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by Wendi Zwaduk

  Drawn Together

  Wendi Zwaduk

  Graig Case wants to teach history and coach baseball. Plain and simple. But nothing in his life has been simple. He’s also got a secret. He loves to watch the sexy woman across the courtyard dance. He’d love for his fantasy girl to be his best friend, but fantasy and reality don’t always mix.

  Tessa Martin has given up on love. She’s played second fiddle most of her life. Guys like hanging out with her. But being one of the guys doesn’t keep her warm at night. Still, she indulges in her one treat—dancing naked at night for Graig. No emotions involved means no one gets hurt.

  Except when they end up working in the same school, in the same hallway. Then all bets are off.

  Inside Scoop: This lucky hero gets to take control when his new girl encourages him to spank her.

  A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  Drawn Together

  Wendi Zwaduk

  Chapter One

  Artists do it dirty.

  He loved the poster on her wall. Such an odd item for the bedroom wall of an adult woman, but then again, he liked it, so maybe he was just as odd. Didn’t really matter. Once the woman caught him watching her, well, the game would be over.

  Graig settled back into the easy chair he’d moved into his bedroom. He checked his watch once more. Eleven o’clock. Just about time for her to come into her bedroom.

  He shouldn’t watch her. Shouldn’t be turned-on by the sway of her hips as she shimmied out of her jeans. But damn. She moved as if she knew he was there.

  The light flicked on, bathing the room across the courtyard in warmth. Thank God they both lived on the top floor with balconies blocking the view to the apartments below. Any lower and everyone else would be able to see her. Blood pounded in his veins and heat flooded his body. Any moment now. The woman stepped into frame. She unwound the elastic from her hair and tossed her dark tresses over her shoulder. He swore the scent of strawberry floated to him. Her perfume? The scent of her shampoo? Probably his mind playing tricks on him, but he didn’t care. He licked his lips. Just to grab hold of the silky locks and bury his face in them…

  She looked so damn familiar, but he’d never ventured across the courtyard to get a better look. She reminded him of the minx from the school. Tessa didn’t strike him as the type to dance in front of an open window. She came across so stiff and proper, not at all like the vibrant babe he loved to watch. Maybe if she peeled back the layers surrounding her and lived a little. Maybe. God, he wanted her to be Tessa. The resemblance was uncanny.

  The woman turned her back to him and rolled her shoulders. Graig rubbed his flattened palm across his torso. His nipples beaded. From his touch or the vision of her? Both worked for him. She rested her hands on her hips, drawing his attention to her ass. A nice, plush bottom, perfect for slapping during sex and sinful when she danced.

  He prayed she’d turn on her stereo. Sometimes he caught faint snippets of her selections. He wanted the music to accompany her dance. She seemed so much freer and more natural when the music played, as though she forgot all her cares. God, he’d come in his hand just from watching her move to whatever sensual beat she blasted from her stereo.

  She snapped her fingers and left the frame of the window. Graig shot forward in his seat. Oh hell no, this wasn’t allowed to be over so soon. His heart raced. I am too attached to this mystery woman, but damn. He closed his eyes. I’m not done.

  Graig gripped the arms of the chair, ready to vacate his bedroom. Without her on display, going to bed wasn’t in the cards. He watched the window.

  Tingles shot from his toes to his brain to his cock. She was naked.

  “Whoa,” he whispered. Full breasts bounced with her every step. Pink-tinged nipples pointed to him. A thin thatch of curls protected her pussy. His lips parted and he gasped for air. For the first time since he’d started watching her, she stared in his direction. Could she see him? She cupped her breasts, giving her nipples a squeeze. Had to be Tessa or her damn twin. Did she have a twin? Not that he knew of. He couldn’t help wanting the fantasy girl to be the woman he craved—to be Tessa.

  “Come on, Tessa. Show me everything.” Graig relinquished his grasp on the arms of the chair and caressed his cock through the barrier of his pajama pants. Her body swayed to whatever music played in her room. Although he couldn’t clearly see her face, he recognized her actions. Not looking at him at all. She threw her hands in the air and tilted her head back.

