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One More Night (Backstage Pass Book 1)

Page 80

by Ali Parker

  "For my brother?" I turned to face her and released everything. "Absolutely not. It's a turn on, but he'll fight it. He's a super dominant prick. You know this."

  "I do." She walked toward me and wrapped me in a hug. "You have a few of those tendencies too."

  "Me?" I squeaked my response like I was in shock. "Never."

  "Are you hard?" She glanced up at me and smiled before sliding her hands down my stomach and cupping me.

  "Um, yes. You're here, and we're finally alone." I touched the side of her face. "Can we just stay locked up here forever? I can have someone deliver food, and we'll go in the backyard for adventures and sunlight."

  She laughed and licked her lips. My pulse spiked.

  "That actually doesn’t sound too bad." She walked around me and sat down on the bed, beckoning me to come to her.

  I moved over to the bed and ran my fingers through her hair. "You know if you want to redecorate here when you move in, it's all yours."

  Her eyes brightened, and my world felt bigger, better. "Really? I would love that."

  "Good. Cause I love you." I leaned down and kissed her as she worked on the button on my shorts. She pulled it open and tugged the zipper down slowly as my breath caught in my chest.

  "I want to taste you." She glanced up at me, purring her words.

  "I'd like that, baby. A lot." I slipped my boxer briefs off and stroked myself as she licked at her mouth a few more times. Every cell in my body was screaming for release thanks to her teasing me with her 'come fuck me' eyes.

  "Good." She reached out and ran her hands down my erection, using both of them thanks to the girth. She kissed my head and slipped the big fucker in her mouth, taking an inch or two before gagging. I was far too big to expect her to suck me off properly, but it was Ri. I would take anything she would give me and come back to beg for more.

  "You're so beautiful, baby," I whispered and massaged the base of her head, playing with her hair and moaning loudly as she worked me into a frenzy. My heart beat so hard in my chest I thought it might be trying to get out as she sucked and nibbled on me.

  "You taste so good, Ethan." She looked up, locking eyes with me as she rolled her tongue in slow circles around my cock before licking up the back of my shaft.

  "Fuck." I closed my eyes and pressed into her hands, helping her a little. I was so close to losing myself, more from her being the one beneath me than anything else.

  "Come for me," she murmured and sucked me back into her mouth. She picked up the pace, and my knees grew week. I gripped her shoulders and leaned over again, squeezing my ass and undulating my hips to press into her warm wetness just a little more.

  She gagged again, and that was it. I cried out and stiffened, my muscles locking into place as my body exploded. Her greedy sucking sound had me going longer than I thought possible, but she never let up. If I didn't know she was the one before, I sure as fuck did then.

  Any woman willing to drink me down and not put up a fuss with my size or the length of my orgasm was a keeper. This one was solid gold. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her.

  "Fuck, baby." I reached down and pulled her up by her arms before kissing her hard.

  She wrapped herself around me, and I memorized the feeling of being wanted so passionately. There wasn't a movie I'd ever seen or played a role in that could compare to the real thing.

  There was nothing like what we had in the world. Fear drove through me as she kissed and licked at my mouth. How long would it last?

  "Hey. You still here with me?" She ran her fingers down my face and cupped my neck as I held her close to me.

  "Yeah. I was just thinking how badly I want this to last."

  "And it's going to. We're done with all of that drama bullshit. Right?" She slid down my body and stepped back, leaning down to pick up my clothes.

  "Absolutely, but we have to protect what we got, Ri. The world will look for a million ways to destroy it." I tossed them behind me and pulled off my t-shirt as well. "Get naked and come lay on the couch with me for the afternoon."

  "Make me." She gave me a cheeky smile, and I knew that the conversation was over for the time being. We would work together to guard what we had growing between us, just like we'd started to protect each other on the sets and in the world of entertainment.

  She had my back, and I had hers.

  "You hungry?" I asked as I pulled her dress over her head and reached around her to take her bra off. The sight of her soft, heavy breasts had my cock bouncing around again. I leaned down and ran my tongue around her nipple before pulling it into my mouth.

