Book Read Free

Crazy Maybe

Page 21

by Justice, A. D.

  “See how this works, baby? Together, we are stronger. Together, we can take on anything. Don’t pull away from me now. You’ll never have to face hard times alone again. I promise.”

  She turns in my arms to face me and I see love glistening in her eyes. She doesn’t speak words, but her kisses and her touch tells me everything I need to know. She loves me and she believes me. She knows I’m here with her no matter what comes. Bring on your worst, Jackson Rhoades – whatever you have in mind could never be worse than losing this woman in my arms.

  I tell her to wait for me on the couch while I open a bottle of wine and pour a couple of glasses. She’s more relaxed now, resting with her back against my chest and I’m just enjoying the feel of her skin, the rise and fall of her breath, and the way she loving strokes my forearm that’s wrapped around her.

  “Tell me about when you were a psychologist,” she requests.

  “I didn’t feel like I was any good at it. I met with patients, applied my training, tried to get them to come to their own conclusions and give them the tools they needed to work through their issues themselves. But it all came to a head with one patient who was referred to me from the court,” with this last statement, I feel her tense in my arms. I hug her tighter and nuzzle her ear and place kisses on her temple until she relaxes again.

  “This guy was accused of beating his wife. She wouldn’t press charges but the police had been to their house on enough domestic calls that they’d had enough. The judge sent him to me and I saw him several times. His wife even came in a few times – alone – and their stories matched enough that it didn’t seem off to me. I cleared him, said they had the normal marital spats but it wasn’t abusive and she wasn’t in danger.

  A week after his court case, he held her hostage while the SWAT team waited outside. He killed her before killing himself, but he was yelling that he knew she was having an affair with me. The SWAT team said he screamed over and over that was the only way she could’ve convinced me to testify that he wasn’t abusive to her.

  They both fooled me, Andi. It was my job to know they were lying. It was my job to identify the anomalies, the signs, symptoms, and put it all together for the victim’s safety. I didn’t do that. I fucked up and someone died because of me. I couldn’t do it any more after that.”

  She turned to face me, staying in my arms and lying chest to chest with me. “I understand exactly what you mean. I felt the same way – I should’ve put it all together. I should’ve known what he was doing to those little girls. I mean, I took care of them like I was the parent – I should’ve known, right?”

  “No, Andi. People like Jackson Rhoades are devious and have developed ways of manipulating the victims. Making them believe it’s their fault, making them feel ashamed and unable to tell anyone what was really going on behind closed doors. If the girls didn’t tell you, didn’t show you any signs of it, there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it any sooner.”

  She pulled back slightly, keeping her eyes trained on mine, and smiled a knowing smile.

  “Damn. Did you just use psychology on me?” I asked incredulously. I can’t believe she just played me like that. Her grin widens into her mega-watt smile and she unsuccessfully holds back a giggle.

  “I just helped you come to the conclusion you already knew,” she states matter-of-factly.

  “You’d made a damn fine lawyer, ya know?”

  “And you’d made a damn fine shrink.”



  I have changed my mind about doing a press conference. After Jackson was at the club, then at Luke’s parents’ house, I don’t think it’s such a good idea. Plus, I’ve been invited for an interview by a very popular morning talk show. They say they want my side of the story. I’m seriously considering accepting this invitation, but I’m concerned they will turn on me at the last minute and make me look like the bad guy.

  I have one week to decide if I want to do the talk show or not. A lot can happen in one week of my life.

  Luke is at the gym training hard this week. He’s missed so much time lately because of all my drama that Mack threatened to drop him. I am working at the gym and at the youth center all week, trying to get back into a regular routine and stop letting everything and everyone else run my life. I was almost to the gym when I realized I forgot my gym bag at home and had to turn around to go get it. Now I’m really running behind.

  When I walk in the gym, I’m suddenly overwhelmed by the number of people inside. Camera flashes are going off everywhere, video cameras and microphones are being shoved in every direction, and people are crowding me all around. Then the questions they’re asking finally register in my brain – they’re not directed at me. They’re not about me. They’re not taking pictures of me – they’re pushing me out of the way.

  They’re going after Shane.

  What. The. Hell. Is. Happening.

  “Shane! Shane! Is it true you’ve lost eligibility for the title fight because of steroid use?”

  “Are the allegations true?”

  “Will you submit to more federation testing?”

  The questions are being fired at Shane one after another. Even though I’m looking in the same direction as everyone else, I can’t find Shane. Or Mack. Or Luke. I start pushing and elbowing my way through the crowd to get to the front. Shane is in the ring with all his gear on, still practicing and sparring like no one else is here. Mack is standing to the side of the ring and sees me approach the ring. He’s not happy at all.

  Shane finishes his normal workout and exits the ring on the opposite side of the chaos. I turn and start ordering people out of the gym unless they have a paid membership. Will walks up and starts pushing the crowd towards the doors. When I threaten to call the police and have them arrested for trespassing, they begrudgingly leave the building and wait on the outskirts of the parking lot. I make my way in the direction that Shane went to find out what has happened.

