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Crazy Maybe

Page 5

by Justice, A. D.

  Excuse me while I interrupt these thoughts to get back to the angry man in front of me.

  He’s still in challenging mode, daring me to dispute his alpha-male, Neanderthal-ways, empowering words. I answer him with my full-blown, mega-watt smile that neither laughs nor mocks him but lets him know I’ve just totally played him. His eyes narrow as he studies me for a few seconds before realization and understanding crosses his face.

  “You play a dangerous game, little girl,” he snarls, but with much less venom than just a minute ago.

  “You started this game, little boy,” I gently chide, raising my chin in defiance.

  He shakes his head and I feel more than hear the rumble of his light chuckle as it ripples through his chest. A chest that I have to say is pretty impressive, now that I’m getting a look at it while he’s standing in front of me wearing only his boxer briefs. Nice, very, very nice.

  He widens his stance so that we were more even in height and puts his forehead against mine. He is staring into my eyes and when he speaks, the sincerity in his voice is clear. “I’m sorry, Andi – for what a jerk I’ve been. Can you forgive me? Give me a chance to make it up to you?”


  I’m holding my breath, waiting for her to answer me. This girl has turned me upside down and inside out so many times in less than one day and I know I want to at least give this an honest try. Last night, when I thought she’d went home with another guy, I was out of my fucking mind with jealousy. Then when she saw me with the drunk nameless-girl, I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. For whatever reason, I know that hurt her.

  Which is crazy, right? I mean we just met and I shouldn’t have even been concerned with what she thought or about hurting her with a one night stand. But it does matter, I am concerned and I don’t want to do anything to hurt her. So whatever this is between us, however far it goes, and where it takes us, I’ve decided to see it through to the end. The only thing I know for sure is that today is not the end.

  So now I’m just waiting for her to confirm it. I’m still looking in her eyes and silently willing her to take a chance on me. Again. She lets out a small sigh and simply says, “OK.” But her tone is genuine and heartfelt, just like she is. I can’t stop the rush of feelings that suddenly engulf me.

  I brush my lips against hers once, then twice, and on the third time, she responds and kisses me back. I still have her pinned against the wall and she feels so soft and sweet under me. I release her hands and she immediately wraps them around me, rubbing her hands slowly up and down my back. My hands move up and I pull the towel off her head then thread my fingers through her still wet hair. I tilt her head slightly to the side and slide my tongue across the middle of her lips, urging her to open up and let me in.

  When she does, I can’t contain my growl of approval and our kiss becomes urgent and demanding. Her tongue is velvety soft and she drives me into a fucking frenzy with the way she caresses and sucks on my tongue. Her hands are on my chest now and her fingers are lightly tracing the striations of my muscles, heating me to my core with no more than her touch on my skin.

  I’ve kissed countless women in my life, but in this moment, this is the first real kiss I’ve ever experienced. This is the first kiss, the only kiss. that has ever branded me and rocked my entire world. I am really getting worked up now and I know I need to back off. I want to spend time with her, getting to know her and give whatever this is between us a fighting chance. Reluctantly, I slow the pace until I can naturally pull away from her.

  We’re both panting like we’ve just finished a marathon and we’re forehead to forehead. After taking a minute to catch my breath, I finally feel like I can speak. I step back so I can see her full reaction to my words.

  “Andi, whatever this is between us, I want us to take it slow.”

  She gives me a skeptical look, like she thinks I’m feeding her a line. She pushes herself off the wall to stand up straight and nods.

  “Fine, if you want to go slow, then we’ll go slowly. But I need to know what you mean by ‘whatever this is between us.’”

  I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. I don’t know how to put in words what I’m feeling. “I don’t know what it is. I’m not a relationship kind of guy. Or at least I haven’t been. But I know I want you and I want to see where this goes.”

  My answer does not please her, this is evident from the fire in her eyes that is darting out at me. But she controls it impressively.

  “All right, Luke. We’ll see where it goes. But just know that until you can say something other than you ‘want me,’ we’ll remain just friends. And not friends with benefits. We’ll get to know each other as friends first.”

  What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I just backed my own damn self into a corner that she knows I can’t get out of. I huff, loudly, run my fingers through my hair again, and finally agree to her terms.

  “Whatever you say, Andi.”

  “Do you have any plans for today, Luke?”

  “Nope. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’ll dry my hair and we can go get some breakfast. Then we’ll decide what to do from there.”

  I nod and watch her walk back to her bathroom. I brought a clean change of clothes with me last night just in case I didn’t make it home from the club. I grab them out of my truck and shower in the guest bedroom while Andi was still getting dressed. Thirty minutes later, she’s ready to go and dressed casual in a tank top, shorts and sandals. She has very little makeup on and her hair is pulled back again, and her beauty absolutely takes my breath away.

  I didn’t get a chance to really look around last night after getting Andi home and carrying her into her house. Not that she remembers, but she passed out before we even got her out of the club. Her friends undressed her and put her in the bed. I stayed with her because I was really worried about leaving her alone in that state.

  I was threatened within an inch of my life by everyone in the group if I did anything to her – especially by Shane. After a lot of promising, they finally left and I slept with one eye open in case she woke up and needed me. Good thing for Andi, she slept the worst of it off and woke up feeling very little effects from her binge.

