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Bear's Pup [Rescue for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 3

by Bellann Summer

  Bret stopped kissing Cade, lifting his head, brown eyes widening as pain radiated out from his ass. From their locked gaze, Bret gained the strength to relax, letting those fingers in further. Thank goodness Cade was extra gentle as he slowly eased in and out, opening him even more. Then his bear pulled his fingers out, leaving him empty. Shifting Bret over onto his back, Cade quickly pulled away and took his jeans and shirt off. Then he grabbed the bottle and slicked up his dick, getting it ready.

  Bret’s eyes widened as he got a look at the size of that thing. It was beautiful and met every fantasy he had ever had, but damn. Gently, Cade spread Bret’s legs and inserted the blunt head against his hole, pushing and not stopping until it popped past the muscle guarding the entrance.

  Immediately Bret panicked, he knew this wasn’t a “close your eyes” moment. It was a run moment. And as he struggled against the body holding him firmly in place, the litany in his mind burst from his lips. “Condom, condom, condom.”

  “Calm down, baby. Talk to me. Come on, look at me.”

  Looking into Cade’s eyes, Bret just about broke down and cried. If Cade wouldn’t listen to him, this could be so bad for both of them.

  Seeing the sheer panic on Bret’s face had Cade’s alpha mode kicking into high gear. Trust was the issue here. He didn’t care that they had only known each other days. His take-charge voice came out. “Talk.”

  “We need a condom. You need to get out now before you catch anything. I haven’t had sex in over a year except with Dirk that one time, and he used a condom. You can’t get sick because of me. Please, Cade.” A tear slowly made its way down the side of his cheek. He just couldn’t hurt his bear.

  “You were tested before meeting Dirk?” A nod was the answer. “You were clean?” There was another nod. “When you were pulled from the river they took blood, baby. It was tested for any bugs that you could have picked up in the dirty water, and anything else for that matter. It’s standard procedure. That second pill I’ve been giving you with your pain pills twice a day is an antibiotic. In case the cuts you received from debris and dirty water became infected. Jack brought back your test results days ago and you’re clean, baby.”

  Bret hadn’t even noticed the second pill. He had just trusted Cade to take care of him. And Cade had been taking care of him right from the start. But still, this was each individual’s responsibility. “So, I’m clean. Are you?”

  “I have to be tested regularly for insurance reasons, sweetheart. We’re both clean, and there will be no one else for either of us. But it’s your decision, baby. Do we use condoms or not?”

  There was no hesitation. “Not. Now move.” Bret had made his decision, and he thrust his hips to show Cade what he wanted him to do with that massive bat he called a cock between his legs.

  In typical Cade fashion, with regard to his injuries, he slid slowly in and out of his hole. Then he angled his cock a bit until he found “the spot.” Bret was sure firecrackers, rockets, and sparks all shot through his body. Digging his fingernails into Cade’s sides, he held on tight as he started flying.

  Cade sped up his motions and the friction was amazing. Bret was right there on the edge. He just needed a little more of something. “Cade, please.”

  “Come,” Cade ordered.

  Bret lost any control he thought he had right then. Cum jetted out of his cock, spraying between their bodies, spurt after spurt. When he thought there couldn’t be anything left, his poor cock gave one valiant effort to shoot one more time.

  The moment the little guy’s hole clamped around his dick, Cade’s own climax hit. His cock was literally being milked dry. Cade thought he had experienced just about everything in the sack a man could. But this was totally different. Between the growing feelings and the chemistry, this was even more of a union than he could have hoped for.

  Then he noticed Bret was awfully quiet. Reluctantly, Cade pulled out of Bret’s body and looked down to see if something was wrong. A quiet chuckle escaped as he realized the poor pup was out cold. Maybe he should have felt bad wearing the guy out with the state of his injuries. On the other hand, he was getting the healing sleep he needed. So Cade got out of the bed and went into the master suite for a warm washcloth and lovingly cleaned his pup up.

  Then he climbed back into bed and fell asleep holding his baby in his arms.

