicolas and Annabelle.”

  “Cast the spell and use our energy again,” Liam said.

  I nodded and then repeated the words. “I freeze your power. You will not work magic. No harm will come from you. So mote it be.”

  The wave of energy flew from my fingers again as I pointed both hands at Jacobson and Sabrina.

  They fell to the ground. Their movements were sluggish as they attempted to get up from the gravel drive. It was no use though. Their powers were bound—for a short time at least.

  Liam pointed at the incapacitated witches. “They won’t be out long. We need to reach Nicolas and Annabelle before it’s too late. If we can get rid of the demon then we can save them.”

  “In the book it says we have to destroy the symbols. I’m guessing that was what my great-aunt had tried to do all those years ago when she bound the stakes so that the bad vampires wouldn’t come back as demons.” I grabbed the book and waved it through the air for emphasis.

  “It’s an hour’s drive to New Orleans. Does anyone know a spell to help us not get a speeding ticket?” I asked.

  I snatched the necklaces and the Book of Mystics from Sabrina and Jacobson. “Y’all won’t need these.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Was Nicolas really at the abandoned house where we’d found his wallet? Was he really being held there by the demon vampire who had turned him and his family? Talk about holding a grudge. I mean, get over it already. Nicolas had killed the vampires who had turned his family—he was clearly the winner in that situation.

  Liam had taken over driving the van. I was just glad my mother hadn’t insisted on chauffeuring. She was as blind as a bat at night, yet she still insisted on climbing behind the wheel every chance she got. As we cruised down the road, I repeatedly glanced at the clock on the van’s dashboard. Those green numbers sure seemed to be moving extra slowly. I nervously tapped my fingers against the seat—anything to keep my mind off what was happening.

  The hour-long drive seemed to take forever, stretching out as long as the endless road in front of us. The chatter of the Coven members filled the inside of the van. They discussed their favorite spells and which was the best style of cauldron to use. Liam grew uncomfortable when the women began discussing shirtless men—anything to take their minds off the dangerous situation, right?

  Finally, we pulled up to the dirt driveway hidden by the tall moss-covered oak trees. Liam wheeled the van in and drove down the driveway. The house soon came into view. I couldn’t help but notice the eerie fog that purled across the ground and hovered around the place like some evil haze from Hell. What lurking horrors waited for us? My nerves were on edge, but I had to be strong. I inhaled a deep breath to prepare myself for what I might find inside that house.

  As soon as the van had come to a stop and before Liam had even cut the engine, I jumped out and headed in a rush toward the house, wading through the swirling fog. To say that I was anxious would be a vast understatement. There was one thing on my mind: my mission to save my friends. I had no idea what I was walking into, but I had to save Annabelle and Nicolas. When I stepped up onto the porch, an invisible force blasted me backward and I landed at the bottom of the steps with a thud. I groaned as I attempted to move.

  Liam raced over. “Are you okay, Hallie?”

  “Oh dear, are you all right? What happened?” my mother asked as she helped me up.

  I rubbed my head. “Something knocked me on my butt. I’m going out on a limb and guessing it’s the aforementioned demon.”

  Liam and my mother helped me to my feet. Once I’d gotten my footing back, I straightened my shoulders and mentally prepared myself to give it another shot.

  The other Coven members gathered around as we looked up at the house. If that was the power this thing possessed, then I was terrified to find out what it had done to Annabelle and Nicolas. Anger mixed with fear boiled inside me.

  “I thought Jon was supposed to be her bodyguard? Why did he allow this to happen?” I asked with disappointment in my voice.

  Liam looked stricken. “I don’t know, Hallie. I’m sorry.”

  Jon had a lot of explaining to do. Some bodyguard he’d turned out to be. I knew Liam felt bad for recommending him, but the fact was he’d failed at his job.

  “We have to get in the house,” I said.

  My mother grabbed my arm as if she wanted to drag me away from the house. “Hallie, you can’t try to get in the same way you just tried. The same thing will happen again.”

  She had a point. How would I break through the invisible force that this demon was using to shield the house? That was when I remembered I had the necklace again. Had my new magic skills returned enough with the necklace? There was only one way to find out.

  With the necklace clasped between my fingers, I recited a spell to protect us. “I call for the power of three to conjure protection for all that surrounds me.”

  After chanting the phrase several times, a whirlwind of energy engulfed me. When I popped open my eyes, the energy was invisible. The sensation stayed with me though and I knew it was time to move forward.

  I released a deep breath, then said, “I’m going in.”

  “I’m going with you,” Liam said, grabbing my arm to slow me down.

