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Jason's Solution

Page 2

by Holla Dean

  When all that was done, he sat down in the living room, relieved that Elle had taken the boys to their room to get them tucked in for the night. At least there wouldn’t be another argument. He waited until he heard her close the boys’ bedroom door and go to the master bedroom.

  After turning the television off, he checked that the front door was locked, checked on the boys and kissed them goodnight, then went to deal with Elle the only way he could think of.

  She was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. He undressed and put on a pair of pajama bottoms and then sat on his side of the bed and waited.

  Elle took a long time, as usual. She had a drawn out routine to get ready for bed. She brushed her hair; not the old standard of a hundred strokes, but she did give it a good brushing. Next she brushed her teeth for a full two minutes, claiming the dentist told her that was all that was needed to keep your teeth as white as they could be. Then she removed her makeup and applied eye cream, neck cream, and face cream. Lastly she put on a pair of panties and a tank top to sleep in.

  When she came out of the bathroom and saw Jason sitting on his side of the bed, she ignored him and went to her side.

  “Elle, come sit here with me. We need to talk and end this once and for all.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Jason. I want to go to sleep.”

  “Elle, please. Come here.”

  She sighed heavily and went to sit next to him. “I don’t have anything to say to you, Jason. I’m mad at you.”

  “I just want to ask you a few questions. Will you listen and answer them truthfully?”

  She sighed again, “Okay, what do you want to ask me?”

  “First, do you really think it’s unreasonable of me to expect some kind of dinner after working all day?”

  She thought about it for a minute, knew she couldn’t say it was unreasonable, but didn’t want to tell him he was right.

  “No, but sometimes it’s hard with the kids to start dinner so it’s ready by the time you get home.”

  “Okay, I can see that. But yet, when I come home, you’re watching television. Do you think having a couple of household chores to do every day is more than a stay-at- home mom should be expected to handle?”

  Again, there was no way she could say yes. She knew she needed to get things together, but it wasn’t as easy as Jason seemed to think.

  “No, but I get side-tracked and then the day just seems to be gone.”

  “Maybe you could work on that; work on not letting yourself get side-tracked. One more question. Do I ever speak to you in the same disrespectful or sarcastic tone that you use when you speak to me?”

  There was a long pause before she answered. “Maybe. Sometimes, when you’re mad.”

  “Okay, but I believe if you think about it, you’ll see that when I do, it’s in response to your attitude.”

  Elle didn’t say anything.

  “Am I right?” Jason asked.

  “Maybe.” She said in a quiet voice.

  “I’m tired of fighting, Elle. I don’t want to live like this. We’re going to start something new and we’re going to begin tonight. Right now.”

  With his arm around her shoulder, he pulled her over his lap and began spanking her bottom over her panties.

  “No! Stop it! You can’t do this to me!”


  “You will do your daily chores or be spanked.”


  “You will speak respectfully to me!”


  “Stop it right now, Jason!” Elle kicked her legs and squirmed.

  Jason held her tightly against his body by her waist and ignored her protests.

  “You will keep this house clean and care for the children.”


  “Ow! You can’t spank me! Let me up!”

  “I will spank you every night if I have to.”


  “If your chores are not done, you will be spanked.”


  “Do you understand?”

  Elle didn’t answer. She was angry and her hand was hitting Jason’s leg.


  “I asked you a question. Do you understand?”

  “I’m not answering you until you stop spanking me!”

  “I’ll stop spanking when you answer me.”

  He smacked her ass three more times.

  “I’ll take your panties down and spank you on your bare bottom if you don’t answer me,” Jason warned her.

  “No! Okay, okay, I understand!”

  Jason rubbed her butt for a bit, pulled her up and held her on his lap.

  “I don’t want to have to do this again, Elle. But I will. I love you and I want our marriage to work. I want us both to be happy. If spanking your ass is the only way to get you to do your part, then that’s the way it will be. Understand?”

  Elle sniffled and said, “It’s not fair! You’re not my boss, you shouldn’t be able to tell me what to do. I’m not a kid.”

  “No you’re not. But I don’t think I should have to work hard every day and come home to no supper, a messy house, and then have to do the laundry so I’ll have a clean shirt to wear to work the next day.”

  Elle burrowed her face into his chest. He was right; she knew she should be doing all those things he was complaining about.

  The way he was holding her close and rubbing her back felt so good, like he was comforting her after spanking her. She became aware of his hard cock pressing against her hip and wondered if spanking her had made him horny. Now that she thought about it, her pussy was wet and she was pretty horny too. But a spanking wouldn’t make her horny, would it?

  No, it had to just be the way because he was holding her that made her feel like this. The spanking had hurt, there was no way it could have made her horny. Her hand moved up to caress his chest and Jason leaned to the side so they were now lying on the bed facing each other.

  He kissed her and she moved her hand down to touch his cock through his pajama bottoms. It was very hard and she slid her fingers under the elastic waistband and pulled his pants down. Jason helped her and in a few seconds he was naked.

