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A Solemn Creed (Texas Oil Book 5)

Page 7

by Dakota Black

  “For what?” she croaked.

  “The dance.” He pulled her closer.

  “I’m supposed to me thanking you. Kyle is… difficult.” Inhaling, she gathered a scent of a light cologne, all masculine and full of testosterone and her pussy clenched.

  He smiled. “Men like that are all puffed up and have very little else.”

  A slice of tension eased. “You know the type well.”

  “I’ve worked with them my entire life.” Camden crowded closer.

  Amber rested her hand on his chest and realized her mouth was parched, dry as a bone. “You don’t seem like a ranch-hand. You’re intelligent, sophisticated.”

  “Now, I wouldn’t go talking like that around the guys. Might hurt their feelings.”

  She finally smiled, comfortable, far too comfortable in his arms. As he swung her around, his grip becoming firmer, she rested her head on his shoulder, thankful to be wearing heels. Even though she might tip over. She huffed and closed her eyes, enjoying the music, the way he made her feel. Safe. Protected. He was all male. Sexy.

  When the song ended, he didn’t pull away, merely continued the close dance, placing his cheek against her head.

  The nuzzling was amazing, driving her into an almost heated frenzy. She knew that a faster song had already begun but didn’t mind being lost in the moment.

  Camden eased back, breaking the hold but kept his arm around her. Using his other hand, he lifted her chin. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I just…” She had no idea what to say.

  Lowering his head ever so slowly, he pressed his lips against hers.

  She could no longer feel her legs and she fisted his shirt, pulling him in closer. The kiss became passionate, roaring between them as their tongues entwined. The taste of him created blissful sensations dancing down from her spine to the back of her legs. She wanted nothing more than to succumb, to enjoy the unbridled connection. He was in control, of her and of the moment and she… Pushing hard against him, she broke the connection. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” Camden whispered and reached out.

  She took a step away, pressing the back of her hand across her mouth. Get control. You can’t do this. But why? Why couldn’t she enjoy? Employee. The man was her employee and could be nothing else.


  “I have to go.” Her words were stilted.

  “Wait. Miss Harding. Amber.”

  She made a bee-line for the table.

  “Wow. That was a dance and the kiss and what is wrong?” Pepper jerked up from the chair as Amber grabbed her purse.

  “We need to go,” Amber insisted.

  “Why? Did he do something?”

  “Nope. It’s me. I can’t. Can we just go?” She didn’t wait, heading straight for the door.

  And all she could think about was her desires. For him to follow and for him to take utter and full control over her.

  And she would let him…

  “All right, men. You know what you need to do. We have one more herd to move into the corral and we’re done for the day,” Jorge directed from his horse.

  Camden yanked off his hat and rubbed his face with his arm, wincing as the ray of sun beat down. He was sweating like a pig and the exhaustion had turned into muscle cramps. This was the longest and hardest working day he’d experienced in years. Grabbing his canteen, he took a swig of water. Trying to stay hydrated was the name of the game.

  “Come on, newbie. Let’s see if you can finish out the day.” The man grinned as he rode by.

  Most of the crew had been decent, with the exception of the brooding Russian who’d said very little, but his nasty looks had said enough. The man didn’t want anything to do with Camden. But Drago remained watching, studying him as if he were the enemy. The last thing he needed was any trouble at this point, especially from one of the crew. He kept his eyes on the hulking man as he shoved his canteen back into the saddle bag.

  Jorge rode up next to Camden and followed his gaze. “Don’t worry about Drago. He’s more bark than he is bite. A hard worker, one of the best I have.”

  “Not too keen about me,” Camden huffed.

  “Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact you stepped in and helped out Miss Amber last night.”

  He tipped his head in Jorge’s direction. “Does everybody know everything?”

  “Small town if you really think about it. News travels fast, especially when it involves the Randolph family.” He trotted off in the direction of the cattle, Camden following alongside.

  “Who the hell are they?”