  She’d been singing along to the song, not intentionally enticing him. He unbuttoned his pants and wrapped his fingers around his dick. She turned him on, all right. Holy hell. His balls constricted. He hadn’t even begun to stroke and sure as shit it felt like he’d go off in a second.

  Footsteps thumped on the carpet behind him. Footsteps? Oh fuck. Graig stuffed his aching cock back into his pants and sat up.

  “Graig? Why are you sitting in the dark?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Fuck. Lila. “The better question is what you’re doing here.” He moved to stand, but froze when she turned on the light. “We split and you gave me back your key.”

  Lila batted her thick lashes and peered at him. “I’m visiting you, lover.”

  “You told me you wanted Javier.” Graig moved his hands over his aching cock. The pajama pants cut into his flesh and goddamn it hurt.

  “Meh.” She strode across the room, climbed onto his lap and threw her arms around his neck. She ground against him, mons to groin. “Oh baby, feels like you missed me. Let’s get this out and put him to good use.”


  “What’cha watchin’?”

  “Nothing you’d want to see.” Crap. He sounded so…guilty.

  She gave him a shove and peeked over her shoulder. “You were watching that girl across the courtyard weren’t you?” Her violet eyes narrowed and she slid off his lap. “Again? She’s like watching a beached whale, all sickly pale skin and flab. Should I go over there and tell her you’re watching her? Bet she’d love to know some perv lives across the courtyard.”

  “Don’t talk about her like that. You don’t know her. And you don’t know me.” Fuck. Knowing Lila when she got angry, she’d go around telling anyone who would listen about what he did. Just what he needed—the wrong person to hear about him playing the voyeur. “Just, let it drop.”

  “I won’t. I mean, she’s hideous.” Lila slapped him out of the way and leaned out his open window. “You are an ugly woman.” She whipped around and faced him. “Shut your fucking blinds and focus on the woman who really loves you.”

  “Thanks for the warning. I’ll shut them.” Instead of waiting for the woman’s response, Graig stood up and crossed the room to where she stood to block his view. He grabbed Lila’s arm. “Get out and eat something. You’re a damned twig. It’s not healthy-looking.” He hustled her through his apartment to the hallway door. “You told me you were done with me. Couldn’t take my crazy teacher hours or my commitment to the job and the baseball team. So stay away.”

  “But I like you,” she said in a childlike squeak. “And you need me. Besides, the school wants fine upstanding teachers. I’ll make you fine and upstanding.”

  “Just go.” Graig shut the door and engaged the deadbolt. He forked his fingers into his hair. Probably a good night for the chain as well. He slipped the chain into place and shook his head. He hadn’t given her the damn key to his apartment—not since he got new locks. Time to get the locks changed. Again. This time he wanted her gone for good. He’d had enough of her bullshit. Would she stoop to telling the school about him watching his fantasy girl? Nah, Lila was clever, but not downright evil. He sprinted through the apartment. Was his mystery w
oman still there dancing or had she been spooked by Lila’s act of misplaced jealousy and manipulation?

  He stared into the darkness. Nothing. Just blackened windows and a darkened room.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  Maybe he’d see her the next night.

  * * * * *

  Tessa Martin placed her bag on her shoulder and pressed the button on her fob to lock her Jeep. Another year and another chance to engage the teenagers of Valley City High in the joy of art.

  “You have to go in the building on in-service day. Not stare at it.”

  Tessa snorted and glanced over her shoulder. She knew the male voice. Graig Case. Boys junior varsity baseball coach, subbing until a permanent gig as a history teacher in the district opened up. She leaned on the fender of her Jeep and folded her arms. “You do realize you don’t have to be here for in-service, right?” Without giving him time to answer, she strolled away from him. “Nah, you’re begging them for a job and sucking up. Have you heard anything about the transfer to McKinley? I hadn’t heard anything before we all left for summer break. Are they still considering you?”

