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Torrid Teasers Volume 18

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by Sherrill Quinn, RaeLynn Blue

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  Whiskey Creek Press

  Copyright ©2006 by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  VOLUME 18:



  Sherrill Quinn & RaeLynn Blue


  Published by


  Whiskey Creek Press

  PO Box 51052

  Casper, WY 82605-1052

  Copyright ©

  2006 by Sherrill Quinn & RaeLynn Blue

  Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISBN 1-59374-778-0


  Cover Artist: ESCORPIO

  Editor: Chere Gruver

  Printed in the United States of America





  Torrid Teasers Volume 18 receives 5 stars

  Reviewed by Anne, EuroReviews

  "Tall, Dark, and Naked: Up at the North Pole, forty-year veteran Jasper Snow has just been appointed to a new position: president of the Mended Hearts Division of Santa Claus Incorporated. Jazz, a Water Elemental, has only ten more years to run on his fifty-year commitment, yet Kris Kringle of the Winter clan {aka Santa} demands he take the first assignment for the new division! His case, a human named Anna O'Banyon, lost her mother to cancer six months ago; she'd like, just this once, to wake up with someone on Christmas morning. If only she could find tall, dark, and handsome under her tree; but Anna is definitely not prepared for finding a gift card under it, and tall, dark, and very naked elf to go with it!

  Sherrill Quinn has an incredible way with sizzling erotica that just won't quit; all this and a love story too! This is a must-read!

  The Haunting: Elizabeth's grandmother Liz bought an antique ring in London, despite the shop owner's claim that Queen Elizabeth I of England had owned it and cursed it. When the current Elizabeth inherited it, twenty years later, Just as her grandmother learned in London, so too does the current Elizabeth discover that the ring brings with it a very special, desirable, gift. This is truly a haunting yet electrifying tale with an unusual and unexpected twist; definitely a recommended read! This reviewer is very pleased with this particular volume of the extensive Torrid Teasers series!"

  "Ms. Quinn pens a hot and luscious tale of wish-granting and happily-ever-after in Tall, Dark & Naked. Themes of loneliness and loss are overcome with those of passion and promise as this sweet, sexy story unfolds."

  Review Site: Fallen Angel Reviews

  Reviewer: Michelle

  Rating: 4 Angels

  "Ms. Blue chills spines and will have you looking for a ring of your own in the sexy tale called The Haunting. Highly charged, with a smoking hot tub scene, The Haunting is a spooky delight!"

  Michelle, Fallen Angels Review (4 Angels)

  "To be ravished the way Ms. Blue's heroine Elizabeth is just by putting on a ring, had this reviewer wishing she could find herself a ring too. So if you're looking to escape back in time for some too hot to handle sexual escapade, THE HAUNTING is just the story for you."

  Love Romance: Reviewer: Tina: 4 Hearts

  "This reviewer felt (this) short tale was packed full of holiday cheer and steamy lovemaking ... So while it's cold outside, snuggle under a blanket withTall, Dark and Naked and be ready to feel red-hot!"

  "This reviewer recommends reading these two tales in one sitting!"

  Love Romances

  Tina Snyder

  4 Hearts


  From Sherrill Quinn:

  To Suz, Sara, Alison and Jane. You gals rock!

  To Anna T.S., for whom the heroine is named.

  From RaeLynn Blue:

  For Chris—an internal flame in my heart.



  Sherrill Quinn

  "Oh, give me a fuckin’ break, Kris.” Jasper Snow paced around the spacious office, his booted feet making little noise on the plush crimson carpet. “You cannot ask me to run a damned fru-fru division. What will the rest of the clan think?"

  The man behind the ornate cherry desk stroked one hand down his snowy white beard. Over the rim of the reading glasses perched on the end of his nose, his sharp blue eyes narrowed. “Don't worry about what they'll think, Jazz. I'm the patriarch of the Winter clan; they'll think and do what I tell them.” Leaning back in his chair, he steepled his fingers over his ample belly. “As you will."

  Leaning forward again, his eyes more intent, the big man went on. “Every year, the loneliness and despair at Christmastime grows, expanding person by person. We need this division. I need your expertise. The Delivery Division wouldn't be near the success it is if it weren't for you."

  Even as he warmed at the rare praise, Jazz spread his hands in a gesture meant to ask for reconsideration. “Kris, the reason I've been so successful with the Delivery Division is because I'm a damned good strategist. What the hell do I know about romance?"

  Kris swiveled side to side in his chair, studying Jazz long enough to make him uncomfortable. Finally, the older man leaned forward and rested his chin on one meaty fist. “Well, if your language is anything to go by, not much. How many times have I asked you not to swear?” When Jazz would have responded, Kris straightened in his chair and held up his hand. “I've made my decision, Mr. Snow. You are now officially the president of our Mended Hearts Division."

  When Jazz stood there staring at him, searching for something—anything—that could change the other man's mind, Kris waved his hand in a shooing motion. “That's all, Mr. Snow. You may go."

