Book Read Free

Wolfish Dreams

Page 1

by Wendy Stone

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Wolfish Dreams

  ISBN # 978-1-906811-16-7

  ©Copyright Wendy Stone 2008

  Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright October 2008

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2008 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Wendy Stone


  I’d like to dedicate this one to all of the fans that have kept me writing over the years. Your emails, comments, critiques, have all helped me to achieve the first part of my dream. Thank you for that. As always, thanks to my mom and my sisters you are my muses and my strength. This novel holds a special place in my heart as I have dealt with the same pain as my heroine and know the torment of back surgery and the hell that follows.

  Chapter One

  The cabin was dark and unwelcoming as Josie Hare pulled past the final curve and drove into the clearing. She sighed tiredly as she looked with sceptical eyes at the cabin. She’d needed this time, planned for it, yearned for it. Now she wondered if she’d made a mistake.

  “Okay, Josie, there’s no help for it now. Let’s just get inside and get some lights on.” The sound of her voice seemed to give her courage, and she slipped tiredly from the rented SUV. The trip had taken all day, starting early this morning from her home in lower Michigan. She hadn’t expected it to be that long, but the directions she’d gotten from the gentleman renting her the cabin in the forest near Iron Mountain, Michigan hadn’t been exact, and she’d gotten lost after pulling off US-2. After getting some directions, she’d gotten dinner and been back on the right track.

  It had taken another three hours to get to the cabin, and after finding the tiny two track road, she’d thought she was lost again. Now she was here, exhausted and ready to just collapse. But she still had to empty the SUV and get the power on in the cabin. Why hadn’t she accepted the owner’s offer to com out and turn on everything for her?

  Because you’re too damned proud, the little voice in her head said. You can never accept help and look what that little personality flaw did to you. Josie stretched, feeling the pain in her back even more since she’d been sitting behind the steering wheel for so long. The scar on her lower back still itched from the fusion surgery she’d been forced to endure and had barely healed from. She yanked at the brace she still wore, pulling it down and tugging on the t-shirt she wore under it.

  The damn thing made her itch, and she hated it more than anything in her life, but without it, she felt as if her body would collapse, and just accordion down until there was nothing left of her. Picking up her keys, she headed for the front door, grabbing only her purse and overnight bag. She fumbled with the lock, cursing the stubborn thing before finally hearing it click and come open under her fingers. “Finally,” she said tiredly.

  She pushed open the door, hearing it squeak loudly. On the shelf by the door was a lantern with a big package of matches just as her landlord had said. Josie dropped her purse and bag on the ground, picking up the lantern and lighting it.

  The interior of the cabin was cheery, with drapes on the windows and matching furniture that was a little worse for wear. The inside walls were the original logs, chinked well in between to keep out the upper Michigan winter air. There was a large kitchen table and a small refrigerator, stove and sink in the kitchen. It was rustic but comfortable, and she felt much better after seeing where she’d be staying.

  There were a few inhabitants that would need to be run out of town before she could sleep, and she still had to bring in her supplies from the SUV, including her laptop, before she could allow herself to relax.

  Excitement gave her energy, and she suddenly felt better about the next month. Leaving the lantern on the porch to give her light, she went back to the SUV and started to unpack, careful of her back. Too much weight and she’d mess up what they’d managed to fix. By the fifth trip, she was tempted to leave the rest until morning, but she toughed it out. Stacking foodstuff into one corner, she carefully carried the box of books she’d brought along to read over to one of the couches.

  Her suitcase went into the main bedroom that had a fireplace as well as its own bathroom. All she had left to do was to get the generator started and she’d be all set for the night—besides sweeping out the unwanted insects. Picking up the lantern, she slipped around to the back of the house, freezing when she heard the crackle of a footstep.

  She held her breath, uncertain what was out there making noises. It could be anything from a bear to a deer. She didn’t know what kind of animals made their homes in this woods. When eyes shone in the clearing from the light of her lantern, she held her breath, watching as a large wolf stepped out of the woods and hesitatingly approached the circle of light around her.

  He was beautiful. A big, gorgeous specimen. His hair was deep black with a white streak splashed across his chest. His eyes were wide set and a beautiful brown, staring at her with an intelligence that was uncanny as well as a little scary.

  “Go, get out of here,” she shouted suddenly, watching as the animal turned on his heel and ran back to the woods. She was almost sorry to see him go. He’d been a surprising but exciting sight.

  “Okay, the generator, Josie. Get it done so you can go to bed.”

  She found the shed and read the directions, the landlord had left by the generator to get it started. It coughed and sputtered for a minute before catching and running smoothly. “Wonderful, that wasn’t all that hard.”

