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Paranormal Dating Agency: Where He Leads (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Nicole Garcia

  He leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “Wolves don’t have pockets. I had to leave my phone behind with my clothes.”

  Another hard swallow racked Tatum. “You were naked?”

  “Only for a second. I can’t afford to keep ripping my clothes every time I shift. I am huge, you know.”

  “How huge?” Tatum’s voice was only a whisper now.

  Jett breathed across her parted lips. “Enormous.”

  Before she had a chance to respond his lips were on hers; his tongue delving into her open mouth. His hands were still on the wall, but he still managed to touch parts of her that hadn’t been awakened in years. His sucked her bottom lip between his teeth; biting, nipping, teasing her until she was gasping for air. She stabbed her hands through his hair, wrapping the silky black strand around her fingers as she tugged.

  He groaned against the skin of her neck. “Give me what I want.” He grazed his canines along the curve of her neck. “Let me make you mine.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The thrill of the hunt had Jett’s adrenaline pumping before he even stepped foot in the door. Though he hadn’t found anything substantial, he was still worked up by the time he got to the hotel. When he saw her standing there, being the understanding, patient man he knew he should be was long gone and replaced by the needy wolf who wanted to devour his mate whole. He wanted her right there, right now, and he would do everything in his power to get her under him; or over him. Any position would be preferable to stave the itch off the need that was coursing through his veins.

  The undeniable craving to bury himself in her was mind-numbing, but he had to get a hold of himself before he was so far gone that he hurt her. He wouldn’t do it on purpose, but the sheer power he possessed, even in human form was much too great for her to handle.

  Jett inhaled a deep breath, then another, and another, until he settled down a bit. Realization hit him hard and he couldn’t believe he just asked her to give herself over to him. It’s not that he didn’t want to, because he did. Only, she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  “Do it. Make me yours Jett.”

  Okay, maybe she was ready. Jett blinked rapidly, clearly, he’d heard wrong. “What?”

  “I said make me yours.” She brushed her mouth over his bottom lip before nipping it with her teeth.

  Jett’s dick was now painfully pressing against the zipper of his jeans and he didn’t know how much more torture he could go through without spontaneously combusting, but he didn’t want her to make a decision in the heat of the moment if she wasn’t sure. Once you were bitten by your mate, there would be no turning back from that. You were bonded for life. There were absolutely no do-overs. “Tatum…”

  “I’m sure.”

  Jett arched a brow. “How did you know what I was going to say?”

  “I don’t know. I just did. And I’m sure. I want this. I think I’ve always wanted this, but was too afraid to let anyone in.”

  “Then how do you know this is the right decision? How do you know we belong together?”

  “Because Gerri said so.” She said with the most breathtakingly beautiful smile he’d ever seen.

  Jett returned the gesture and closed the inches left between them. “Well, fuck it then.” He didn’t need any more confirmation than that. She was perfect for him in every way. He knew it the second she rolled into town, even if she did try and run him down. Twice. Okay, so they had a bumpy start, but he was planning on making that time up every minute of every day.

  He hoisted her onto his shoulder, causing her to shriek. He carried her over to the couch, setting her down on the arm and made a quick job of removing her shoes and pants as he pressed hot, open mouth kisses to the inside of her thighs. She lifted her sweater over her head and Jett took that opportunity to glance up at her and admire how sexy she was. Black lace cupped her breasts and the matching panties she wore had him salivating. Raw, carnal desire crawled up his spine as an electric bolt of heat surged to his throbbing cock. He needed to relieve some of the ache in his groin, so he unbuttoned his pants, only the cool air hitting his skin did nothing to help the burn building in his balls. Yes, his balls hurt so much they felt like they were on fire.

  His hands roamed her body; kneading the soft flesh with his fingertips as his mouth found the lace covering her pussy. He slid his tongue over the thin fabric and she opened her legs wider. A few more long, languid strokes of his tongue and she was already becoming boneless in his grasp. He looked up, giving her a smug grin as his teeth found the string of her panties and slowly slid them down her long legs.

  “Can we speed this along please?”

  Tatum’s breathless request skated made him chuckle. “Impatient much?”

  “Yes, now stand up and get to it.”

  When Jett stood, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the back of the couch. He spun her around and placed his hand on the middle of her back, forcing her to bend her over.

  She gasped. “What are you doing?”

  Leaning over her body, he pressed his face close to hers and nipped her earlobe. “Speeding this along.”

  Grabbing the base of his cock he guided himself inside her already slick pussy. The scorching, pleasure filled sensation rippling through him as he pushed inside her tight walls almost had him coming, but he wanted more. He snapped his hips forward, thrusting in and out, faster and faster until his animal screamed at him to stop before he let himself go.

  Tatum moaned her irritation, probably due to the loss of friction between them and he couldn’t relate to her more. Out of breath, she turned to face him. “Why’”

  He couldn’t answer her. He could barely breathe, let alone form a complete sentence. The uncontrollable need his wolf had to mate with her was strong. Strong enough to take over his senses and slow things down. This was supposed to be something they would both remember for the rest of their lives; not some wham, bam, thank you ma’am one-night stand.