  Shane is unwrapping his hands when I walk in the room. “Shane – what is going on?”

  He doesn’t look up when he answers, “The federation said my last drug test came back positive for illegal steroid use. They’ve blocked me from continuing on my title-fight run until this has been cleared up – one way or another.”

  Damn you, Jackson Rhoades.

  “Shane, this is my fault. I need to leave – I need to get away from you before I completely ruin your career….and Mack’s….,” I don’t even know what else to say. I’m sorry I ruined your chance at a title fight just doesn’t seem to cover it.

  Shane roars as he punches his metal locker with his bare fist. Tears immediately spring to my eyes because I’m the reason he’s lost everything he’s worked so hard for. His blood, sweat, tears, pain, and exhaustion – everything is in vain now. All this over trumped up charges that Jackson has waved his magical political wand and conjured up from out of nowhere. The same charges he could make disappear if I cave and do whatever it is he wants.

  I quietly leave, not knowing what else to say or do, and give Shane some time and space. It’s too much to bear – watching him lose his dream when I don’t even know why Jackson is doing this – what he wants from me. I’ve made a couple of decisions in the last thirty seconds. One, I’m going on the talk show next week regardless of what ulterior motives they have for me. Two, I’m going to find out what Jackson Rhoades wants from me so I can put a stop to all this.

  Luke is in the ring, sparring with his partner and giving it his best, as I slip out the door unseen. I’ve interrupted enough lives lately – I can at least let him finish his workout and not keep him from his dreams while I start planning what to do next. I’m not trying to leave him out, though I have a feeling that’s exactly what he will think when he realizes I’m not at the gym. I just need to get away by myself for a while.

  My grande caramel macchiato is now in hand and I’m driving back to my house for some peace and quiet to come up with a plan. As soon as I t
urn on the radio, the local station DJ’s are talking about Shane and his “fall of shame.” They’re going on and on about how he’s such a disgrace for our city. I cringe every time I hear them tear him down and I want to call in to give them a piece of my mind. But I know it’ll only adding fuel to the fire to have a “crazy lady” taking up for him.

  After a frantic drive home, during which I’m sure I cussed out some very nice people in my fits of road rage, I storm in my kitchen and slam my purse down on the counter. I lay my head over and moan loudly in frustration.

  “Andi, that’s so unladylike of you,” a male voice gently chastises behind me. My back snaps up rod-straight and my head whips around to locate the owner of the offensive voice. The voice I recognize immediately.

  “What the hell are you doing in my house, Jackson?” I demand.

  “Now, is that any way to speak to your father?” He actually has the nerve to smile at me. A sick, sardonic, evil smile.

  “No, it’s not. But then, you are not my father. You are a trespasser who is now guilty of breaking and entering. Not very good for your political reputation, is it?” I stand my ground, keeping my back straight and shoulders back. I will not allow him the pleasure of thinking I’m uncomfortable for even one second.

  “I’m not worried about anyone taking your word over mine, Andi,” he responded slowly, menacing and with that ugly sneer of his. “Or Shane’s word.”

  Although I knew he was behind it, hearing him say the words still nearly takes my breath away. I lean forward, narrow my eyes and hiss my response, “What do you want, Jackson?”

  “Ah, you always were one to cut right to the chase,” he chided as he puffed out his chest and put on his best stern face. “You shouldn’t have let those pictures of you get out, Andi. They’ve caused too many questions and I can’t have that lingering about when I’ll be making a run for the presidency soon.”

  “I didn’t let them get out. But if you want to talk about things that never should have happened, we need to back up a lot longer ago than when those pictures were leaked.” I puff out my own chest and meet his glare head on.

  “Tsk, tsk. That’s no way to clear up this nasty mix up at the boxing lab. If they don’t discover it soon, Shane’s career may never recover,” Jackson replies nonchalantly, as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  I know better, though. His bluff doesn’t fool me. Yes, he can hurt Shane, Luke, Sam, Linda – everyone who knows me – but there’s something he needs from me or his own career will never recover.

  “Just spit it out, Jackson. This conversation has already gone on way too long.”

  “It’s only a matter of time before the media discovers I was your foster father when you had that terrible nervous breakdown and had to be institutionalized,” he cocks his head to the side and watches for my reaction to his blatant lie about me.


  “And they will want to know why you so viciously attacked me….without cause or provocation.”

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. He’s setting the scene, he’s giving me the story he wants me to feed to the press.

  “And why would they think it was without cause or provocation?”

  “Because that’s what you need to admit to doing… part of your continued rehabilitation, you need to take full responsibility for what happened. You want to show that you’ve learned, grown and changed from the troubled youth you once were.”

  “I was troubled,” I said each word slowly, disbelievingly, and like I was talking to a complete moron.

  “Yes, I know you were, dear. Thankfully, we found a doctor and hospital staff that could help you.”

  “You’re not so delusional that you really believe that line of bullshit you’re trying to feed me, are you?”

  “You will believe it and you will tell it to every single person who has a camera, microphone, recorder, or even a damn camera phone! You will make them believe it or everyone you know will pay for your mistakes.” His voice became deeper and gruffer as he moved in closer to me. I know he’s close to being desperate – and desperation makes him even more dangerous.

