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City of Oranges

Page 36

by Adam LeBor

  IBRAHIM ABU-LUGHOD, from ‘The War of 1948: Disputed Perspectives and Outcomes’, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 18, no. 2, winter 1989, reproduced by permission of Journal of Palestine Studies. MERON BENVENISTI, from Sacred Landscape © 2000 by the Regents of the University of California, reproduced by permission of the University of California Press. LINDA GRANT, from When I Lived in Modern Times, reproduced by permission of Granta Books, London. GHASSAN KANAFANI (translation), from Land of the Sad Oranges © ARTHUR KOESTLER, from Arrow in the Blue, permission granted by PFD on behalf of the Arthur Koestler Estate, published by Vintage, London. MIDDLE EAST MEDIA RESEARCH INSTITUTE, translations taken from: The Diaspora, television series broadcast on Al-Manar, Lebanon, 2003; Knight Without a Horse, Egyptian television series, broadcast 2002; Palestine Television broadcast of sermons at Gaza main mosque, 3 August and 17 August; interviews with passers-by broadcast on Iqra channel, Saudi Arabia, 26 September 2004; Life is Sweet, broadcast on Jordanian television, 2001; extract of article by Wagih Abou Zikra, in Al-Akhbar, Cairo, 2002 © MEMRI, Washington DC. JOSEPH ROTH, from What I Saw, reproduced by permission of Granta Books, London and W. W. Norton, New York; translation copyright © 2003 Michael Hoffman, copyright © 1996 by Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln and Verlag Allert de Lange, Amsterdam. JOSEPH ROTH, from The Wandering Jews, reproduced by permission of Granta Books, London and W. W. Norton, New York; translation copyright © 2001 by Michael Hoffman, copyright © 1976, 1985 by Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln and Verlag Allert de Lange, Amsterdam. S. YIZ-HAR, extract from Silence of the Villages, reproduced by permission of Kinneret-Zmora-Dvir Publishing, Or-Yehuda, Israel.



  Ottomans occupy Jerusalem, the start of five hundred years of rule over Palestine


  Napoleon briefly conquers Jaffa, but withdraws


  First Zionist settlement, Petach Tikva, founded in central Palestine


  Foundation of Neve Tsedek, first Jewish quarter of Jaffa


  Railway opens from Jaffa to Jerusalem


  Theodor Herzl publishes The Jewish State, the basic text of political Zionism


  Herzl presides over the First Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland


  Anglo-Palestine Company (Bank) founded 1909 Foundation of Jewish town of Ahuza Bayit, later Tel Aviv, outside Jaffa


  Falastin newspaper founded

  August 1914

  Start of First World War; Turkey allies with Germany and Austria-Hungary against Britain, France, Russia and others

  January 1916

  Britain and France sign the Sykes-Picot Agreement, drawing up new borders for the Middle East

  Spring 1917

  Turkish authorities expel Jews from Jaffa

  November 1917

  Britain issues the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for Jewish homeland in Palestine

  Autumn–winter 1917

  British forces under General Allenby capture Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Jaffa; start of British rule over Palestine


  Muslim-Christian Arab association formed in Jaffa to oppose Zionism


  Haganah, Jewish self-defence organisation, founded in May

  May 1921

  Anti-Jewish riots in Jaffa; Tel Aviv given ‘town council’ status


  Areas of Jaffa annexed to Tel Aviv

  July 1922

  Britain given mandate to rule Palestine by League of Nations

  August 1929

  Further anti-Jewish riots in Jaffa and other cities in Palestine


  Irgun, right-wing Zionist militia, splits off from Haganah


  Arab demonstrations across Palestine against Jewish immigration


  Tel Aviv receives city status

  April 1936

  Arab Revolt begins against British

  July 1936

  British demolish large section of Old Jaffa

  July 1937

  Peel Commission recommends partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states; British outlaw Arab Higher Committee


  Woodhead Commission makes similar recommendations on partition

  May 1939

  British White Paper limits Jewish immigrants to Palestine to 75,000 over next five years

  September 1939

  Second World War begins; Haganah and Irgun work with British


  Avraham Stern splits from Irgun to form Stern Group (Lehi) to fight British

  February 1944

  Menachem Begin’s Irgun militia relaunches operations against British

  November 1944

  Stern Group assassinates Lord Moyne in Cairo. Jewish Agency launches ‘Hunting Season’ against Irgun and Lehi members, with British

  April 1946

  Report of Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry recommends immigration of one hundred thousand Jews to Palestine

  February 1947

  Britain refers Palestine Mandate to United Nations

  November 1947

  The United Nations votes to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab states

  November–December 1947

  Fighting between Jewish and Arab militias; snipers fire between Tel Aviv and Jaffa

