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Jason's Solution

Page 4

by Holla Dean

“Are you sorry you were disrespectful or sorry that you’re getting spanked?”

  “Ow!” She cried out as a double set of strikes assaulted her bottom. “Both! I’m sorry for being disrespectful, but sorry to be spanked too!”

  Jason chuckled, “At least you’re being honest.”

  He gave her two more smacks to each cheek and then put the strap down and rubbed her bottom. Then he pulled her up and added an additional new aspect to her punishment.

  “Now go stand in the corner,” he pointed to the closest corner near the head of the bed.

  “Stand in the corner? Why?”

  “Because I said so. Stand there with your hands on your head and think about why you were spanked and how you will avoid being spanked for the same thing in the future.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Corner or more of the strap, Elle. Which will it be?”

  “How long do I have to stand in the corner?” Elle didn’t like this new thing any better than she liked the idea of the strap, but at least the corner was painless.

  “Until I say so. I’ll be right here.”

  She sighed, knowing it would be best not to argue. “Can I put my panties back on?”

  “No, you cannot. Now get in the corner or back over my lap. Your choice.”

  “I’m going, I’m going.” Elle went to the corner and placed her hands on her head. Then she turned her head around and asked, “Like this?”

  “Yes, exactly like that. Now face the corner, be quiet, and don't turn around until I say you're done.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She did as she was told.

  Jason looked at the clock and noted the time. Corner time was a punishment he'd read about online and he thought it might be useful. For this first time in the corner, he intended for Elle to remain there for five minutes.

  For Elle, the time was interminable. Jason wasn't making a sound and she wondered if he was still there. She wanted to turn around and take a look, but didn't want to end up over his knee again. It was humiliating standing there with her spanked bottom on display. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Stay still or I'll start the time again.” Jason warned her.

  She stopped fidgeting and stood still, hoping that this new type of punishment would be over soon.

  Finally Jason said, “You're done, babe. Come here now.”

  With great relief she dropped her hands from her head and went into Jason's arms.

  “I don't like standing in the corner, it's boring and humiliating to have to stand there while you're looking at my spanked butt.”

  He laughed and said, “Your spanked butt is a very fine thing to look at. And you shouldn’t have been bored; you were supposed to be thinking about why you were punished. Are you going to behave now? Are you going to watch that sassy mouth of yours?”

  “Yes, Sir. I'll try.”

  “That's my good girl.” He tumbled her onto the bed reaching his hand down to find her hot pussy. As always after being spanked, she was wet and ready as he thrust his hard cock into her.

  Elle wrapped her legs around his waist and felt the heat of her reddened bottom between them as their bodies came together. She felt the buildup deep inside her, growing, growing as he brought her to the peak and together they tipped over the edge.

  Chapter Four

  It was two years later now and as Elle sat in the restaurant and watched the interaction between other couples she wondered if any of them were living like she and Jason. One couple was clearly having a disagreement if the tight, intensive look on their faces was anything to go by. She knew if she acted like that woman in public, Jason would be heating up her butt that night once they got home.

  She turned her attention to another couple and noticed that the man was ordering dinner for both himself and his female companion. Did he know what she wanted? Or was she going to get just whatever he decided she should have for dinner? The woman kept her head down and appeared very demure. Were they in a domestic discipline relationship or did they lean more towards master/slave?

  It didn't really matter, she thought to herself. What mattered was that she loved the relationship she and Jason now had. It was one of love and respect, he kept her safe and protected, and he led their family with love, kindness, and firmness. Sometimes her butt felt like a little too much firmness was used. She smiled at the thought as she looked at her watch and wondered how much longer Jason would be.

  “Do you have someplace else to be?” Jason asked as he bent his head behind Elle and whispered in her ear. “You better not; you’re mine for the whole weekend.”

  Elle grinned and moved her head until she felt his lips against her ear. She shivered when he blew lightly into her ear.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispered.

  “And I missed you.” Jason rubbed the back of her neck and then went to sit down on the other side of the small table.

  Six months ago Jason had been offered the supervisor position at this large construction site. The bump in salary was too much to say no to. There was a bit of an adjustment period but they had worked out a routine and it seemed as though their marriage was becoming even stronger.

  After the waiter came and took their order for appetizers, Jason said, “Tell me about the boys. How are they doing?”

  Even though he had nightly video chats with his sons, Jason was always eager to hear Elle’s version of the week’s events.

  Elle brought him up to date on their shenanigans and made him laugh at the stories she told of their antics.

  “Your sons are quite a handful,” she told her husband. “They miss their daddy, but as long as they get to talk to you every night, they’re fine.”

  Throughout dinner they filled each other in on all the trivial little things that happened to each of them during the week. For dessert, they shared a large piece of a very rich cheesecake. After the waiter had refilled their coffee cups Jason asked his wife if she remembered to bring her list.

  “Of course I did,” Elle replied. “Have I ever forgotten to bring it?”

  “No, you haven't. Let's get it out and begin.” He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out a small spiral notebook. He opened it to a blank page and laid his pen beside it while he waited for Elle to get out her list.