  Swinging the lantern on the way back to the cabin, she glanced at the woods, wondering if she’d see the wolf again. She kind of hoped so. She’d wanted to be alone on this trip, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t like to see some of the natural wildlife.

  She made it back inside, closing the door securely behind her. With a sigh, she blew out the lantern and dropped onto the couch, suddenly too tired to make up the bed with the sheets she’d brought. Instead, she grabbed the old quilt that covered the back of the couch and shook the dust out of it before covering herself with it and letting herself sink into sleep.

  She felt herself drawn into her dreams and she fell so deeply asleep that she didn’t hear the footsteps on the porch. She didn’t see the face that pressed against the window or the eyes that stared at her with curiosity and a little bit of awe.

  The dream when it started was innocent. It began with her seeing the wolf in the clearing. She smiled in her sleep, for he really was beautiful. He held his well-made head high, his nose in the air, checking for scents. His chest was wide and muscular, his legs long and built for running. As she watched
him, he suddenly stretched, laying full length on the ground almost at her feet.

  She blinked furiously, watching as he changed from the wolf to a man. He was tall, long legged and lean. His hair was shaggy, but his face, ah, that face. It was beautiful. Men shouldn’t be beautiful, but he was. Dark lashes rested against high cheekbones, fluttering briefly before staying closed. His lips were full but not overly so. They held masculine magnetism that was fascinating, making her wonder how they would feel against her own. He had a firm jaw that bespoke of stubbornness, and a tiny cleft in his chin that had her longing to touch her tongue to it to find out how he would taste. His forehead was wide, free of wrinkles in his sleep and his hair was pushed back, as if he’d run his fingers through it.

  Fingers…they were long, slender and looked as if they’d be at home on either a keyboard or a woman’s body. A shiver shuddered through Josie at that thought, and she took her time looking at the rest of him. He had a wide chest and was powerfully built with thick shoulders and a lean stomach. She could easily see the lines of the six pack of muscles there, and it made her hands itch to touch and explore.

  The rest of him was just as finely made and just as big, even his cock appeared bigger than normal as it lay soft upon its nest of pubic hair. Josie fell to her knees beside the stranger, his continued sleep giving her a bit of courage. Reaching out, she touched the wide vee of hair on his chest, amazed by how soft it felt. Her fingers seemed to move on their own, stroking down his chest, across his stomach, and finally touching the crinkly curls at his groin. They were different, less soft and more wiry. With a sigh, she stroked the back of her hand over his soft cock, hearing an intake of breath from the man and seeing his cock twitch as it came to life, growing longer. She couldn’t help but continue stroking it.

  It’d been so long since she’d touched a man, way before her accident that had caused the crushed disks in her back some three years before she’d even had the surgery. Kale had wanted to stay with her, but she’d pushed him away. She’d needed to stand on her own, fighting against having the surgery. She’d wanted to wait, hoping she could get the replacement disks, instead of having her spine fused together, a metal cage wrapped around it, holding her together. Those weren’t her only scars. She’d gotten so she didn’t even want to see the them anymore.

  The man’s groan tore her mind from those awful memories, and she looked into his face, seeing his eyes open. They were a deep, rich brown with a warmth that surprised her. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I-I wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt?” she said softly, stammering just a bit.

  “So you thought you’d give me a hand job?” he asked, amused as her face flushed with heat and Josie realised she still caressed his cock with her palm.

  She dropped him like a snake, her hand rubbing against her jean-clad knee. “I-I’m sorry. I-I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Oh, don’t stop on my account,” he said with a chuckle that touched a chord deep inside of her. He motioned to where his cock now stood proudly from his naked body. “I didn’t mind at all.”

  “I can see that,” Josie whispered, embarrassed beyond all measure now. She tried to rise but she couldn’t get her feet under her to get up. Seeing her dilemma, he rose quickly, his cock swinging for just an instant in front of her face.

  “I think you’re the one who could use some TLC,” he said, offering her his hands.

  She had no choice, she could either kneel there, his cock pointed right towards her partly opened mouth, or she could accept his assistance and rise with as much grace as was possible for someone in her condition.

  His hands were warm around hers, his strength enough that she had no problem getting up. When she was upright once more, he took a step back from her, keeping his hands out in case she needed them as she swayed a bit.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked, looking at the strange contraption she wore around her middle.

  It looked like an old-fashioned corset, but instead of boning in the stays, it held metal. It tied in the back but had a hook and eye fastening up the front for easy on and off. She’d been wearing the thing since her surgery three months back and hated it with a passion.

  “I have to wear this,” Josie said. “I was in an accident and had to have surgery.” But that’s all she would say. The details were too painful, her loses too many to recount to a stranger—especially a naked one. How do you tell a stranger that one moment of idiocy and half your life becomes impossible to live anymore? She’d lost her job, her home, Kale and all because of her back. If it hadn’t been for writing…

  “Do you always walk around the woods naked?” she asked.