  “It’s time for you to leave. Get out of my house.” I made sure my voice didn’t quiver but inside I am shaking like a leaf. He just smirked, inclined his head and turn towards the front door.

  “Don’t even think about getting any bright ideas, Andi,” he called over his shoulder just before the door shut behind him. I rushed to the door, locked it and let out a long breath.

  I know what I have to do now.


  Damn, Mack is putting me through the ringer today. I have missed way too much training lately and it definitely shows. I can feel it in my stamina and in my sore muscles. The muscle burn feels good though – I don’t know if I’ll be able to move tomorrow, but at least I know it is working.

  No doubt Mack is taking his frustrations on me over the damn circus in here. All these lies and rumors surrounding Shane have nearly cost him the title fight. Mack kept telling Shane to keep his chin up because he would make sure it all got cleared up, but Shane’s not so sure Mack will be able to do it.

  Shane finished his workout and went to the locker room to get away from the fucking media swarming around the place. I am impressed with Andi and Will’s ability to get them out of the building but they’re still outside with their damn intrusive telephoto lenses and video cameras. Shane finished his workout to keep up appearances but I know it is all taking a toll on him.

  I watch Andi as she follows Shane towards the locker room. If anyone can get through to him, it’s her. They’ve had a tight relationship for a long time and he listens to her. He’s going to need her now, and she will need him because I know she feels responsible for all this.

  About two hours later, I’m finishing up a grueling 5-mile run when I see Mack and Shane talking. I stroll up to them just in time to hear Mack.

  “You can’t blame her for this, Shane. You damn well know it.” There’s no mistaking Mack’s harsh tone. Shane quickly shifts his eyes away and immediately looks ashamed. Was he actually blaming Andi?

  “Can’t blame who?” I ask, even though I have a good idea of what they’re talking about. I am immediately ready to defend Andi to anyone.

  Shane won’t meet my eyes but Mack has no problem with answering me.

  “Shane had a moment of feeling sorry for himself. He’s over it now.” Shane nods in agreement but still looks away.

  “Surely you don’t think Andi should be blamed for this. You know her better than that, Shane. Do you know the whole story of what happened to her?” I’m dumbfounded. I can’t believe Shane would really think that.

  “Yeah, I know, I know, man. It’s not her fault and I shouldn’t have even thought that for a second. I’m just really fucking mad. If this isn’t cleared up soon, and I mean yesterday soon, my sponsors will drop me.”

  “Didn’t you talk to her? I saw her follow you towards the locker room,” I look around, suddenly realizing that I haven’t seen her in a while now.

  “Not really. She tried to talk to me but I….she said she should leave because she’s hurting my career. I didn’t disagree with her,” Shane hangs his head and looks at the ground. “I didn’t even really say anything to her.”

  “Where is she? Did she say where she was going?” I’m really looking around the gym now and I don’t see her here anywhere. She didn’t tell me she was leaving, but I know she wouldn’t interrupt my training just to tell me she was leaving the building. Still, it’s unusual to not hear from her for so long.

  Concern blankets Shane’s face as my question registers with him. Shane quickly looks around the gym and back at me.

  “I don’t know where she is, man. She just left – she didn’t say where she was going.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad, ladies. You haven’t even tried calling her yet,” Mack chastises us while shaking his head. “I trained her myself. Give both of us a little credit.�

  I grab my phone out of my gym bag and call Andi. It rings four times and goes to voicemail. It’s not turned off but she’s not answering. I’m trying to not freak out and have Mack call me a girl again. Shane looks at me expectantly and I shake my head no.

  Mack huffs and says, “One missed call does not an emergency make.”

  Mack walks off, leaving Shane and me to worry without him. Shane grabbed his phone out of his bag and stepped away to make a call. He’s talking to someone and while I can’t help but hope he’s talking to Andi, I know it’s not by the timbre of his voice. It’s much more intimate than the tone he uses with Andi.

  A few minutes later, he walks back over to me and tells me no one has heard from her all day. She’s not at the youth center and she’s not answering either of our calls. I head to the locker room to shower and dress as quickly as I can.

  I’m finished in record time and headed towards my truck when my phone starts ringing. Andi’s smiling face lights up my phone’s display and I’m instantly relieved.

  “Andi, where are you?” This is how I answer the phone.

  “Well, hello to you, too, my love,” she chuckles as she responds to my abrupt greeting.

  “Sorry, baby. I just couldn’t find you and I was worried. Where are you?”

  “I’m at home. Are you finished? Can you come home now?”

  “I’m getting in my truck right now. Be there in twenty,” I say before we hang up. She sounds fine but I know something is up. I know I haven’t had these strange feelings about her for nothing.

  She’s sitting at the kitchen table, staring at nothing and drumming her fingers, when I walk in the house. I lean against the cabinets and just watch her, taking in her facial expressions, her body language, and the fact that she doesn’t even know I’m here yet. That feeling deep in the pit of my chest increases, squeezing me and makes my breath catch with its sharpness.


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