  “They think they own this town. If they have their way, they soon will.” Jorge tipped back his hat, wincing as he glanced up at the sky. “Tough day today, but you did good. You can hold your own.”

  “Thanks.” Camden had done just enough research to realize that Val Verde County was known for cattle ranching through and through. There were hunters, but the money from white tail, turkey and wild boar wasn’t enough to provide a living, simply a hobby. “How?”

  “Trying to buy up all the ranches and what they can’t purchase, they’ll try and extort. Don’t go sharin’ that around either. That will scare the good folks around here.”

  “Really?” Small town secrets. Why did the name ring a bell?

  “Yup and don’t you go tellin’ Miss Amber that I told you either. She has enough to worry about.”

  Camden had a sense that the man knew more than he was telling but he decided not to push. There would be time. Besides, he had other things on his mind. The kiss had been amazing, the connection between them unlike anything else in life. The thought alone gave him a rush of shivers or maybe the damn sun was getting to him.

  “Come on. Let’s get this done. Thought you might want to stop by the main quarters tonight and have a beer with the guys. Could help if you get to know a few of them.”

  While Jorge’s suggestion was no doubt good, he wasn’t certain he wanted company of any type. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Heed my words, son. Close knit group around here. I like what I’m seeing in you already. You could do a lot for the ranch. Besides, Miss Amber needs a good man as her second in charge.”

  “I’m only here for a short stint.” Camden grabbed his gloves, shoving his hands back inside.

  “Damn shame to hear. I think you could really do something with this place. Amber needs someone she can trust. Hard to come by.”

  “That’s your job.”

  Jorge gave him a smile. “I know. For now.” Riding off, he headed in the direction of the cattle.

  Hanging back, Camden sighed. There were secrets in every family, every corporation. He galloped toward the corral and wondered what Amber was hiding, let alone Jorge. Not his problem to deal with. But still, he remained curious.

  “I don’t like you.”

  He heard the voice before he noticed Drago had remained behind. “You don’t know me.”

  “I know the type. Pretty boy coming in, trying to show off. Attaching yourself to the owner.”

  The level of testosterone was high, and he was far too exhausted to give a damn. “I’m here to do a job just like everyone else.”

  Snickering, Drago rode by, his steely eyes penetrating. “You think you can play games. I know why you’re really here. Soon, everyone will know.”

  “What the hell are you getting at?” He glared at the man. What did Drago think he knew? Granted, if anyone found out that he was the CEO of Rush, he would have a difficult time explaining his presence. Maybe he’d been an idiot using his real name, but Jorge would have found out with the simple credit check.

  Drago trotted off without saying another word.

  He had a terrible feeling they were going to tangle.

  An hour later and they were done for the day. After securing the horse, Camden stood outside, rinsing off his muddied hands and arms. Several of the men were hanging around, shooting the shit as they watched him. H
e was the curious newcomer, a man who had said few words. He wasn’t here to make friends. Then again, he also wasn’t here to make enemies.

  A single beer with the crew wasn’t a bad idea.

  “You’re the guy from the bar last night.”

  Camden shook off his hands before glancing over at the weathered man. “Not sure what you mean.”

  “Taking on Kyle Randolph. You got balls. I’ll give you that. No doubt the man will want to cut them off.” He grinned then narrowed his eyes. “Sorry. Chowder Wilson. Good to meet you, son.”

  “Chowder?” He shook hands and could tell the man was genuine.

  “Old nickname from when I was a kid. When the food is on the table, I come running. Even from miles away.” Chowder laughed.

  Camden smiled. “Camden.”

  “Know who you are. Pretty much everybody does, but they don’t know you. Come grab a beer. I’m buying. Well, the missus provides but you know what I mean.”

  “All right.” Camden followed him to the expansive closed in barn. Walking inside, he hadn’t anticipated the modern quarters. A large living room complete with a stone fireplace and a pool table and he could see a fully equipped kitchen. “Wow.”

