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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 15

by Piquette Fontaine

  He told me he understood perfectly, even though I knew he must have been disappointed by it. And the two of us continued on along the same path which we'd been traveling at that point, watched by hungry eyes as we screwed and our sessions continuing on in safe, blissful harmony.

  Little did I know, however, as I continued to screw within the confines of my comfort zone, that the voyeurism sessions themselves could prove as threatening to me and my marriage as the prospect of the threesome which I'd rejected, and for precisely the same reason...

  Chapter 2

  By this point, the arrangement and carrying out of our peep shows had become close to second nature for Derek and I. More often than not, I'd come to trust him with the planning of these affairs on his own. His judgment was as good as mine in selecting the candidates for voyeurs, and I believed him capable enough on his own to choose just the right sorts of individuals or couples to gawk at us. I wholly doubted whether I needed to fear him ever mistakenly inviting over some chainsaw wielding murderer or something like that.

  These days, my primary concern was ensuring that I looked my absolute best for my husband and whatever guests might be happening into our bedroom on the evenings in question. At present, I was making myself look pretty in our bathroom, preparing my body to be ravished before the eyes of an unknown guest just outside the door. I was feeling especially frisky this evening, and I decked myself out in my finest lacy attire in preparation for the scene that was about to unfold. I'd recently purchased a new bra and panties that I'd been waiting to slip into, and tonight seemed like the ideal occasion to break them in properly.

  I twirled around a few times before the mirror, studying my, ahem, assets, squeezing my breasts and spanking my ass a couple of times, just for the sheer delight of watching my supple butt cheek jiggle. I was going to ride or be ridden this evening until my goddamn pussy was raw... It was just one of those hyper-sexual mindsets I sometimes found myself falling prey to, and by the time I'd finished my thorough once-over, I felt as confident and as sexy as I'd ever been in my appearance an my abilities.

  Then, however, I stepped out the door into the bedroom, and every bit of confidence in me seemed to go draining out on the spot.

  I simply couldn't believe my eyes... Of all the people who might have been sitting there, waiting to watch Derek and I fuck when I stepped through the bathroom door into the bedroom, there was Michael... Michael, the senior from my high school upon whom I'd had the most unbearable of crushes, who'd once occupied so much of my mind during that awkward and vulnerable stage in my existence, was looking over at me, his face scarcely registering any signs of recognition.

  I felt as though suddenly I might just collapse inward on myself, go into a nervous breakdown, or perhaps run terrified from the room, scared witless.

  But I didn't. I just stood there, dumbfounded, staring nervously, and reflecting on the days that now seemed so very long ago.

  Back then, I'd been that old, shy me, unwilling to go for what I wanted, unwilling to take risks, and ashamed of the things I truly wanted out of life and out of love. The feelings I'd once felt for Michael had been enormous, all-consuming. At eighteen years of age, he'd been sexy as hell, a jock, and one of the most popular guys in the school. I surely wasn't the only girl to have swooned over him, but I couldn't honestly imagine any other being as emotionally consumed with the man as I happened to be.

  I thought about him all through the day, always anticipating seeing him in the hallways. And I always imagined that, whenever this happened, the look on his face proved that he was as into me as I was into him. But I was far too sheepish, far too frightened to let myself indulge this hopeless crush of mine, and time after time I found myself shying away from that which I clearly desired so deeply in my heart.

  I had spent a long, long time regretting never having taken a shot with Michael... I couldn't say for sure whether he would have felt the same way about me, or whether I'd even really registered on his radar way back then- he was, after all, quite the popular guy.

  And now, the sight of him, sitting there in my bedroom, readying himself to masturbate to the sight of Derek and I having sex in our marital bed... It was almost too much for me.

  I realized, suddenly, that I'd been neglecting to breathe for several minutes, and accordingly I inhaled a massive gasp of air, body quivering from head to toe. Then I struggled, as best I could to keep my mind focused, to try to find some way of navigating this potentially volatile situation without it ending in sheer disaster.

  As in love with my husband as I'd thought I was, I now found myself burning for Michael, wishing it was him who was about to climb on top of me and ride me. Perhaps as a form of long delayed wish fulfillment, a means of catharsis or closure, or perhaps because, even now, I found him as desirable as I had back then in those old, lonely days.

  “God, you look hot,” my husband suddenly piped in, and somehow his phrasing seemed vulgar, particularly in contrast to the delicacy of the feelings I was going through just then with respect to Michael.

  “Oh... Thank you,” I said shyly, and I forced myself to tear my eyes from our guest, and look instead at my husband.

  “This, by the way, is Michael,” my husband added, nodding to the man I already knew, and I had to pretend as though I'd never before lain eyes on him- a difficult act to pull off, indeed... “He'll be watching the two of us this evening...”

  “Nice to meet you, Michael,” I said nervously, hardly looking him in the eyes, but occasionally glancing up to check his reaction. I wondered if he would come right out and say that he already knew me, and eff this already effed up situation up even further.

