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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

Page 66

by Ali Parker


  Chapter 13


  Pleasure burst through my stomach and I pressed down against him, wanting all of him like a greedy whore. Never in my wildest imagination had I envisioned the heat that bubbled up between us. His strong body pressed against me, trapping me to the wall as he rolled his hips and worked a little of his girth inside of me.

  "Ethan," I panted as everything slowed around me.

  "Too much?" He moved back and brushed my hair from my forehead before kissing me with a passion that I wouldn't soon forget.

  "Yes, but I want all of you." I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed at the side of his face as he gripped my ass tightly and thrusted again.

  "Then relax. You're so damn tight, but it's tension, baby. I can feel it. Give yourself to me, Ri. Open up and let me in."

  "I want to." I could almost feel the tension pulling me to clench more. My muscles ached, my back hurt, but damn if I was giving up.

  "Just concentrate on how good it feels." He licked up the column of my neck and pulled out. "Go get on the bed and let me make love to you."

  I wasn't sure what to think about his offer. Making love sounded so much better than fucking where he was concerned.

  "Get a condom." I walked to the bed and crawled up on my hands and knees. "You want me like this?"

  "I do, but not tonight. Lie down. Fucking looks like that. Ass in the air, getting drilled into so we can both blow like fountains. Making love is different, but you know that, don't you." He moved to the edge of the bed, his voice low and sensual as he watched me and worked a condom over his erection. I was momentarily surprised they had one big enough.

  "Not really." I reached for him as he crawled on the bed with me and rested on top of me.

  His lips were soft as they moved across mine before placing sweet kisses all around my face. "Never been in love?"

  "No." I wrapped my legs around him as panic ran through me. Was he playing me? Playing the part? Trying to give me what he thought I wanted? A shallow facade of fucking that felt like love just to appease me? Did he know how I felt? Had Clayton told him?

  "What are you thinking about?" He brushed his fingers over my forehead, pushing my hair back as he pressed into me.

  I arched my back and let out a long moan as warmth filled my stomach. "Nothing."

  "Liar. You're tense again. Almost too tight." He ran his nose just below my chin before moving down and settling between my legs. The soft brush of his tongue over my nipple had me crying out again.

  "What are you doing?" I let my eyes take in the scene before me. The most beautiful man in the world, the object of my lust, the center of my love was taking time to touch me, to kiss me, to love on me. Why?

  "Is that question legit?" He chuckled and ran his tongue over my breast before pulling it into his mouth.

  I groaned again as my body betrayed me and prepared for anything he might want. "Yes."

  He breathed in deeply and moved back up. "I can smell your arousal. It's delicious. I wanna taste it." He licked at my neck, nibbling as his hands ran down my side and around to cup my ass tightly. "Relax, baby. Please."

  The last thing I wanted to do was upset him. I knew how badly he wanted someone in his bed that could handle him, and I was proving not to be that woman thanks to being so fucking tense. He was a big guy, but I could take care of him, no problem. If I could calm down.

  He thrusted and got nowhere. I expected to hear aggravation or anger, but none of that came. He continued to kiss and lick at my mouth and neck, drawing me in deeper to the possibility that he could love me.

  He glanced up as if he could read my thoughts. His voice so soft, his eyes filled with the depth of adoration I would have ransomed my life for.

  Acting or not... it did the trick.

  I pressed my fingers into the thick muscles of his back and let out a long breath before closing my eyes and letting my heart soar. He loved me. Whether he knew it or not. He loved me.

  "There you go, baby." He moved up and pressed his mouth against mine as he sunk deep inside of me, pressing his hips against mine and leaving nothing else to offer me.

  I bucked against the orgasm that slammed into me, but he didn't lift up and drive into me as I expected, but held me closer and rocked his body against mine. Pleasure like I never knew existed zipped me in a cocoon and I cried out over and over and over again.


  Ethan came a half an hour later, his position and slow grind against me never changing once. It was bliss. Heaven. Connection like I'd never experienced with anyone else. It had to be because of me loving him.

  Lust only went so far, and often left me cold. Poor Jace. How long had he wanted more? How much better would our relationship have been if I'd even considered it when we were younger?

  I let my thoughts keep me up half the night while Ethan lay beside me on his stomach, spread out like the diva he was. A smile lifted my lips at the thought of him acting up. He was good at it, but everyone was who needed attention.

  Maybe growing up in the spotlight wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Like being in a crowded room where everyone knows you, but you're completely alone.

  I brushed my hand down his back softly, memorizing the peaceful expression on his impossibly handsome face. "I love you," I whispered softly and moved closer to him.

  He grunted something and rolled on his side, reaching for me and wrapping me in a tight bear hug before passing out again.

  A part of me wanted to pull out of his hold to regain a sense of independence, but I couldn't. He was so close, so strong, so beautiful.

  There was really no need to fight against whatever we were headed toward being, even if it was just fuck buddies who took care of each other. I'd be devastated if that was our end result from everything we were building, but I'd take that over nothing.

  Tears blurred my vision, and I worked my hands up to my face to wipe at them.

