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The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke

Page 11

by N. J. Walters

  Now she was totally confused. “I still don’t understand. He came and investigated. Without a suspect, I know there’s not much he can do.”

  “I’m not talking about that. I know he did his job.” Shamus brushed his lips over the back of her neck. “But his first concern should have been getting you to a hospital, not taking your statement.”

  “But I wasn’t seriously hurt.” The bandage was gone from her hand and the scar was beginning to fade. All her other cuts had been superficial and were already healed.

  “Doesn’t matter.” Before she could protest or question him further, he continued. “Anyway, then he asked me to supper. I told him I had plans. He warned me away from you again, and I told him to mind his own business.”

  Cyndi’s stomach lurched. She’d known this was going to happen. She’d warned him repeatedly that his family wouldn’t approve. “I knew our being together would cause problems. We need to stop seeing each other, Shamus.”

  “No,” he whispered as he nibbled on the sensitive shell of her ear. “I want to be with you, Cyndi. You’re a very special lady.”

  She’d waited her whole life for someone to make her feel the way Shamus did, but she knew being with her was going to ruin his life. Releasing her death grip on the counter, she turned.

  Shamus didn’t give an inch, so she was practically plastered against him. She had to tilt her head back to see his face. “You have to leave and not come back.”

  “Tell me that you don’t want me.”

  Cyndi swallowed hard and looked down at his chest. “I don’t want you.” It was a wonder she didn’t choke on the lie.

  His finger hooked under her chin and he tipped it up until she was looking at him. “Now tell me.”

  She opened her mouth to do just that, but the words wouldn’t come out. His rough-hewn face was serious, his blue-gray eyes sad. “I…I can’t.” She felt defeated. She couldn’t even lie to him to protect him. Not when he looked so sad.

  He lowered his forehead until it was touching hers. “I’m glad.”

  “Shamus,” she began.

  “No.” He placed a finger over her lips. “Give my family some time. They’re good people. They’ll come around. But tonight the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Tonight there’s only us.”

  He lowered his finger and replaced it with his lips. Cyndi sighed, knowing she should protest, but knowing she wouldn’t. She wanted Shamus in a way she’d never wanted any other man. He made her feel special and important. He didn’t care about her money or her family’s power in the community. He was one of the few people in town who wanted to know the real her, who did know the real her.

  Their lips parted and he reached across the counter and turned off the coffee pot. “We’ll finish our meal later, but first I want dessert.” He placed one arm behind her back and the other under her knees and scooped her into his arms.

  Cyndi looped her arms around his neck, burying her face against his chest. He walked steadily through the hallway and up the stairs. She could hear his heart beating heavily against her cheek. Her entire body was alive with anticipation of what was to come. This time there would be no stopping.

  His boots were heavy as he started down the upstairs hallway. He turned left and paused too soon. She raised her head. “No, don’t.” But before she finished uttering the words, he’d managed to grab the knob and open the door.

  “What the hell?” Cyndi tried to squirm out of his arms, but he tightened them around her.

  “What is this room?”

  Sighing, Cyndi gave up trying to make him release her, but she didn’t look into the room.

  She wasn’t ready. Not yet. “This was my room.”

  “Why does it look as if a tornado went off inside?”

  She plucked at one of the buttons of his blue shirt, knowing she’d have to answer. In the short time she’d known Shamus, she’d learned he was stubborn and determined, plus he had patience in spades. The man would stand here all night if that was what it took to get answers.

  “This is how I left it when I fled Jamesville fourteen years ago. Apparently, my father simply closed the door and never opened it again. I found it this way when I returned.”

  “I don’t understand.” She could feel him staring at her, but she couldn’t deal with this, not now.

  “I don’t want to talk about this.” She could be stubborn too and she refused to look at him or the room.

  She felt Shamus shift her slightly in his arms as he reached out and closed the door. “All right.”

  “My room is the last guest room on the left.” Apprehension seeped from her bones, replaced by a different kind of tension, one much more pleasurable. She and Shamus were going to make love for the first time.

  “We can talk later.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cyndi jerked in his arms as he spoke, but thankfully said nothing. Shamus was still trying to sort out what he’d just seen. The stark white bedroom with the splashes of red definitely didn’t suit the vibrant, warm woman in his arms. Neither did the piles of fashionable clothing, about fourteen years out of date, or the mound of jewelry dumped like so much garbage onto the floor.

  He’d felt several things from her—tension, anger, and fear. It was the latter that prompted him to shut the door and leave the subject for now. He’d get to the bottom of this mystery later.

  Right now, he had a warm, willing woman in his arms and she belonged to him.

  The erection that had been held at bay for most of the afternoon was now back with a vengeance. Everything else could wait. Right now, he needed to make love with Cyndi.

  The room he carried her into was done in beige and browns, except for the splash of purple on the bed. As he released her legs and let her slide down his body, he noted the comforter had flowers and butterflies on it. He knew this was Cyndi’s doing. The rest of the room had a bland feel. This was the only note of color in the place.

  Cyndi put her hand on his chest and pushed. He took a step back, but refused to go any further. She looked around the room and smiled ruefully. “It’s not much to look at, is it?”