  “What did you expect, living in squalor? Amber, I mean Miss Harding’s daddy built this, some with his bare hands. Wanted the crew to have a good place to stay.”

  “Don’t you have homes?”

  Chowder studied him. “Son, you don’t know much about the ranching business. Kinda like oil. You take work where you can get it. This is seasonal for us. A few stay on and live around here but for most of us, we come from at least several counties over. Go home on the weekends sometimes, but not usually. This is home for about six months out of the year. For most of us, we can’t make a living any longer. Ranching in some parts is a dying operation. Sad to say. Salt of the earth.”


  “Let’s get you a beer.”

  Camden nodded to the various men who already had a beer in their hands. “Walt, Mike, this is Camden. He’s going to be with us for a while. Be nice to him.” Chowder gave them a harsh look before winking.

  “Hey, old man. Don’t go telling us what to do!” Walt called, lifting his beer bottle.

  “Yeah. Yeah. You and that old steed you rode in on,” Chowder mumbled. Grabbing two cans of beer, he tossed one to Camden. “So, what’s your story?”

  “I don’t really have one. I needed a job.”

  Chowder took two long pulls on his beer then wiped his mouth. “Nah. Sorry, son but I don’t buy that. You come riding up in a forty-thousand-dollar truck. You have no callouses on your hands and you have a hell of a lot more intelligence than some around here. You’re hiding.”

  He almost coughed on his beer. “I’m not hiding, except for maybe from myself, the man I’d become.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, we all go through that from time to time. This kind of work separates the men from the boys. That much I’ll tell you. You can also find your soul, if you’ll open up.”

  “I hope I can,” Camden muttered under his breath. “What’s the story with Drago?”

  Walt walked closer. “The Russian mob man? Hell, if I know.”

  “Don’t do that shit, Walt. Drago is a damn responsible worker. You just don’t like the fact he’s a hell of a lot better looking than you are.” Chowder grinned.

  “Oh! Cold,” one of the men called.

  Two others whistled.

  Walt shook his head. “He’s an asshole. Never drinks with us. Doesn’t say two words other than to snarl. And…” He looked from right to left. “He’s got it in good with the lady of the house.”

  “Don’t go spreading shit like that around. You know better, Walt. Seriously. Miss Amber has been damn good to all of us. She doesn’t need that kind of shit ass rumor floating around.”

  Camden glanced at Walt then shook his head. No wonder the lady didn’t want to have anything to do with him. She was already involved. “Seems out of place here.”

  Chowder shrugged. “Word on the street is that he’s an oil man. Fired from his last job and couldn’t find another. He does have a mean temper, so I wouldn’t cross him.”

  Oil. The word had been used twice and he didn’t believe in coincidences. “Any truth to the rumor there’s oil around here?” What the hell. Shooting in the dark had always been good to him.

  “Come with me, son.” Chowder led him to the back and out onto a large deck. “I like coming out here when I have issues. The river is beautiful this time of year.”

  “There is oil.”

  “I don’t know about that, son. You know how people are. There’s always been talk, but so far, nothing has turned up. A lot of good people were forced to sell off their land after thinking they could strike it rich. They spent every last dime hiring engineers and drill experts only to come up with nothing.”

  “You’d be surprised that you can tap around an area for weeks, months and think you’ve lost your mind. Suddenly, and in the last place you might think, you strike oil and big too.” Camden could feel the man’s eyes on him. “I have a friend in the business.”

  “I see.” Chowder nodded several times. “Just don’t spout this off to Miss Amber. She doesn’t like anyone talking about destroying her ranch in any manner, and I can imagine especially from the concept of digging for oil.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the warning.” Camden leaned against the railing.

  “You like Amber.”

  He laughed. “I don’t know why everybody is asking me about last night. What I don’t like is some jerk-off hitting on a lady, especially in a nasty manner.”

  “That’s Kyle Randolph for you. Spitting image of his father, old bastard. Trouble with a capital ‘T’. Trying to run the world.”