  “I'll start at the beginning, on Monday.” Elle looked at the first entry of the page she had taken from her journal. “All chores were completed and I did Tuesday’s dusting and vacuuming so I would have time to take the boys to the carnival.”

  “Very good,” Jason said.

  “Tuesday was a great day at the carnival, except for just one little thing.”

  “And what was that?”

  “I dropped my wallet and said ‘oh shit’ in front of the boys.”

  Jason picked up his pen and made a mark in his notebook and wrote a few words after it.

  “Wednesday, as I’m sure you remember, I was a little short and snippy with you during our call. But I did get all chores done.”

  Jason nodded and made another notation in his notebook. At the end of Elle’s report, he would look over his notes and determine how he was going to handle her correction. Each time he wrote something down, Elle’s thighs squeezed together, though not in fear. It was more of a delightful anticipation.

  Elle paused to take a bite of the cheese cake and a sip of her coffee. Jason knew she always paused before confessing a more serious infraction. He waited patiently until she was ready.

  “Thursday I had a little problem. It was totally unintentional, Jason.”

  “I’m sure it was, babe. Tell me what the problem was.”

  “I took the boys to pre-school and forgot my blue-tooth and my mother called while I was driving. Since she was going to watch the boys for me later while I went shopping, I needed to answer it in case she had to cancel.”

  “So you used your cell phone in an unsafe manner while driving. Couldn’t you have pulled over and called your mother back?”

p; Elle sighed in regret and said, “Yes, of course. But I didn’t think of it at the time.”

  Jason wrote in his notebook and asked, “How did today go?”

  She shook her head. “Not well, I’m afraid. The boys were very uncooperative this morning and I gave them both time out. When they continued to bicker with each other I lost my temper and said ‘damn it, I’m not going to put up with your shit today.”

  Jason didn’t say anything and Elle started talking again.

  “Of course, I immediately apologized and told them Mommy didn’t mean it. I hugged them and made it all better, but I felt just terrible. They’re too young to have to deal with such an outburst from their mother.”

  Jason was making notes in his little notebook. Elle knew that her outburst with the boys was her biggest infraction. Though she supposed the cell phone use while driving was going to get her in enough trouble. Her butt was in for some serious spanking this weekend. Her pussy responded to that thought with a little clenching squeeze.

  “We’ll address all of these when we get back to the apartment. Finish your coffee and let’s go.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Jason. I had hoped for a better week.” Secretly, Elle was looking forward to her punishment. She had come to love the feel of the leather strap as it slapped down on her ass.

  Tonight Jason might even use his belt on her. It had a much greater sting to it than the strap. He only used it when more serious correction was called for. There were two major misdeeds on this week’s list, so the belt was a real possibility.

  “I’m ready to go now.” She took one last sip of her coffee and got up from her chair.

  Jason’s face had gone into what she called his dominant look. He looked stern and serious. Yes, she was definitely in trouble and had to work at hiding a secret smile.

  He lectured her in the car all the way to the apartment. He talked about her snippy attitude on the phone with him, about the unsafe use of the cell phone. Most of all what bothered him was what she had said to the children that morning.

  Elle already felt bad about upsetting the children that morning, although it hadn’t been as bad as she told him, and as she listened to him now, she felt even worse.

  “I'm so sorry, Jason. You have no idea how bad I feel over what happened with the boys this morning. I know I deserve my punishment tonight.”

  “I bought something new that we’ll try tonight,” Jason announced.

  “A new implement?” Elle couldn't think what sort of new implement Jason might have purchased. Over the past two years they had acquired quite a collection of spanking implements. The oval wooden hairbrush was a favorite of Jason’s, but they had leather straps and paddles, wooden paddles, wooden spoons, a cane, a crop, and a flogger.

  “I suppose you could call it an implement but it is not for spanking. You'll see when we get back to the apartment.”

  “Should I be afraid? You didn't buy nipple clamps did you?” Nipple clamps were not something she was willing to try.

  “Not nipple clamps. Just be patient, we’re almost there.”

  Jason parked the car and they walked into the apartment. He took off his jacket and hung it over the back of the chair.

  “Go to the bedroom and strip.” Jason instructed her. “Then I want you to stand in the corner and think about safe driving practices and about this morning with the children.”

  “Yes, Sir.” It came out almost a whisper. It was rare for Jason to give her corner time before a punishment spanking. It generally meant he was very displeased with her.

  She went into the bedroom, took off her clothes and hung them neatly in the closet. There was only one bare corner in the bedroom and she went to it, put her hands on her head, and waited for Jason.

  It was quite a long wait. She estimated she stood there for at least fifteen minutes, maybe even a little longer. She thought she had heard Jason come into the room, but he hadn't said anything so maybe she imagined it.

  Finally, she heard him pulling back the bedspread and then there was the rustle of pillows and bed clothes being shifted. She knew he was stacking the pillows for her to lie over so her ass would be up in the air, giving him a perfect target.

  “Turn around, Elle.”

