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Final Verdict

Page 19

by Jessica R. Patch

  “Several hours. You passed out from lack of oxygen inside the box and then again after, and you have a case of mild hypothermia. Gotta stick around here for at least forty-eight hours.” He grasped her hand and laid his forehead against it. “You saved my life, Aurora Daniels.”

  “We’re even then,” she whispered, her throat hoarse from screaming. “What happened to Severin? How did you find me? I lost the bracelet. It fell off.”

  Beckett scooted his chair closer to her bed. He smelled wonderful. Woodsy. Sweet. Like home. “He’s going back to prison, and this time there won’t be any escaping. Even if I have to keep tabs on him daily.”

  “But my bracelet.”

  Beckett stroked her hand with his thumb. “I did it the old-school way and with a lot of prayer. I found your bracelet. You were about a mile and a half from it.”

  “You sniffed it out and hunted him down. I prayed you would. Severin murdered Linda. In my house. She has the murder weapon, Beckett!” She tried to sit up, felt weak, and Beckett gently nudged her back down.

  “Relax. It’s all okay.” He pressed his lips to her hand, kissed her knuckles. She was taken care of. Thanks to God. And Beckett. Both relentless.

  “One of my deputies found an abandoned car near your house. I had him do a check. It was rented out of Memphis under Severin’s mother’s sister’s name. The deputy did a sweep of your house. They found Linda and the weapon. It’s already been sent off for testing. But I believe we’ll find Gus’s DNA and Linda’s prints on it.”

  “And Darla?”

  “Darla’s fine, too. In a fair amount of shock, but that’s understandable after hearing the truth. She never had a single clue about Linda, though she’d suspected Gus had been unfaithful throughout the years.”

  Aurora clutched her chest, relieved. “Linda said she was suicidal. I was afraid she’d killed her and made it appear like one. Tried to pin everything on Darla.”

  “She might have tried had Severin not gotten to her, instead.”

  “What about Oliver? Severin was going to frame him somehow.”

  “Oliver is alive. I made a call once we got you in here. To check. He’s got a sister down in Florida and he’s staying with her while he takes a leave of absence to reassess his life, his priorities. Said if you need him for anything, he’ll come.”

  “And what did you say to that?”

  He kissed her hand again. “Not to worry. You’re in capable hands already.”

  Aurora scooted up on the bed and held a hand up to stop Beckett from laying her back down. “You know, I laid in that box,” she shuddered, “and once I realized I had to conserve oxygen, I prayed and I thought. Beckett, I want to attempt to make this work. I know it’ll be tough. We won’t be able to discuss work, especially when it comes to arrests and my clients. I know the town will wonder if we divulge information to each other, but we can remain full of integrity. Especially you, because that’s who...” She coughed and Beckett gave her a sip of warm tea again. “That’s who you are.”

  His smile urged her on.

  “I’m all about being frank.”

  “Say it isn’t so,” he teased.

  “It’s not the fact we’ve been thrown together in a tense situation. I was afraid that’s what it might have been at first.” She struggled to read his emotions, unsure if he was amused or surprised. “Well? Do you want to try? I’d rather risk trying and being brokenhearted than not being with you at all and always regretting it.” She closed her eyes and reopened them. “I’m being too forward. I’ve never done this. I’ve never been in love before.”

  He went slack-jawed, then scooted closer to her, raw emotion a flurry upon his face. He caressed her cheek, her admission visibly affecting him. “I love you, too.”

  “You do?” She licked her bottom lip. “You love me?”

  “So much it hurts.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I want to make it work. However, I’m moving. And before you argue, it’s not only because of you or that moving is our only shot at this. It’s because I want to. I feel like it’s what I’m meant to do.”

  Aurora believed it down to her pinky toe.

  “But you are a factor. Because I think about the people I love. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s what you’re doing without realizing it.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but he was right. Clamping her mouth shut, she simply nodded in agreement.

  “And it will be too much of a strain on us if I stay,” Beckett added.

  “It would be.” She rubbed her thumb over his callused knuckle. “You’re sure this is what you want?”

  “I want you, Aurora. And...I want to use my abilities in a broader scope. I’ve been hiding for fear I might do something horrible if emotionally entangled in a high-risk situation, but when I saw what Renzetti had done to you...what he intended for you...all I wanted was to get you safe. To see him punished, but by the law. And I knew that God had healed me and corrected my thinking. I can do this. Do it right.”