  “Well, I doubt Amber will let him run her.” Camden shook his head. Fuck, he was sweating just thinking about her.

  “She can handle her own. You might be shocked at what that little lady can do. Seen her wrestle a damn steer, birth a colt and fix one of the finest meals this side of the Mississippi. She’s all that and a handful too.”

  “Sounds like you know her well.”

  Chowder gave him a look. “Been working here on and off for twenty years. I’ve seen a lot, including when her father died. Sad day for all of us. Cut short her college education but the little lady never looked back. She took the reins and from day one, she’s been respected. No one will hurt her without hearing from one of us. No one.”

  He nodded several times. “I like being around here.”

  “Good to hear, son. Well, I’m gonna wrestle up some food. Can I fix you something?”

  “I think I’ll take a walk. Need to get some groceries anyway.” Camden felt a sense of sadness swallowing the man and he had no idea why.

  “Gotcha. Careful of that old cabin. Might fall apart on ya.”

  He tipped his beer in reverence as the older man walked inside then sauntered off the deck, heading around to the side. He noticed the horses in the adjoining corral and realized he missed Beauty more than he wanted to admit. He kept his eyes on the stunning animals as he walked closer to the fence. Peace only came when he rode Beauty. The hard work had its place, but he wasn’t certain how long he could stay away.

  As he headed in the direction of the corral, he could see Drago standing by the barn. Watching. The man was fixated on him. If the Russian was from an oil background, could he have any idea of Camden’s true identity? Could be. What if the man had a hidden agenda? He ignored the harsh stare and continued walking toward the fence.

  Noticing a gorgeous black horse, he couldn’t help but unlock the gate and go inside. While some of the others ran away, the giant steed moved closer, dropping his head and allowing Camden to rub his nose. “You’re incredible.”

  Whinnying, the horse pawed the ground once before swishing his tail.

  “And not a mark on you. Amazing.” Camden patted the horse’s nose then brushed his fingers down the lo
ng neck. “Gorgeous.”

  The horse snorted and nudged Camden.

  “He never lets anyone get close to him but me.”

  Hearing her voice, he swallowed before twisting in order to see her. She was sitting on the fence, her face shielded by an oversized pair of sunglasses. Wearing shorts and a tight T-shirt, he had to admit, his breath was taken away. “He’s magnificent.”

  “His name is Zeus.”


  She jumped off the fence, taking long strides toward him. “Had him since he was little. Helped birth him. He’s been by my side ever since.” She cooed as she eased her head against Zeus’ closing her eyes as she rubbed his nose. “My baby.”

  “I understand. I have a mare that is closer to me than most humans will ever be.”

  While she didn’t react, she didn’t push him away either. “Animals can tell in a dead ass heartbeat if you’re a good person. They are the best early warning signs I’ve ever known.”

  “I agree with you.” He was tongue tied. Why? Not because she was his boss, but because he’d interfered on another man’s turf. “Look, about last night. I had no idea you had a boyfriend. I apologize.” He shot a look at where Drago had been standing. The man had disappeared.

  “Boyfriend? Are the cowboys shooting that shit off again?” Snorting, she yanked off her sunglasses. “I could and should kick some motherfucking ass. Those cowboys talk trash all the time.”

  “A woman of stilling words.” He resisted chuckling.

  She glared at him then burst into laughter. “You’re right. I need my mouth washed out with soap at least once a week. That and a hard spanking.” As if realizing what she’d said, she hid behind Zeus, a laugh bubbling from her throat.

  He was tingling all over, his heart racing. “We could make that happen.” Just saying the words was enough to make his balls swell. “I mean if you’re game and all.”


  “Yup.” He glanced at the sky, wrinkling his brow. He wasn’t necessarily surprised at her comment.

  “You’re serious,” she said after a few seconds.

  Kicking his boot into the dirt, he nodded. “Little known fact. The best relationships are when the man is in charge. Head of household.”


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