  Then he lifted her tank top over her head and suckled her breast while she wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked up and down. He worked her panties down and she kicked them off.

  Opening her legs wide, she guided his cock inside her and he began thrusting hard into her wet warmth. Her legs lifted and wrapped around his waist, grabbing his butt cheeks, she pulled him deeper into her pussy.

  Elle came first and when Jason felt her pussy contract around his cock, he gave a final hard thrust and emptied himself into her.

  In the morning, as Elle stretched in bed before getting up, Jason pulled her close and kissed her neck.

  “I love you, Elle. But I’m serious about what we talked about last night. You get your daily chores done or you’ll be getting spanked on a bare bottom tonight.”

  Elle still felt good from making love and she didn’t appreciate him bringing that up now.

  “I love you too, Jason, but I don’t like getting spanked.”

  “I didn’t intend for you to like it.” He smiled into her shoulder and said, “Though your pussy was nice and wet after that spanking. Maybe you liked it more than you want to admit.”

  She hit his chest playfully and said, “I did not like it all! But I noticed you were awfully hard. Maybe you enjoyed it more than you want to admit.”

  He kissed her. “I didn’t enjoy it while I was smacking your ass, but I will admit it made my dick hard. That was probably from you squirming on my lap. The point is, if you didn’t like the spanking, get your chores done.”

  Jason gave her one more kiss and headed for the shower while Elle went to see to the boys and start breakfast.

  She changed the youngest, then took them both down to the kitchen and gave them each a bowl of cereal with f
ruit. She toasted four frozen waffles for Jason, and two for herself. After Jason left for work, she did the dishes and went to look at her chart to see what needed to be done today.

  Not too much; clean the bathrooms, do a load of wash, and make dinner. Cleaning bathrooms was not her favorite chore; in fact she hated it, but she did not want another spanking.

  She put a load of towels into the washing machine, checked on the boys and went to clean the master bath. Since she hadn’t done it last week, it was pretty messy. She scrubbed the shower, cleaned the toilet, sinks, and mirror, wiped the counter, and finally washed the floor.

  It took an hour and when she was finished she felt she deserved a break before tackling the second bathroom. That was the one the kids used and could be a real chore to clean. Instead, she put the towels in the dryer, and watched some television while the boys played on the living room floor.

  Soon it was lunch time, then the boys had a nap. Elle thought she would clean their bathroom while they slept, but instead she took a nap on the sofa.

  When the kids woke up, she took them for a walk to the park and let them play on the swings and in the sandbox. They got home at about four and Elle thought she had procrastinated long enough. She didn’t really believe Jason would spank her again, but she wasn’t willing to test him. And while she was sure her panties hadn’t offered her much more protection than a bare ass would, she wasn’t eager to find out how a spanking felt on a naked butt. Hence, the bathroom was quickly cleaned and dinner started.

  Jason came home and the boys ran to welcome their daddy home. Elle came to greet him and gave him a kiss.

  “Chores are all done, Sir.” She put a little sarcasm into the title. “Guess what you won’t be doing to me tonight.”

  He kissed her back, chuckled and said, “Glad to hear it. And for the record, I think I like the Sir.”

  “You would like that.” Elle knew he was joking and didn’t give it a second thought.

  Jason checked on the chores and was satisfied that his wife had completed what was on her chart. They had a pleasant family evening and no arguments.

  The next day went well with Elle getting everything done and Jason was patting himself on the back for his decision to spank Elle. It seemed to have done the trick.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t take much longer for Elle to slip back into her old ways. On the fourth day after her spanking, she didn’t do anything on the chart. Instead, she decided it was too beautiful a day to stay home and took the boys out to the zoo.

  They came home in the late afternoon and Elle was too tired to do the chores. She didn’t foresee any problem with Jason; he would agree that she could catch up the following day. After all, it was important to take the boys on outings occasionally.

  She made dinner and when Jason came home, the boys ran to him and told him all about the animals they’d seen at the zoo.

  “You had a busy day,” he said to Elle when he went to the kitchen to see what she was making for dinner.

  “Yeah, kind of. I’ll have to do today’s list tomorrow to catch up, but the boys had a blast at the zoo. It was worth getting behind to give them a good outing.”

  “So you’re saying you didn’t get today’s chores done?”

  “Well, no, honey. We went to the zoo. But don’t worry, I’ll catch up tomorrow.”

  He looked around to make sure the boys were in the other room before saying, “I wonder if you’ll still think it was worth it when I warm your ass tonight.”

  “What?” Elle turned around from the stove. “You can’t be serious. I’ve done really well, and it’s important to take the boys out.”

  “We agreed you’d get your chores done every day.”

  “No, you decided that on your own. I didn’t agree to anything. I can’t believe you think you should spank me for taking the boys to the zoo.”

  “Not for going to the zoo, for not doing your chores.”

  Jason wrapped his arms around her waist, “Tell you what. The boys had fun today, and I’ll admit that’s more important sometimes than doing chores, but if you don’t get caught up tomorrow, your ass will be mine tomorrow night.”