  Chapter Five

  One month later

  One morning Bret made his way to the kitchen to start coffee. His feet and sides were still a little sore, but the bruises were almost all gone. He needed to think about his apartment. He had signed and paid for a six month lease. That was four months ago. It had been over two months since he had been there last. When he had called his mother a few days after being rescued, it had taken a while to get her to stop crying. Bret had found out then that his parents had filed a missing person’s report shortly after his fated date with Dirk. When Bret had told Cade about the report, Cade had called the county sheriff, who was also a friend, and he had taken care of it.

  After assuring his mom that he was okay, he had reluctantly asked her to go over and empty his refrigerator. It was a bad thing for food to sit in a refrigerator for over a month and he had felt bad asking her to do such a dirty job. She had also picked up his mail and sent it to Cade’s house for him. But that still brought him back to the problem of his apartment.

  Even though things with Cade were going so well, he guessed he should probably get back to his life and pick up the pieces. But he didn’t want to leave. Bret loved the log house that felt rustic but with all the modern conveniences. He enjoyed keeping it picked up and clean. Cooking in the kitchen was a dream with all the gadgets Cade had in there. Bret had found out his bear had a weakness for small kitchen appliances that were sold on television.

  Then there was his relationship with Cade. The thought of not being with him in the same house made him feel like a panic attack was starting to squeeze the breath from his chest. His feelings for Cade had grown to now include the L-word. But Cade hadn’t asked him to stay. As far as he knew, Cade had only brought him here to heal, which he almost was. Yeah, he had said there would be no one else for each of them, but that could just mean they were dating exclusively.

  So Bret had to bite the bullet and go back to his apartment. He had graduated from the blanket he had been wearing to an old pair of Cade’s sweatpants, rolled up. On his feet were thick soft socks with a plastic covering woven into the soles. His poor feet were very sensitive to pressure and that was all he could tolerate right now. He had borrowed a T- shirt that hung to his knees and looked like a dress on him. But it smelled like Cade, so he didn’t mind. Sort of like a warm hug. Shit, he didn’t want to leave.

  Hearing that Cade was up and in his office, Bret reluctantly made his way to the office. Standing in the doorway, he watched his bear sitting behind his desk, reading some report or something. Trying to keep it light, he said, “Cade, do you think you could drive me to my apartment sometime today?”

  “What do you need to get from there, honey?” Cade asked, his eyes still on the report.

  “Well, I’m almost healed and I thought maybe it was time to get out of your hair. You don’t need me bothering you all the time.” There. That sort of sounded like he meant it.

  Deep blue eyes burning with anger met Bret’s as Cade sat up straight in his chair. “What did you say?” His voice may not have even raised a decibel, but Bret knew Cade was deeply angry.

  Backtracking, he tried to ease the tension in the room. “I just thought you might be getting sick of me. You know. I don’t want to wear out my welcome.” Crap. He could tell he was babbling and making it worse.

  Cade pushed his chair back away from the desk. Indicating with a nod of his head to the space in front of him, he softly spoke an order. “You need to come over here and get on the desk, baby.”

  Bret’s feet automatically had him moving forward until he was standing between the desk and Cade’s outstretched thighs. Cade lifted him on
to the desk and they were now at the same level, eye to eye.

  “What gave you the idea that I wanted you to leave?” Cade asked.

  “Well, let’s see. You said you brought me here to heal. Now that I’m almost healed, I thought it was time.” This was so not going well. It gave Bret a little hope that maybe Cade wanted him to stay. But he had to be sure. So he continued. “So I thought I would let you get back to your life and when you had time, we could maybe date or something.” There. That was a so not genuine smile he had planted on his face.

  “Kiss me, honey.” Cade leaned forward and Bret met him halfway for the kiss that he demanded. When the kiss ended, Cade leaned back an inch. Looking straight into the pup’s eyes he said, “I am not, nor ever will I be sick of you. You will never wear out your welcome. As far as I am concerned, you will stay in my hair and bother me all you want. I’ll call the team and we will all go over to your apartment and get your stuff. I’ll talk to your manager about your lease.”

