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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

Page 17

by Ali Parker

  A woman, a Madison Green to be precise, was claiming that she was pregnant with Jared’s child. The article had been posted just under four hours ago, and it quoted Miss Green as saying, “I’ve tried to contact him to tell him that I’m having his baby, but he’s refusing to have anything to do with me. Or with his child.”

  Tears stung the backs of my eyes, and a wave of nausea rolled through me. I couldn’t believe this. Making quick mental calculations, I tried to determine whether he could have knocked her up while we were already together. Since the article didn’t say how far along she was, it was entirely possible that he had, and also absolutely impossible for me to actually calculate.

  As I fought to remain calm, I remembered the promise that I’d made to myself to stop assuming the worst about him and to stop chewing him out over things he hadn’t done. I allowed myself to focus on that and felt the anger and disappointment leaving my body as I gulped in a few deep breaths.

  It’s going to be okay. I had to believe that.

  Even if the woman was pregnant, and on the off chance that the baby was, in fact, Jared’s, I had to believe in him and that it hadn’t been conceived after we’d started sleeping together. More than that, though, I knew in my bones that he wasn’t the kind of man who would simply blow off a woman he’d impregnated.

  Sure, there was no way he was going to make an honest woman out of her or anything, but he wouldn’t refuse all contact, and he definitely wouldn’t refuse to provide for his child. My shoulders squared as I absorbed all these things I knew to be true.

  I had to be there for him, both as his PR agent, and if nothing else, as his friend.

  Red hot annoyance spread through me at the lies the woman was spreading, one way or the other. I wasn’t going to allow her to paint him as the next poster child for the “worthless fathers who didn’t support their kids” list. Not on my watch. Slamming down the lid on my laptop and leaving my cooling coffee behind, I headed to my bedroom to throw on some clothes.

  It was time to get to work.

  An hour after my rude awakening, the early light of dawn was playing softly on the ocean beyond the windows of Gerry’s office, where Jared sat next to me listening to Gerry rant and rave.

  Somehow, in the midst of all this, Jared was freshly showered, and the clean, masculine smell coming off him where he sat so close to me was distracting me from Gerry’s lecture about how many times he’d warned them about the pitfalls of their lifestyle.

  Looking as unshakable and impenetrable as ever, Jared was almost bored as he listened. Clad in another of his old, iconic rock shirts, sunglasses hanging from his neckline, and a worn pair of jeans, I knew that Gerry saw him as nothing but another entitled, arrogant rock star.

  “Be honest with me, Jared. Do you know this woman?”

  “Now you ask me that? After making me sit through all of that?” Jared folded his arms, cocked a dark eyebrow, and smiled smugly. “Yeah, I know her. Before you ask, yes. I did sleep with her. Once.”

  My stomach sank a little, and irritation flared in my belly at how smugly he said it. However, his genuine exasperation and annoyance when he continued was like a soothing balm to the stinging brought on by his admission, and the tone he’d used when making it.

  “She told me she was on birth control, but I used a condom, anyway. I always wrap it before I tap it, no exceptions. I’m borderline fanatic about it. Both to avoid getting some random disease, as well as avoid having to support a strange woman’s kid for the next, what? Twenty-one years?”

  Gerry ran his hands through his hair, graying at the roots—it was time for him to dye it again—as he suggested. “Maybe this one time, you forgot.”

  “I didn’t forget,” Jared scoffed, dismissing the possibility outright. Having personal knowledge of how dedicated Jared was to wearing condoms, regardless of the heat of the moment or the place, I tended to agree with him.

  “How do you know? Maybe you were drunk or—”

  Jared held up a hand to stop him and shook his head. “No. I wasn’t. I remember this chick. We were at my place after a party at Nick’s. I wasn’t that drunk, and I specifically remember her begging me to leave the condom off. It was a bit of a fucking turn off, and it was definitely her.”

  “If that’s true, then why is she coming after you?”