  “The view is fine from where I’m standing.” His voice was rough with need. This woman was a fire in his blood, and he didn’t think that was going to diminish no matter how many times he had her.

  A flush of pink tinged her cheeks, and he realized she was blushing. “Shamus,” she began and suddenly stopped. She looked uncomfortable as she brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

  He cupped her shoulders in his hands, kneading them before sliding his fingers up and down her arms in a soothing motion. “What is it?” He wasn’t sure what he’d do if she said she’d changed her mind. Hell, yeah he knew what he’d do. He’d try his best at seducing her. But if she was adamant, he’d stop and they’d go back down stairs and finish supper. Tension thrummed throughout his entire body as he waited.

  “I’m…” She swallowed hard. “I’m not as young as I used to be.” She motioned to her body with her hand. “Damn, this is so stupid, especially after what happened at lunch. It’s not as if you haven’t already seen everything.” She shoved away from him and took three paces toward the window before whirling around to face him. “I’m not twenty any more, or even thirty for that matter. I’m starting to get wrinkles for heaven’s sake and you…” She stomped back toward him.

  Shamus was fascinated by the play of emotion that flitted across her face—anger, fear, but most of all, a deep need that made his heart began to pound and his erection start throbbing. “I’m what?” He could barely get the words out. His hands fisted at his sides, his body primed for action.

  “You’re young and gorgeous and sexy.”

  He couldn’t help it. A big grin split his face. “All that?”

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Sure it is.” He reached for her, but she pulled away. “I’m thirty and my features are rough at best. I’m in decent shape because of my work. You, on the other hand, are beautiful.”<
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  This time when he reached for her, she didn’t jerk away. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged her toward him. “Your skin is fine and smooth.” He touched her face gently, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “I love your lips. The bottom one is fuller than the top, just begging a man to kiss it.” Leaning down, he nipped at her lower lip. She moaned and her tongue came out to touch his mouth.

  He had to fight his instinct to deepen the kiss. What he had to say to Cyndi was more important at the moment. They’d get to the kissing and the rest of it soon enough. “You have the most expressive, blue eyes.” He traced her eyebrows with his fingers as the blue of her eyes deepened with desire. “I can read everything you’re thinking in your eyes.”

  “You can?” She seemed surprised and pleased.

  “Yeah. I can.” He threaded his fingers through her hair. “I love the way your hair isn’t fussy. It suits you.”

  Cyndi laughed. “It’s easier to take care of.”

  “Low maintenance.” He nodded solemnly, wanting her to know he was referring to more than her hair.

  She shrugged, but he ignored it and continued. “And your body.” He stopped and allowed his hands to slowly glide down her neck and shoulders. “Your body is ripe and womanly. You have curves that a man can sink his hands into.” His hands skimmed her torso, brushing the sides of her breasts before continuing downward. He followed the indentation of her waist and the flare of her hips. “You, Cyndi Marks, are one sexy lady, and I’m glad that you’re letting a rough guy like me into your life.”

  “Oh, Shamus.” She practically threw herself into his arms and he caught her close. “If you’re sure.”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  He felt her arms tighten around his waist before they loosened and she stepped away. Her hands went to the buttons of her blouse and as he watched, she unfastened them one by one, exposing more and more of her creamy skin. When she was done, she slid the garment from her body, leaving her upper body clad only in a pale pink bra.

  He reached out and traced the lacy edge with his fingers. His skin was rougher and darker than hers, the contrast arousing his protective instincts as well as his lust. He, who was usually laidback and mellow, now felt the overwhelming need to claim this woman, to mark her somehow as his, even as he protected her from the world. If she had any idea of the primitive thoughts flooding his brain, she’d boot his ass to the door.

  She made a small sound of need deep in her throat as she worked on the fastenings of her jeans. She kicked off her sneakers and shimmied the fabric down over her hips. As she bent down to take them off, she pulled off her socks as well.

  Her panties matched her bra. The scrap of lace covering her mound made his mouth water.

  She looked like some pretty confection and he wanted to eat her up.

  “Shamus.” His head jerked up and he saw the humor in her eyes, reminding him that this was no girl, but a real woman. “You’re still dressed.”

  “Not for long.” Grabbing his shirt, he yanked it over his head, not even bothering to unbutton it. Thankfully, he’d turned the cuffs back when he’d dressed after his shower, not bothering to button them. Still, several buttons went flying as he ripped the shirt from his body.

  He bent over and got his boots and socks off before he shucked his jeans. Clad only in cotton boxer briefs, he faced her.

  Cyndi’s eyes were glued to the erection straining against the soft fabric. Reaching out, she covered him with her hand, her fingers curling around him. He sucked in a breath as his cock jerked in her hand. “Damn, that feels good.”

  “Hmm,” she agreed as she continued to explore him.

  Shamus reached out and cupped her breasts in his hands, loving the way they filled his palms. His thumbs traced her hard nipples, which were pressing against the silky fabric of her bra.

  Lucky for him, the hook was in the front. It took a quick twist of his fingers and the bra parted. He brushed aside the fabric, capturing her in his hands. Oh, yeah. This is what he’d been dreaming about all afternoon.