  After taking in a few deep breaths he was finally ready to respond. “I had to. We need to slow down.”


  He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and flashed her a mischievous grin. “So, I can do this.” With his cock still inside her, he pulled her hips to him settling himself as deep as he could possibly go and trailed soft kisses up her back until he reached her shoulder. He grazed his teeth along her damp skin, inhaling her intoxicating scent, then he bit down hard.

  “Ah! Why didn’t you warn me…?”

  Tatum’s voice trailed off as Jett pumped in and out of her, pleasing her with slow, steady strokes. With his teeth clamped down on her shoulder, he wound a hand in her long, thick hair and gently tugged it in time with his strokes. His body was on the verge of igniting into flames. He’d never experienced this kind of connection with another soul before. The force between them was stronger than the gravitational pull cementing them to the floor. Even his perception of time was knocked off its axis. Everything seemed to wane, down to the blood flowing through his veins. He could hear his heart thumping as it slowed to a pace where he thought he’d die any second. Just when was about to pass out from the euphoria of it all, his release came crashing over him, bringing his surroundings back up to speed.

  The sound of Tatum’s low moan cleared the fog out of his brain and he unlatched his teeth from her skin. He pressed a tender kiss to the back of her neck. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head lazily and smiled. “Mmmhmm.”

  “Now will you tell me what Adonis and Eira are having?”

  Tatum laughed. “No!”

  Chapter Twelve

  One week later

  “See you later.” Tatum yelled over her shoulder. Jett seemed lost in thought as he sat with his head down and planned his next hiking tour. Now was the perfect time to slip out without him giving her the third degree on why she shouldn’t go out alone until those rogue wolves were caught. No one knew what their agenda was, but they all felt it was not good. Jett had either acco
mpanied her everywhere she went and when he couldn’t go, he had another shifter keep an eye on her. Mate or not, he was starting to get on her nerves. Not because he was worried about her, because she thought he was sweet for caring so much. But she could take care of herself. She had a phone in case there was trouble. She wanted to spend some time alone and think. Maybe she could sneak out while Jett was distracted. Jett absentmindedly waved, seemingly lost in thought as Tatum opened the door.

  “Hold on!”

  Shit. So close, yet still so far. “Yes?” She said sweetly as she fluttered her lashes.

  He stood from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to her. “Don’t bat those beautiful eyelashes at me like that. Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I am going into town to buy something nice for Eira. The twins are a week late and she’s really upset. She’s been dying for some peanut butter cookies and I think they’ll cheer her up. Then I’m going to go buy the babies a bunch of clothes and you can’t come because you are not allowed to know the twins genders.”

  “Those babies have plenty of clothes already and you are not going into town alone I told you.”

  “First of all, the twins only have yellow and green clothing.” Tatum stuck her finger in her open mouth. “Gag. They need the proper colors and I’m the only one who knows what they are. Second, I’m a grown woman who can take care of herself. And third, you don’t tell me to do anything.”

  “Well, I hate to bust your bubble missy, but until it’s safe to go out alone, you will have an escort.”

  “You are not my father.”

  “No, but I am your mate. So, it’s your job to keep me happy and content just as I do for you, and what will make me happy right now is knowing you’re safe when you leave this house.”

  Tatum squinted her eyes. “That was a low blow.”

  “Glad you see things my way. I’ll call Ronin to come get you.”

  “I can just meet him at the bakery.”

  “I don’t want you to be alone Tatum.”

  “I’ll be in the car. Besides, it’s daytime and there are plenty of people out and about. I’ll be fine.” She kissed his cheek and hopped off the porch, darting down the few steps leading to the gravel driveway.


  She was fully expecting him to run after her, but he stood on the stairs with his phone pressed to his ear; undoubtedly calling Ronin to meet me at the store. Ah. Peace and quiet; at least until she got to town and had to drag her new brother-in-law all over the place. Ronin was fun company though, so she couldn’t complain. They got along so well it was like they’d been friends forever. Speaking of friend, she really missed Jasper. She hated that he was so far away. She couldn’t just jump on her bike and show up at his apartment anytime she wanted to. It was too long of a drive to take on a whim. God, she even missed that hellish walk up those six flights of stairs she dreaded every time she went there. Okay, maybe she didn’t miss those stairs, but she definitely missed her best friend. She should call him. Yeah, he could keep her company on the phone until she got to town.

  Tatum reached into her purse and slid her thumb over the screen. She slowed to take a sharp left turn and tapped the contact button when there was a straight stretch of road ahead; though she shouldn’t have been on the phone while she was driving, she was cautious enough to slow down when needed. Driving off the side of a cliff would not be her idea of a fun time. She clicked Jasper’s name a surprisingly he picked right away.”

  “Hey Tay! I was just thinking about you.”

  “Aww, you were?”

  “Always. You’re my best friend. I wish you were here.”

  “You mean so I can show up at your place uninvited whenever I want, eat your stale ass breakfast croissants, and shower you with all my awesome complaints for the day.”

  “Yes.” He said in a whiny tone. “And don’t hate on my croissants. I don’t see you bringing me anything to eat when you come barging in.”