  I can’t take my eyes off her as we walk out of her house, which is actually a large, expensive home in a nice area on the outskirts of northeast Atlanta. The sun is bright and she quickly puts her sunglasses on to shield her eyes. We head to her car and she notices my truck parked in her driveway and her lips suddenly form a thin line. I know she wants to ask me about how she got home and got naked, but she decides against it and unlocks her car.

  “I usually park in the garage, but there are some boxes in my parking spot. I got home late yesterday and didn’t have time to move them. But the other side is open if you want to move your truck inside. I can get the other door opener.”

  She’s always so considerate. I just can’t get over that she’s the ultimate beauty and personality package.

  I shake my head no, “It’s fine. I don’t mind leaving it parked outside if you don’t mind.”

  She smiles, “Ok, let’s go eat then.”

  She picks a small sidewalk café that’s about ten minutes from her house. I grew up in this general area and my parents still live here but I’ve never eaten here. She chooses a table outside, even though it is early spring time in the South, which normally means it’s hot as hell and 120% humidity. But it is a beautiful day and there’s a slight breeze that makes it bearable. We order our food and the waitress leaves our drinks with us.

  We’re talking, laughing, and just generally getting to know each other and it’s great. I’ve never felt more relaxed with a girl like I do with her. I just finished telling her a pretty funny story from high school about me and she’s wiping tears of laughter from her eyes when I feel someone stop beside us. I look up into the eyes of my mother and father, and they are eying her suspiciously.

  I already know what they see when they look a
t her. The pink horizontal stripes in her hair, the tattoo-sleeve on her arm and shoulder, her casual dress, and the fact that we’re having breakfast together. They think she’s one of my sleazy, one-night stands and I’m instantly defensive. My father lightly clears his throat to draw our full attention to him.

  Andi’s looking at my parents with a genuine smile and they’re both looking at her with their fake smiles that never quite reaches their eyes. Andi may not know this, but I sure as hell do. Andi looks at me and raises her eyebrows, as if to say, “Well?”

  “Hi, Mom. Dad. Small world, huh?”

  Mom laughs a little nervously but neither of them answer. They just look back and forth between me and Andi.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Andi Morgan. Andi, these are my parents, Linda and Sam Woods.”

  Andi extends her hand to my mom first, then my dad, and tells them both she is glad to meet them. Their reply is simply, “Likewise.” Mom starts telling me about Gran’s birthday party at my parent’s house next month. When she takes a breath and leaves an opening for someone else to speak, Andi offers them both a seat and asks if they want to eat with us.

  I didn’t think they would accept her invitation. The way they looked at her, like she was beneath them and their snobbery, made my blood boil. But when they accept and actually thank her, I noticed a bit of thawing in their normally cold demeanor. By the end of breakfast, Andi has them both eating out of her hand. They are both ready to adopt her and take her home with them. Before my mom leaves, she makes Andi promise to come to Gran’s birthday party with me.

  I look at Andi without trying to mask my amazement and fascination with her. She really has no idea how wonderful she is, because she asks me simply, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You are amazing, Andi. Seriously. How did you do that?”

  “Do what, Luke?”

  “They love you! They don’t like anyone – not even me!”

  “Are you crazy? They love you! You hung the moon and stars in their eyes. You’d have to be blind to not see that.”

  I just shake my head at her. I must be blind because I don’t see what she sees.



  It’s the day of Gran’s birthday party. The last month has been hectic and crazy and wonderful. I’ve spent every day with Andi, either training at the gym, chilling at her house or at my apartment, or just going out somewhere to spend time together. Oh yeah, and somehow she talked me into being part of her karaoke skit at the club tomorrow night, so we’ve been practicing that for the past two weeks, too. Thank God she didn’t ask me to sing.

  We’re still in the “friends” stage because she’s still giving me time to define what “this” is between us. She is stubborn as hell and won’t be the one to give it a name. She’s making me face it and she won’t budge an inch until I do. I can’t even count how many times I’ve tried to kiss her and she will turn her face so my kiss lands on her cheek. Then she smiles like it’s no big deal. She’s making me fucking crazy! And I wouldn’t trade one minute of my time with her for all the one-night stands in the world.

  She’s excited about meeting all of my family even though I’ve tried to tell her they aren’t all that much to get excited over. She’s never spoke of her family, outside Mack and Shane, but they’re not her blood relatives. I’ve tried to casually bring the conversation around to her family but she’s a master at dodge and avoid. She’s somehow distracted me every time, so I get it, she’s not ready to talk about it. That’s cool – we have plenty of time.

  We’re in my truck, heading to my parent’s house and she’s fidgeting in the seat beside me. She won’t let me kiss her but she will let me hold her hand, so I have it firmly grasped in mine. I would never admit this to any living soul, but I’m so tied up in knots over her that I’ll gladly take the hand-holding. At least I get to touch her that way. I feel like a damn elementary school boy who’s thrilled to hold a girl’s hand for the first time. It’s just what she does to me. And what I do to myself by delaying telling her I want a committed relationship with her.

