Bear's Pup [Rescue for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Bear's Pup [Rescue for Hire 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Bellann Summer

  “Would you consider taking a few hours a day to help me out with office paperwork? I would pay you and you would still have time for all the other stuff you do around the house.”

  Bret couldn’t help the sigh of relief at not having to look for a job away from Cade and the rising excitement of doing something that he really enjoyed.

  So Bret started working with Cade in his office every day. He loved it. He was starting to get to know the rest of the team, too. And they seemed to be getting use to him, also. It still made Bret chuckle thinking about the first time Cade had pulled him onto his lap during a meeting with Tony. Cade had never missed a beat in the whole conversation. He wished he had a picture of the look on poor Tony’s face. His bear’s possessiveness was becoming legendary.

  * * * *

  Bret looked up from the printer and watched Cade walk into the office. Watching Cade was one of his favorite activities. He had just finished filling out some forms that needed to be sent out so that a couple of the guys could be recertified in carrying concealed weapons. He had found out very quickly that the whole team needed to be certified and have licenses in more categories then he could keep track of. He ended up making a spreadsheet listing everything, including dates of renewal. Then he created files to correspond with the spreadsheet by the state they were regulated for.

  “Would you like to go out to eat tonight, honey?” Cade sat down in his desk chair, turning it to face where Bret was standing. Automatically, Bret went over and made himself comfortable on the big bear’s lap. “I thought we could go over to the hotel restaurant and have a nice meal. They have a band playing there tonight. We could listen to a little music. Jack mentioned he might take Sherry there tonight. Maybe we can all hang out for a while.”

  “Are you sure about this, bear? The other guys were talking about Sherry the other day. They are worried Jack is only seeing a tiny, fun-loving girl that he hangs out with once in a while. They were saying she really is a hard partier and if Jack isn’t careful she’s going to blindside him with more than he’s ready for.”

  “I’m surprised you were gossiping about Jack, Bret.” Cade was looked down at him with a frown.

  “Now wait a minute.” Bret tried to jump out of Cade’s lap. But as usual, Cade wasn’t letting him go anywhere he didn’t want him to. “I was not gossiping. The guys were worried about a fellow teammate. That is not gossiping. It’s called concern.”

  “Alright, fair enough,” he conceded. “The guys are concerned about Jack’s involvement with Sherry. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a nice dinner and have a good time. So will you go to dinner with me or not?” Cade was starting to wonder how a simple idea became so complicated. He had just wanted to take the pup out on a date.

  Bret was still a little irritated that Cade had said he was gossiping, but he really wanted to go out with Cade. “I think that sounds like fun. I’ll quick take a shower first, and then I’ll be ready.”

  Cade swooped down and kissed the pup silly before lifting him off of his lap and patting his butt to get him on his way. He knew if Bret hadn’t been a little dazed by the kiss and subsequent hard-on, Cade would have gotten an earful for giving him that little tap. But that would have been okay, too. Cade would have just grabbed and kissed him until he forgot to be upset about anything. He waited a few minutes and then hurried to the bedroom. He wasn’t finished loving on his pup yet.

  The one thing Bret loved about Cade’s house was the master suite. It had a garden tub that when a person soaked in it they could look out a window that overlooked the side yard and beyond. Cade had a little grass planted just around his house. Otherwise it was all woods as far as a person could see. Cade had explained that he owned over one hundred acres altogether. Apparently there was a stream and a pond on the property somewhere, but Bret hadn’t had a chance to explore it yet.

  The other awesome thing about the master suite was the shower. It was completely made of tile and big enough to hold five men. It also had a built-in bench seat and a shelf to hold all kinds of body products, including what he considered most important, water-resistant lube. Water came out of at least eight different showerheads that were set into the ceiling and at different heights on the walls. These could be adjusted with a remote control pad. There was no shower door. The tiles started at a doorway and turned a little corner and then opened up to this huge shower area. One of Bret’s favorite nasty little secrets was to turn all the heads so the water hit his body from all sides. Then he would turn, bend, and stretch, it was kind of like giving himself a kinky massage.