  Tatum laughed. “Hey, I’m your guest, you should be entertaining me, not the other way around.” She slowed again to take another hard-left turn, only that time a gigantic gray wolf ran in front of her car, causing her to swerve. She turned the steering wheel right then left again as she skidded to a stop. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” She screamed out her open window. What was with her and almost running these damn wolves over? And did they always wind up jumping in front of the vehicle she happened to be driving. Tatum heard the faint sound of Jasper’s voice calling her name and she realized she had dropped the phone while trying not to kill a local shifter and herself in the process. She picked up her cell and pressed it to her ear, still sitting parked in the middle of the road.


  “Hey, sorry. I dropped my phone.”

  “Oh good. I thought you were in an accident.”

  “Close to it. I almost hit a fucking wolf.”


  “Right?! Like what the Hell?!”

  “Hmm. They’re not as smart as you think they’d be, are they?”

  Tatum laughed. “I miss you so much.”

  “Soon as I get some time off work, I come and visit you.”

  A low growl vibrated outside the window of Tatum’s car. Panic shook her to the core. It was not the kind of growl she was accustomed to hearing. This was definitely a threatening tone and she froze where she sat with the phone still glued to her ear. She wanted to call Jasper’s name but was afraid of what the large beast would do if she did. She thought of just stomping on the gas pedal and hightailing it out of there, but she’d seen how fast wolves could go and he’d no doubt catch up to her before she got a good distance away from him. She decided to take a chance and try to get some help. “Jasper.” She said on a whisper, but that’s all she managed to say before the humongous wolf lunged for her. She dropped the phone, screaming as scurried over to the passenger door. Swinging it open was the easy part, how she was going to get away with all her limbs intact was the million-dollar question. As soon as she took a out of the car, she was pulled to the ground by another gray wolf. He dragged her screaming and kicking down a path off the side of the mountain and into the dense brush of the woods.

  When she was finally released, she stood and tried to bolt again until she was cut off by a black wolf. At first, she thought it was Jett, but as he stalked toward her, she realized it wasn’t him at all. Sheer terror skated down her spine as they circled her. “What do you what from me?!”

  One of the gray wolves shifted transformed to their human form and Tatum put her hand in front of her face to shield her eyes from his naked body. She was not interested in seeing this man’s junk right now, or ever for that matter.

  He approached her slowly, lowering her hand to side. His steel blue eyes sent an icy chill up her arms as his deep voice seemed to vibrate the tree around them. “What I want is you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “I need you to lure that mate of yours out here so I can kill him and take over as alpha of the pack.”

  “Why don’t you make your own pack?”

  He laughed. “It doesn’t work like that sweetheart. You see, your mate has a pretty good setup here and if I kill him, I can take over. He’s one of the last alphas around to be doing so well and believe me we’ve searched for a really long time.”

  “Do you really think you’re strong enough to take him on? He’s an alpha for a reason.”

  “Trust me. He’s a pansy compared to some of the other wolves I’ve put down. He’s been living up here too long living in the lap of luxury. He’s forgotten what it is to be wild. He’ll be dead soon enough, and then little lady…” He placed his forefinger under her chin and tipped her head back. “’ll be mine for the taking.”

  Tatum straightened, anger boiling in her gut. She cocked her head back and spit right in his face. “I will not be a pawn in your little game.”

  He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand and flashed her an evil grin. “Feis
ty. Just the way I like them.” Then he slapped her across the face, backhanding her with the same hand he’d wiped off her spit with.

  Tatum could feel her cheek beginning to swell already as she snapped her head up to glare at him. She didn’t care what he did to her. There was no way on God’s green earth she was going to allow him to use her to get to Jett.


  Not ten minutes after getting off the phone with Ronin to tell him to meet Tatum in town, his cell rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and glance at the number flashing across the screen. It wasn’t one he recognized, but he answered the call anyway. “Hello?”

  “Jett? This is Jasper.”

  That would explain why he didn’t recognize the number. The few times they did talk on the phone, it was on Tatum’s cell. That was another good question. Why would he be calling his phone instead of Tatum’s? “Jasper? Tatum isn’t home. She’s on her way to…”

  “Jett! Something is wrong!”

  Jett’s blood ran cold at Jasper’s words. “What are you talking about?”

  “I was on the phone with her while she was driving and she almost hit a wolf and almost crashed her…”

  “Wait! Slow down! Did you say she almost hit a wolf?”

  “Yes! Then she screamed, and she was gone!”

  “I gotta go Jasper. I’ll call you back.” Jett hung up and immediately called Ronin back. Jasper had to be wrong. Tatum was safe and sound with his brother. She had to be.

  Ronin answered on the second ring. “Bro, where the Hell is Tatum? I’ve been standing her for…”

  Fuck. Jasper was right after all. Tatum was in serious jeopardy and he had no idea where she was. “Ronin Tatum is in trouble. Jasper was on the phone with her and he said she almost hit a wolf on the road.”



  “Right. Well, what happened?”

  “I don’t know. Jasper said he heard her scream and then she was gone. We have to find her. She could be hurt or worse…”


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