  “You as well,” he said, politely enough, and my gaze lingered on him perhaps a bit longer than was prudent of me.

  “Now,” said Derek, retaking command of my attention, and pulling my gaze involuntarily back toward him. “Why don't you come over here and relieve me of some of my agony... I just can't bear to see you in that skimpy little outfit for much longer...”

  As you might well imagine, this particular roll in the hay started out every bit as awkward as all hell. I laid down on the bed, breathing heavily, and my nostrils flaring, my nerves seeming on edge as I anticipated the strained torment of the next several minutes. Derek climbed up on top of me like a blanket, his body heat enveloping me, and he wrapped his arms around me.

  I tried, my absolute damnedest, to ease myself into him, struggling to forget the unexpected intruder upon our love as he gazed at us there from the corner. I closed my eyes, and felt Derek's lips melting down against my own. He tasted as wonderful as ever, but my lips seemed to be numb, largely unresponsive, and I had to exert a particular force of effort to avoid simply lying there beneath him like a damn sex doll.

  He put his tongue into my mouth, and I found that I was wholly unprepared for it in my anxiety- I nearly bit the damn thing off, stopping myself just short of doing so. He didn't seem to detect this occurrence, however, and continued on undeterred, sliding his hands all over me.

  For a moment, I did manage to be swept away in the course of events. In particular, Derek's cupping of my breasts, and the squeezing of his fingers into my flesh like a set of talons served to take me out of myself, and I found myself moaning, crying out with pleasure, in spite of my otherwise conflicted mindset.

  He pushed my tits gently across my chest as though kneading up clay, and gradually the straps of that teeny little bra I was wearing began to sift gently down along my shoulders, threatening to come loose. He was wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of black briefs, and I could feel his erection grinding up against my thigh as he dry humped me, clearly getting quite into this without much lead-up whatsoever. Then, God help me, his long, stiff cock managed to slip clean from the confines of his undies altogether, popping out into the open more by accident than design, and I felt it making direct, smoldering contact with my inner thigh as he continued to push his body all over me.

  I was getting more and more int
o it, my head dizzy and light with arousal, but the heated feeling of the moment failed to dissipate for an instant as the two of us carried on. I was forever aware of Michael there in the corner, even if simply in the back of my mind. He was unbuttoning his pants, unzipping them, pulling that long, stiff cock out into the open, and playing with himself to the sight of us...

  Derek's hands began to slide the straps of the bra from my anatomy, dredging them down off of me until my breasts became fully exposed, at which point he immediately rushed to suckle upon me. He applied his lips to each delicate nipple, sinking his teeth into the skin as he did so, and pulled them back, causing them to grow erect with arousal. I moaned with pleasure, feeling as though I might burst out crying from so many emotions all the while. In the background could be heard the steady thumping of Michael's fist as he jagged off to the sight, pumping faster and faster and faster, sometimes slowing down to a creeping, gradual stroke at certain moments in order to let the sensations burn steadily.

  My focus torn as it was, I was caught largely off guard by the sliding of Derek's palms beneath the lace of my panties, the shock to my inner thighs causing me to bolt upward slightly as his fingers sank tenderly into my warm, wet flesh.

  With teasing slowness, he proceeded to slowly dredge the fabric of my panties down, down, down off of my ass, bringing them to my knees and allowing them to fall down around my ankles. He wasted no time, then, in putting his fingers up inside me, squelching around through my pussy, and what must have been the most emotionally confusing sexual moisture I had ever before experienced.

  His touch felt immaculate, though, as he pushed around the lips of my twat and prodded my fleshy pink femininity, my pelvis on fire with sensations as he played with my lucky little cunt, and my body feeling as though it might catch on fire at any moment as he worked more and more of his fingers inside me.

  He stopped just short of outright fisting me, however, and when he could tell I was ready for it, he began to crawl further along my body, going down on me. I braced myself, curling my fingers into the sheets as I awaited the moment of his touching down, and when at last he did, I realized that nothing I might have done could have prepared me for it.

  He sliced his tongue up inside me, and proceeded to roll it around through the wet, floral confines of my pussy. He traced out shapes, twisting, licking, sucking on me, spitting into my open lady mouth, and agonizing me so fiercely that my buttocks began to clench from the agony of his efforts.

  His head began to bob steadily, rhythmically between my trembling thighs, and my legs began to close in around him. Tighter, tighter, tighter they locked, threatening to close in and crush his pretty perfect skull like a fucking vice. Moans began to pour like liquid deep from inside me, “Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh yes... Yes... Yes...” And I felt as though my head was positively spinning with arousal.

  At last, I could no longer stand it, and I forced myself to confront that which had been preying so heavily upon my mind all this time.

  Carefully, I opened my eyes, and lifted my head up slowly from the pillow to peer down my and my husband's body at the man with his cock hanging out, sitting on the chair in the corner. Sure enough, he was sitting there, masturbating steadily to the sight of my being eaten out, and he stopped, suddenly at the sight of my staring down the bed at him.