  January 1948

  Lehi blow up New Seray government building in Jaffa. Exodus of middle-class Arabs begins: soldiers of Arab Liberation Army start to arrive in Palestine

  Winter–spring 1948

  Fighting intensifies across Palestine. Jaffa’s Arabs form defence guards

  April 1948

  Irgun and Lehi carry out massacre at Deir Yassin

  Late April 1948

  Irgun launches attack on Jaffa, triggering massive exodus of civilian population. Haganah’s Operation Chametz campaign captures surrounding villages

  9 May 1948

  Jaffa Arab Emergency Committee writes to British authorities, declaring it an ‘open city’

  13 May 1948

  British Mandate in Palestine ends. Jaffa surrenders to Haganah

  14 May 1948

  David Ben-Gurion declares establishment of State of Israel. Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi troops invade, aided by other Arab states. Exodus begins of Jewish communities in Arab countries after riots and attacks

  May 1948–January 1949

  First Arab-Israeli war; Palestinian Nakba, hundreds of thousands of refugees flee fighting


  Jaffa merged with Tel Aviv

  July 1952

  Gamal Abdel Nasser takes power in Egypt

  October–November 1956

  Suez crisis. Israel invades Sinai peninsula, supported by Britain and France


  Trial in Jerusalem of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann

  May 1962

  Execution of Adolf Eichmann

  May 1964

  Palestine Liberation Organization founded in Jerusalem

  May 1967

  Nasser deploys troops in Sinai, blockades Straits of Tiran. UN troops withdraw

  5–10 June 1967

  Six Day War – Israel defeats Egypt, Jordan and Syria, occupies Sinai, Gaza, West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights

  August–September 1967

  Khartoum conference, Arab states reject peace with Israel

  September 1970

  Nasser dies and is succeeded by Anwar Sadat

  October 1973

  Yom Kippur War – Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack on Israel, result is stalemate

  April 1974

  Israeli prime minister Golda Meir resigns, succeeded by Yitzhak Rabin

  May 1977

  Menachem Begin, former Irgun commander and leader of right-wing Likud Party, is elected prime minister, ending almost th
irty years of Labour Party rule

  November 1977

  Egyptian President Anwar Sadat travels to Jerusalem

  January 1978

  Said Hammami, moderate PLO ambassador to London, is assassinated by Palestinian extremists

  September 1978

  Israel and Egypt negotiate peace accords at Camp David, overseen by President Jimmy Carter

  March 1979

  Israel signs peace treaty with Egypt, its first with an Arab neighbour

  October 1981

  President Sadat assassinated by Islamic radicals in Cairo

  April 1982

  Israel withdraws from Sinai

  June 1982

  Israeli invasion of Lebanon

  August 1982

  Yasser Arafat and PLO leadership leave Beirut for exile in Tunis

  September 1982

  Christian militiamen murder hundreds of Palestinians at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut

  December 1987

  The Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, erupts in West Bank and Gaza

  January–February 1981

  First Gulf War, as US-led force drives Iraq from Kuwait

  October 1991

  Middle East peace conference in Madrid

  June 1992

  Yitzhak Rabin elected Labour prime minister in Israel; secret negotiations continue between Israel and PLO

  September 1993

  Rabin and Arafat shake hands on White House lawn, sign Oslo Accords

  July 1994

  Rabin and King Hussein of Jordan sign peace treaty at White House

  November 1995

  Yitzhak Rabin assassinated in Tel Aviv by right-wing Jewish fanatic

  January 1996

  First elections in Palestinian territories, Yasser Arafat elected president

  January–March 1996

  Hamas launches suicide bombing campaign inside Israel

  November 1996

  Benjamin Netanyahu wins election for Likud, appointed prime minister

  May 1999

  Labour leader Ehud Barak defeats Netanyahu in Israeli elections

  July 2000

  Barak and Arafat negotiate at Camp David, fail to reach agreement

  September 2000

  Ariel Sharon visits Temple Mount in Jerusalem, start of Al-Aqsa Intifada; Arabs riot in Jaffa and other cities in Israel

  February 2001

  Ariel Sharon wins election for prime minister, forms National-Unity government with Labour

  March 2002

  Israel army incursions into Palestinian cities, several re-occupied

  January 2003

  Ariel Sharon wins elections for Likud

  April 2003

  President Bush publishes ‘Road Map’ for peace between Israel and Palestinians

  October 2004

  Knesset approves Ariel Sharon’s plan to disengage from Gaza Strip

  November 2004

  Yasser Arafat dies

  January 2005

  Mahmoud Abbas elected Palestinian president; Ariel Sharon forms National-Unity government with Labour Party

  August 2005

  Israel withdraws from Gaza

  July 2006

  Israel invades southern Lebanon



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