  “Was I naked when you first came upon me?” he asked, smiling down at her. He took a step closer, making Josie realise exactly how much bigger he actually was as he forced her to look up at him.

  “N-no, you were a…a wolf,” she answered him slowly, finding it as unbelievable as she had before.

  “That’s right. I’m part wolf. Does that scare you, Josie?” he asked.

  “I think the fact you know my name, and I never gave it to you scares me more,” she said, taking a step backwards.

  “You talk to yourself,” he said simply.


  “You talk to yourself. I’ve heard you call yourself Josie, I figured it was your name because, unless you’ve really gone around the bend, I don’t think you’d call yourself by someone else’s name.”

  “How did this get back on me?” Josie asked. “You know my name. What’s yours?”

  “Teagan O’Roarke, at your service,” he said, sweeping into a bow that would have seemed much courtlier had he been dressed.

  “Irish?” Josie asked, digesting the strange name as well as his strange manners.

  “As they come, Miss Josie,” he said with a smile, picking up her hand and playing with her fingers.

  She could hear it now, that soft Irish brogue that barely haunted his words. It was lyrical, his voice deep and intelligent, making her long to hear more. “So what is an Irish wolf doing in the middle of a forest in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan?” she asked.

  “Well, I was thinking of sweeping this young lady I just met off of her feet and talking her into running away with me,” he said, lifting her hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss upon her open palm.

  “Then what they say about the Irish is true?” she asked, pulling her hand away slowly.

  “What’s that you’ve heard, Miss Josie?” he said with a smile.

  “That the Irish are full of blarney,” she teased, backing away from him slowly and moving towards the house. She wasn’t paying enough attention to her feet, her eyes on his face and the slow but full smile that developed at her words. She saw his eyes widen an instant before she tripped on a rock, her arms flailing out in attempt to save herself from a painful fall.

  His arms were around her, pulling her gently into his embrace and holding her tight. His cock pressing against her stomach in the corset. Her heart beating in overtime due to her near-fall, and she looked up at him with wide eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said and meant it.

  “No,” he said softly, staring down into her eyes. “Thank you. I was wracking my brain to come up with a way to get you into my arms.”

  “And now that you have me there?” she asked and almost gasped in surprise. She almost sounded like the old Josie, the Josie before the accident that had changed her life so much.

  “Are you provoking me, Miss Josie?” he asked, his hands running down her corseted back and over her jean-clad ass. “Because trust me when I say, it wouldn’t take much provoking at all to sweep you into my arms and carry you into that cabin to find a bed.”

  “Would you have your way with me?” Josie asked, smiling slyly up at him.

  “I’d almost believe you were wanting me too,” he said in surprise.

  “This is a dream, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he answered simply.

  “Then it’s my dream, and in it, I can do what I want, can’t I?” she asked.

  “I’m not certain of the rules, but I suppose you can,” Teagan answered.

  Her hands slid up his naked chest, one burrowing into the hair at the back of his head, the other holding on to his shoulder as she tried to raise herself up on tiptoes so that she could get closer to him. “If it is my dream,” she whispered, “then I want it to be a good one. Kiss me, Teagan, please?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice, Josie girl,” he said huskily, his hands cupping her face and drawing her up to his lips.

  Heat slammed through her, passion and desire rolled into one potent punch, hitting right into her gut as his mouth opened over hers. His big hands slid down her back, once more cupping the rounded curves of her ass, trapped in tight denim. He lifted her easily, holding her close without hurting her, then walked into the cabin.

  The couch where she’d been asleep held the crinkled quilt and her pillow, and he carefully placed her on it, following her down to lay next to her.

  “You taste of passion and spirit, Miss Josie,” he rasped, his hands roaming and touching.

  “You taste like fresh air and fire,” she managed to squeak out as his hands found the fastening of her corset and slowly pulled it apart.

  “Will you be okay if I do this?” he asked softly, exploring her face and neck with soft kisses.

  “It’s a dream. Of course, I’ll be okay,” she sighed, arching her neck so that he could have access to more. The corset came off then the t-shirt she wore under it, leaving her clad in little more than the plain, white bra she’d put on that morning. He stared at the rounded tops of her breasts, pressed upward by the design of the bra.

  “Oh, love, this is a pretty sight.” He traced the cups, his fingers lingering on the soft firmness of her breasts. Josie reached behind her, unable to stand his teasing, and unhooked the garment herself. He drew it down her arms and off. His eyes were on the pink-tipped mounds, the look of admiration in his eyes, doing more for her self-esteem than anything her shrink had tried on her since the accident.


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