  He groaned as Cyndi reached lower, cupping his balls in her hand, and squeezing gently.

  Much more of that and he’d go off like a rocket. Reaching down, he encircled her wrist and carefully tugged her hand away. “This will be over before it starts if you keep that up.”

  Her startled gaze flew to his. Understanding and finally pleasure lit her face. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really.” Stripping the bra down her arms, he tossed it aside before scooping her into his arms and lowering her to the bed. She raised her arms over her head and bent one knee slightly. The pose was provocative and made all the blood rush from his head to his groin. He felt almost lightheaded.

  He snagged his pants off the floor and reached into the back pocket. He took out the condoms he’d put there earlier and dumped them on the bedside table. Her eyes widened when she noticed how many packets he’d put there. He’d brought three just to be on the safe side. He’d thought about bringing more but hadn’t wanted to scare her off their first night together.

  His underwear felt confining, so he stripped it away before climbing onto the bed beside her.

  Propping himself on one arm, he stared down at her. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey, yourself.” She reached out and lay her hand on his chest over his heart.


  Shamus was gorgeous. She’d known it in her mind, but actually seeing it was another thing altogether. His shoulders were wide, his chest and abs sculpted with heavy bands of muscle.

  There wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on the man. And his cock…well, that was as impressive as the rest of him. He was certainly larger than her ex-husband had been.

  At first, she’d felt incredibly self-conscious, which didn’t make much sense. But this felt different from what had happened between them at lunch. That was spontaneous. This was premeditated. She’d had far too much time to think about things. After all, she wasn’t as slender as she’d been in her twenties. Nor did she want to be. She was content with her looks most days.

  But most days she wasn’t climbing naked into bed with a sexy, gorgeous, younger man.

  But her doubts had disappeared as Shamus talked about her appearance. It wasn’t what he’d said, so much as the way he’d looked at her while he’d said it. His body’s reaction spoke for itself. The man wanted her. That was enough for her. For now, a voice echoed in the back of her mind.

  Pushing all thoughts aside, she turned her concentration to the man lying next to her. His body was large and firm, radiating enough heat to keep her warm even though they were lying on top of the covers. She glanced over at the bedside table and counted again. Three. He’d brought three condoms. She hoped they used all of them.

  Shamus leaned down and kissed her then. It was a soft brush of his mouth against hers. She moaned and parted her lips and he delved inside. His tongue twined with hers, tasting and retreating, coaxing her to follow. And she did. His mouth was warm and inviting. Taking her time, she explored, running her tongue over his teeth, feeling the sharp edges. He growled and plunged his tongue back into her mouth, practically devouring her with his kiss.

  Her hands clung to his shoulders. Her head began to spin. The muscles beneath her palms jumped as he shifted until he was leaning partly over her.

  One large hand cupped her breast, his thumb tracing the distended nipple. Even that simple touch had her gasping for breath. It was if her entire body was tuned to his, wanting what he wanted, needing what he needed.

  Shamus pulled his lips from hers and left a trail of hot kisses across her cheek and down her neck. The slight scratch of his five o’clock shadow just heightened the sensation as the stubble brushed over her skin.

  His tongue traced her collarbone before dipping lower. He nuzzled her cleavage before sliding to one side to lap at her nipple. The bud tightened even more, causing her womb to contract. She could feel the dampness between her thighs,
her body preparing to accept him. An ache started deep in her core and grew with each passing second.

  She could feel the throb of his erection pressed tight against her outer thigh. Desire flared to a fevered pitch inside her. “Shamus,” she groaned, clutching at his back and shoulders. He plucked at one of her nipples with his fingers and laved the other one with his tongue. Her nails dug into his skin.

  She arched her hips upward, needing him to touch her. Never had she felt this empty before.

  Cyndi almost cried out with relief when his hand slid from her breast and traveled down her stomach, over her belly, and lower.

  His hand slid beneath her panties, sifting through her pubic hair. The thin material was pushed lower, his fingers slid over her slick folds. A low keening sound broke from her lips as he pressed two fingers into her core, not stopping until they were deep inside her.

  Cyndi panted hard, breathing almost impossible at this point. Every muscle in her body was coiled tight. Shamus shifted his fingers to the edge of her opening and plunged forward again.

  She tilted her head back as her hips thrust upward to meet him. Her body exploded.

  She cried out, spasms of pleasure rocking her, losing herself in the overwhelming sensation as Shamus continued to pump his fingers in and out of her core. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, Shamus slowed his motions. He withdrew his fingers and leaned back to stare down at her. His lips were moist, his eyes dark with lust.

  “Mmm.” She’d meant to say something intelligent, but couldn’t get any words out. She stretched, her toes curling into the mattress. She felt good. Better than good. She felt amazing.

  A strand of hair was plastered across her forehead and Shamus tenderly brushed it away.

  “Feel good?”

  “Mmm,” she said again.

  He smiled, a slightly wicked and sexy smile. “We’re just getting started.”

  She gasped as he kissed her stomach and shifted lower on the bed. He nipped at her hipbones, continuing his downward journey. A moment ago, she’d felt totally sated. Now, desire flared to life again.


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