  “I don’t know.” Jared shrugged. “She showed up at my house a couple of days later and tried to seduce me, then got all pissed when I refused her. I think this whole thing might be a shakedown by a slightly obsessed fan who may or may not still be holding a grudge.”

  “Why didn’t I know about this?” I asked him, but there was no distrust or judgment in my voice.

  His eyes cut to mine. It didn’t look like he was hiding anything when he answered me. “It all happened before I even met you. I think it was maybe a week or so before you came on board. By the time I met you, I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. There was never any reason to bring her up.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  His brow furrowed a little, but he nodded. “I’m telling you, if this woman is pregnant, the kid’s not mine,” Jared concluded, dropping his chin as if waiting for Gerry to contradict him.

  I didn’t know which one of the two of us was more surprised when the contradiction didn’t come, nor did any more questions. Gerry shifted in his seat and focused his attention on me. “This is what we’re going to do. You’re going to spin it as a full-frontal assault by an obsessed stalker, and I’m going to round up Ted and his team. We’ll demand blood tests and take it from there.”

  I nodded and started to rise from my seat when Gerry stopped me. “One last thing. Here’s a picture of her. Take it with you. We’ll both have to make sure that security everywhere he goes, knows that she’s not to come within spitting distance of him.”

  Sliding the picture over his desk, I picked it up, and while I didn’t actually want to know what any of Jared’s previous conquests looked like, I was going to have to see this one eventually. My eyes dropped to the photograph I was holding, and to my great surprise, it wasn’t jealousy that flared in me at the sight of the undoubtedly beautiful woman I was staring at, but recognition.

  I knew her from somewhere. I just couldn’t quite place her.



  A week.

  A fucking week. That was how long it had been since I woke up to a severely pissed-off Gerry telling me that I was being accused, of all things, of being a father.

  It was ridiculous.

  And yet, it had taken the whole week to set up this meeting. Alicia sat on my left around a conference table in one of the big conference rooms on the top floor of Gerry’s office building. The sun was so bright I had to shield my eyes as I looked out the window, but Gerry, sitting to my right, noticed and hit a button that automatically lowered with the blinds.

  Good old Ted, our lawyer, was seated on Gerry’s other side with his younger associate next to him. Across the table from my team was Madison and her lawyer. I’d forgotten the man’s name right after I was told who he was.

  True to his word, Gerry had demanded a blood test, and we were waiting on a courier to deliver the results. In the meantime, Madison’s lawyer had taken it upon himself to deliver a big speech.

  “If you want to settle this matter, I suggest that you start making proposals right now.” The man wheezed. He was completely bald, and it didn’t look like it was by choice. His skin was pale and covered by a thin layer of sweat. He looked a bit sick, but that didn’t put a stop to his theatrics. “My client is willing to consider a deal while we wait, but once those test results come in, I’ve advised her against taking any settlement offer that might be forthcoming. This is the time to accept the gift that she is graciously allowing in providing you with the opportunity to settle. If you don’t accept it now, there will be no settlement. We will bleed you dry, Mr. Larsen.”

  “You used me, Jared,” Madison interjected tearfully. “You used me like I
meant nothing to you, and then you threw me away like a dirty dish rag. You wouldn’t even talk to me, but I’m still willing to give you one last chance to make this right.”

  I prided myself on having made it this far into this whole process without my temper flaring up, at least not outwardly, but this was too much. She was flat-out lying about what happened between us, and she fucking knew it.

  “Are you insane? Or are you suffering from amnesia or some kind of mental disorder? I didn’t use you, Madison. I was completely upfront with you from the get go. You knew exactly what you were getting into. In fact, I distinctly remember you bringing up my reputation before I said a goddamn thing. Then, you show up at my house without being invited, and you practically begged me to fuck you again. You’re an obsessed groupie. Don’t pretend you ever meant anything to me. And don’t fucking pretend you didn’t know it.”