  He had just finished washing his hair when he felt a hard wet chest press against him from behind. Muscled arms, bigger around in size than his own thighs, wrapped around him. Lips made their way from his ear down the side of his neck to nibble at the point where it met his shoulder. A hand pinched his nipple while the other swept down and rubbed his balls.

  “Put your hands against the wall, baby,” Cade ordered.

  Bending over, he placed his hands flat on the tile in front of him. Widening his legs, he exposed everything to his bear. Then he felt a tongue lapping at his balls. His legs trembled when that tongue traveled up and placed sucking kisses right behind his sack. Again that tongue traveled, this time back to his balls taking one in his mouth. Bret couldn’t help the moans filling the shower. One of his Bear’s thumbs breached his hole. As Cade gently took his other ball into his mouth, he worked his thumb around to loosen him up. Then Cade’s other thumb joined the party, widening him even more. Bret started rocking back into the invasion that felt so good.

  Cade let go of the pup’s sack and started giving him biting kisses over his butt cheek and slowly working his way up his spine. Now and then he would stop and zero in on one of the pup’s hot spots. All the while he kept working his thumbs in and out of his tight hole. Once he reached Bret’s shoulders, he started sucking on the spot where it met his neck. Cade was thinking that spot was more often than not going to have a purple mark on it in the future. He kept sucking and working his baby’s body, enjoying the whimper and moans that were coming out of his mouth. Pulling one thumb out, he reached for the bottle of lube. Snapping open the cap, he put the tube next to his other thumb and squeezed lube into his baby, working it around with his thumb. Pulling his thumb out, he used the excess to slick up his cock and shove it into that sweet hole. Stopping for a moment, he let the pup adjust to his invasion. Starting the slow slide they both enjoyed, he pulled the pup from his bent-over position and up against his chest encasing him in his arms. Continuing to build up speed, he made sure he hit that bundle of nerves every time. His reward was a scream that echoed off the walls of the shower and streams of cum painting the wall in from of them. He let his own orgasm take hold, jetting pulse after pulse into his baby.

  Many kisses later they were cleaned up and Cade was dressed and waiting for him in the living room, flipping through television channels. No matter how fast he tried to be, it always seemed to take Bret a little longer to get ready. Walking past one of the bedroom windows, movement caught his eye. It looked like there was someone standing by the corner of one of the storage sheds. He hurried to finish getting dressed. He thought Cade had said they were meeting Jack at the hotel. There must have been a change in plans.

  Arriving into the living room a little out of breath, Bret announced, “I’m ready. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.”

  “What guys, honey? There’s only me here.” Cade frowned in confusion.

  “Oh, I though Jack was here. I saw someone out by the shed and just assumed it was him.” Now Bret was confused.

  Cade was up off the couch and heading out the door. “I’ll go check around. You stay here.”

  Bret watched out the window as Cade went out to the shed and disappeared inside. Minutes later he was back in sight and walking around to the back. He watched as he appeared on the other side of the building and started heading toward the house. Bret felt a little foolish about the whole situation.

/>   “There’s no one there, honey,” Cade said, entering the house. “The only thing I can think of is that it's getting dark and a deer could have been wandering around the lawn. Maybe that was what you saw.”

  Relieved that there was a logical explanation, Bret immediately agreed. “That must have been it. Let’s get going, bear. I’m ready to go have a good time.”

  The hotel dining room was mostly full. People were enjoying the dinner hour. There were drinks flowing and the music was playing. Others were dancing or just standing around talking, laughter ringing out now and again. With Cade’s hand on the small of his back, Bret followed the hostess to a booth she indicated was theirs. Bret slid onto the seat only to have to slide even further against the wall as Cade sat next to him instead of across the table. As big as Cade was, they could only just fit by being pressed together along their sides.

  “Cade, is this going to be okay? I don’t want to cause problems.” Bret knew the town was pretty tolerant of same-sex couples, but flaunting it didn’t seem like a good idea.