  She moaned and slipped her hands into my hair. "I could eat."

  "Even after all of this?" I stood up and gripped myself.

  "You're incorrigible. You know that." She turned to walk out of the room in nothing but pink panties.

  "No big words this early in the morning." I popped her ass and followed her into the kitchen. "Speaking of big words. I need to work on my lines a little bit today before we go to Liam's."

  "Me too." She stopped in the kitchen and slid her panties down her thighs, leaning over and giving me the perfect view of her ass and pussy playing peekaboo with me.

  I ran my hands over her curves and pressed myself against her soft skin as she yelped and stood up.

  "Warn someone!" She laughed before walking into my kitchen naked.

  I was in heaven. "You tease. You bent over hoping I would trip and fall into your sweet little body."

  "Lies. Go get your lines and bring them in here while I start making breakfast."

  "I thought you didn't like to cook." I watched her closely as she moved around the kitchen, the woman a goddess that I didn't deserve.

  "I don't, but for you, I'd do just about anything." She smiled.

  "Like bend back over and grip your ankle for an hour or so?" I lifted an eyebrow, pushing a little.

  "Brother. Go get your lines." She rolled her eyes, and I laughed as I turned and walked back down the hallway.

  Thoughts of the future raced through my head as I walked to my office. No one had taken the time to take care of me - ever. Deza was a good stand-in, but she was getting paid to make sure I didn't starve or wander off somewhere, never to be heard from again.

  Riley loved me. It was different, and the idea of being loved by her changed everything.

  My career didn't seem so fucking important anymore. Being adored by fans and wanted by every woman in the world wasn't even on my radar when I stopped to think about it.

  "Weird," I whispered and picked up a packet from my desk. The film would be over in a few months, and life would settle down for a brief time before it all started again.

  But maybe it didn't have to start again. I'd had a ton of good fortune alright. Maybe I step back and let her have a turn with support. I could be at her beck and call, going to sets with her, toting her bags and rubbing her feet after long days.

  I could be everything she needed me to be, and the weirdest part was that I wanted to. I loved her with an unexplainable fire inside of me, and I wasn't going to take no for an answer when I proposed.

  "Proposed?" I squeaked out and turned around to the open door in my office as fear raged through me. Yeah. Fuck it. I was going to do it, cause, why not?

  I was Ethan Lewis, on and off the screen. Time to woo my girl the way only I knew how.

  I needed to buy a ring.

  Chapter 14


  "You're quiet today. You okay?" I reached over and slid my hand up Ethan's thigh as we rode in his Ferrari over to Liam's house. His brother wanted him to show off a little, which Ethan seemed to hate, but he did it anyway.

  I wasn't sure why he didn't just tell his brother to suck a nut like he did everyone else, but it was none of my business. If I'd learned one thing over my short life and many messed up relationships, it was to get involved only when it counted. This time did not.

  "Hmmm?" He glanced over at me and gripped my hand tightly. "Oh, nothing
. Just thinking about how good it's going to feel to wrap up this movie, and yet, it means you and I are done working together for a while."

  "That's true." I snuggled back into my seat, loving the way the leather held me like it was designed to cuddle anyone who sat down in it. "What are we going to do about co-starring with other people?"

  "What do you mean?" He pulled up to the house, and I was a little surprised to find a valet booth out in front of the house.

  "I don't want to kiss someone else on screen, and I sure as hell don't want you to." I got out of the car, taking the hand of the guy who offered it and a warm smile.

  "Evening, Miss."

  "Hi." I walked to the back of the car and slipped my arm around Ethan's as he offered it. The tight black dress I wore left me feeling a little overdone. Ethan's suit and tie made him look regal, like royalty.

  "You get used to it, baby doll." He winked at me. "And don't worry. Everyone woman I have to kiss, I'll be thinking of you. It's just part of the job. Slip into character and back out. Just make sure if you ever start really feeling something for a co-star that you talk to me about it."