  Frustrated rage was rolling off me in waves, and Alicia put her hand quickly to the side of my thigh, squeezing me lightly. Telling me to calm down. Glancing at her, I tried to accept the small amount of comfort that she was offering me by that light touch.

  Then I realized that more than being appreciative and grateful for her being by my side and trying to comfort me, she was one of the big reasons I was so wound up about these lies. I was worried about what she thought of me.

  Well, shit. When did that happen? I couldn’t remember the last time I gave a flying fuck about what anyone thought of me, but I was genuinely worried now. What did all of this look like to her?

  Madison sniffed indignantly at my insult and launched into another one of her delusional rants. “We made a baby together, Jared. How could you possibly say that I’m nothing more than an obsessed groupie, and that I never was? I’m the—”

  “Okay, everyone shut up.” Alicia surprised me by chiming in, her voice cool and authoritative.

  A quick look around the table told me that everyone else was as surprised as I was, no one more so than Madison, who seemed to want nothing more than to scratch Alicia’s eyes out with those red claws of hers. I shuddered at the vague memory of those nails scratching at my back.

  “Do you know that fraud is a criminal offense, Madison?” she continued, opening the bright yellow folder she’d had in front of her since I’d walked in. She’d been working nearly around the clock this week, and I’d hardly seen her at all. I didn’t know what she had in the folder, but if she were a cat, I would’ve been checking the cream. And the canary.

  “What are you talking about?” Madison asked irritably.

  Alicia smiled sweetly, and I knew that whatever was about to come was going to be good. “Oh, sorry. I meant to ask whether you knew that fraud was a criminal offense, Jenny?”

  Madison’s cheeks, pink from her feigned indignation, drained of all color, and her jaw became slightly unhinged. Her lawyer looked at her, clearly confused, but he didn’t interrupt.

  “You see, gentlemen. Miss Green here’s first name isn’t Madison. It’s Jenny. She looked so familiar to me when I first saw her, but I have to give it to you, Jenny, you have evolved quite a bit since then. The dark hair was a nice touch.” Alicia’s tone was dripping with honey, but the undercurrent was as lethal as a recently sharpened switchblade or a loaded gun pressed to your temple.

  The entire room seemed to stop breathing while they waited for Alicia to land whatever plane she was in the process of guiding home. “It all went away nice and quietly, but it made enough of a splash in my line of work that I found out about it. This isn’t your first claim of having been impregnated by someone rich and famous, is it Jenny?”

  Madison didn’t answer her. Her ice blue eyes were wide, and she suddenly resembled a deer caught in the headlights. My girl wasn’t done with her yet, though.

  “The answer, for those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, is no. She is, in fact, the same woman who falsely accused a basketball star, who shall remain nameless for the sake of his reputation, of having impregnated her a few years ago. She tried the same tactics as she’s trying with Jared, and she failed spectacularly. Much like she will now.”

  Slumping back in my chair, I watched as Alicia started pushing papers toward Madison and her lawyer from her yellow folder. The lawyer seemed as caught unaware as the rest of us.

  She lied to you too, buddy.

  I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t hold back loud, rumbling laughter as relief swept through me, and for the first time this week, I felt like someone fucking believed me.

  Alicia had been gone. Caleb laid into me every shot he got. The other guys didn’t seem to know what to believe, and I’d walked around with this feeling of dread that Madison was about to suck everything that was good and happy about my life away from me.

  I dreaded that this story was going to tank the album, and that I was going to be the next male celebrity who got dragged over the coals for being a womanizing bastard who refused to take care of his child.

  All those feelings that had been pent-up since my phone rang that morning rolled out of me into one endless stream of barely controllable laughter.

  “Fuck, this is why Alicia is twice the woman—hell, maybe even ten times the woman and girlfriend—than someone like you could ever be,” I said when I finally managed to control myself. “She’s honest and loyal and intelligent. She’s true to herself, and she’s worked fucking hard to get where she is. She hasn’t just made herself into someone who tries to force herself into someone’s life and ride the coattails of their success.”

