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Game of Throbs Complete Series (Books 1-3)

Page 24

by Piquette Fontaine

  He drifted slowly down on top of her, covering her body like a blanket, and I felt warmed somehow with his heat, as though it were me he was lying down upon and not the bimbo.

  His face landed on top of hers, and he was so much taller than her that this put his dick several inches lower along the grass from her vagina, so that it must have been impossible for the two of them to ever kiss and have sex simultaneously. Their lips melted together, and her ripe breasts pooled into her body beneath his weight, his hands reaching up to seize them, squeezing their warm, tender flesh, his fingers digging into them, pushing them around and around and around on her body, so that she had to turn away her head and gasp from the sensation.

  He smiled, and moved his body up over her.

  I cringed as he slid inside her, the tip of his cock melting into the moist, tender folds of her cooter, and sliding into her body, inch by inch by inch, evoking a pathetic, girlish whimper, which again, I felt fairly certain was all for show.

  After that, all I could really see was Kevin's ass it pumped toward the ground, as though fucking the grass instead of the girl beneath him, her body so tiny that she was nearly eclipsed from view, her arms wrapped around him with her fingers clenched into his clenching ass and the moans of “Oh God, oh God, oh yeah, fuck me Kevin, fuck me, oh yeah, fuck my tight little pussy, oh yeah, do me Kevin,” the only signs that there was a girl there at all.

  I was getting pretty dizzy at this point, closing my eyes, and fantasizing that it was myself beneath him instead of this tramp, imagining him penetrating me, blasting me to bits, my body shaking with orgasm...


  After a few more thrusts he held himself in place inside her, and she started screaming like mad, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,” not even bothering to attach profanities to her “ohs” as either climax or a faked orgasm washed over her, and I swear to God that Kevin's ejaculate was so thick I could hear it blasting against the internal walls of her body, like shooting a squirt gun into a hollowed out cantaloupe, so very many long, gooey spurts that I swear he could have set a world record by the time he came to a stop, and pulled out of her body. He'd filled her up so thoroughly that you could barely see his cock through the layers of his own cum gumming him up.

  Holy fuck... I had found my new purpose in this world, and that purpose was Kevin.

  I would have him at any cost, and the sweet, sweet nectar of his youth would be all mine...

  He let the bitch rest for a bit, her breasts rolling around as she caught her breath, and he made her suck all the cum off of him before the two of them got dressed again, hopping silently back into the car, and rumbling off into the black of night.

  I caught the license plate number as the two of them drove off, and smiled at the thought of putting my devilish plan into action...

  Chapter Three

  As mentioned, I ended up marrying up Kevin's father shortly thereafter. He wasn't that hard to seduce, frankly. He'd been single for some time now, and not an unattractive or unsuccessful guy, but I think he was getting pretty tired of playing the dating game. It only took a few rounds of my critically acclaimed whoopie making to convince him that I was the woman for him, and soon I officially became Mrs. Veronika Smith. (Did I not mention my name is Veronika? I didn't? Well fuck, you should have asked. God, what kind of lazy readers are you people? I'm Veronika, nice to meet you now that the story is halfway damn over.)

  And so yeah, I forced myself to squirm through the domestic life for a while. I didn't much enjoy it, free-spirited vampire as I was, but it was what it was. I still had hundreds of years left to my life, so surely I could stand a few months of banging Kevin's boring ass father in exchange for a bit of young blood once Kevin himself came around to my advances.

  I cooked, I cleaned, I suppose I enjoyed my husband bouncing me around on his cock. I mean, hell, there isn't really much sex that I don't enjoy. But it wasn't giving the sort of fulfillment that I was looking for. Not by a long shot. It felt good, but that was about it. Half the time it was over just as quickly as it had begun, and I was always left wanting more. Hell, in the ultimate irony, I'm pretty sure our sex drives were reversed in terms of gender, so that I pretty much wanted sex all the time, and my husband always complained about being too tired, or not in the mood, or sore from having banged me for four hours straight the night before.