  Jazz clamped his jaw on the pithy retort that strained against his lips and scrubbed his hand over his goatee. Damned sanctimonious ... Turning, he stalked to the office door and flung it open.

  "Oh, there's just one more thing,” Kris said, his tone colored with a dark note of glee. “I want you to personally handle our first client. Show the troops how it's done, so to speak."

  Jazz slowly turned to face his tormenter. Kris’ chubby cheeks were red and his blue eyes sparkled with good cheer. At Jazz's expense.

  "I don't do field work,” Jazz said through his teeth. Forty years he'd spent here. To be told he had to go back out in the trenches—to handle a fucking romantic issue yet—wasn't welcome news. He clenched his fists against the urge to throttle Kris’ thick throat, patriarch of the clan or no.

  "You do now.” Kris stared at him and the good humor leeched from his gaze. He appeared every inch the patriarch—hard, cold and immovable. “You still have ten years of your fifty-year commitment here at the North Pole, Jazz. I know you'
ll make the Mended Hearts Division the best-run division in Santa Claus, Incorporated. You can get your assignment from Sapphire.” He looked down at the paperwork in front of him, effectively dismissing Jazz.

  Jazz walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him, restraining his temper until he could get someplace more private. He glanced at Kris’ assistant and scowled at the smirk on her lips.

  "Oh, come on, Jazz,” Sapphire Goldstone said. “Lover-boy that you are, you could do this with both hands tied behind your back.” She tucked a strand of periwinkle-colored hair behind one pointed ear and held out a slim folder. “Your assignment, should you decide to accept it..."

  When his scowl deepened at her reference to a human television spy show and he refused to take the folder, she giggled and placed it back on the desk. “You Water Elementals, always so serious.” Standing, she sauntered over to him. His gaze skimmed up her long, slender legs, over her curvy hips and up to her large breasts. She brought her hands up to cup those lovely mounds of flesh, her clear green eyes darkening as she pinched her nipples. “You should be more like us Earth Elementals, Jasper."

  "How's that?” he asked, raising one brow. “Lusty? Flighty and flirty?"

  "Oh, Jazz.” Her eyes went half-mast as her fingers on her nipples moved faster. “All Elementals are lusty. We all take our pleasure when we can, even Kris. Even you, lover. And if someone watches, well...” She moaned softly and shivered. Stopping in front of him, she moved her fingers to the buttons of her flimsy green blouse and began undoing them. “You want some help getting started on your assignment?” she asked.

  Jazz kept his gaze fixed on her silken flesh as it appeared in the gap of her blouse. When she shrugged off the silky material, he immediately bent and pulled one stiff pink bud into his mouth, sucking hard. Her fingers wrapped in his hair and she moaned. He moved to the other breast and licked the hard tip, then sucked the entire areola between his lips.

  He wasn't even close to being done with her pretty breasts when she moved away. She waggled a finger at him. Cupping her breasts again, she said, “These are for inspiration only, lover."

  "And I'm inspired,” he growled, reaching for her.

  She danced out of his reach. “Behave, Jasper, or you won't get what you need from me."

  Jazz braced his fists on his hips. Sapphire always liked to play before sex. He just wasn't in the mood today.

  "Oh, don't pout,” she whispered. She rubbed her thumb over his lips, then dropped to her knees in front of him. Looking up from under her lashes, her tongue swept over her lush lips as she pulled down his zipper with agonizing slowness. Reaching into the opening, she freed his cock and wrapped both hands around his growing length. “This is what I want."

  There wasn't another elf in the North Pole who could suck a rod like Sapphire. Once she got going, the man attached to that hard piece of flesh didn't have a chance.

  When she pulled him into her throat and swallowed, he groaned, the sound coming from deep down in his gut. Then she swirled her tongue around the sensitive crown, lapping at him like a sexy little kitten. Her fingers danced over his taut balls, tugging and pulling in rhythm to her swirling tongue.

  She took another deep draw on his cock, but before he could spurt, she gripped him tightly at the base of his shaft, stemming his release. With a smile, she pulled a red ribbon from her pocket and tied it around his cock, making a fancy multi-looped bow with the ends. Then she slid his still-hard decorated shaft back into his pants and pulled up the zipper. She patted his groin. “There. Now you're ready to head off on your assignment."

  Sapphire walked back to her desk, pulling on her blouse as she spoke. Slender fingers opened the folder. “Your assignment's name is Anna O'Banyon. She lost her mother six months ago after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She has no other family.” She looked at him with a glossy sheen of tears in her eyes. She was a true Earth Elemental—emotional and empathetic. “She'll be all alone on Christmas. She wants, just once, to wake up with someone on Christmas morning."

  Closing the folder, she handed it to him. “Help her, Jazz."

  * * * *

  Anna closed the front door behind her and leaned against it with weary resignation. Christmas Eve. She'd worked well into the evening, again, and she was alone on this night. Again.


  Just once, she wanted to share the holiday with someone special. Someone who would hold her in his strong arms and whisper how beautiful she was to him. Someone who would keep her safe in his embrace while she slept.