  “Liam, I don’t know if the spell will protect you too,” I regarded him with a worried stare.

  “Well, I have to give it a shot,” Liam squeezed my hand.

  “What should we do?” my mother asked, flashing me a look of concern.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure there was anything the coven members could do to fight this demon. It would probably turn into a one-on-one battle between us.

  “Stay out here and perform a spell for protection. Just keep doing it over and over until we come out,” I said, hiding the fear in my eyes.

  I didn’t want to think about if we didn’t c
ome out of the house. Negative thinking wouldn’t help me out of this predicament.

  “Hallie, I don’t want you to go in there,” my mother grabbed me again.

  I touched her arm. “I kind of have to now, Mom. It’s my job.”

  A witch’s work was never done, right? I didn’t give my mother a chance to protest. If she had time, she could probably talk me out of it. That would be something I’d regret for the rest of my life. So without another word, I forged ahead, making my way up the stairs onto the porch. It had worked. I wouldn’t lie and say that I hadn’t expected to be thrown off the porch again. I’d fully expected to land on my butt. Liam joined me at the front door. He glanced over at me and I knew by the expression on his face that he was shocked that the spell I’d cast had actually worked. I couldn’t take credit for it—the necklace had done all the work. When I turned the knob, the door wouldn’t open.

  “Stand back,” Liam warned.

  He moved back several steps, putting distance between his body and the door.

  After rushing forward, he kicked the door with full speed and it swung open with a loud crash. Impressive. As I stepped over the threshold, a force of wind smacked me in the face, almost knocking me down again. I managed to steady myself, but walking into the space was like treading through cotton. It had felt the same way that first night at the plantation.

  As I looked around the room, I realized that there was no one in sight. Undeniably, the air was heavy with powerful magic.

  “I have a feeling I know where they are if they’re in this house at all,” I said, pointing down the hall toward the room with the paintings.

  Liam and I headed down the narrow hallway, stopping in front of the bedroom door where we’d found the strange paintings. In front of the room, the magic was even stronger now. It was oozing out from underneath the door.

  “Do you hear anything?” I whispered.

  Liam shook his head. “Not a peep.”

  I twisted the knob, but of course it was locked too. When I couldn’t get the door to open, I pounded on the wood with both fists. It rattled, but no one opened up for me. Go figure.

  Liam placed his hand on my arm. “Stand back again and I’ll knock it down.”

  I stood back and watched as Liam ran toward the door, kicking it like he had the front door. With one giant rush, the door slammed open, rattling the entire wood frame. He was getting really good at that.

  My feet wouldn’t move fast enough as I charged into the room like a bull. Annabelle, Jon, and Nicolas were all bound and sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. The fear in Annabelle’s eyes made my stomach turn. Fear erupted through my body when I saw another Nicolas standing by the window.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “Which one is the real Nicolas” I whispered to Liam.

  Liam looked just as confused as I felt. “I don’t know,” Liam stammered.

  “Hallie, it’s me. I captured my imposter,” the Nicolas standing near the window said.

  The pleading look in the gaze of the Nicolas on the floor gave me pause. Magic filled the room until I thought the walls would burst.

  “How can I trust you?” I asked the Nicolas by the window.

  Something about his voice seemed off. I’d have to go with my instinct on this one and pray that I had it right.

  “You can trust me,” his voice wavered.

  Without asking me, Liam rushed toward what I believed was the imposter. Liam slammed him into the far wall. He immediately fell to the floor. As he lay there, limp and unmoving, the transformation began. Before our eyes he changed and soon the Nicolas on the floor had morphed into the woman from the bar. The one who had sent us here in the first place. Her spell had worn off.

  I stared in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

  “Jacobson paid me to lead you here.” She said, then drew her lips drawn back in silent snarl.

  My opponent looked confident that I wouldn’t win this battle.

  “Why did you send us here? You’re not very organized with your plan.”

  She bared her fangs, but didn’t answer.

  “You were the one who turned the waitress. Did Jacobson pay you to do that?”

  She scowled. “That was an added bonus. No charge.”

  Liam pointed at her and magic jumped from his hand. She hissed and tossed the magic back at him. When he fell to the floor, I knew I had to do something quickly. I spotted the gold pendant around her neck.

  “Liam, I need her necklace.” I pointed.

  With Liam struggling to get the necklace from her, I knew I needed to get Annabelle out of the room. She didn’t deserve to be drawn into this mess.

  “Annabelle, are you okay?” I asked.