  The little pussy...

  It was a good thing I had my young cub to look forward to with such relish, because if I thought this was all my life was going to amount to from now on I would have flipped my friggin' wicket.

  I suppose technically I could have gone straight for Kevin at any old time, but I wanted to make sure I was careful about it. I didn't want to rush things and have things blow up in my face, and I knew that for things to work the timing had to be right.

  For one thing, he was still dating that little tramp when I married his father, whose name I found out was Trish- slut name even, no?

  And I thought maybe if I tried to snatch him away from his snatch he might feel guilty about banging me. So no, I would just have to wait until the little tart broke up with him, or cheated on him first, in order to ensure the maximum possibility of him electing to cram that big ol' D into little ol' me.

  I did try to drop some pretty big hints for him though, bread crumbs if you will, that would lead him to my door one of these days once he came around to reason- door, in this case, being a subtle euphemism for my sopping wet vampire gash.

  Whenever I banged his Dad I was sure to moan as loudly as I could to get his attention, and his bed was right on the other side of our wall, so I was careful to bang the headboard up against it as I plowed into his old man, stirring up as sexual a racket as possible just to get him hot and bothered.

  I did things like walking around the house in my negligee, pretending as though I hadn't thought about it. Or snuggling up to him on the couch while we were watching TV together as a family, or bending over to pick things up in front of him, giving him a full view of my ass throbbing toward him in whatever ludicrously skimpy outfit I might have been wearing at the time.

  Hell, one time I stood around for an hour in the bathroom, ass naked, waiting for him to “accidentally” walk in on me and see my exposed body- which he eventually did, gaping in awe at it for about ten solid seconds, his eyes roving along my form like water, soaking in every last inch, before finally snapping himself out of it, apologizing profusely as he turned away, and slamming the door shut behind him.

  He didn't look me in the eyes for weeks after that, but his face turned scarlet and he popped a boner through his jeans any time I was in his presence, so I knew my efforts had had their intended effect on the lad...

  Aside from that, all I could do is wait, and wait, and wait, my bloodlust growing more intense by the day, so that occasionally I had to nibble on my husband's neck while he was asleep just to keep myself from starving or exploding or whatever the hell I would end up doing if I kept on like this for much longer...

  But at long, long, long last, my day came.

  And boy, do I mean to tell you it came.

  All the fuck over me...

  I just about jumped for joy when I heard that Kevin had dumped the bimbo, and I spent a few nervous days after that biding my time, looking for an opportunity that would be neither be too soon, nor too late, causing me too miss my golden opportunity...

  Chapter Four

  As it turned out, my golden opportunity was so golden that it gave me double the carnal pleasure for only half the price.

  Kevin was lifting weights. Shirtless.With a friend. In our garage.

  The friend's name was Michael, and I swear to God he could have been Kevin''s goddamn identical twin. They each sported the same rippling musculature, their sweaty bodies pumping and thrusting and looking dandy as candy as they lifted their respective iron, their arms bulging and their chests flexing and God oh God oh God...

  I waited about fifteen minutes into their workout bef
ore I made my move. My husband was away on a business trip, thank God, or else this perfect chance for messed up sex with his son would have gone swirling down the crapper.

  I knocked on the door that leads from the kitchen to the garage, and heard their weights clanking loudly down into place on whatever machines they were using at the time, and the volume on their workout music lowered by a decibel or two.

  I peeked through the door at the two rugged eighteen year olds, their chests heaving, each with surprisingly lumpy erections pushing through the fabric of their jeans for being in the middle of a workout. I swallowed hard.

  “Either of you boys care for some water?” I asked, handing them a pitcher I'd brought out. I should note that I was wearing about the skimpiest house dress I had in my closet, the tight fabric scarcely making it past my lady bits down my thighs, my curves intensely pronounced beneath the hugging embrace, everything more or less visible for their evaluation. “I don't want you two to get dehydrated...”