  "You'd let me go that easy?" I scoffed as we walked up the long stairway to Liam's mansion.

  "What? Fuck no." He laughed. "I'd have Liam kill him, and we'd make it look like an accident. Clayton was on that list. He's damn lucky that Frank fired him before he messed up again."

  "You broke a few of his teeth from what I heard." I gave him a tight look of disapproval and moved in front of Ethan. The hot brush of his breath on the back of my neck caused chill bumps to break out on my exposed skin.

  "And I'd have done it again and again if need be." He slid a hand around my waist and pressed against my back as we waited in line. His soft lips brushed over my shoulder, and I shivered. "No one messes with my woman."

  "No one puts baby in a corner?" I smiled and glanced over my shoulder to find him smiling too. "I love you."

  "Alright, you two. Get in here." Liam broke up the moment, which was one of his specialties from what I'd gathered. "Don't eat the brown goo stuff. It's a pâté, but it tastes like barf."

  "Really?" Ethan moved up beside me and offered his brother his hand. "Why did you order it?"

  "I ordered a bunch of fancy shit that I didn't know what it was. It's a party. Hello." He motioned for us to get inside before wagging his eyebrows at me. "Riley Phillips. You are the finest girl at this party."

  "Girl?" I glanced up at Ethan as we walked into the house.

  The walls were so plain, and the place was far too modern for my liking, but it wasn't mine. Hopefully, Liam would let me decorate it. I could do so much with so much space and the chunk of change I had no doubt that Ethan's brother would drop on a redecoration project.

  "Woman." He slid his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers. "Come on. Let's get a drink."

  "Ethan Lewis!" A tall woman with long black hair and pale skin walked over; her eyes lit up at the idea of seeing Ethan. "You look incredible. I told my family that I'd get to see you today. Can you sign something for me? My sisters and I just love your work."

  "Of course. Anything for a fan." He pulled his hand from mine and took the paper she dug out of her purse. "This is my girlfriend, Riley Phillips. She's co-starring with me in this latest film."

  "Nice." She gave me a tight look of disapproval and turned back to him. "I just love your movies. Do you do your own stunts?"

  Much to my horror, the room seemed to take notice of Ethan, and more and more people piled around us. Where Liam's house was more than capable of holding a hundred people comfortably, having all of us shoved into the foyer wasn't working so well.

  A heavyset woman with big ringlet curls and dark lipstick stepped in front of me, crushing my toe and murmuring that she was sorry, but for me to move. I'd gotten close enough.

  I rolled my eyes and slipped into the sea of bodies, heading for the kitchen.

  A dark-haired woman with smooth, tanned skin and a great body glanced up from her reclined position against the kitchen counter. "Oh. Sorry."

  "Don't mind me." I shook my head. "It's crazy in there."

  "I heard someone scream Ethan's name." She lifted her wine glass to her cherry-red lips and took a sip. "I almost feel sorry for the guy. None of those people give a shit about him. Not really. They just want a moment of feeling important because someone important talked to them."

  "Crazy how people do that." I poured a glass and turned to face her, extending my hand. "Riley."

  "Mona." She smiled. "Nice to meet you."

  "You too." I nodded back toward the mayhem. "You work with Liam?"

  "I try to." Her cheeks bled pink. "He's an asshole and a half every time I'm around." She shrugged. "But what do you do? You want to work with the best in the business, then you roll up your sleeves and take on them and all their shit."

  "Man, I know that's right." I moved over to the table and dropped down in the seat closest to me. The spread was amazing, and I went to work, trying this and that. "Liam's not too bad when you get to know him."

  "So says the woman dating his brother." She laughed and took a chair across from me, trying some of the treats spread out in front of us too. "He's super good looking, but he knows that he is, and that's something I just can't stand."

  "I can't either, but I do like the guy. I guess part of it is because he is Ethan's older brother, but I've seen a softer side to him."