  “We’re fine, honey. We are just keeping the other seat open for Jack and Sherry. Jack called while I was out in the shed. He said we should go ahead and eat, as they are running a little late.”

  “I hope nothing is wrong.” Bret thought since they were eating alone, Cade could move to the other seat until the other couple arrived. But it was becoming obvious the bear was staking his claim. And who was he to argue about being pressed up next to the big bear.

  “Jack didn’t sound too happy. So I guess we’ll find out when they get here.” Cade picked up a menu and handed it to Bret.

  It turned out to be a wonderful meal. They both ordered the land and sea plate, twice-baked potatoes, and a vegetable medley. Bret was enjoying the experience of being a couple and, what he was now more than ever realizing, being in love.

  The waitress had just taken their plates away when a stone-faced Jack walked up to the table with a petite blonde in a mini dress clinging to his arm. “Sorry we’re late,” he said as he firmly guided the woman to the other side of the bench seat.

  “Hi, I’m Sherry, Jack’s girlfriend.” The woman stuck her hand across the table to shake Bret’s hand. It jingled with all of the bracelets encircling her wrist and there were at least three rings on her fingers with huge stones on each.

  Taking her hand briefly, Bret said, “Hello, I’m Bret.” He could see Jack was irritated at the girlfriend comment. He knew Jack wasn’t serious about the woman and had thought she was this dainty, sweet girl that was a lot of fun to be around. Bret was guessing Jack was seeing her in a whole different light lately.

  Cade turned to Bret. “Can I get you a drink, honey?”

  “I’ll just have a beer,” he answered.

  Turning to Sherry, he asked, “How about you, Sherry? What can I get for you?”

  “Thank you, Cade. I’ll have a Manhattan.”

  Cade’s eyebrows rose. That was a pretty hard-core drink. One of those could make a grown man feel a buzz. Turning to look at Jack, he could see his friend was clearly frustrated with the woman.

  “I think I’ll go help you get those drinks.” Jack stood up and started toward the bar. Cade gave Bret’s thigh a squeeze under the table and followed. Bret was left sitting there staring at the woman, trying to come up with witty conversation.

  Finally Sherry broke the uncomfortable silence. “So, Bret, I haven’t seen you here before. How long have you been with that dreamboat Cade? It’s too bad he doesn’t have an interest in women. I would have scooped him up long ago.” Sherry’s bloodshot blue eyes were raking over Bret’s hair, face, and shirt like she was sizing up the competition. Clearly the drinks they had ordered weren’t the woman’s first drink of the night.

  Bret wasn’t quite sure what to say. Jack was way too nice of a guy to be with this mess. But then again, Jack was a big boy and would have to handle it. Thank goodness Cade and Jack came back to the table right then. Before Cade could slide into the booth, Bret slid across the seat and stood up. Putting a hand on his arm, he said, “Have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

  Bret made his way across the room past the dance area toward the doorway with a big “Restrooms” sign above it. Walking down a dimly lit hallway, he found a door on the left clearly marked “His.” Across from it on the right was a door marked “Hers.” At the end of the hall was a door with a red exit light above it. After taking care of business he washed his hands and made his way back down the empty hall.

  Bracing himself for what was waiting for him at the booth, Bret stepped out of the doorway into the now crowded dance area. The next thing he knew, he was shoved from behind and flying through the air. He ended up skidding on hands and knees a few feet along the hard floor.

  Cade was sitting in the booth waiting for Bret, second-guessing his decision to meet up with Jack and Sherry. After throwing a few flirtatious remarks his way, she demanded Jack let her out of the booth and was now dancing with a group of her friends. Jack hadn’t said much of anything since arriving, but Cade could tell his best friend had had enough of the woman.