  The two boys looked at each other, with wicked smiles spreading across their panting, beautiful faces, and I knew right then and there that they'd seen through my ruse, and that perhaps they'd been the ones with the plan from the get-go.

  Hell, I'd flirted so shamelessly with Kevin, maybe it had been foolish to think he wasn't planning this just as carefully as I was. Bringing another guy over, the two of them working out shirtless the moment his father was gone and it was just me in the house...

  My vagina was suddenly becoming very moist, I noticed, and my knees very, very weak...

  “Actually,” said Kevin, as the two of them sauntered lustily toward me. “We were just about to start doing some intense cardio... We were wondering if you might want to join us?”

  And honest to God, the transition was as simple as that.

  The next thing I knew, their bodies were pressed against me, in a flash almost, their sweaty, muscular forms stifling me, making my head spin, my fragile little vampire heart pumping like mad. Their heat radiated through my body, burning me like the archetypal sunlight that's said to seer through the flesh of vampires like myself. Our three sets of lips pressed together in a dizzying array, Kevin's lips melting into mine, his taste sweet, young, and absolutely delectable, making me long for the salty pang of his blood on my tongue, even despite my preoccupation with sex at the moment. His tongue roved into my throat, suffocating me pleasantly, my own tongue sloshing around against his, my fangs poking softly into his tongue, not piercing his flesh, but pressuring so hard down into him that they might well have.

  He pulled away from me, my ears red, his saliva still on my tongue, and he was instantly replaced by Michael, his taste and texture no less enjoyable as he melted his face into mine, even if he did lack the same amount of intense buildup that Kevin and I had been sharing with one another for months now.

  Then, astonishingly, Michael's lips were on Kevin's- I don't know whether they were caught up in the moment or they both genuinely had the hots for one another, but there it was. I savored the skin of their gums being pulled around, their tongues battling it out between their two mouths, their hands sliding along the terrains of one another's sticky, sweaty bodies...

  And after some time of this the three of us met in the middle, all three of us sharing in a single, hot, wet, steamy group kiss, each of us gobbling up one another's faces, the two teenage boys apparently every bit as hungry as I was-

  And then the clothes came off...

  The two of them stepped away from me, my eyes probably swirling in a daze with my lightheaded dizziness, and each of them began to strip out of their jeans. I savored the cascade of denim around slick, meaty thighs, the texture of jizz stains at the bulging crotches of their boxer shorts, the stretch of fingers into elastic, and the sliding of boxers down from forms...

  Two twin cocks waved warningly at me, swaying from their bodies like tree branches, each of them huge, enough to pulverize a girl, to drill her into a fucking pulp and then continue disintegrating her, and I could feel my body tensing with the prospect of being penetrated.

  “On your knees, bitch,” commanded Kevin, and I loved his brutal demeanor despite his normally polite manners in my presence. I felt his hand on the back of my head, pushing me to the ground so that my head was now flush with both of their immense penises, the only question remaining which one I would suck first.

  Kevin went first, his hand already on my head, pressing me into his body, and my lips dissolving around the engorged purple head of his erect penis. My tongue slid along the moist, veiny underside of his shaft, and suddenly I felt an immense sympathy for the dinky little pipsqueak he'd been face fucking the night I first encountered him.

  Gobbling Kevin's cock was no easy task.

  I choked as he pulled back out of me, gasping for breath, and inhaling only the gooey globs of saliva that he'd worked up from my throat as he'd slid inside. I'd barely caught my wind when Michael's hand was on me, pulling me toward him, and the scene repeated itself, his erection cramming down my throat, his pelvis pumping into my captive head a few times, and then pulling me back away, with the long threads of goop hanging off of him from my lips.

  They kept on doing this to me several times until I learned to do it myself, suppressing my gag reflex as I tried to bob my head against two of the largest cocks I'd ever gobbled up over 400 years of sexual depravity. I sucked and bobbed and gurgled and spat and hacked and sucked and bobbed some more, thinking I was doing a pretty decent job given the size of their packages, and that I might be able to get through this with little more than a sore throat for a couple of days.

