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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

Page 71

by Ali Parker

  "Who the fuck is this chick? Biggest stalker in the world."

  There was no need in worrying about the girl’s feelings. She couldn't hear us over her own chatter. Trish shut her down a few minutes later and turned toward me.

  "Good grief. Please tell me that doesn't happen very often."

  "More often than never. How about those odds?" I smiled.

  "Shit. I'm so sorry." Her expression softened and she reached out, taking one of my hands. "You doing okay? I know there's a lot of crap in the media right now."

  "Yeah. I'm all right. I guess." I glanced around, looking for Riley again.

  "You looking for Riley?"

  "Yeah." I turned back to Trish. "That obvious?"

  "No. I just know what's going on with you guys thanks to you sharing."

  "Have you seen her?" I slowly pulled my hand from Trish's and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't need anyone getting the wrong idea.

  "She's on another set. One they’re working on at the edge of downtown."

  "What? Since when?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Deza to find out what the hell was going on. Being informed would be really freaking great. Time was money, or something stupid like that.

  "No clue." She gave me an empathetic look. "She understood about the Deza thing, I take it?"

  "The Deza thing?" Confusion rolled over me. "Not sure what you're talking about."

  "The video."


  "Of you and Deza."

  "Doing what, exactly?"

  Deza and I hadn't taken a video outside of a press conference in years. Maybe someone was recycling one of the ones from when I was a kid and we were trying to still get attention?


  "What?" Ice water rushed through my veins. "I didn't kiss Deza."

  "Um... I hate to break it to you, but yeah, you did. You either kissed her or your doppelganger did."

  "What? Let me see this video." The voice in my head screamed no a hundred times before Trish finally got it loaded.

  I watched the first few seconds and handed her back the phone before the kiss. "You have to be fucking kidding me. I can't win for losing around here anymore."

  "Ethan. It's all okay. We know you were just helping her in front of Darren."

  "Right. Does Riley know that? How about the world?"

  By the look on her pretty face, I was getting loud and scary.

  I pursed my lips and glanced toward the sky. "I'm sorry. You doing okay since the divorce?"

  "I'm all right. Let me know if you need me, okay? I'm here for you." She reached for me, and I hugged her like I would a fan. Quick and disconnected.

  She walked off as I stood there, still in shock. Of course Riley hadn't called. She figured I'd replaced her with the only woman I'd had all my life - my agent.


  "Why didn't someone tell me about the video? That's why I'm pissed. And why the fuck isn't Deza answering her phone?" I yelled at Frank as we drove toward the medical center.

  "I figured you knew about the video, Ethan, and stop yelling. I have a headache from listening to someone working construction next to our condo all damn night. The video with Deza is not that big of a deal."

  "Not that big of a deal? Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

  "You know I hate the F word."

  "So the fuck what!" I screamed and pulled at my seatbelt. "That video makes it look like I'm the whore everyone thinks I am. The timing is horrible."

  "All right." Frank pulled the car to a stop at a red light and turned to face me. "Stop being a brat and tell me what the hell you're really upset about."

  "The video." I gave him an incredulous look. Was the fat bastard blind? "I've said that about ten times."

  "Yeah, but I've known you all your life. You're upset about something else and deflecting."

  "Seriously?" I ran my hands down my face and tried not to look crazy. "You're going to be the film director and my personal shrink?"

  "Just dig for a minute. What's turning you into a lunatic?"

  "Everything." I threw my hands in the air as my chest ached. I reached down and rubbed it.

  "What's wrong with your chest?"

  "I'm stressed the fuck out." Now I was just being a dick. It came so naturally.

  "All right, well, calm down. We're going to do this blood test and it will help us clear up the stuff with Amber, good?"

  I breathed in deeply through my nose and let it out loudly. "And why didn't Deza tell me about this video of us kissing?"

  "Why did you kiss her in the first place? And in public?"

  I whipped around and barked at him. "She kissed me, and it was a friend helping a friend. Funny how that shit never works out quite right for me, right?"

  "Okay. Chill out. I was just asking."

  "Well, don't! She needed my help to piss off Darren and now Riley hasn't called in two days after we fucked like rabbits on Saturday. I don't need your shit. I don't need anyone's." I reached for the door and he reached for me.

  "Stop it. You know I'm here to help you. We'll do the blood work and have Deza meet up with us to talk things through. The three of us have been together for a really long time, Ethan. Don't throw that away. No matter what happens... we're both going to stand by you."

  I let his words sink in. "You're right."

  "And listen... wait. What?" He released me and pressed the gas as the light turned green.

  "You're right. You guys have always been there to catch me when I fall. We'll do the blood test, talk to Deza and then I'm out." I leaned back and pressed my palms to my eyes as ten years of pain welled up inside of me.

  "You're out? Like taking the day off?"

  "Yeah, something like that." I concentrated on my breathing and tried to keep myself from breaking down. I wasn't taking off for a day. I was taking off for good. Freedom had always been the goal, and yet I was more strapped down and tied together than ever before. Everything was fucked up.

  Everything. There was no reason at all to stay.