  Looking over to the restrooms to see what was taking Bret so long, Cade watched as Bret came flying out of the darkened doorway. He could see a shadow silhouetted just out of the light but nothing else. Jumping out of the booth, he rushed across the room as he watched Bret skid the last few feet on the hard floor. When Cade reached him, there was crowd of people helping him to his feet. Pushing his way through the concerned people, he gently helped his shaking man to the nearest chair.

  “Are you alright, baby? Do you feel like anything is broken?” Before Bret could answer him, Jack firmly inserted himself in front of Cade and began to quietly ask Bret questions and assess his hands and the rips in the knees of his pants.

  A touch to his arm brought his attention to the manager of the hotel. Cade had met him before at various town meetings. “Is everything okay here, Cade? Do I need to call an ambulance?”

  Jack joined them and answered for him. “No, he has light rug burns on his hands and knees. He should be fine. He said someone bumped him from behind.”

  “I’ll have security ask around to see if anyone saw anything and let you know. Don’t worry about your dinner and drinks tonight, it’s on the house.”

  Cade thanked him and went over to his baby, who looked embarrassed by all the attention a group of girls was giving him. The poor pup looked up at him, clearly sending out the SOS signal.

  “Okay, girls. Jack said he was going to be okay. I’ll just take him home so that he can rest.” A chorus of objections followed, but Cade managed to get the pup out of there with a minimum of female touching and lipstick-covered pecks to his cheek. The poor guy looked more traumatized by the females than the fall.

  Once they were in the truck, Bret glued himself to Cade’s side. Cade tried not to laugh as his baby exclaimed, “Cade, I think I’ve got girl cooties!”

  Trying to keep the humor out of his voice as the pup was clearly not handling the whole situation very well, he replied, “I think a little soap and water will wash them right off, honey.”

  Turning his head, Bret’s beautiful brown eyes shot sparks at him as he asked, “Are you making fun of me?”

  “No, honey. Did you see who pushed you?” Cade asked, quickly changed the subject.

  “For the record, Cade Miller, there are such things as cooties. And no, I didn’t see anything. One minute I was coming back to the table and the next thing I know I’m flying through the air. I have no idea what is going on.”

  After getting Bret home, Cade put cream on all of his burn marks and took him to bed. There he pulled him close to his side, covering him with an arm and a leg. The bear was in protection mode.

  Chapter Seven

  A couple of weeks later found Bret making a list of supplies to restock the kitchen. The rug by the door caught his eye. He was ready to start calling it the disappearing rug. Twice now he had laid it on the porch railing to air out,
and when he went to bring it in it was gone. He searched around and couldn’t find it finally go back inside. When he went outside again, there it was hanging on the railing. Bret couldn’t believe it when it happened a second time the following week. Okay, so he may have been thinking about Cade or sex with Cade or blowing Cade at the time, but he was starting to think he was losing his mind. Then there was the outside broom. He could never find it. He would walk around the house looking all over, only to find it innocently sitting by the back door.

  Pushing that irritation aside, he thought about how things in his life were getting better and better since meeting Cade. All of his injuries were healed and he hadn’t received any more since that ill-fated date at the hotel. Mentally, he was getting the old Bret back from before that date with Dirk. He talked to his family regularly on the phone. They were delighted to hear the happiness in his voice and were asking to meet Cade. Things were finally turning around for him.

  Bret did wish Cade were a little more open about his own family. At first Cade completely refused to say anything about them. Instead he would distract Bret with kisses. But as they became closer, Bret realized that there had been a tragedy in Cade’s past that had shaped Cade into the take charge person that he was now. Slowly Cade was sharing tiny details of his youth to Bret. It warmed Bret’s heart knowing he was gaining Cade’s total trust.

  Cade was his everything. The more he came to understand what the big bear expected from him, the more settled he felt. There was no second-guessing if he was making the right decision anymore. No worrying about punishments if he guessed wrong. Cade made the decisions he felt he needed to make. And that was fine with Bret.

  Cade walked into the kitchen to find the pup writing out what looked like a grocery list. He couldn’t believe how easy things were just settling into place. But instinct told him something was coming. He would have to keep alert.


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