  But of course I knew my punishment would be nowhere near so mild, and my eyes went wide with horror as the two of them slid themselves into my mouth simultaneously. My lips stretched so wide I could have swallowed my fucking arm, which was essentially what this amounted to, and the two of them tore into me, jackhammering my fucking windpipe, choking me so badly I thought I would die, surprised, in fact, that I wasn't dead already, but of course it takes a hell of a lot more than that to kill a vampire...

  About the time I was seeing stars they pushed my face off of them, my body tumbling harshly to the ground as though they'd suddenly become disgusted by me, and I lay hacking and wheezing on the ground for some time, struggling simply to compose myself, but the two of them were merciless.

  “Stand up, bitch!” one of them shouted, and I struggled to my feet, but before I knew it they were literally ripping the dress from my body, shredding it down the middle, and yanking my bra and panties off just as brusquely, so that I stood completely ass naked inbetween the two of them, Kevin's cock pressed up against my abdomen, his lips on mine, and his hands squeezing my immense, sweaty tits, Michael standing behind me, grinding his erection up and down between the cheeks of my ass...

  They liked it rough? I would give them rough, and they'd damn well better believe it...

  Kevin pulled away from me, smiling at me with a sort of bemused expression on his face, but suddenly it faded, as he noticed an identical smirk across my own lips, and he couldn't understand why...

  The mystery was revealed soon enough, however, as I leaned in, and sank my teeth into his fucking neck.

  He yelped, and I just kept boring and boring into him- not enough to do any serious damage; I'd been at this for a hell of a long time, and I pretty well knew when a man's breaking point was before it became too much for him to endure.

  Still, though, blood was beginning to gush from my extreme hickey, pouring in zigzags down the rippling muscles of his naked body, coating him with a dark red sort of body paint that I couldn't help but love. I pulled my fangs out of him at last after some time, smiling a devilish smile at him, to which he responded with a look of utmost shock, but I began to press my lips into his flesh, swirling my tongue around through the blood and lapping it up, the taste warm and salty and wondrous, that lushest red nectar, a treat I indulged so seldom, but which was oh, so, so sweet...

  And I think that mel
ted him out of his shock.

  His breathing slowed down, and a wicked smile took the place of his dazed expression.

  To him, this was just some very, very kinky BDSM play- and I suppose, in effect, that's what it was to me as well.

  I lapped and swirled and licked down his form, sliding down inch by inch by inch of his body, following the pecs, his six pack abdominals, all the way down to that sweet, sweet V-line, marking his Adonis muscles-

  At which point I stopped.

  I lifted myself back up to full height, his warm blood jostling in my cheeks, and pressed my lips into his, letting the warm, salty stuff trickle onto his tongue, streams of red dribbling down his chin...

  And he yanked me to the ground.

  I hit the concrete loudly, leaning on my elbow for support, my tits jiggling wildly as they settled in place, and Kyle rolling around on the floor onto his back. He pulled me onto his body, and I spread my legs out around his sides, straddling him. I leaned forward toward his bloody body, by breasts pooling up beneath me on his chest, so that my lips just barely missed his own, and I blew my hot breath tantalizingly into this open mouth.

  He smiled wickedly.

  I gasped as that behemoth of a cock cleaved apart the tight pink folds of my vagina, stretching out my vulva, spearing into me inch by inch by agonizing inch, making me shudder, hell, almost making me cry, and the realization that there was still another guy in the room that my body was going to have to eventually handle didn't help matters all that much.

  Be careful what you wish for, as they always say...

  He began to thrust from below, gyrating rhythmically, taking a few short pumps at first as I leaned my body slightly up off of him to give him some leverage, but before long he was breaking in at full blast, his cock stuttering into me like a piston, jackhammering mechanically, robotically almost, our sweaty skin slapping together in loud, quick, supersonic bursts, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, KLAP, his nuts bouncing like basketballs into my agonized body, my head spinning, my body being torn to shreds, stars flashing in front of my eyes-


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