  Madison glared at me, while Alicia hissed. “Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.”

  I wanted to point out that this was yet another reason why women like Madison could never compete with women like Alicia: Madison actively sought out compliments and would even accept the false kind, while Alicia would never accept anything less than the truth.

  And even if what I was saying about her was absolutely true, Alicia was happy to receive compliments in private and didn’t need them rubbed in anyone’s faces. I honestly didn’t want to embarrass her, though, so instead of rattling off the very long list of reasons that I had of why she was my girlfriend and not someone like Madison, I ended my uncharacteristic outburst with a simple statement.

  “And that’s why she’s my girlfriend.”

  Madison’s furious glare returned to Alicia, but evidently, she wasn’t quite ready to give up yet. “Just because you know about my background doesn’t mean that this isn’t Jared’s baby growing inside me.”

  Gerry’s phone buzzed at that exact moment, and he excused himself, doing up the button on his jacket as he rose. “Excuse me, the courier is here. I’ll be right back.”

  He strode from the room with a confident gait, and the tension was palpable as we waited for him to come back, which happened not a minute later. Holding up the sealed envelope once he got back to the table, he tore it open and read the results.

  My heart was pounding, but his expression was unreadable as he handed the results to Ted, who wore an equally undecipherable expression as he handed the results to Madison’s lawyer.

  It was Madison’s paunchy, nameless lawyer who finally filled the class in on what the potentially life-changing piece of paper said. He cleared his throat once. Then again.

  Refusing to meet Madison’s eyes, he spread the paper out on the table and began to read. “It says that not only does the baby not belong to Mr. Larsen, but that you are not even pregnant, Miss Green.”

  Madison turned on the water works and immediately started sputtering. “That’s not possible. I missed my period, and my breasts have been so tender.”

  She buried her face in her hands, grabbed her purse slung around the conference room chair, and rushed out of the room without another word.

  “May I have a moment alone with Alicia, please, gentlemen?” I asked. I could have just demanded that they all left the room, but I understood that they were here to do their jobs and that I shouldn’t be a complete prick about things.

Madison’s lawyer, and Ted’s associate all looked to him. Ted started gathering his papers and placing them in his briefcase. Then, he stood and turned to me. “You are well within your rights to sue Miss Green for slander, among other things, if that’s what you would like to do, Jared.”

  “No,” I replied. “Thanks for the advice, Ted. But doing that would be a waste of time and energy. I’m just happy to be putting this thing to bed.”

  Madison’s lawyer looked relieved, while Ted nodded and snapped his briefcase shut. “Good bye then, Jared. Miss Diamond.” Ted nodded to us and left the room. His associate and Madison’s lawyer scrambled out after him. Gerry told Alicia that she’d done a good job, and he told me that I was expected in the studio before he left.

  Finally, the room was cleared, the door was closed, and for the first time in a week, I had Alicia all to myself.



  “You did all that for me?” Jared asked, turning slowly to face me.

  God, how I’d missed him. After going a week without seeing him properly, I wanted to throw myself into his arms and cling to him like I was that koala bear he’d told me Nick thought he’d caught an STD from.

  Minus the STD. Although Nick was clean, too, so I didn’t quite understand why they still joked about it. I also didn’t know why Gerry had sent me the guys’ latest panels last month.

  But I digressed instead of focusing on how it good it felt to be alone with Jared again.

  I’d somehow, impossibly, forgotten just how devastatingly handsome he was in my frenzied week of research over that woman and trying to get a handle on the story. He towered over me, but he’d never once made me feel intimidated. His dark brown hair was mussed, and the sunlight peeking through the blinds just caught the ends of the deep chestnut strands.

  Most of his tattoos were covered by the white button-up shirt that Gerry had probably instructed him to wear, and his casual slacks were a long way off from the usual tight leather pants or worn jeans, but he looked like my Jared all the same.


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