  He grumbled again and shifted enough to where his erection pressed against my stomach, lighting me up as if I wasn't bent-over sore from the damage he'd done the night before.

  "So beautiful," he mumbled, his eyes fluttering open before he closed them again and started to breathe heavy.

  I watched him for the next hour, just breathing in his scent and living a fantasy of sorts.


  "Where's Ethan?" Deza glanced around as I sat down at the breakfast table across from her.

  "He's still sleeping." I reached up to pull my hair into a ponytail. I'd gone to my room for a quick shower after realizing that Ethan wasn't going to get up any time soon. Deza wanted to do breakfast and I was glad for the girl time.

  "Did you spend the night with him?"

  It really wasn't her business. "Yeah. I'm in love with him. You know that."

  She picked up her coffee and shook her head. "I know, but I hate it."

  "I'm sorry if we've disappointed you." Tears filled my eyes again. I was going on little to no sleep and trying like hell to figure out who I was in the midst of the greatest love story of my life.

  "No... not like that." She picked up her fork and pushed her eggs around her plate. "I'm glad you've found love, and God knows, Ethan needs a woman like you more than anything else in the world. I just wish you guys had found love with someone other than each other. If anything goes wrong-"

  "I'm a big girl, Deza. I've been through a lot of shit. I'll be fine if-"

  "No. You won't. No one is." She tossed the napkin from her lap onto the table. "I thought I would be too, and my marriage ended years ago. I'm not okay. I love Darren, and I miss him so fucking bad I feel like most days I've swallowed a million tiny pieces of glass. Each one of them is cutting at my soul as I move through the day without him."

  A tear dripped down her face and she cursed and reached for the napkin, wiping her eyes and getting syrup all over her hands.

  "Well, fuck," she mumbled and tossed the napkin back on her plate.

  I laughed as
a tear rolled down my cheek too. "Here." I grabbed my napkin and dipped it into my water as she extended her sticky hand toward me.

  "I'm sorry. You'd think I would be over all of this."

  "You don't have feelings for anyone else? It's always been Darren?"

  "I used to think that maybe something would become of me and Ethan, but I just don't feel that way about him." She pulled her hand back, her words shocking me a little.

  "Oh. I didn't know-"

  She laughed and lifted her hand. "No. It's not like that. There's nothing to know. I'm just saying. We're together all the time and such. That's all. It's become like a brother/sister relationship now."

  "Was it ever anything else?"

  "Nope." She waved down the waitress. "Order something to eat. We have a little more filming today and we're done for the week."

  I took the menu and tried to focus on the words, but Deza's confession about her and Ethan seemed odd. Off. Was she against me and Ethan getting together because he belonged to her? No. That was stupid. She was crushed by Darren, which spoke volumes.

  At least, it seemed like she was. Scary enough, everyone around me was really, really good at putting on a show.

  Ethan Lewis being the best of all.

  Chapter 14


  My phone buzzing beside the bed finally woke me up, though I thought it was some part of a fucked up dream I was having about me and Riley getting married on a lake. The buzzing had turned into bees buzzing around us, and instead of being the manly guy I tried to exude, I turned into a six-year-old girl, running around and swatting at them while I screamed my ass off.

  "Thank God." I groaned and reached for my phone, but didn't answer it just yet. I wanted to see if my girl was still in the room. "Riley?"


  I put the phone to my ear before checking it. "What?"

  "Is that any way to talk to your mother?" My mom's voice was chipper. Way the fuck too chipper.

  I winced. Why the hell hadn't I checked the caller ID?

  "Hey, Mom. Long night of filming. Sorry." I pressed my palm to my forehead and took a deep breath. "What's up?"

  "It's all right, honey. I was just calling to get the numbers for this weekend. Are you and Liam still planning on coming? You are, right?"

  "Yeah. We'll be there. We're both bringing dates."

  "Oh good. Girlfriends or..."

  "Or what, Mom?"

  "I don't know. You know the world is changing."

  I came so close to telling her that I was still very much a pussy man, but I let it drop. My mom was the only person in my life that didn't appreciate my humor in the slightest. Liam and I would have to put a black cloak over our personalities when we went to the party on Saturday, hence the reason we didn't have much of anything to do with the pricks.

  "Right. I'm bringing my fiancé," a wicked smile lifted my lips, "and Liam is bringing his new girlfriend."

  "New? What happened to the old one?"

  "He traded her in for a younger model?" I snorted and sat up.


  "Right. Anyway. We'll be there. You need us to bring anything?"

  "Just plan on helping with set up and clean up if you're able to. We have about two hundred people coming to help us celebrate."

  "Two hundred? Shit."

  "Watch your mouth." Her tone changed and the buzzer went off in my head. Time to hang up. Mommy dearest was soon to arrive on the scene.

  "See you Saturday, Mom. Congrats." I forced myself to wait until she said her goodbyes before hanging up and tossing the phone back onto the bed.

  And then it hit me.

  I'd found a woman that not only had the ability to captivate my heart and leave me in awe of her talent, but she could fully take my cock.

  A yelp left me as I ran my fingers through my hair and walked around the room butt-ass naked. I bounced on my feet as excitement raced through me.