  “You’re not getting nervous, are you?” I playfully ask her.

  “Maybe a little,” she laughs, “but I’ll be fine.”

  “My parents already want to adopt you and disown me. My whole family will love you. Just watch out for my brother. He’ll try to steal you from me.” And I mean this literally. Brandon will fall in love with her, too. Did I just infer that I’m in love with her? What the hell?

  “You can never have too many friends, Luke,” she declares without a hint of sarcasm. I start to worry that she really only sees me as a friend.

  “I better not catch you alone with him, Andi.” I use my stern voice, the one that says I’m not even fucking kidding. Not that it has ever worked on this woman.

  She says, “Fine, Luke,” and I feel my racing heart start to slow down until she finishes her sentence, “I won’t let you catch me.”

  I snap my head to look at her, ready to fight tooth and nail for my place in her life, and I see the gleam of absolute mocking in the twinkling of her eyes. She is enjoying this so much, she will probably flirt with Brandon just to get to me. I should’ve kept my fucking mouth shut because she will so use this little tidbit against me. Wench.

  We arrive at my parent’s house a few minutes early but it looks like the whole gang is already here. Andi looks absolutely perfect in her form-fitting black capris, her sky-blue flowing shirt that would be baggy if not for the white scarf/belt thing she has tied around her tiny waist. Her little toenails are painted the same color as her shirt and are peeking out of her black sandals. My God, she is more than I’ve ever imagined a woman could be.

  My sister, Alicia, is younger than me but she married early and has two rug-rats that I love with all my heart. Being Uncle Luke has been pretty cool. My nephew Jacob is five; my niece Callie is three; and they are both so much fun. They both know my truck and as soon as Andi and I step out of it, the front door opens and they come flying out to meet us. I hug them both and lift them up in the air, playing our usual game of airplanes while Andi watches and laughs along with us.

  I introduce Jacob and Callie to Andi, who kneels down to be eye to eye when them, and she proceeds to charm the kids just like she did my parents. Before we make it across the front lawn, both kids are attached to her like little leeches. Alicia meets us at the door and within minutes she and Andi act like they are long lost sisters. I roll my eyes to myself at the thought of what my brother will do when he meets her.

  And here we go….Brandon just arrived and is making his rounds. I know it the second his eyes find Andi because his big mouth stops moving. Brandon is two years older than me and we actually look a lot alike. We’ve frequently competed for the same thing, including girls. But there’s no way I’m letting him put the moves on this one. No. Fucking. Way. I try to head him off at the pass but he just pats my shoulder as his “hello” as he makes a beeline for my girl, who’s now sitting with my sister and Gran.

  “And who is this beautiful lady? Alicia, you said you didn’t have any friends you could set me up with that I’d be interested in. I can promise you, I’m interested in this one.” Brandon is really laying it on thick.

  “Brandon! We can’t take you anywhere!” Alicia is laughing, knowing what a flirt Brandon naturally is. “This is Andi, and she’s Luke’s date.” Gran is watching me with those knowing, all-seeing eyes of hers and an obvious smirk on her face. She knows damn well that Andi is more than a friend to me even if I haven’t said it to anyone.

  “Oh, Luke and I aren’t dating. We’re just friends.” Andi declares to Alicia, but the whole room full of people stops buzzing and every eye is boring into me, telling me that I’m fucking crazy. Every eye except Brandon’s eyes, which are still glued to Andi. I’m pretty sure I just growled out loud at her revelation.

  “You have no idea how happy I am to hear that, Andi,” Brandon is moving to sit beside Andi on the loveseat,
even though my sister already occupies the other seat. Brandon will just sit on her if she doesn’t move fast enough. My brother is openly ignoring me and eating Andi up with his eyes.

  I cut through the room full of people who are still looking at me as if I’ve suddenly sprouted a few extra heads. I take Andi by the hand before Alicia has time to get out of Brandon’s way, thus preventing Brandon from fully getting to my girl. I pull Andi up to stand beside me and wrap my arm around her waist – being intentionally and blatantly possessive, especially in front of Brandon.

  “Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Brandon. Go find your own girl.”

  My brother knows me all too well. His smug smile tells me he knows he’s pushing my buttons as he says, “I think it would be more appropriate if you go find your own girl. You and Andi are just friends, after all.”

  I’m not doing this in front of everyone.

  “Andi, let me introduce you to the rest of my family and show you around the house,” and with that I lead her away from my brother, who is now openly laughing behind me. I feel somewhat better when Andi settles her hand in mine and gives it a slight squeeze.


  I absolutely love Luke’s family – every one of them. They have all taken me in with open arms and made me feel like one of them. It’s been so long since I’ve had a family, my emotions threaten to get away from me and I have to find something to take my mind off it before I start crying and make a fool out of myself. For all their problems, and every family has problems, none of them can really understand what it would mean to lose everything and be totally alone in this world.

  I understand it all too well. And that makes being here with Luke’s parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins all the more bittersweet. I’ve talked at length with every single person here, even with his brother Brandon, who is actually just a big softie even though he gives Luke hell. I think everyone asked me, in one way or another, exactly what Luke was doing at the gym.


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