  She did and saw the three pillows stacked and the bedspread rolled up and placed in front of them. Jason had made it as comfortable as possible. That could only mean this was going to be a longer than usual spanking.

  She looked at Jason. He was still dressed in his long sleeved shirt and dress pants. He had taken his shoes off and was now rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

  Her belly contracted and her pussy clenched tightly. What was hotter than a man rolling up his sleeves before spanking his woman? Even though it was her ass that was going to be feeling the sting of whatever implement he chose, she was still aroused.

  “Get on the bed, I’ve made it as comfortable for you as I can, though there’ll be little comfort in what’s coming. I want you lying over the pillows and bedspread. There’s another pillow for your head.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She climbed up on the big bed and positioned herself the way she knew he liked. He wanted her knees spread apart so her sex would be visible.

  He began the lecture again, repeating everything he’d said in the car and more. He talked about how badly she’d feel if something happened to the boys while she was driving and talking on her cell phone. And how he wouldn’t want to go on with life if something happened to her and the children. His hand began spanking her, alternating cheeks, but sometimes giving each cheek three or four slaps before moving again to the opposite side.

  “Why are you being punished, Elle?”

  “For unsafe driving.”

  “And what else?” Her ass was spanked a few more times.

  “My behavior with the boys this morning.”

  Each cheek received three more smacks. “Anything else?”

  “My attitude with you on the phone.”

  Her bottom was pink and warm now. He paused and rubbed the pinkness, letting his fingers skim over the dampness of her slit. It would be soaking wet by the time he was through with her. He continued to spank her for several more minutes with his hand, making sure he covered her entire bottom and the tops of her thighs.

  She heard the jingle of his belt unbuckling and the sound of it as it was pulled through the belt loops. He folded it in half and snapped it. Her butt tightened in anticipation of the first strike. The next sound was the belt striking the palm of his hand. She knew he did it for her benefit, as though he was testing out the sting of his belt. Her inner thighs trembled and wanted to press together, but she kept her knees apart.

  The first kiss of the belt’s leather on her ass cheek felt like a hot brand. She cried out and bit down on the pillow as another hot lick struck her bottom.

  Jason watched the welts forming on her beautiful ass and felt his cock grow hard and stiff. He whipped her with the belt about fifteen or twenty times and then rubbed her hot, red behind before he picked up the wooden paddle.

  Elle breathed deeply when she felt the cool wood touch her burning skin. She wasn’t sure if it was the hairbrush or the paddle, but she was grateful for the coolness on her hot ass.

  WHACK! It was definitely the paddle. The hairbrush didn’t cover that much area. She gathered the pillow close, clutching it tightly, knowing she had this coming. She wanted it and knew that she’d feel better when it was all over.

  Jason paddled her butt, methodically covering the entire area, including the tender sit spot where her cheeks met the top of her thighs. He stopped now and then to feel the heat coming off her skin and to give her a break. After about twenty-five smacks of the paddle, he stopped.

  Her shoulders were shaking, she was crying. He stripped his pants off and stretched out on the bed next to her, holding her close.

  “It’s all right, babe. We’re done now. Everything is going to be just fine. I love you.” He kissed her forehead and waited patiently for her to cal
m down.

  His hands wandered over her body, soothing her heated ass cheeks, dipping into her wet pussy, squeezing her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

  She cried on his chest and said, “I’m so sorry, Jason. I hate that I disappointed you and was so short with the kids.”

  “I know, and all is forgiven now. Everything is going to be all right. This coming week will be much better and then I’ll be home next weekend.”

  She sniffled and smiled. “The boys will be so happy to have Daddy home for the weekend.”

  “I’ll be glad to see them, too. Now, how are you feeling? Do you want to go to sleep?”

  She shook her head, “No, I want you to love me.”

  “I do love you, Elle.” He kissed her deeply and then slid down to suckle on each breast before continuing down her belly and finding her hard, pulsing nub.

  Sliding two fingers inside her now soaking pussy, he stroked her G-spot while sucking her clit and made her explode with a wild orgasm.

  When he felt the contractions of her pussy lessen on his fingers, he moved up, and sank his cock deep inside her. He fucked her fast, slamming into her over and over, gripping her red hot cheeks until he spilled into her and felt her spasms gripping his cock.

  Saturday morning found her sitting gingerly at the restaurant breakfast table. Her bottom was tender, but when she had looked in the mirror, it was only slightly pink. She would do more standing than sitting today.

  They had the hotel pack them a picnic lunch and went for a drive to a trailhead where they could hike. It was a wonderful day during which Jason was attentive and loving.

  Back at the hotel that evening, they had a light dinner and went to their room. Elle undressed Jason and pushed him onto the bed. Tonight she would please him. She stripped slowly as he watched her and then she crawled on the bed between his legs.

  Kissing his legs as she worked her way up, her fingers danced along the top of his thighs until they came in contact with his cock. Her tongue snaked out and flicked at his balls before it licked the entire length of his shaft. It skimmed along the hard ridge of the head of his cock and then she licked the tiny drop of liquid from the tip.


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