  "I knew she could do it. I fucking knew it." I tugged on my cock. "You knew too, huh, big guy?"

  I laughed. "Am I talking to my- never mind."

  My worst fear of never being able to really make love to a woman was over - conquered. All the struggle and anger over being different, and it was for nothing. I didn't need to find a woman. I needed to find the right woman. Riley had opened up to me like a flower when I let myself go and love her the way I wanted to.

  "Yes." I bounced around in a circle, my cock swinging around, having his own party. "Yes."

  Nothing could ruin the high I was on... nothing.


  "Awww fuck," I grumbled as I walked toward the hotel bar.

  Frank turned around and shook his head. "They didn't just go for the magazines and the newspapers. They went for the major networks."

  I sat down on a barstool beside him and watched as the reporter on the huge screen in front of us interviewed Amber about me knocking her up and leaving her high and dry. Tilting my head to the side, I studied her.

  "I've never seen that girl a day in my life." I leaned in and tried to remember having sex with her.

  "That doesn't mean too much, Ethan. You're somewhat known for being promiscuous."

  "Does that mean whore in French?" I winked at him and tapped the counter. "I didn't fuck that girl. I rarely go for redheads."

  "What?" He chuckled. "Why?"

  "They're too dominant or too docile. There is no in between with those women." I turned and glanced around the hotel to find several people staring my way in what appeared to be disgust. "This should be a fun hump to get over."

  "You like humps." Frank poked me in the side.

  "Not this kind." I turned back around and pulled out my phone. A quick text to Riley to see where she was and I was ready to film my individual segments. I was happy to see her sitting on a lawn chair near the set with a book in her hand, a beach hat on her pretty head and a smile on her face.

  "Morning, handsome." She lifted her chin and lowered her sunglasses. "You okay?"

  "I'm much better than okay." I knelt beside her. "Did you see that shit on the news this morning?"

  She winced. "Yeah, but you knew she was going to do that, Ethan."

  "I'm not settling. I don't even know that woman. I didn't sleep with her."

  "And even if you did," she reached out and touched the side of my face, drawing me in with nothing more than her kindness, "you don't deserve the shit she's pulling."

  "She's lying." I stood up and glanced over at the set. "Wait for me this afternoon and we can ride back together. You studying?" The book in her lap didn't look like something a person might read for leisure.

  "Yeah. I have a few make-up finals tomorrow. My professors are trying to work with me." She shrugged and pulled her glasses back into place.

  "All right. Come over and study at my place tonight. I'll make us something to eat-"

  "You cook? I thought you didn't." She smirked.

  "I cooked for you last time you came over, remember?"

  "The night you denied me our first kiss?" She pulled her sunglasses back down and stole my heart for the millionth time.

  Frank's voice pulled me from my quirky response. "All right lover boy. Get your ass over here and let's get this done. We're hoping to get out of here around three today."

  "Right in the middle of traffic?" I shook my head and gave him a thumbs up. "Fucking brilliant."

  "I talked to Charlotte and she's good going with us this weekend if you still need a fake girlfriend." Something in her voice said she wasn't happy about the fake part. Did she want more? Surely not.

  "Well, Charlotte will have to play Liam's fake girlfriend. And you, my pretty, are my fiancé. We're taking it a little farther."

  "Oh yeah?" She picked up her book and tilted her head to the side. "Well, I expect a serious payback for giving up my time and being forced to lie in front of your parents."

  "I told you I'd let you pet the monster." I winked and pulled my sunglasses off my head before walking toward the set.<
br />
  "I've already conquered him. Got anything else up your sleeve?" she called after me as I laughed under my breath.

  "Nope, but I got plenty in my pants. Keep it up and I'll spank you with him." I stopped beside Deza.

  "Who's him?" she asked.

  "Yeah, you don't wanna know." I walked past her and got in my place as Frank ran through the details of the scene. The look on Deza's face was priceless. She was back to acting like her old self, or sort of. I might have to fuck up her ex a little if he didn't move out of the picture and let her get on with her life, or maybe it was the other way around.

  Maybe she was the one hanging on so tightly.

  Chapter 15


  "I'm so glad that’s over." Ethan held the door to his place open for me.

  "Me too, but it was nice to get away to San Diego." I walked in and tried to push away the emotions that flooded me. The last time I'd been there, he'd left me feeling like a fool by denying me a kiss and then invited someone over who had the power to make him scream.

  I could still hear the sound of him groaning in the back of my mind somewhere. I wanted that power. It wasn't right and most likely trivial seeing that we had something building between us far better than a night of lust could provide, but another had it over him.

  I wanted it to be mine.

  "You okay?" He pressed his fingers to my lower back and gave me a funny look. "You're panting."

  "Sorry." I forced a chuckle and walked into the kitchen. "I really can't stay long. I need to get back to the apartment and spend a little bit of time with Charlotte. That, and I need to study."

  "And see Jace?" He turned to face me.

  "No. Jace and I are just friends."

  "Oh, I'm well aware what kind of friends you and Jace are." His voice was light as if he were being cheeky, but something told me he wasn't.


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