  She shook her head and spoke only with her eyes. Something held her attention. I followed the direction of her stare. When I turned around, I gasped at the huge creature standing in the corner of the room. So that was what the demon looked like. It was the most hideous thing I’d ever seen. My first instinct was to run, but I quickly remembered why I was there.

  The creature that I assumed could only be a demon responsible for this whole mess looked at us. Its eyes glowed red and it bared its yellowed fangs. The thing was a huge humanoid-like beast. This was what the vampires and witches had been a part of? They really were sick.

  I was shocked that I was able to somewhat keep my cool. There was only one way I was going to get rid of this thing. I’d have to destroy the necklaces with the symbols. If I could get rid of them while casting this spell, the demon would be banished.

  When Liam finally stumbled to his feet, I realized that he had necklace clutched tightly in his hand.

  I held my hand out to him. “Give me your hand.”

  “Hallie,” Nicolas said with a weak voice, “take this necklace.” Nicolas ripped the gold pendant from around his neck and threw it in the air.

  Liam reached and caught the necklace faster than a blink of an eye. Liam and I joined hands while I clutched the necklaces tightly. I recited the words for a banishing spell. “Element of Earth, I call to you to banish the evil forever. Element of Air, I call to you to push the spirit back, never to return. Element of Fire, I call to bind the evil to the fires of hell. Element of Water, I call to you for vision and force.”

  A shadow fell over the room. The darkness inched and snaked its way across the walls and ceiling. Liam and I grasped our hands tightly and continued to recite the spell. As the darkness grew, my hope faded. We were losing the battle. I’d give up hope, when a loud wail sounded from the demon. The dark cloud engulf the room reversed and was sucked back into the belly of the beast.

  After a fiery of twisting black flames, the demon collapsed into a pile of ashes. Instantly, the heaviness lifted from the room. Liam wasted little time running to Annabelle and releasing the rope from her hands.

  I raced over to Nicolas. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Thanks to you all.” He exchanged a glance with Liam.

  “Annabelle, are you okay?” I asked.

  She nodded and offered a grin as Jon helped her up. “What took you so long?”

  And to think she’d just started to get over her fear of the paranormal. This would set her back ten years.

  Nicolas stumbled to his feet and grabbed my hands. “Thinking of you all this time was the only thing that kept me sane.”

  That was one of the sweetest things I’d ever heard.

  “Did you get the roses I sent? It took all the energy I had and it was the only spell I could push through. But I wanted you to know I was thinking of you.”

  “That was you?” My lips parted in surprise.

  “I’m sorry it wasn’t more. The spell they’d placed over me wouldn’t allow me cast spells, but I did the best that I could.” Nicolas leaned down and in one swift movement covered my mouth with his own. I kissed him with all the pent-up stress from the last several days, allowing myself to be lost in the moment.

  “The roses were perfect,” I
said softly.

  Nicolas placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I’m glad you liked them.”

  How long have you been here?” I asked, wiping a smudge of dirt from his cheek.

  “Too long,” he said, running his hand through his hair. “I’m glad I was finally able to rip that necklace off.”

  “That was the former vampire turned demon who turned you and your family. And that woman was pretending to be you,” I said, pointing at the witch across the room.

  Nicolas rubbed his wrists where the rope had been secured tightly. “I figured that out after a while. Jacobson and Sabrina brought me here.”

  “We came by here and found your wallet. You weren’t here then,” I said.

  “I was here the whole time with the leader of the New Orleans Clan of Vampires. Jacobson staked him.” A troubled look crossed his face, remembering the scene. “Jacobson and Sabrina cast a spell so that you all couldn’t see me. I called out to you, but I was completely invisible.” Nicolas stared at the witch who had slipped over by the door.

  That sent chills down my spine. “I’m so sorry that I couldn’t help you.”

  I didn’t want the witch to get away, so I motioned for Liam to grab her. But before he realized what I wanted, she’d slipped out the door and ran down the hallway.

  “I’ll try to catch her,” Liam said, as he dashed out of the room.

  Nicolas focused his attention on me again. “I guess you’d given up on me.”

  “No, we didn’t give up on you.” Seeing the flash of joy in his eyes made my insides dance.

  Nicolas glanced over at Liam as he spoke with Annabelle and Jon. I knew he was wondering what had happened between us since he’d left LaVeau Manor. My feelings were more confused than ever. Liam was so kind and gentle, but Nicolas was sweet and caring too. I needed to stay far away from both of them, but I knew myself well enough to know that I wouldn’t be able to pull that off.

  Helping everyone outside of the house, we joined my mother where the Coven members were still casting the spell.

  I stepped up to my mother. “The demon is gone. It’s over now.”


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