  "It exists?" She smiled, but the expression faded as she stood.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see who walked in the room and stole her joy. Liam.

  "Hi, ladies. Everything going okay?" He smiled down at me and pursed his lips as he glanced up at Mona. The vein on the side of his neck began to beat wildly.

  He likes her. A lot.

  "It's fine. Your brother has everyone locked up in the foyer." I reached up and brushed something off Liam's jacket. "Hey. What do you think about giving me a chunk of money to redecorate the house?"

  "Why? You still think it's too modern?" He reached around me and picked up a stuffed mushroom, popping it in his mouth and keeping his attention on me.

  "Oh yeah. We could do so much with this place. Just give me a shot." I smiled.

  Mona spoke up, and I turned my attention to her. "She's right. This place is beautiful, but it says nothing about you or your personality."

  "No?" His voice turned cold. "And what do you think it should say?"

  "I'm not sure." She picked up her glass and walked around the table, stopping beside him. "I'm the rich asshole that owns the world, and if you don't obey me, then I will send you to the ends of the earth."

  I snorted and laughed as he growled softly. "Leave her alone. She's got a point."

  "One that's invalid." He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

  I turned in time to watch her watching him. Interesting.

  "So how did you guys end up working together?" I stood and walked to get another glass of wine.

  "I transferred to the company about a month ago. Liam's been in charge of making all of the advertising decisions for the firm and our clients by himself over the last few years. He's really good at what he does, but the board knew that if we continued to grow and expand, he'd need some help. So they brought me in from Italy."

  "And Liam feels threatened by you?"

  "Something like that." She shrugged.

  A long sigh from across the kitchen caught my attention, and I turned to see Ethan standing alone, his hair a little messy. "What the hell? You just left me with the wolves. What happened to us protecting each other?"

  "It's your brother's friends and work associates. Everyone is wearing a Rolex. How bad could it get?" I laughed and walked toward him, sliding my free arm around the back of his waist. "Mona, this is Ethan, Liam's younger and much more handsome brother."

  "Nice to meet you, finally. Your brother thinks you put a ladder against the sky and crawl up to hang the moon each night." She shook his hand and smiled. I liked
her already, regardless of how Liam felt.

  "Does he?" Ethan shook her hand. "Well, I think you might end up his wife one day, but don't tell him I said it."

  "Ethan. Shit." I glanced up at him and gave him a really look before looking back at her. "He has no filter."

  "Neither does his brother, but I'm sure you're wrong, Mr. Lewis. I'm not interested in dating a child in a man's body. Where the sex might be great, there's nothing left when it's over. I've had that same scenario more times than I care to disclose. I learned my lesson the last time I dated a spoiled rich boy. No offense." She gave us a saucy smile.

  "None taken, but I'm not retracting my statement. Mark my words." He laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully and excused herself. He turned to me and pulled me in close. "I like her."

  "Your brother turned into a stiff asshat when he walked in, and she was in the room."

  "Cause he wants her, and she's not falling for his charms. My brother has always believed that any woman worth her salt would come crawling on her knees when he beckoned."

  "Ugh." I shook my head.

  "I know, but that's just how he is." Ethan reached up and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip as his eyes moved down my body. "Maybe she'll break him like you broke me."

  "I broke you?" I laughed and stiffened as a horde of people moved into the kitchen.

  "Ethan. Tell us about this new film," one of the guys asked.

  "Sure, or better yet, I'll let Riley tell you. She's my co-star and the new up and coming Marilyn Monroe. She's my girlfriend, and soon to be my wife, but let's not rush things, hmm?"

  "What?!?" The crowd went wild with questions.

  "Really." I gave him a look as he popped my ass and walked towards the food.

  "Yeah, really. Keep them busy. It's your turn, and you're way better at dealing with people than me. I mean look what you've done to me. Turned me into a lovesick fool that wants to serve you day and night."

  I turned back to them as a chuckle ran through me. He would forever be an actor. No matter where we were. No matter where we went.

  And I loved him all the more for it.


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