  Hell, who was she trying to kid? She'd settle for someone who only wanted to boff her brains out. She was tempted to order pizza just so she could jump the delivery guy. God, if Santa put a man under her tree, she'd take full advantage. She wanted to get laid. “Make him tall, dark and handsome,” she murmured, “and I'll be a happy camper."

  Really, he could be a troll, for all she cared. Just as long as she didn't wake up alone on Christmas.

  Straightening, she knocked the snow off her boots, then toed them off. Yanking off her coat, she hung it on the hook in the hallway. She flipped the light switch and light flooded the hall, spilling into the living room. Her little Charlie Brown Christmas tree stood forlornly in the corner, trying to look gay under its adornment of bulbs and garland.

  But without any wrapped gifts—or a gift-wrapped man—under the tree, it looked as lonely as she felt. With a sigh, she went over to the tree and plugged it in, leaving the rest of the room dark except for the illumination coming from the hall and the multicolored lights from the tree.

  "Looks like it's just you and me, little guy,” she murmured to the tree, lightly touching one of its spindly little branches. Leaving the living room, she dropped her purse off on the dining room table, then went on into her bedroom.

  Anna pulled off her blouse and skirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she drew her pantyhose down and off. Lying back with her arms above her head, she lightly stretched, then was still. A single tear rolled down her face.

  With a loud sniff, she scrubbed the moisture from her cheek. So she was alone for Christmas. So what? She should feel relieved. After all, the last three years, two and a half of which had been spent providing care for a mother who had been something less than grateful, hadn't exactly been a walk in the park. And the grieving process left her feeling much older than her just-turned forty years.

  But, God, she wasn't sure she could face an empty Christmas again. She just wanted someone to love. Was that too much to ask?

  Another tear followed the first. Before she could give into the flood waiting to erupt, she got off the bed and took off her bra, then pulled on her comfortable sweatpants and t-shirt. She wasn't prone to hosting pity parties and she absolutely wasn't going to start one on Christmas Eve.

  Padding into the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator door and stared inside. A turkey breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and green beans waited for her. All she had to do was warm it up. Even that seemed like too much effort. She grabbed a bottle of red wine instead and poured a small tumbler full. She took a long chug, then refilled the glass. Putting the wine back in the fridge, she closed the door and wandered back into the living room.

  Sitting on her recliner, she sipped her wine and picked up the remote. Once she'd clicked on the television, she channel surfed for a bit, finally settling on a sci-fi movie. “Anything but a stupid Christmas show,” she muttered. Staring at her poor little tree, she shook her head. “It's okay, Charlie. You and me, we'll be just fine."

  As she pulled back the lever on the recliner, she noticed a small red envelope under the tree. With a small frown, she put her glass down, got up and went over to it. Picking up the envelope, she slid her finger under the flap and pulled out the single sheet of mint-green paper, holding it in her shaking left hand.

  On it, in flowing masculine script written in black ink, were four words:

  I'm yours for Christmas.

  Anna traced her index finge
r over the sentence. When she heard a sound behind her, she jumped and turned. The sight that met her eyes made her gasp. A very tall, handsome and naked man stood before her. White teeth gleamed in the wicked smile framed by a neat, dark brown goatee. His arms bulged with sleek muscles. Dark hair feathered across his chest and down his hard, ripped abdomen, right down to...

  Blinking, she saw he wasn't entirely naked. He wore a bright red ribbon around his massive erection. Her heart picked up its beat, rat-a-tat-tatting in her chest like maracas on speed. She had a naked man in her living room. With a bow on his cock. She blinked again, sure in her loneliness—or maybe it was the wine she'd drunk too fast—she had begun to hallucinate.

  "I'm real, lass,” he said, his deep tones holding the loveliest brogue she'd ever heard. “Jasper Snow, at your service. You can call me Jazz."

  She stared at the large hand he held out in greeting, then slowly reached out, more in desire to determine if he were real than any genuine effort to return his greeting. Her skin looked pale, her fingers dainty when clasped by his big, tanned hand. He brought her fingers slowly to his mouth and placed a kiss on the knuckles. When he gently turned her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist, his tongue darting out to flick her racing pulse, she yanked her hand away.

  But it was too late, for that brief touch of his flesh on hers lit a spark in her core and tightened her nipples under her thin t-shirt. Crossing her arms to hide the evidence of her arousal, she asked, “Um ... What?"

  Well, alrighty then, not the most brilliant thing she could say. But the guy had to be at least six and a half feet tall; much taller than her own five feet and nine inches. He made her feel positively short.

  And with a monstrous cock that looked like a third leg, he had apparently short-circuited her brain. She was usually much more articulate than um, what.

  "You want to wake up next to a man tomorrow mornin',” he said. His ocean blue eyes sparkled with humor and something else, something much more primal—a dark desire that made cream gush from her core and lie thickly along the swollen lips of her pussy. “I can be that man."


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