  Our eyes locked for a long moment, and I didn't know whether he genuinely recognized me in that moment, or whether he was simply aroused by the fact of my acknowledging him during this most intimate of moments. But whatever the case may have been, I was feeling hotter, emboldened by it, and the sensations coursing through my lower anatomy seemed to spike to a head as I peered into his eyes.

  Never had I paid so close attention to the voyeurs while I was in the process of being fucked, and I found myself blown away with just how much extra pleasure I was being filled with as I looked into the face of my old high school crush.

  I longed for more of him, even if it was just a matter of furthering the connection between the two of us for the time being. With one hand, I reached up in my mouth, and pressed my fingers into my lips. I coated my digits with saliva, then pulled them away gently, so that they glistened in plain view with my spit. Then I proceeded to reach slowly down between my legs, where Derek was still eating me, and I began to rub up against the swollen nub of my clitoris. The added sensations coursed through my anatomy, evoking a heavy sigh from deep within me. And as I continued to rub myself into a frenzy, I tenderly brought up my free hand to my breast, squeezing it fiercely in my grip, and doubling the pleasure yet again.

  And all that time, I dared not once remove my eyes from those of Michael’s across the room, peering into him as my body was ravished by my husband. And Michael in response, smiled at me with lust, continuing to stroke the shaft of his erect cock in a slow, agonizing fashion. He seemed to be getting a hell of a lot more out of this than he'd ever bargained for...

  Suddenly, I found myself moaning again. The connection between Michael and I was pulled brusquely apart, as orgasm began to sweep up from my pussy, and invade every corner of my body in intense, irresistible waves. Now my hand was on the back of Derek's head, squeezing him fiercely into me, willing that he should never part from my lady parts. Wave after wave of intense, almost shocking pleasure rippled through me, causing my limbs to tense up and to squeeze Derek to the point of bursting.

  Until finally, with a loud gasp, I released him, the sensations dissipating, and my heart left pounding ferociously in my ears as I lay there sprawled across the bed.

  Michael was still grinning at me, and I smiled feebly back at him, utterly convinced that I'd completely lost my shit at this point in time...

  Derek, ever so gingerly, withdrew his perfect lips from those of my pussy, letting them slowly slide back into place between my legs. He was rising up to full height now, slipping out of his underwear, and leaving me to guess at precisely what was in store for me any moment now.

  I decided that, right now, the act of engaging in missionary intercourse, so that the whole time it was possible for me to stare into Michael's eyes while my husband banged me, was entirely too much for me. Instead, I decided to treat both men to a delectable taste of my anatomy, by twisting my body around on the bed. I lowered my chest toward the sheets while proceeding to thrust my supple ass up into the air, in such a manner that my body was bent at the waist, at an acute angle, my anus and pussy both spread wide for both men's delight.

  A decent enough compromise, I reasoned...

  Derek proceeded to mount me, and I whimpered as he did so, delighted, but overwhelmed. He took me from behind as requested, slowly penetrating my pussy with his long, hard dick. Inch by inch of his massive manhood was slid up inside me, filling me to the brim and causing me to burn with sensations, until at last he touched down, and I thought I might burst with pleasure.

  His fingers sank into the flesh of my ass, and my own curled into the sheets as he proceeded to smash me. Slowly, at first, he began to thrust, dipping tenderly in and out, the suction killing me as he did so. But then gradually, he worked his way up, up, up to a speedy, relentless pounding. Jackhammering my cunt, he smashed and thrashed and humped and fucked me silly. Churning me to a pulp, sending me to the very heights of pleasure, and then still continuing to screw harder, faster, deeper, more powerfully...

  “Oh God... Oh God... Fuck... Fuck... Ohhhhhhhh...” I was moaning, sweat pouring down my body and causing the slapping of our wet genitals to grow all the more exaggerated, KLAP! KLAP! KLAP! KLAP!

  And all the while, I could hear, and was acutely aware of Michael in the background, jacking off wildly to the splendid sight of us going at it, my husband's ass clenching and unclenching as he jolted back and forth, back and forth, back and forth inside me.

  And all the while, I imagined that it was Michael himself doing the pounding, his long stiff cock being stabbed into my body and stuttering wildly, driving me to my breaking point and beyond.

  And my body seemed to erupt,
to burst into sensation, flailing wildly out of control.

  Orgasm raced through me in intense, steaming waves, pulsing through my anatomy, and Derek proceeded to ejaculate wildly inside me. Thick, molten streams of his essence drenched me, spilling from my body in its thickness and abundance, and still I imagined that it was Michael screwing me, pumping me full of himself, making me the happiest goddamn woman on the planet...

  And at last, when I thought I could stand no more, the sensations fizzled away, and everything came to a sudden, abrupt halt.

  Derek pulled out of me, panting and exhausted, and I could see that Michael, too, had achieved release in his chair at the foot of the bed.

  And God, no matter how you looked at it, what a mess the three of us now found ourselves in...


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