  Graig snorted. He’d donned a pair of worn jeans and a short-sleeve pullover in the perfect shade of charcoal to bring out the icy-blue of his eyes. The soft fabric of his shirt molded to his body like a second skin, giving her a tantalizing view of his muscles. “Don’t have to suck up to anyone.” He shrugged. “Not yet. They hired me here three days ago for Richard’s position. The transfer is dead unless Valley decides they only want me for a year. But even then, I’ll probably lobby to stick around.” He slipped into step next to her, his one stride accounting for two of hers. “I even get a room this year, not a closet mislabeled as a workroom.”

  “I see.” She smothered the smile. He came across as a jock most of the time, but whenever she was around, he acted different. As if the jock wasn’t really who he was. “Then let’s see which hallway you’re in.”


  She stopped mid-stride. Hers? “I’m in the performing arts wing with the band and the choir. How in the name of Mike did you end up with us?”

  “There’s an odd number of history teachers this year, so being the low man on the totem pole, I got the odd placement.” He gave her a nudge. “Don’t tell me you’re upset. Who else would I bug when I get totally flustered? One day I might be able to talk you out of those god-awful turtlenecks and horrid khaki pants. Get you into something softer. Slinkier. Something that shows your collarbone.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes. “Don’t try to talk me out of my clothes. I’m not one of those women you pick up down at the bar.” She waved her hand, ushering him into the performing arts wing. No, she danced for him at night when she couldn’t hear him reject her. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “Staff meeting starts in fifteen, so I’ll come find you then.”


  She shivered but didn’t turn around. His voice flowed down her spine. Damn he was too much of a distraction.

  “This is a good place for me. You won’t regret it.”

  “I’ve got nothing to regret. We’ve got kids to teach. Where we happen to be is up to the principals—no matter what you say.” Tessa yanked her classroom door open. The scent of disinfectant, the tang of floor polish, and the chalkiness of the tempera paint mixed in the air. She took a deep breath to calm her frayed nerves. Wherever Graig Case went, her damn libido seemed to follow. Who cared if he had inky-black hair thick enough to run her fingers through and a smile guaranteed to light up a room? It didn’t hurt he filled out the baseball jersey perfectly, all long legs and lanky arms. She wondered what it would feel like to be held in those arms and feel the scruff on his cheeks abrading her own.

  Behind her, the door squeaked.

  “Case, I’m telling you…” When she turned around, instead of Graig, Adam Pallas took up the doorway. “Adam. I’m sorry.”

  “You look like someone took away your birthday.” Adam stalked toward her in three strides. His dark eyes blazed and a lock of his blond hair slipped over his brow. “Case got under your skin?”

  “I was just thinking,” she lied.

  “I’ve got it.” His whole demeanor changed. A sparkle lit his eyes and the same old boyish grin spread across his lips. “You’re finally going on that date I’ve been asking you for since I started here.”


  “And that’s another no.” His shoulders sank, but the glimmer in his eye didn’t. “Five years. You’ve got a streak going.” He winked. “See you in the cafeteria.”

  She sagged against the drawing table. Crud. Adam hadn’t given up in five years. She probably owed him, if for nothing other than his sheer determination. He’d treat whomever he hooked up with well. Too bad she wasn’t really interested.

  Tessa glanced at the boxes piled in the corner. Paint, brushes, colored pencils and other supplies that needed putting away. If she didn’t get going, she’d be there all day putting the various media where it belonged.

  She stood and smoothed her T-shirt. “It gets my mind off men.”

  Fifteen bottles of red tempera and twenty-six dozen charcoal pencils later, Tessa finally stood. “One box down, seventeen to go.”

  Footsteps clomped on the concrete floor behind her. “Ms. Martin. The meeting is about to start. Care to grace us with your presence?”