  Someone else could be the Ethan Lewis. Hopefully someone would tell the chump that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

  Chapter 23


  "Okay, people! Let's run it one more time and then we're going to head back to the studio to meet up with Frank and Ethan." Daniel Barnes clapped his hands together and nodded toward the make-shift stage. "Marco and Vanessa. You're up first. Riley, be ready to enter into the scene at the right time, kiddo."

  "Yes, Sir." I nodded at the extra director for Eon. He and Frank rarely helped on the same movie, but we were a little behind schedule and Daniel owed Frank a favor or two.

  Deza stood off to my right, her arms wrapped around her tightly. I couldn't talk to her. She'd lied to me. Made me believe that there was nothing between her and Ethan, but now their secret was out.

  She gave me a weak smile, but I turned and walked toward the stage instead of acknowledging her at all. She had every chance in the book to explain herself. To tell me that it was a hoax, a mistake, hell... a something. Anything but what it looked like.

  I watched the scene before me unfold and waited patiently until it was time for me to make my way to the side of the stage.

  Deza's voice behind me surprised me. "Hey. You okay?"

  I glanced over my shoulder and gave her an ugly look. "Do I look okay?"

  "No. That's why I was asking. What's going on? You need something?"

  "Yeah. You to fuck off." I turned and jogged up the stage, ignoring the sound of her gasping. As if she didn't know how badly she hurt me.

  I moved through the scene in perfect form, the real me trapped behind the thickest mask I could muster. We stopped when Daniel yelled, 'cut' and took a minute to high-five one another. Deza was nowhere to be found.

  Good. I didn't have anything else to say to her or Ethan. Clayton's words couldn't have run more true after seeing the video the day before. I'd been sick all night, contemplating calling Ethan o
r just going over to his place and giving him two fist-fulls of pain and suffering.

  The fear of finding him there with Deza, the two of them wrapped around the other, left me releasing the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

  Clayton knew. He didn't have proof, but he knew that something was going on with Ethan and Deza. Why else would he force me to protect myself by assessing the reality of someone loving or not loving me? The scene was set up to do just that. To teach me how to burn through the bullshit, whether I was the one speaking or acting, or if my sexy co-star had the lead.

  I didn't need Ethan's bullshit words. I knew the truth.

  And how close had I come to opening my chest and offering my heart the way I'd offered him my body. Bile rose in my throat and I swallowed it back down until Daniel was done with his assessment.

  "Okay, kiddos. I think you're needed back at the main studio. Let's grab Clayton and head that way."

  "Clayton's here?" I walked down the stage stairs and held back the torrent of tears that wanted to fall. Seeing Clayton almost felt like it might be too much. Had he lied too? I wasn't sure.

  "Yeah. He's in the back working with Nikki. A new actress we'll have working on one of my films." Daniel smiled. "You did great."

  "Thanks." I walked toward the back to look for him.

  Luckily enough, he walked out of the room at the end of the hall and stopped. The girl behind him ran into him.

  "Sorry, Clayton." She moved around him and smiled. "Oh, you must be Riley."

  "Yeah. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand toward her as Clayton remained locked in place. He knew. Without a doubt. He knew.

  "You too. I'll see you around." She gave me an unsure wave and walked off.

  "You knew." I walked toward him as tears filled my eyes. "Why didn't you just fucking tell me?"

  "Not my place to do that." He reached for me as I lifted my fists and hit him in the chest. "Riley."

  "You knew. Is everyone around here a liar? No one cares enough about anyone to tell the truth?" I screamed in his face as my emotions broke me.

  "Come here." He pulled me close and cuddled me to his chest. "Let it out. All of it. This life isn't what it seems like."

  "Obviously." I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes, trying to center myself. "I can't do this. I'm in love with him."

  "Then build your muscle." He released me and took my face into his hands. "Resist him and do what I've taught you to do."

  "And what about you? Do you want me to resist you too? Were you bullshitting me the other day back at the studio?" The path my questioning was leading us down was dangerous. I respected Clay. I was in awe of him. I was in love with Ethan. In complete lust with him.

  I hated myself for all of it. It was all a mistake.

  "Yes. Resist me too, Riley. You have to." He leaned down and kissed me as someone cleared their throat in the background.

  I jerked out of his hold and turned to find Deza standing a few feet from me. "I'm headed back to the studio if you need a ride."

  "She doesn't," Clayton answered for me. "She's riding with me."

  Deza nodded once and turned, walking back down the hall. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stop her. With the charade she and Ethan had been playing since day one, nothing really mattered anymore anyways.

  "I love him. Not you." I glanced back at Clay and locked my jaw. I was the only truthful one in the bunch and it was time to start telling the truth.

  His warm smile surprised me. "I know that, but neither of us deserve a woman like you. As long as he doesn't have you... I'm fine not having you either."

  "Good. I'll meet you out front." I turned and walked back in the studio, not sure what to do or say to anyone. My heart was broken because of Ethan's choice to keep his relationship with Deza from me.

  And yet... sadly enough, all I wanted to do was see him. To hear his side of the story. More than anything, I wanted to give him another chance to redeem himself. He needed a million of them where the world was concerned, but with me, he only needed one.