  Cade grabbed his chin in a light grip. “If I haven’t made it clear enough, listen. My house is now our house. Your place is at my side and in our bed. I hope that is clear enough for you, honey.” Then the alpha starred into his eyes, letting him know how serious he was.

  “Okay,” Bret answered. The next time he was out of Cade’s sight, he was going to do a happy dance, at least as much as sore ribs and feet would let a person.

  Cade took another kiss, deepening it with tongue and teeth. This time Bret pulled away. Sliding off the desk, he went down onto his knees. Unbuckling Cade’s belt, he opened his pants. Pulling out that big cock, he gave it a few pumps until it was hard as a rock covered in velvet. A bead of pre-cum started to make its way down over the head, followed by another. With the flat of his tongue, he licked the head clean, making sure to pay extra attention to the slit like his bear liked. Then he took it into his mouth as far as it would go, using his hand around the base to twist it with firm pressure. Sucking and bobbing his head, he continued to love on his bear, swallowing each time he felt the head touch the back of his throat. Cade’s fingers wound into his hair and, with swift thrusts, started fucking Bret’s mouth. Soon Cade’s motions stuttered a bit and he ordered, “Take it all, baby, every drop.” After Bret had swallowed every drop, he proceeded to lick his bear clean.

  Cade then pulled him up and laid him on top of the desk. Before Bret could tell him he had already come, Cade had his sweatpants down and was licking and sucking on his prick until it again was hard. Cade was relentless at giving the pup as much pleasure as he could. Sliding one of his hands around, he went in search of that tiny rosebud. As he sucked strongly on the pup’s prick, he massaged that bud until the muscle loosened enough so he could penetrate it with a finger. That was all it took for Bret to come a second time. When there wasn’t anything left to give, the poor worn-out pup just collapsed back onto the desk until Cade pulled him onto his lap to cuddle him close.

  * * * *

  After a few phone calls, five pickup trucks pulled up to Bret’s apartment building. Bret just couldn’t believe the turn of events. This morning he had been bracing himself for a night alone in his lonely apartment, and now they were getting his stuff and moving it all to Cade's, no, their house. He was practically vibrating, he was so excited.

  They had to stop at the manager’s apartment to pick up a key, as everything Bret had with him on that fateful date with Dirk was lost in the river. Cade stayed back to talk to the manager, and the rest of the group went up the flight of stairs to the second floor where Bret’s apartment was located. At the door, Bret put the key to the lock only to have the door open before he could shove it all the way into the keyhole. Jack and Tony immediately grabbed Bret by both arms and pulled him back away from the door.

  Bret watched as Treb quietly disappeared through the door. Alex was on his cell, talking in a low urgent voice. He couldn’t figure out why everyone was so excited. His mom obviously had left the door unlocked when she had left after cleaning out his refrigerator.

  The pounding of fast, heavy footsteps up the stairs drew Bret’s attention away from the open door. He watched as Cade came barreling up the last steps and herded him with his body against the wall and just stood there covering him.

  “Cade, what are you doing?” This was getting really bizarre.

  “Honey, just stay still until we see what the situation is,” Cade answered.

  Okay, now it was getting just plain crazy. Cade had his alpha voice on. Jack and Tony were flanking the door, Alex was on the phone again, and Treb was in his apartment. Pushing at Cade’s chest, he demanded, “Cade, what is going on?”

  “Someone broke into your apartment, baby. Treb is checking to see if they’re still there.” Cade could see, even from where he was standing across the hall, the scratches around the keyhole on the door. He watched as the door opened wider and Treb came back out of the apartment.

  “There’s no one there, boss. It’s been pretty much cleaned out.” Cade could see Treb had more to add but was holding back.

  Bret pushed again, trying to get the bear to let him go. “Cade, let me pass.”