  She whirled around. Damn. Her brother-in-law, who happened to be the assistant principal, waited for her. “Dennis. I got busy putting supplies away.” She brushed the dust off her hands and closed the box. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Dennis rocked on his feet. “Just because you’re family doesn’t mean you can get out of commitments.”

  “Are you always in vice principal mode or do you revert into human sometimes?” She fisted her hands on her hips. “Human might be a nice change for you.”

  “Being administration means being harsh.” Dennis snorted. “What’s your deal? Pallas? He’s harmless. Might be a nice date.”

  She ignored Dennis’ urging to date Adam. As if Dennis thought he could tell her whom to hook up with. She sighed. “Are the history numbers really odd? Come on. Richard wasn’t in my hallway last year. And we’ve never had someone who wasn’t one of the arts down here.”

  “Ah, you’re upset about Case. I figured you’d be thrilled.” He narrowed his eyes. “Yes, he’s the odd man out. Pallas is in the vacant classroom in the English arts wing. Carey moved to the science pod, leaving Case as a misfit. Consider yourself the ringleader of the misfit hall.”

  “No thanks.”

  “He requested your hallway. Practically crashed down my door begging for this hallway.” Dennis nodded to the door. “Go. He’s not leaving and neither are you. The assignments are set and right now the misfits are leaderless. Gretsch and Terry aren’t interested in being department chair. You’re it. Care to take the helm?”

  “I don’t have much choice. I’m the sole head of the art department and now the arts department. Swell.” Tessa marched down the hallway, ready to spit nails. Yes, being around Graig sounded divine. Hell, she fantasized about him. Wanted to gaze into his blue eyes and lose herself for a few hours. But to actually have to deal with him day to day? She plunked down on one of the empty cafeteria seats. A tension headache grew behind her eyes.

  “Here’s the fearless leader,” Graig murmured and scooted onto the seat next to her. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” She hadn’t meant to snap at him. The sound of his voice traveled up and down her spine in a gravely caress. “Sorry.”

  “I told you not to huff the art materials.” His breath warmed her ear and neck.

  “Shut up. I had to deal with Dennis. He’s a turd.” If anything, she and Graig always managed a snappy banter between them. He made her feel comfortable even when she’d rather hightail it out of the meeting or jump all over him and smother him with kisses. Her thoughts reverted to visions of them christening her desk in a tangle of arms and legs.

e him. His tightie-whities are two sizes too small,” Graig whispered, turning her senses inside out.

  Tessa willed her heart rate to slow down to the normal realm and pressed her thighs together. A simple conversation shouldn’t affect her so much. “You do realize he’s my brother-in-law.” There. She’d stopped him with that tidbit of information. Though God knew nothing would take her mind off undressing Graig with her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for your family’s luck.”

  She snorted. “Cute.”

  “He was the only one at my interview to give me grief. He acted like he knew everything and I wasn’t good enough for Valley City Schools. Then when I gave my suggestions for room assignments, he laughed.”

  “He is who he is.”

  “So are you.” Graig patted her thigh then rested his chin on his forearms. “I’m already tired of listening to him babble and Pallas chatter about taking you on a date. He thinks I’m competition. Anything more between us probably won’t happen because we’re friends, good friends, and I don’t want to screw that up.”

  “You sound so noble. Such a catch.”

  “Never said I was a catch.” Graig touched her thigh once more. “But I’d love a normal relationship.”

  Her skin heated from his touch and her leg trembled. She bit the inside of her cheek. Good friends. Great. Made her sound like a puppy. Things between us probably wouldn’t happen. She wasn’t really shocked. In Graig’s two years as a sub, he’d shown up to many a faculty gathering with a pretty girl on his arm. Never the same girl twice either. She had no chance with him. God, this was going to be a tough year.

  Chapter Two

  Graig scrubbed the sponge across the chalkboard. Every time he thought something would go right, the lesson, his video presentation, the seating chart, something else cropped up to kick his butt. He glanced at the calendar. October 22. Seemed like just the day before he walked into the classroom fresh and ready to tackle teaching American history to bright-eyed eighth graders.


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