  Elle didn’t answer him. She didn’t want to agree to the ultimatum because that would be agreeing to a spanking if she didn’t get everything done. Protesting would just lead to a fight and she didn’t want that either. No, it was better to just get the tasks done and then any spanking would be off the table.

  The following day proved to be a little more than what Elle could handle and still get her chores done. A number of things interfered with her day.

  First her mother called and it turned into a nearly hour long conversation. Then the kids knocked over a jar of jelly and she had to get them out of the kitchen so she could clean up the mess and broken glass. She didn’t realize the youngest boy had jelly all over him until later.

  He needed a bath, and the living room had several areas of smeared jelly that required cleaning. When all that was done, she quickly did the rest of the chores and then it was time to make dinner.

  It wasn’t until well after dinner that Elle remembered the three loads of laundry that she hadn’t done. She was about to get the boys ready for bed when Jason asked how her chores had gone for the day.

  “Real good, honey. In spite of my mother interrupting me for an hour and the mess the kids made when they dropped the jelly, everything is done.”

  Suddenly her face went pale as the thought of the laundry hit her. She had forgotten all about it.

  “What’s the matter, babe?” Jason had noticed the sudden change in her.

  “Shit!” Elle said. “Let me get the kids to bed.” She herded the boys to their room, leaving Jason sitting on the sofa, confused and wondering what was wrong.

  While she was gone he thought he’d look over the chore list and see if he could figure out why her attitude had changed so suddenly. Everything looked good until he got to the laundry room. There were too many dirty clothes in there for Elle to be caught up. She must have forgotten the laundry.

  Jason smiled a little to himself. He was looking forward to giving her another spanking. Not to hurt her, although it seemed to work great to get her motivated. What made him smile was the thought of the fantastic sex they would have after he spanked her ass. This time it would be her naked ass.

  Elle went to the laundry room as soon as she finished tucking the boys in. She threw a load into the washer and turned it on. She’d dry the load in the morning. Then she went to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

  Jason was sitting on the bed and patted the space next to him. “Come sit down, Elle.”

  When she sat down, he put his arm around her and said, “I saw the pile of clothes in the laundry room. It looks like you didn't get quite everything done today.”

  “I know. Somehow I forgot all about the laundry. Honey, considering everything else that happened today, I think you really could cut me some slack.”

  “Let me ask you this. Were you going to tell me about that or were you hoping I wouldn’t find out?”

  “I hadn’t thought about it one way or the other. I just put a load in and I’ll put it in the dryer in the morning.”

  “Sweetheart, if I don't follow through with what I said would happen, I'm afraid you won't think I'm serious. Let's just take care of this now, and then we can move on.”

  “Jason, please, no. I don't want to be spanked again. It hurts and I don't like it. You have to admit I've been doing well all week. I think you could be more flexible.”

  “I think I was pretty flexible yesterday when you went to the zoo and didn't get any of your chores done. Now, come on, drop your bottoms and lay down on the bed.”

  Elle didn't move, she just sat there wondering how a few loads of laundry had gotten her in this position. Her husband wanted to spank her. Again. And she had a feeling she was not going to be able to talk him out of it. Maybe she should just go with it. She had to admit the last spanking had given her plenty of motivati
on and she'd managed to do just about everything she was supposed to do this past week.

  “Elle? I’m serious about this. You know it made a big difference after the last time. I know you’ll feel better afterwards.”

  She stood up and dropped her pants. As she was getting on the bed, Jason said, “Panties too. This will be on the bare this time.”

  “Jason, please no. Let me keep my panties on.”

  “Take them off, Elle. Or I’ll take them off.”

  His voice was stern; sterner than she’d ever heard him speak. He wasn’t going to let her talk her way out of this. She felt a clenching way down low in her belly and thought how hot Jason sounded when he used that tone. Is that what made her belly flip? His hot, stern voice? Or fear of the coming spanking?

  She slipped out of the panties and laid on the bed, pulling a pillow close and clutching it to her chest.

  Jason sat down and rubbed her butt with his big hand. “You’ve really done well this week, babe. But I think if this is going to work, I need to be consistent.”

  “Just get on with it and let’s get it over.” There was a slight amount of snippiness in her voice.

  He began spanking her lightly. “I don’t think you should have an attitude, Elle. I want you to speak to me a little more respectfully.”

  “That’s pretty hard to do when you’re treating me like a child and spanking me!”

  He gave her a sharp whack, causing her to cry out, “Ow! That hurts!”

  “That’s the idea of a spanking. I want a little more respect from you and you need to learn how to be better organized.”

  He was spanking her harder now and her ass was a pretty shade of pink. His cock was getting hard and he wanted badly to let his hand drop down between her thighs to see if she was wet. He didn’t intend the spankings to lead to sex, but damn if it wasn’t turning him on.

  Elle was squirming on the bed and letting an “Ow” or an “Ouch” escape regularly. She could feel her pussy getting wet and she didn’t understand how something that hurt could also excite her.


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