  “You’re an amazing man, Beckett.” Aurora was glad Beckett had chosen Atlanta. She wasn’t exactly sure how it would all play out. She wasn’t ready to up and leave yet. She had responsibilities. And it might be too soon for wedding bells, though the thought of becoming Mrs. Beckett Marsh nearly sent her over the moon. And, of course, he hadn’t exactly asked her to marry him or even to come to Atlanta. “What about your mom?”

  “Well, I had an interesting conversation with her.”

  Aurora shifted and winced. “You told her you wanted to work with Wilder?”

  “She told me.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “She’s kind of bossy.”

  “Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

  He tugged lightly at a strand of her hair. “Turns out, while she does want me safe and close, she wants my happiness more.”

  “She loves you. And people think about others when they love them.”

  “That is an awesome observation. You should kiss whoever told you that. And not on the cheek or in a friendly way, either.” His husky voice sent a wild dance through her middle.

  “Well, I’ll certainly consider it.”

  “Do that.”

  She’d tell him not to tell her what to do, but kissing Beckett was exactly what she wanted to do. For the rest of her life.

  He held her gaze several moments, longing passing through it, and then he cleared his throat to cut the heavy tension flowing between them. “Once you’re released, I’m flying out to Atlanta to talk to Wilder. I want you to come with me, if you want to.”

  What was he saying? For good? For now? “Beckett, I’m not licensed in Georgia, and I’m not sure they practice reciprocity. I may have to take a short exam or something. And I have responsibilities here. I can’t up and—”

  He enveloped her hand with both of his and brought it to his lips. “I want you to come for the weekend. I have loose ends to tie up here, and I’m not asking you to move to Atlanta.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment washed over her.

  “Right now. But at some point, I’m sure I’ll tell you to.” A sly grin slid across his face, and he leaned down to peck her nose.

  Of course he would. Asking would be out of the question. “Where in Atlanta?”

  “Wilder inherited a plantation home and had a lot of remodeling done to turn it into a firm. Offices. A couple of apartments.”

  “You have to live there?”

  Beckett laughed. “I’m not living on a plantation with Wilder. I want my own house. In the country. With a big yard to raise kiddos.”

  To be the mother of Beckett’s children. Nothing sounded better. Other than to be his wife. “I like the way you think...most of the time.”

  Beckett leaned across the bed, his woodsy, sweet scent sending a million thrills through her
. “I have paperwork to do,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against hers. “So I’m leaving for an hour.” He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “I’ll bring you dinner and dessert when I come back,” he whispered, and added another kiss to the other corner.

  “Of course you will,” she rasped, light-headed.

  He skimmed his thumb across her bottom lip and studied it ardently. “I expect you to rest while I’m gone, Counselor.”

  Fat chance.

  “Don’t tell me what—”

  He cut off her remark with a kiss that sent her flying to places she’d only dreamed of going. A kiss that could never be described as friendly. He broke away, his breath ragged. “Maybe I’ll be gone less than an hour.” He gave her one more gentle kiss and left her lovesick.

  When the door closed, Aurora grabbed her phone and checked into licensing in Georgia. Atlanta would be warmer. Not too far from beaches. Beckett hadn’t proposed, but he’d implied a happily-ever-after for them, and that kiss had sealed the implication with a promise.

  God had protected her, given her the strength to help Beckett and given her peace over her past. With Aurora’s testimony, the photos and the wrench containing all the DNA evidence and prints, Richie’s name would be officially cleared. It appeared God was placing her back on the path she’d wanted to take as a young girl. To be married, have a family of her own.

  And with Beckett Marsh. The sheriff she’d always believed hated her. She pulled the covers up to her chin and snickered. No, this man loved her. Sacrificially.

  A beautiful picture of how Jesus loved her. Fought for her. Died for her.

  And she’d done nothing to deserve it.

  But she’d take it. Every last drop of love and grace God wanted to pour out.

  He was worth loving.

  And so was Beckett.

  She was ready.



  Beckett paced his backyard. For the last eight weeks, he’d been preparing for this moment. After filling out paperwork and making sure his county had a capable sheriff in charge, he’d put his home up for sale and packed up his belongings. The worst part was leaving Aurora.

  She’d healed, gained her strength, purchased a new wardrobe and helped him pack. His house had sold after one week on the market. God had His hand in all of this.

  Aurora had flown out with him to meet the team and had hit it off with everyone. Wilder mentioned needing a good legal mind on the team and offered Aurora a job on the spot. Which she’d jumped on.

  Over the past few weeks he’d been in Atlanta, Aurora had flown down and helped him house hunt. Her favorite had been the updated modern farmhouse with ten acres of land less than thirty minutes—if the traffic was good—from the firm. The minute she flew back to Hope, he’d put an offer on it. As far as she knew, he was still hunting for the right place while living in the guest house at Wilder’s plantation, and she’d been searching online for condos. As if he’d ever let her live apart from him once she made the move.