  “No,” Cade replied firmly. Bret couldn’t believe this. He had to see what had happened to his apartment. Did he have anything left? What the heck? This was his apartment. “Cade, let me go now!” The next thing he knew his feet were dangling off the floor and he was looking into Cade’s very stern face. “Safety and well-being, baby. No discussion.”

  Crap, he had agreed to that. But he really needed to see what had happened to his apartment. Unfortunately there were no “buts” with his possessive, domineering bear.

  The next hour went by with Bret standing out in the hallway as two police officers went through his apartment, taking pictures, dusting for fingerprints, and making notes. Eventually he sat on the floor with his back against the wall, watching through the door. It looked like all his small appliances and anything electronic were gone. But it was what he couldn’t see that bothered him. There had been a flurry of whispers between Treb and Cade before Treb had left. Cade was not talking and just stood next to him stone-faced. Finally it looked like the police were finished as they packed up their equipment and were heading toward him.

  “We’ve taken as much evidence as we could, Mr. James,” the taller of the two addressed him. “We’ll get a report filed, but you need to come down to the station and sign some paperwork.”

  With a few words to Cade, they left. Bret turned to Cade and placed hand in his bear’s. “Now, take me in there and show me.” He knew there was something in there that had Cade all protective. And it wasn’t just a stolen television.

  Cade didn’t say a word. He just led the pup into what was left of his belongings. Dining room chairs had been overturned and some were broken. The cupboard doors in the kitchen were open and the contents thrown all over the floor. The bathroom was in the same shape. But it was the bedroom that had the hairs on the nape of his neck standing on end. Someone had taken a knife and had attacked the bed, slashing the bedding and mattress. It looked like they had been in a state of frenzied fury when they attacked it. As unsettling as the thought was, it occurred to Cade that the mattress looked like someone had tried to kill it.

  Bret’s clothes weren’t in much better condition. They were strewn all over. Dresser drawers and the closet had been completely emptied. Some were torn to pieces. Others looked like they were slashed with a knife. Whoever had done this had taken cleaning supplies, bleach and clothing detergent, and had poured them all over everything. Nothing was spared, not the dressers, bed, or the clothing.

  His poor pup was pale and his eyes were as large as saucers. “Bear, please take me home,” he pleaded in a whisper.

  Without saying a word he just picked up his pup and took him home.

  Over the next few days, Cade’s team cleaned out Bret’s apartment. Anything salvageable they loaded into a truck and took to Cade’s house for Bret to go through. Everything else was thrown away. Tre
b had made note of product brands and sizes of clothes in Bret’s apartment. He had then gone shopping for the basics so that Bret could go out shopping without feeling ridiculous in Cade’s T-shirt. So far the police had no leads on who had destroyed the apartment. The fingerprint results weren’t back yet.

  Chapter Six

  Bret walked into Cade’s office and found him leaning back in his chair, his gorgeous eyes closed, taking a short break. Invoices were strewn all over his desk along with insurance forms and files that needed to be updated. The in-box and out-box were overflowing. Settling onto the big man’s lap, he started rearranging the papers, getting them ready to be completed. In Cade’s usual fashion, he didn’t say anything, just opened his eyes a sliver and watched. When he was finished, Cade asked, “Do you know anything about office paperwork?”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “Before the whole Dirk thing happened, I had a job as an administrative assistant for a small insurance company in town. I used to handle all of this kind of paperwork, plus their accounting. But when my mom sent that last batch of mail over here, there was a termination of service notice in it and my last check. I guess they didn’t appreciate me not showing up for work these last few months.”

  “Did you like your job, baby?” Cade asked.

  “Yes, I enjoyed the paperwork part. The office politics and back biting, not so much.” Now he was starting to get a little nervous about where this was all heading. Was Cade going to make him get a job? Despite his little show of bravado in the moving back to his apartment incident, he didn’t know if he was ready to be away from Cade yet. The team had gone out on a short two-day rescue mission last week. Those two days of separation were enough of a test as far as Bret was concerned. When Cade had gotten home, Bret had glued himself to his bear’s side for the next couple of days. Thank goodness Cade didn’t seem to mind.


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