  If he wasn't with Deza, and he honestly loved me, then I'd wipe his slate clean and support him in anything he needed me to.

  But if he lied or didn't love me... We were done.

  For good.


  "I'm here if you need me." Clayton rubbed the top of my back as I walked into the main studio.

  My lungs burned with the need for more oxygen, but I was having trouble remembering to breathe. Everything was about to change. I could feel it.

  "Thank you," I whispered and made my way to where Ethan and Deza stood, arguing in each other's face. What was happening to us?

  Too much pressure?

  Too much drama?

  We were only human, and humans cracked under too much of anything - good or bad.

  "You could have fucking told me." Ethan pointed his finger in her face as she pushed it away.

  He glanced over at me and let out a long sigh. "D. We're done with this shit. Get outta my face before I say some shit that is really going to hurt you."

  "Fine." She turned around and moved past me without looking my way at all.

  All the signs pointed to him lying to me.

  "Why didn't you call?" He turned his dark eyes on me, and for a minute I wanted so badly to run to him. To pull him close and promise him the world if he would leave her and give me a chance. I was supposed to be his. I had no doubt. Not even a small one.

  "You could have called too." I studied him and coached myself to breathe.

  "You're right." He glanced toward the ground. "Did you see the video?"

  "Yeah. Everyone in the world did." I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Don't cry. Please, please, just don't cry.

  "It wasn't true."

  "It looked pretty true to me." I kept my voice steady. Mom was gone. Derick. Deza. Why not Ethan now?

  "Don't believe what you see." He closed the distance between us. "Believe in me. For one goddamn time in my life. I need someone to believe in me."

  I jerked as he reached out and pulled me tightly against him, where I belonged. "I want to, Ethan. I really do."

  "Then do it." He brushed his nose by mine, his voice breaking and killing me in the process. "She kissed me to make Darren jealous. It was fucked up and it caught me off guard, but I didn't kiss her, and she doesn't have feelings for me. There's nothing between us."

  "No?" I reached up and touched the side of his face. The pain in his eyes was enough to break me down.

  "No, baby. I promise. I fucking swear."

  "Why do you care what I think, Ethan? We're just friends-with-benefits, right?"

  His expression darkened. "I care what you think because we are friends. I need you to know that I didn't do anything. I didn’t lie. Even though everything points to the opposite."

  He had his chance to tell me that he loved me and he passed it up.

  Maybe he didn't love me after all.

  Assess, make the determination and act accordingly.

  Chapter 24


  The question on her face left me sick. If Riley didn't believe in me... who would? I was as good as ruined if the woman I loved was willing to walk away from me.

  "All right guys. Let's get busy. We're going to walk through the rain scene. Everything is set up outside. You two pull this off and we're done for the day." Frank walked up to us and patted both of us on the back. "I know we're all going through a lot of shit. No need to overdo anything up here right now."

  "Sounds good. Can we have just another minute? I need to-" I started, but Riley cut me off.

  "Great. Let's get to it." She pulled back and walked toward the set, leaving me standing there to look like an idiot in front of Frank. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last.

  I walked out toward the trailers, not particularly liking the way Clayton watched my woman. She might be pissed at me over the Deza stuff, but it would get cleared up. There was no room for him to move
in. I wanted to make sure he knew that.

  "Ethan. How are you, man? Just causing a ruckus everywhere right now." Clay smirked.

  "I'll kill you if you had anything to do with this. You bent me over sideways a few years back, but I came out swinging." I lifted my hands to my sides. "I'm still acting. You're teaching now, old man."

  "If insulting me makes the sting die down a little when you realize that Riley already belongs to me... go for it. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to make the movie the best it can be and live my life."

  "I'll kill you, Clayton. Mark my words."

  He nodded. "I believe you. Better get over there and save your job, or your budding relationship. Whichever means more to you."

  "What?" I walked toward Frank and Riley, hating the fucker behind me. "You and your cryptic language. I'll save both, thank you very much."

  "Who are you talking to?" Frank reached out and pulled me into a side hug.

  "Clayton. I hate that fucker."

  "That fucker is making this movie much better with his skill set. Be nice." Frank squeezed me into a hug and moved back. "Get in your places. You know your lines?"

  "Yes. Of course we do," I barked at him and moved up onto the set with Riley. "Baby."

  "Don't. I don't know where I am in all of this right now and I don't want to cry. I want to be professional for another hour and then we can talk."

  "You promise, Ri?" We were too close to being together for me to lose her now.

  "Yes. Of course." She turned and stiffened.

  Clayton walked toward us, stopping by Frank. "So much is going on right now. We should walk through a quick exercise to get both Riley and Ethan in character."

  "We're good. I've done this a time or two," I called out to him, trying like hell not to come off as a complete asshole. It wasn't going to do me any favors. "And Riley is a natural. You said so yourself."

  "And you're both human. It's a good improv. Just relax and let me help." Clayton glanced down at Frank as I held my tongue.

  Frank nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. Let's just make it quick."


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