  Would she be surprised? Would she think he was ridiculous? He was. He didn’t care. One last check of his watch and it was time to pick her up at the airport.

  He met her at the baggage claim, where she ran into his arms and he peppered her with kisses. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. But I’m glad we get to spend Easter weekend together. I tried to talk your mom into flying out with me, but she said she had things to take care of and would fly in Saturday.”

  Beckett refrained from commenting. Mama was in on this, too. He rolled her luggage to the parking garage.

  “You pick a house yet?”

  “I did.”

  “Beckett,” she shrieked, and beamed. “Why didn’t you tell me? Which one?”

  “I’m surprising you.” They made small talk, mostly Beckett deflecting Aurora’s questions about the house. He enveloped her hand and exited the interstate.

  She studied her surroundings. “I know where we are, Beckett Marsh. You picked the farmhouse.”

  He drove down the long drive and up to the house with a large wraparound porch. Pastureland on either side. A large backyard. “I did. Come on. I want to show you something.”

  “You dirty dog.” She giggled as he laced his hand in hers and headed toward the backyard. “What? I’ve seen everything.”

  “Have you?”

  “What have—What is that?” She made a puzzled face, then lit up. “Is that what I think it is?”

  He tugged her along in a jog and waited while she took it all in, staring in what appeared to be complete awe. He pulled a pink plastic egg from his shirt pocket, his nerves in a frenzy.

  “You have chickens!” She threw back her head and laughed.

  No, they had chickens. “I want you to be able to have your courage every single day. That morning when you told me why you ate eggs, I think that was the moment I fell in love with you. It was definitely the moment I knew there was more to you than meets the eye.”

  Aurora stared at the chicken coop, hens and a rooster milling about.

  When she turned back, he dropped to his knee and held out the plastic egg. She snickered. “Those are some eggs the hens lay.”

  “Aurora Millicent Daniels. I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you. Marry me.” He handed her the egg, and she opened it and gasped. He guessed he’d done well.

  “It’s oval. Like an egg!” She peered down at him, eyes pooling.

  “It’ll take bravery to be married to me.” He stood, hoping she’d realize there was some truth to that teasing statement.

  “So that’s why you really bought all the chickens. Endless supply of eggs.” She laughed again. He’d never tire of hearing it.

  “Possibly. Say yes.”

  She chewed her bottom lip, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Don’t tell me what to do.” Rising on her tiptoes, she kissed his chin.

  The rooster crowed. Chickens squawked. He hadn’t asked. Not exactly. “Aurora, would you be my wife? Would you let me love you the rest of my life?”

  “Yes. Yes, I will. If you let me love you the rest of mine.”

  He placed the sparkling oval diamond with a halo of surrounding diamonds on her left ring finger, then he pulled her to him, loving the way she fit perfectly against him.

  His lips met hers, sending wildfire through his blood, but he held it back yielding to a slow, lingering kiss, lavished in loyalty, devotion and a promise to cherish her always and forever.

  She broke away. “Did you ever once think you’d marry a defense attorney?”

  “Certainly not. But I’m proud to call you my wife, Aurora. What you did for Richie? You risked everything. The whole world knows he was always innocent. He’d be so proud of you, too. I know it.”

  He wiped a tear from her eye. “I think we should put a pool over there.” He pointed across the way. “Kids like pools. And since we’re having four of them...” he teased.

  “There you go again telling me what I’m gonna do.” She leaned into him as they walked toward the house. “I’m going to break you of those commanding ways. I promise you that.”

  “One for each of our hands makes sense.”

  “That’s what you’re bringing to the table? One for each hand?”

  He kissed the top of her head. “It’s just the beginning of my opening statement, Counselor.” He’d never stop loving these little arguments. Or Aurora Daniels—soon to be Marsh.

  Not ever.

  * * * * *

  If you liked this story from Jessica R. Patch, check out her other Love Inspired Suspense titles:




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  Dear Reader,

  Admittedly, I struggled with Aurora Daniels and her profession (at first). Something similar happened in my life when a drunk teenager hit my brother-in-law and killed him. That pain rippled through my family. Some have healed. Some remain bitter. I had to resolve in my heart that God is in control even in tragedy. In pain. In suffering. In loss. And that He’s forgiving. Not to some. But to all who ask. When unfair things happen in our lives, we have to trust that God will sort out the injustice. If not here, in eternity. I pray that you’ll ask Him to heal you, and believe that He’ll do it. Always. He loves you completely.

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